예제 #1
    def __init__(self, configuration, messagebox, controlbox):
        self.configuration = configuration
        self.log_writer = SysLogWriter('log',
        self.usage_writer = UsageWriter('usage',

        if configuration.debug.log:

        self.messagebox = messagebox
        self.controlbox = controlbox
        self.poller = Poller(self.configuration.daemon, speed=0)
            'control')  # control messages from the main process
        self.poller.addReadSocket('control', controlbox.box.pipe_in)

        signal.signal(signal.SIGALRM, self.sigalrm)
        self._increase_spawn_limit = 0
        self._decrease_spawn_limit = 0
        self._respawn = False

        # poller for the reactor
        poller = Poller(self.configuration.daemon)
            'read_request')  # requests passed from the main process
        poller.setupRead('read_workers')  # responses from the child processes
            'control')  # the reactor needs to yield to the supervisor
        poller.addReadSocket('read_request', messagebox.box.pipe_in)
        poller.addReadSocket('control', controlbox.box.pipe_in)

        self.manager = RedirectorManager(configuration, poller)

        # start the child processes

        self.reactor = RedirectorReactor(self.configuration, self.messagebox,
                                         self.manager, self.log_writer,
                                         self.usage_writer, poller)
        self.running = True
예제 #2
	def __init__ (self,configuration):
		configuration = load()
		self.configuration = configuration

		# Only here so the introspection code can find them
		self.log = Logger('supervisor', configuration.log.supervisor)
		self.log.error('Starting exaproxy version %s' % configuration.proxy.version)

		self.signal_log = Logger('signal', configuration.log.signal)
		self.log_writer = SysLogWriter('log', configuration.log.destination, configuration.log.enable, level=configuration.log.level)
		self.usage_writer = UsageWriter('usage', configuration.usage.destination, configuration.usage.enable)


		if configuration.debug.log:

		self.log.error('python version %s' % sys.version.replace(os.linesep,' '))
		self.log.debug('starting %s' % sys.argv[0])

		self.pid = PID(self.configuration)

		self.daemon = Daemon(self.configuration)
		self.poller = Poller(self.configuration.daemon)

		self.poller.setupRead('read_proxy')           # Listening proxy sockets
		self.poller.setupRead('read_web')             # Listening webserver sockets
		self.poller.setupRead('read_icap')             # Listening icap sockets
		self.poller.setupRead('read_workers')         # Pipes carrying responses from the child processes
		self.poller.setupRead('read_resolver')        # Sockets currently listening for DNS responses

		self.poller.setupRead('read_client')          # Active clients
		self.poller.setupRead('opening_client')       # Clients we have not yet read a request from
		self.poller.setupWrite('write_client')        # Active clients with buffered data to send
		self.poller.setupWrite('write_resolver')      # Active DNS requests with buffered data to send

		self.poller.setupRead('read_download')        # Established connections
		self.poller.setupWrite('write_download')      # Established connections we have buffered data to send to
		self.poller.setupWrite('opening_download')    # Opening connections

		self.monitor = Monitor(self)
		self.page = Page(self)
		self.manager = RedirectorManager(
		self.content = ContentManager(self,configuration)
		self.client = ClientManager(self.poller, configuration)
		self.resolver = ResolverManager(self.poller, self.configuration, configuration.dns.retries*10)
		self.proxy = Server('http proxy',self.poller,'read_proxy', configuration.http.connections)
		self.web = Server('web server',self.poller,'read_web', configuration.web.connections)
		self.icap = Server('icap server',self.poller,'read_icap', configuration.icap.connections)

		self.reactor = Reactor(self.configuration, self.web, self.proxy, self.icap, self.manager, self.content, self.client, self.resolver, self.log_writer, self.usage_writer, self.poller)

		self._shutdown = True if self.daemon.filemax == 0 else False  # stop the program
		self._softstop = False  # stop once all current connection have been dealt with
		self._reload = False  # unimplemented
		self._toggle_debug = False  # start logging a lot
		self._decrease_spawn_limit = 0
		self._increase_spawn_limit = 0
		self._refork = False  # unimplemented
		self._pdb = False  # turn on pdb debugging
		self._listen = None  # listening change ? None: no, True: listen, False: stop listeing
		self.wait_time = 5.0  # how long do we wait at maximum once we have been soft-killed
		self.local = set()  # what addresses are on our local interfaces


		signal.signal(signal.SIGQUIT, self.sigquit)
		signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, self.sigterm)
		signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, self.sigterm)
		# signal.signal(signal.SIGABRT, self.sigabrt)
		# signal.signal(signal.SIGHUP, self.sighup)

		signal.signal(signal.SIGTRAP, self.sigtrap)

		signal.signal(signal.SIGUSR1, self.sigusr1)
		signal.signal(signal.SIGUSR2, self.sigusr2)
		signal.signal(signal.SIGTTOU, self.sigttou)
		signal.signal(signal.SIGTTIN, self.sigttin)

		signal.signal(signal.SIGALRM, self.sigalrm)

		# make sure we always have data in history
		# (done in zero for dependencies reasons)
예제 #3
class Supervisor (object):
	alarm_time = 0.1                           # regular backend work
	second_frequency = int(1/alarm_time)       # when we record history
	minute_frequency = int(60/alarm_time)      # when we want to average history
	increase_frequency = int(5/alarm_time)     # when we add workers
	decrease_frequency = int(60/alarm_time)    # when we remove workers
	saturation_frequency = int(20/alarm_time)  # when we report connection saturation
	interface_frequency = int(300/alarm_time)  # when we check for new interfaces

