예제 #1
 def clearWorkbook(context: excel.RequestContext) -> None:
     sheet1 = context.workbook.worksheets.getItemOrNullObject("Sheet1")
     sheet2 = context.workbook.worksheets.getItemOrNullObject(
         "Top 10 Growing Cities")
     r = sheet1.getUsedRange()
     r = sheet2.getUsedRange()
예제 #2
 def populateDataSmall(context: excel.RequestContext):
     values = [["Bellevue", "Redmond"], [1234, "=A2 + 100"]]
     range = context.workbook.worksheets.getItem("Sheet1").getCell(
         0, 0).getResizedRange(len(values) - 1,
                               len(values[0]) - 1)
     range.values = values
     print(json.dumps(range.values, default=lambda o: o.__dict__))
예제 #3
 def getChartImage(context: excel.RequestContext) -> str:
     chart = context.workbook.worksheets.getItem(
         "Top 10 Growing Cities").charts.getItem("PopulationGrowthChart")
     image = chart.getImage()
     return image.value
예제 #4
    def analyzeData(context: excel.RequestContext):
        table = context.workbook.tables.getItem("PopulationTable")
        nameColumn = table.columns.getItem("City")
        latestPopulationColumn = table.columns.getItem(
            "7/1/2014 population estimate")
        earliestCensusColumn = table.columns.getItem(
            "4/1/1990 census population")


        cityData = []

        for i in range(1, len(nameColumn.values)):
            # A couple of the cities don't have data for 1990,
            # so skip over those.
            # Note that because the "values" is a 2D array (even though,
            # in this particular case, it's just a single column),
            # need to extract out the 0th element of each row.
            population1990 = earliestCensusColumn.values[i][0]

            if not isinstance(population1990, numbers.Number):
                # Skip this iteration of the loop, and move
                # to the next one.

            populationLatest = latestPopulationColumn.values[i][0]
            if not isinstance(populationLatest, numbers.Number):
                # Skip this iteration of the loop, and move
                # to the next one.

            # Otherwise, push the data into the in-memory store
                (nameColumn.values[i][0], populationLatest - population1990))

        sortedCityData = sorted(cityData, key=lambda d: d[1], reverse=True)
        top10 = sortedCityData[0:10]

        # Now that we've computed the data, create a new worksheet
        # for the output
        outputSheet = context.workbook.worksheets.add("Top 10 Growing Cities")

        sheetHeader = outputSheet.getRange("B2:D2")
        sheetHeader.values = [["Top 10 Growing Cities", "", ""]]
        # sheetHeader.merge()
        sheetHeader.format.font.bold = True
        sheetHeader.format.font.size = 14

        tableHeader = outputSheet.getRange("B4:D4")
        tableHeader.values = [["Rank", "City", "Population Growth"]]
        table = outputSheet.tables.add("B4:D4", True)

        for i in range(len(top10)):
            table.rows.add(None, [[i + 1, top10[i][0], top10[i][1]]])

        # Auto-fit the column widths, and set uniform
        # thousands-separator number formatting on the
        # "Population" column of the table.
        table.getDataBodyRange().getLastColumn().numberFormat = [["#,##"]]

        # Finally, with the table in place, add a chart:

        fullTableRange = table.getRange()

        # For the chart, no need to show the "Rank", so only use the
        # city's name and population delta
        dataRangeForChart = fullTableRange.getColumn(1).getBoundingRect(

        # A note on the function call above:
        # Range.getBoundingRect can be thought of like a
        # "get range between" function, creating a new range spanning
        # between this object (in our case, the column at index 1,
        # which is the "City" column -- remember that all indexes in
        # Office.js is zero-indexed!), and the last column of the table
        # ("Population Growth").

        chart = outputSheet.charts.add(excel.ChartType.columnClustered,
        chart.name = "PopulationGrowthChart"
        chart.title.text = "Population Growth between 1990 and 2014"

        #4 -- remember that we're 0-indexed */
        # the table header
        tableEndRow = 3 + 1 + len(top10)
        chartPositionStart = outputSheet.getRange("F2")
        # 19 rows down, i.e., 20 rows in total
        # 9 columns to the right, so 10 in total
                          chartPositionStart.getOffsetRange(19, 9))

        # outputSheet.activate();
예제 #5
 def populateData(context: excel.RequestContext):
     values = [[
         "Size rank 2014", "City", "7/1/2014 population estimate",
         "7/1/2013 population estimate", "4/1/2010 census population",
         "7/1/2005 population estimate", "4/1/2000 census population",
         "4/1/1990 census population", "Size rank 1990", "Size rank 2000",
         "Size rank 2010", "Size rank 2013"
                   1, "New York, N.Y.", 8491079, 8405837, 8175133, 8143197,
                   8008278, 7322564, 1, 1, 1, 1
                   2, "Los Angeles, Calif.", 3928864, 3884307, 3792621,
                   3844829, 3694820, 3485398, 2, 2, 2, 2
                   3, "Chicago, Ill.", 2722389, 2718782, 2695598, 2842518,
                   2896016, 2783726, 3, 3, 3, 3
                   4, "Houston, Tex.", 2239558, 2195914, 2100263, 2016582,
                   1953631, 1630553, 4, 4, 4, 4
                   5, "Philadelphia, Pa.", 1560297, 1553165, 1526006,
                   1463281, 1517550, 1585577, 5, 5, 5, 5
                   6, "Phoenix, Ariz.", 1537058, 1513367, 1445632, 1461575,
                   1321045, 983403, 10, 6, 6, 6
                   7, "San Antonio, Tex.", 1436697, 1409019, 1327407,
                   1256509, 1144646, 935933, 9, 9, 7, 7
                   8, "San Diego, Calif.", 1381069, 1355896, 1307402,
                   1255540, 1223400, 1110549, 6, 7, 8, 8
                   9, "Dallas, Tex.", 1281047, 1257676, 1197816, 1213825,
                   1188580, 1006877, 8, 8, 9, 9
                   10, "San Jose, Calif.", 1015785, 998537, 945942, 912332,
                   894943, 782248, 11, 11, 10, 10
                   11, "Austin, Tex.", 912791, 885400, 790390, 690252,
                   656562, 465622, 25, 16, 14, 11
                   12, "Jacksonville, Fla.", 853382, 842583, 821784, 782623,
                   735617, 635230, 15, 14, 11, 13
                   13, "San Francisco , Calif.", 852469, 837442, 805235,
                   739426, 776733, 723