	# import os
	# clear = [hex(ord(c)) for c in os.popen('clear').read()]
	# clear = ''.join([chr(int(c,16)) for c in ['0x1b', '0x5b', '0x48', '0x1b', '0x5b', '0x32', '0x4a']])

	def __init__ (self,configuration):
		configuration = load()
		self.configuration = configuration

		# Only here so the introspection code can find them
		self.log = Logger('supervisor', configuration.log.supervisor)
		self.log.error('Starting exaproxy version %s' % configuration.proxy.version)

		self.signal_log = Logger('signal', configuration.log.signal)
		self.log_writer = SysLogWriter('log', configuration.log.destination, configuration.log.enable, level=configuration.log.level)
		self.usage_writer = UsageWriter('usage', configuration.usage.destination, configuration.usage.enable)


		if configuration.debug.log:

		self.log.error('python version %s' % sys.version.replace(os.linesep,' '))
		self.log.debug('starting %s' % sys.argv[0])

		self.pid = PID(self.configuration)

		self.daemon = Daemon(self.configuration)
		self.poller = Poller(self.configuration.daemon)

		self.poller.setupRead('read_proxy')           # Listening proxy sockets
		self.poller.setupRead('read_web')             # Listening webserver sockets
		self.poller.setupRead('read_icap')             # Listening icap sockets
		self.poller.setupRead('read_workers')         # Pipes carrying responses from the child processes
		self.poller.setupRead('read_resolver')        # Sockets currently listening for DNS responses

		self.poller.setupRead('read_client')          # Active clients
		self.poller.setupRead('opening_client')       # Clients we have not yet read a request from
		self.poller.setupWrite('write_client')        # Active clients with buffered data to send
		self.poller.setupWrite('write_resolver')      # Active DNS requests with buffered data to send

		self.poller.setupRead('read_download')        # Established connections
		self.poller.setupWrite('write_download')      # Established connections we have buffered data to send to
		self.poller.setupWrite('opening_download')    # Opening connections

		self.monitor = Monitor(self)
		self.page = Page(self)
		self.manager = RedirectorManager(
		self.content = ContentManager(self,configuration)
		self.client = ClientManager(self.poller, configuration)
		self.resolver = ResolverManager(self.poller, self.configuration, configuration.dns.retries*10)
		self.proxy = Server('http proxy',self.poller,'read_proxy', configuration.http.connections)
		self.web = Server('web server',self.poller,'read_web', configuration.web.connections)
		self.icap = Server('icap server',self.poller,'read_icap', configuration.icap.connections)

		self.reactor = Reactor(self.configuration, self.web, self.proxy, self.icap, self.manager, self.content, self.client, self.resolver, self.log_writer, self.usage_writer, self.poller)

		self._shutdown = True if self.daemon.filemax == 0 else False  # stop the program
		self._softstop = False  # stop once all current connection have been dealt with
		self._reload = False  # unimplemented
		self._toggle_debug = False  # start logging a lot
		self._decrease_spawn_limit = 0
		self._increase_spawn_limit = 0
		self._refork = False  # unimplemented
		self._pdb = False  # turn on pdb debugging
		self._listen = None  # listening change ? None: no, True: listen, False: stop listeing
		self.wait_time = 5.0  # how long do we wait at maximum once we have been soft-killed
		self.local = set()  # what addresses are on our local interfaces


		signal.signal(signal.SIGQUIT, self.sigquit)
		signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, self.sigterm)
		signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, self.sigterm)
		# signal.signal(signal.SIGABRT, self.sigabrt)
		# signal.signal(signal.SIGHUP, self.sighup)

		signal.signal(signal.SIGTRAP, self.sigtrap)

		signal.signal(signal.SIGUSR1, self.sigusr1)
		signal.signal(signal.SIGUSR2, self.sigusr2)
		signal.signal(signal.SIGTTOU, self.sigttou)
		signal.signal(signal.SIGTTIN, self.sigttin)

		signal.signal(signal.SIGALRM, self.sigalrm)

		# make sure we always have data in history
		# (done in zero for dependencies reasons)

	def sigquit (self,signum, frame):
		if self._softstop:
			self.signal_log.critical('multiple SIG INT received, shutdown')
			self._shutdown = True
			self.signal_log.critical('SIG INT received, soft-stop')
			self._softstop = True
			self._listen = False

	def sigterm (self,signum, frame):
		self.signal_log.critical('SIG TERM received, shutdown request')
		if os.environ.get('PDB',False):
			self._pdb = True
			self._shutdown = True

	# def sigabrt (self,signum, frame):
	# 	self.signal_log.info('SIG INFO received, refork request')
	# 	self._refork = True

	# def sighup (self,signum, frame):
	# 	self.signal_log.info('SIG HUP received, reload request')
	# 	self._reload = True

	def sigtrap (self,signum, frame):
		self.signal_log.critical('SIG TRAP received, toggle debug')
		self._toggle_debug = True

	def sigusr1 (self,signum, frame):
		self.signal_log.critical('SIG USR1 received, decrease worker number')
		self._decrease_spawn_limit += 1

	def sigusr2 (self,signum, frame):
		self.signal_log.critical('SIG USR2 received, increase worker number')
		self._increase_spawn_limit += 1

	def sigttou (self,signum, frame):
		self.signal_log.critical('SIG TTOU received, stop listening')
		self._listen = False

	def sigttin (self,signum, frame):
		self.signal_log.critical('SIG IN received, star listening')
		self._listen = True

	def sigalrm (self,signum, frame):
		self.signal_log.debug('SIG ALRM received, timed actions')
		self.reactor.running = False

	def interfaces (self):
		local = set(['','::1'])
		for interface in getifaddrs():
			if interface.family not in (AF_INET,AF_INET6):
			if interface.address not in self.local:
				self.log.info('found new local ip %s (%s)' % (interface.address,interface.name))
		for ip in self.local:
			if ip not in local:
				self.log.info('removed local ip %s' % ip)
		if local == self.local:
			self.log.info('no ip change')
			self.local = local

	def run (self):
		if self.daemon.drop_privileges():
			self.log.critical('Could not drop privileges to \'%s\'. Refusing to run as root' % self.daemon.user)
			self.log.critical('Set the environment value USER to change the unprivileged user')
			self._shutdown = True

		elif not self.initialise():
			self._shutdown = True


		count_second = 0
		count_minute = 0
		count_increase = 0
		count_decrease = 0
		count_saturation = 0
		count_interface = 0

		while True:
			count_second = (count_second + 1) % self.second_frequency
			count_minute = (count_minute + 1) % self.minute_frequency

			count_increase = (count_increase + 1) % self.increase_frequency
			count_decrease = (count_decrease + 1) % self.decrease_frequency
			count_saturation = (count_saturation + 1) % self.saturation_frequency
			count_interface = (count_interface + 1) % self.interface_frequency

				if self._pdb:
					self._pdb = False
					import pdb

				# check for IO change with select

				# must follow the reactor so we are sure to go through the reactor at least once
				# and flush any logs
				if self._shutdown:
					self._shutdown = False
				elif self._reload:
					self._reload = False
				elif self._refork:
					self._refork = False
					self.signal_log.warning('refork not implemented')
					# stop listening to new connections
					# refork the program (as we have been updated)
					# just handle current open connection

				if self._softstop:
					if self._listen == False:
						self._listen = None
					if self.client.softstop():
						self._shutdown = True
				# only change listening if we are not shutting down
				elif self._listen is not None:
					if self._listen:
						self._shutdown = not self.proxy.accepting()
						self._listen = None
						self._listen = None

				if self._toggle_debug:
					self._toggle_debug = False

				if self._increase_spawn_limit:
					number = self._increase_spawn_limit
					self._increase_spawn_limit = 0
					self.manager.low += number
					self.manager.high = max(self.manager.low,self.manager.high)
					for _ in range(number):

				if self._decrease_spawn_limit:
					number = self._decrease_spawn_limit
					self._decrease_spawn_limit = 0
					self.manager.high = max(1,self.manager.high-number)
					self.manager.low = min(self.manager.high,self.manager.low)
					for _ in range(number):

				# save our monitoring stats
				if count_second == 0:
					expired = self.reactor.client.expire()
					self.reactor.log.debug('events : ' + ', '.join('%s:%d' % (k,len(v)) for (k,v) in self.reactor.events.items()))
					expired = 0

				if expired:
					self.proxy.notifyClose(None, count=expired)

				if count_minute == 0:

				# make sure we have enough workers
				if count_increase == 0:
				# and every so often remove useless workers
				if count_decrease == 0:

				# report if we saw too many connections
				if count_saturation == 0:

				if self.configuration.daemon.poll_interfaces and count_interface == 0:

			except KeyboardInterrupt:
				self.log.critical('^C received')
				self._shutdown = True
			except OSError,e:
				# This shoould never happen as we are limiting how many connections we accept
				if e.errno == 24:  # Too many open files
					self.log.critical('Too many opened files, shutting down')
					for line in traceback.format_exc().split('\n'):
					self._shutdown = True
					self.log.critical('unrecoverable io error')
					for line in traceback.format_exc().split('\n'):
					self._shutdown = True

예제 #4
파일: supervisor.py 프로젝트: ema/exaproxy
	def __init__ (self,configuration):
		configuration = load()
		self.configuration = configuration

		# Only here so the introspection code can find them
		self.log = Logger('supervisor', configuration.log.supervisor)
		self.log.error('Starting exaproxy version %s' % configuration.proxy.version)

		self.signal_log = Logger('signal', configuration.log.signal)
		self.log_writer = SysLogWriter('log', configuration.log.destination, configuration.log.enable, level=configuration.log.level)
		self.usage_writer = UsageWriter('usage', configuration.usage.destination, configuration.usage.enable)

		sys.exitfunc = self.log_writer.writeMessages


		if configuration.debug.log:

		self.log.error('python version %s' % sys.version.replace(os.linesep,' '))
		self.log.debug('starting %s' % sys.argv[0])

		self.pid = PID(self.configuration)

		self.daemon = Daemon(self.configuration)
		self.poller = Poller(self.configuration.daemon)

		self.poller.setupRead('read_proxy')       # Listening proxy sockets
		self.poller.setupRead('read_web')         # Listening webserver sockets
		self.poller.setupRead('read_icap')        # Listening icap sockets
		self.poller.setupRead('read_redirector')  # Pipes carrying responses from the redirector process
		self.poller.setupRead('read_resolver')    # Sockets currently listening for DNS responses

		self.poller.setupRead('read_client')      # Active clients
		self.poller.setupRead('opening_client')   # Clients we have not yet read a request from
		self.poller.setupWrite('write_client')    # Active clients with buffered data to send
		self.poller.setupWrite('write_resolver')  # Active DNS requests with buffered data to send

		self.poller.setupRead('read_download')      # Established connections
		self.poller.setupWrite('write_download')    # Established connections we have buffered data to send to
		self.poller.setupWrite('opening_download')  # Opening connections

		self.monitor = Monitor(self)
		self.page = Page(self)
		self.content = ContentManager(self,configuration)
		self.client = ClientManager(self.poller, configuration)
		self.resolver = ResolverManager(self.poller, self.configuration, configuration.dns.retries*10)
		self.proxy = Server('http proxy',self.poller,'read_proxy', configuration.http.connections)
		self.web = Server('web server',self.poller,'read_web', configuration.web.connections)
		self.icap = Server('icap server',self.poller,'read_icap', configuration.icap.connections)

		self._shutdown = True if self.daemon.filemax == 0 else False  # stop the program
		self._softstop = False  # stop once all current connection have been dealt with
		self._reload = False  # unimplemented
		self._toggle_debug = False  # start logging a lot
		self._decrease_spawn_limit = 0
		self._increase_spawn_limit = 0
		self._refork = False  # unimplemented
		self._pdb = False  # turn on pdb debugging
		self._listen = None  # listening change ? None: no, True: listen, False: stop listeing
		self.wait_time = 5.0  # how long do we wait at maximum once we have been soft-killed
		self.local = set()  # what addresses are on our local interfaces

		if not self.initialise():
			self._shutdown = True

		elif self.daemon.drop_privileges():
			self.log.critical('Could not drop privileges to \'%s\'. Refusing to run as root' % self.daemon.user)
			self.log.critical('Set the environment value USER to change the unprivileged user')
			self._shutdown = True

		# fork the redirector process before performing any further setup
		redirector = fork_redirector(self.poller, self.configuration)

		# create threads _after_ all forking is done
		self.redirector = redirector_message_thread(redirector)

		self.reactor = Reactor(self.configuration, self.web, self.proxy, self.icap, self.redirector, self.content, self.client, self.resolver, self.log_writer, self.usage_writer, self.poller)


		signal.signal(signal.SIGQUIT, self.sigquit)
		signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, self.sigterm)
		signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, self.sigterm)
		# signal.signal(signal.SIGABRT, self.sigabrt)
		# signal.signal(signal.SIGHUP, self.sighup)

		signal.signal(signal.SIGTRAP, self.sigtrap)

		signal.signal(signal.SIGUSR1, self.sigusr1)
		signal.signal(signal.SIGUSR2, self.sigusr2)
		signal.signal(signal.SIGTTOU, self.sigttou)
		signal.signal(signal.SIGTTIN, self.sigttin)

		signal.signal(signal.SIGALRM, self.sigalrm)

		# make sure we always have data in history
		# (done in zero for dependencies reasons)
예제 #5
파일: supervisor.py 프로젝트: ema/exaproxy
class Supervisor (object):
	alarm_time = 0.1                           # regular backend work
	second_frequency = int(1/alarm_time)       # when we record history
	minute_frequency = int(60/alarm_time)      # when we want to average history
	increase_frequency = int(5/alarm_time)     # when we add workers
	decrease_frequency = int(60/alarm_time)    # when we remove workers
	saturation_frequency = int(20/alarm_time)  # when we report connection saturation
	interface_frequency = int(300/alarm_time)  # when we check for new interfaces

	# import os
	# clear = [hex(ord(c)) for c in os.popen('clear').read()]
	# clear = ''.join([chr(int(c,16)) for c in ['0x1b', '0x5b', '0x48', '0x1b', '0x5b', '0x32', '0x4a']])

	def __init__ (self,configuration):
		configuration = load()
		self.configuration = configuration

		# Only here so the introspection code can find them
		self.log = Logger('supervisor', configuration.log.supervisor)
		self.log.error('Starting exaproxy version %s' % configuration.proxy.version)

		self.signal_log = Logger('signal', configuration.log.signal)
		self.log_writer = SysLogWriter('log', configuration.log.destination, configuration.log.enable, level=configuration.log.level)
		self.usage_writer = UsageWriter('usage', configuration.usage.destination, configuration.usage.enable)

		sys.exitfunc = self.log_writer.writeMessages


		if configuration.debug.log:

		self.log.error('python version %s' % sys.version.replace(os.linesep,' '))
		self.log.debug('starting %s' % sys.argv[0])

		self.pid = PID(self.configuration)

		self.daemon = Daemon(self.configuration)
		self.poller = Poller(self.configuration.daemon)

		self.poller.setupRead('read_proxy')       # Listening proxy sockets
		self.poller.setupRead('read_web')         # Listening webserver sockets
		self.poller.setupRead('read_icap')        # Listening icap sockets
		self.poller.setupRead('read_redirector')  # Pipes carrying responses from the redirector process
		self.poller.setupRead('read_resolver')    # Sockets currently listening for DNS responses

		self.poller.setupRead('read_client')      # Active clients
		self.poller.setupRead('opening_client')   # Clients we have not yet read a request from
		self.poller.setupWrite('write_client')    # Active clients with buffered data to send
		self.poller.setupWrite('write_resolver')  # Active DNS requests with buffered data to send

		self.poller.setupRead('read_download')      # Established connections
		self.poller.setupWrite('write_download')    # Established connections we have buffered data to send to
		self.poller.setupWrite('opening_download')  # Opening connections

		self.monitor = Monitor(self)
		self.page = Page(self)
		self.content = ContentManager(self,configuration)
		self.client = ClientManager(self.poller, configuration)
		self.resolver = ResolverManager(self.poller, self.configuration, configuration.dns.retries*10)
		self.proxy = Server('http proxy',self.poller,'read_proxy', configuration.http.connections)
		self.web = Server('web server',self.poller,'read_web', configuration.web.connections)
		self.icap = Server('icap server',self.poller,'read_icap', configuration.icap.connections)

		self._shutdown = True if self.daemon.filemax == 0 else False  # stop the program
		self._softstop = False  # stop once all current connection have been dealt with
		self._reload = False  # unimplemented
		self._toggle_debug = False  # start logging a lot
		self._decrease_spawn_limit = 0
		self._increase_spawn_limit = 0
		self._refork = False  # unimplemented
		self._pdb = False  # turn on pdb debugging
		self._listen = None  # listening change ? None: no, True: listen, False: stop listeing
		self.wait_time = 5.0  # how long do we wait at maximum once we have been soft-killed
		self.local = set()  # what addresses are on our local interfaces

		if not self.initialise():
			self._shutdown = True

		elif self.daemon.drop_privileges():
			self.log.critical('Could not drop privileges to \'%s\'. Refusing to run as root' % self.daemon.user)
			self.log.critical('Set the environment value USER to change the unprivileged user')
			self._shutdown = True

		# fork the redirector process before performing any further setup
		redirector = fork_redirector(self.poller, self.configuration)

		# create threads _after_ all forking is done
		self.redirector = redirector_message_thread(redirector)

		self.reactor = Reactor(self.configuration, self.web, self.proxy, self.icap, self.redirector, self.content, self.client, self.resolver, self.log_writer, self.usage_writer, self.poller)


		signal.signal(signal.SIGQUIT, self.sigquit)
		signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, self.sigterm)
		signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, self.sigterm)
		# signal.signal(signal.SIGABRT, self.sigabrt)
		# signal.signal(signal.SIGHUP, self.sighup)

		signal.signal(signal.SIGTRAP, self.sigtrap)

		signal.signal(signal.SIGUSR1, self.sigusr1)
		signal.signal(signal.SIGUSR2, self.sigusr2)
		signal.signal(signal.SIGTTOU, self.sigttou)
		signal.signal(signal.SIGTTIN, self.sigttin)

		signal.signal(signal.SIGALRM, self.sigalrm)

		# make sure we always have data in history
		# (done in zero for dependencies reasons)

	def exit (self):

	def sigquit (self,signum, frame):
		if self._softstop:
			self.signal_log.critical('multiple SIG INT received, shutdown')
			self._shutdown = True
			self.signal_log.critical('SIG INT received, soft-stop')
			self._softstop = True
			self._listen = False

	def sigterm (self,signum, frame):
		self.signal_log.critical('SIG TERM received, shutdown request')
		if os.environ.get('PDB',False):
			self._pdb = True
			self._shutdown = True

	# def sigabrt (self,signum, frame):
	# 	self.signal_log.info('SIG INFO received, refork request')
	# 	self._refork = True

	# def sighup (self,signum, frame):
	# 	self.signal_log.info('SIG HUP received, reload request')
	# 	self._reload = True

	def sigtrap (self,signum, frame):
		self.signal_log.critical('SIG TRAP received, toggle debug')
		self._toggle_debug = True

	def sigusr1 (self,signum, frame):
		self.signal_log.critical('SIG USR1 received, decrease worker number')
		self._decrease_spawn_limit += 1

	def sigusr2 (self,signum, frame):
		self.signal_log.critical('SIG USR2 received, increase worker number')
		self._increase_spawn_limit += 1

	def sigttou (self,signum, frame):
		self.signal_log.critical('SIG TTOU received, stop listening')
		self._listen = False

	def sigttin (self,signum, frame):
		self.signal_log.critical('SIG IN received, star listening')
		self._listen = True

	def sigalrm (self,signum, frame):
		self.reactor.running = False

	def interfaces (self):
		local = set(['','::1'])
		for interface in getifaddrs():
			if interface.family not in (AF_INET,AF_INET6):
			if interface.address not in self.local:
				self.log.info('found new local ip %s (%s)' % (interface.address,interface.name))
		for ip in self.local:
			if ip not in local:
				self.log.info('removed local ip %s' % ip)
		if local == self.local:
			self.log.info('no ip change')
			self.local = local

	def run (self):

		count_second = 0
		count_minute = 0
		count_saturation = 0
		count_interface = 0

		while True:
			count_second = (count_second + 1) % self.second_frequency
			count_minute = (count_minute + 1) % self.minute_frequency

			count_saturation = (count_saturation + 1) % self.saturation_frequency
			count_interface = (count_interface + 1) % self.interface_frequency

				if self._pdb:
					self._pdb = False
					import pdb

				# check for IO change with select
				status = self.reactor.run()
				if status is False:
					self._shutdown = True

				# must follow the reactor so we are sure to go through the reactor at least once
				# and flush any logs
				if self._shutdown:
					self._shutdown = False
				elif self._reload:
					self._reload = False
				elif self._refork:
					self._refork = False
					self.signal_log.warning('refork not implemented')
					# stop listening to new connections
					# refork the program (as we have been updated)
					# just handle current open connection

				if self._softstop:
					if self._listen == False:
						self._listen = None
					if self.client.softstop():
						self._shutdown = True
				# only change listening if we are not shutting down
				elif self._listen is not None:
					if self._listen:
						self._shutdown = not self.proxy.accepting()
						self._listen = None
						self._listen = None

				if self._toggle_debug:
					self._toggle_debug = False

				if self._decrease_spawn_limit:
					count = self._decrease_spawn_limit
					self._decrease_spawn_limit = 0

				if self._increase_spawn_limit:
					count = self._increase_spawn_limit
					self._increase_spawn_limit = 0

				# save our monitoring stats
				if count_second == 0:
					expired = self.reactor.client.expire()
					expired = 0

				if expired:
					self.proxy.notifyClose(None, count=expired)

				if count_minute == 0:

				# report if we saw too many connections
				if count_saturation == 0:

				if self.configuration.daemon.poll_interfaces and count_interface == 0:

			except KeyboardInterrupt:
				self.log.critical('^C received')
				self._shutdown = True
			except OSError,e:
				# This shoould never happen as we are limiting how many connections we accept
				if e.errno == 24:  # Too many open files
					self.log.critical('Too many opened files, shutting down')
					for line in traceback.format_exc().split('\n'):
					self._shutdown = True
					self.log.critical('unrecoverable io error')
					for line in traceback.format_exc().split('\n'):
					self._shutdown = True

예제 #6
    def __init__(self, configuration):
        self.configuration = configuration

        # Only here so the introspection code can find them
        self.log = Logger('supervisor', configuration.log.supervisor)
        self.log.error('Starting exaproxy version %s' %

        self.signal_log = Logger('signal', configuration.log.signal)
        self.log_writer = SysLogWriter('log',
        self.usage_writer = UsageWriter('usage',

        sys.exitfunc = self.log_writer.writeMessages


        if configuration.debug.log:

        self.log.error('python version %s' %
                       sys.version.replace(os.linesep, ' '))
        self.log.debug('starting %s' % sys.argv[0])

        self.pid = PID(self.configuration)

        self.daemon = Daemon(self.configuration)
        self.poller = Poller(self.configuration.daemon)

        self.poller.setupRead('read_proxy')  # Listening proxy sockets
        self.poller.setupRead('read_web')  # Listening webserver sockets
        self.poller.setupRead('read_icap')  # Listening icap sockets
        self.poller.setupRead('read_tls')  # Listening tls sockets
        self.poller.setupRead('read_passthrough')  # Listening raw data sockets
        )  # Pipes carrying responses from the redirector process
            'read_resolver')  # Sockets currently listening for DNS responses

        self.poller.setupRead('read_client')  # Active clients
            'opening_client')  # Clients we have not yet read a request from
            'write_client')  # Active clients with buffered data to send
            'write_resolver')  # Active DNS requests with buffered data to send

        self.poller.setupRead('read_download')  # Established connections
        )  # Established connections we have buffered data to send to
        self.poller.setupWrite('opening_download')  # Opening connections

        self.poller.setupRead('read_interrupt')  # Scheduled events
        )  # Responses from commands sent to the redirector process

        self.monitor = Monitor(self)
        self.page = Page(self)
        self.content = ContentManager(self, configuration)
        self.client = ClientManager(self.poller, configuration)
        self.resolver = ResolverManager(self.poller, self.configuration,
                                        configuration.dns.retries * 10)
        self.proxy = Server('http proxy', self.poller, 'read_proxy',
        self.web = Server('web server', self.poller, 'read_web',
        self.icap = Server('icap server', self.poller, 'read_icap',
        self.tls = Server('tls server', self.poller, 'read_tls',
        self.passthrough = InterceptServer('passthrough server', self.poller,

        self._shutdown = True if self.daemon.filemax == 0 else False  # stop the program
        self._softstop = False  # stop once all current connection have been dealt with
        self._reload = False  # unimplemented
        self._toggle_debug = False  # start logging a lot
        self._decrease_spawn_limit = 0
        self._increase_spawn_limit = 0
        self._refork = False  # unimplemented
        self._pdb = False  # turn on pdb debugging
        self._listen = None  # listening change ? None: no, True: listen, False: stop listeing
        self.wait_time = 5.0  # how long do we wait at maximum once we have been soft-killed
        self.local = set()  # what addresses are on our local interfaces

        if not self.initialise():
            self._shutdown = True

        elif self.daemon.drop_privileges():
                'Could not drop privileges to \'%s\'. Refusing to run as root'
                % self.daemon.user)
                'Set the environment value USER to change the unprivileged user'
            self._shutdown = True

        # fork the redirector process before performing any further setup
        redirector = fork_redirector(self.poller, self.configuration)

        # use simple blocking IO for communication with the redirector process
        self.redirector = redirector_message_thread(redirector)

        # NOTE: create threads _after_ all forking is done

        # regularly interrupt the reactor for maintenance
        self.interrupt_scheduler = alarm_thread(self.poller, self.alarm_time)

        self.reactor = Reactor(self.configuration, self.web, self.proxy,
                               self.passthrough, self.icap, self.tls,
                               self.redirector, self.content, self.client,
                               self.resolver, self.log_writer,
                               self.usage_writer, self.poller)


        signal.signal(signal.SIGQUIT, self.sigquit)
        signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, self.sigterm)
        signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, self.sigterm)
        # signal.signal(signal.SIGABRT, self.sigabrt)
        # signal.signal(signal.SIGHUP, self.sighup)

        signal.signal(signal.SIGTRAP, self.sigtrap)

        signal.signal(signal.SIGUSR1, self.sigusr1)
        signal.signal(signal.SIGUSR2, self.sigusr2)
        signal.signal(signal.SIGTTOU, self.sigttou)
        signal.signal(signal.SIGTTIN, self.sigttin)

        # make sure we always have data in history
        # (done in zero for dependencies reasons)

        if self._shutdown is False:
            command, control_data = self.redirector.readResponse()
            stats_data = control_data if command == 'STATS' else None

            stats = self.monitor.statistics(stats_data)
            ok = self.monitor.zero(stats)

            if ok:

                self._shutdown = True
예제 #7
class Supervisor(object):
    alarm_time = 0.1  # regular backend work
    second_frequency = int(1 / alarm_time)  # when we record history
    minute_frequency = int(60 / alarm_time)  # when we want to average history
    increase_frequency = int(5 / alarm_time)  # when we add workers
    decrease_frequency = int(60 / alarm_time)  # when we remove workers
    saturation_frequency = int(
        20 / alarm_time)  # when we report connection saturation
    interface_frequency = int(300 /
                              alarm_time)  # when we check for new interfaces

    # import os
    # clear = [hex(ord(c)) for c in os.popen('clear').read()]
    # clear = ''.join([chr(int(c,16)) for c in ['0x1b', '0x5b', '0x48', '0x1b', '0x5b', '0x32', '0x4a']])

    def __init__(self, configuration):
        self.configuration = configuration

        # Only here so the introspection code can find them
        self.log = Logger('supervisor', configuration.log.supervisor)
        self.log.error('Starting exaproxy version %s' %

        self.signal_log = Logger('signal', configuration.log.signal)
        self.log_writer = SysLogWriter('log',
        self.usage_writer = UsageWriter('usage',

        sys.exitfunc = self.log_writer.writeMessages


        if configuration.debug.log:

        self.log.error('python version %s' %
                       sys.version.replace(os.linesep, ' '))
        self.log.debug('starting %s' % sys.argv[0])

        self.pid = PID(self.configuration)

        self.daemon = Daemon(self.configuration)
        self.poller = Poller(self.configuration.daemon)

        self.poller.setupRead('read_proxy')  # Listening proxy sockets
        self.poller.setupRead('read_web')  # Listening webserver sockets
        self.poller.setupRead('read_icap')  # Listening icap sockets
        self.poller.setupRead('read_tls')  # Listening tls sockets
        self.poller.setupRead('read_passthrough')  # Listening raw data sockets
        )  # Pipes carrying responses from the redirector process
            'read_resolver')  # Sockets currently listening for DNS responses

        self.poller.setupRead('read_client')  # Active clients
            'opening_client')  # Clients we have not yet read a request from
            'write_client')  # Active clients with buffered data to send
            'write_resolver')  # Active DNS requests with buffered data to send

        self.poller.setupRead('read_download')  # Established connections
        )  # Established connections we have buffered data to send to
        self.poller.setupWrite('opening_download')  # Opening connections

        self.poller.setupRead('read_interrupt')  # Scheduled events
        )  # Responses from commands sent to the redirector process

        self.monitor = Monitor(self)
        self.page = Page(self)
        self.content = ContentManager(self, configuration)
        self.client = ClientManager(self.poller, configuration)
        self.resolver = ResolverManager(self.poller, self.configuration,
                                        configuration.dns.retries * 10)
        self.proxy = Server('http proxy', self.poller, 'read_proxy',
        self.web = Server('web server', self.poller, 'read_web',
        self.icap = Server('icap server', self.poller, 'read_icap',
        self.tls = Server('tls server', self.poller, 'read_tls',
        self.passthrough = InterceptServer('passthrough server', self.poller,

        self._shutdown = True if self.daemon.filemax == 0 else False  # stop the program
        self._softstop = False  # stop once all current connection have been dealt with
        self._reload = False  # unimplemented
        self._toggle_debug = False  # start logging a lot
        self._decrease_spawn_limit = 0
        self._increase_spawn_limit = 0
        self._refork = False  # unimplemented
        self._pdb = False  # turn on pdb debugging
        self._listen = None  # listening change ? None: no, True: listen, False: stop listeing
        self.wait_time = 5.0  # how long do we wait at maximum once we have been soft-killed
        self.local = set()  # what addresses are on our local interfaces

        if not self.initialise():
            self._shutdown = True

        elif self.daemon.drop_privileges():
                'Could not drop privileges to \'%s\'. Refusing to run as root'
                % self.daemon.user)
                'Set the environment value USER to change the unprivileged user'
            self._shutdown = True

        # fork the redirector process before performing any further setup
        redirector = fork_redirector(self.poller, self.configuration)

        # use simple blocking IO for communication with the redirector process
        self.redirector = redirector_message_thread(redirector)

        # NOTE: create threads _after_ all forking is done

        # regularly interrupt the reactor for maintenance
        self.interrupt_scheduler = alarm_thread(self.poller, self.alarm_time)

        self.reactor = Reactor(self.configuration, self.web, self.proxy,
                               self.passthrough, self.icap, self.tls,
                               self.redirector, self.content, self.client,
                               self.resolver, self.log_writer,
                               self.usage_writer, self.poller)


        signal.signal(signal.SIGQUIT, self.sigquit)
        signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, self.sigterm)
        signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, self.sigterm)
        # signal.signal(signal.SIGABRT, self.sigabrt)
        # signal.signal(signal.SIGHUP, self.sighup)

        signal.signal(signal.SIGTRAP, self.sigtrap)

        signal.signal(signal.SIGUSR1, self.sigusr1)
        signal.signal(signal.SIGUSR2, self.sigusr2)
        signal.signal(signal.SIGTTOU, self.sigttou)
        signal.signal(signal.SIGTTIN, self.sigttin)

        # make sure we always have data in history
        # (done in zero for dependencies reasons)

        if self._shutdown is False:
            command, control_data = self.redirector.readResponse()
            stats_data = control_data if command == 'STATS' else None

            stats = self.monitor.statistics(stats_data)
            ok = self.monitor.zero(stats)

            if ok:

                self._shutdown = True

    def exit(self):

    def sigquit(self, signum, frame):
        if self._softstop:
            self.signal_log.critical('multiple SIG INT received, shutdown')
            self._shutdown = True
            self.signal_log.critical('SIG INT received, soft-stop')
            self._softstop = True
            self._listen = False

    def sigterm(self, signum, frame):
        self.signal_log.critical('SIG TERM received, shutdown request')
        if os.environ.get('PDB', False):
            self._pdb = True
            self._shutdown = True

    # def sigabrt (self,signum, frame):
    # 	self.signal_log.info('SIG INFO received, refork request')
    # 	self._refork = True

    # def sighup (self,signum, frame):
    # 	self.signal_log.info('SIG HUP received, reload request')
    # 	self._reload = True

    def sigtrap(self, signum, frame):
        self.signal_log.critical('SIG TRAP received, toggle debug')
        self._toggle_debug = True

    def sigusr1(self, signum, frame):
        self.signal_log.critical('SIG USR1 received, decrease worker number')
        self._decrease_spawn_limit += 1

    def sigusr2(self, signum, frame):
        self.signal_log.critical('SIG USR2 received, increase worker number')
        self._increase_spawn_limit += 1

    def sigttou(self, signum, frame):
        self.signal_log.critical('SIG TTOU received, stop listening')
        self._listen = False

    def sigttin(self, signum, frame):
        self.signal_log.critical('SIG IN received, star listening')
        self._listen = True

    def interfaces(self):
        local = {'', '::1'}
        for interface in getifaddrs():
            if interface.family not in (AF_INET, AF_INET6):
            if interface.address not in self.local:
                self.log.info('found new local ip %s (%s)' %
                              (interface.address, interface.name))
        for ip in self.local:
            if ip not in local:
                self.log.info('removed local ip %s' % ip)
        if local == self.local:
            self.log.info('no ip change')
            self.local = local

    def run(self):
        count_second = 0
        count_minute = 0
        count_saturation = 0
        count_interface = 0

        events = {'read_interrupt'}

        while True:
            count_second = (count_second + 1) % self.second_frequency
            count_minute = (count_minute + 1) % self.minute_frequency

            count_saturation = (count_saturation +
                                1) % self.saturation_frequency
            count_interface = (count_interface + 1) % self.interface_frequency

                if self._pdb:
                    self._pdb = False
                    import pdb

                # prime the alarm
                if 'read_interrupt' in events:

                # check for IO change with select
                status, events = self.reactor.run()

                # shut down the server if a child process disappears
                if status is False:
                    self._shutdown = True

                # respond to control responses immediately
                if 'read_control' in events:
                    command, control_data = self.redirector.readResponse()

                    if command == 'STATS':
                        ok = self.doStats(count_second, count_minute,

                    if ok is False:
                        self._shutdown = True

                    # jump straight back into the reactor if we haven't yet received an
                    # interrupt event
                    if 'read_interrupt' not in events:

                # clear the alarm condition

                # must follow the reactor so we are sure to go through the reactor at least once
                # and flush any logs
                if self._shutdown:
                    self._shutdown = False
                elif self._reload:
                    self._reload = False
                elif self._refork:
                    self._refork = False
                    self.signal_log.warning('refork not implemented')
                    # stop listening to new connections
                    # refork the program (as we have been updated)
                    # just handle current open connection

                # ask the redirector process for stats

                if self._softstop:
                    if self._listen == False:
                        self._listen = None
                    if self.client.softstop():
                        self._shutdown = True
                # only change listening if we are not shutting down
                elif self._listen is not None:
                    if self._listen:
                        self._shutdown = not self.proxy.accepting()
                        self._listen = None
                        self._listen = None

                if self._toggle_debug:
                    self._toggle_debug = False

                if self._decrease_spawn_limit:
                    count = self._decrease_spawn_limit
                    self._decrease_spawn_limit = 0

                if self._increase_spawn_limit:
                    count = self._increase_spawn_limit
                    self._increase_spawn_limit = 0

                # cleanup idle connections
                # TODO: track all idle connections, not just the ones that have never sent data
                expired = self.reactor.client.expire()

                for expire_source, expire_count in expired.items():
                    if expire_source == 'proxy':
                        self.proxy.notifyClose(None, count=expire_count)

                    elif expire_source == 'icap':
                        self.icap.notifyClose(None, count=expire_count)

                    elif expire_source == 'passthrough':
                        self.passthrough.notifyClose(None, count=expire_count)

                    elif expire_source == 'tls':
                        self.tls.notifyClose(None, count=expire_count)

                    elif expire_source == 'web':
                        self.web.notifyClose(None, count=expire_count)

                # report if we saw too many connections
                if count_saturation == 0:

                if self.configuration.daemon.poll_interfaces and count_interface == 0:

            except KeyboardInterrupt:
                self.log.critical('^C received')
                self._shutdown = True

            except OSError, e:
                # This shoould never happen as we are limiting how many connections we accept
                if e.errno == 24:  # Too many open files
                    self.log.critical('Too many opened files, shutting down')
                    for line in traceback.format_exc().split('\n'):
                    self._shutdown = True
                    self.log.critical('unrecoverable io error')
                    for line in traceback.format_exc().split('\n'):
                    self._shutdown = True
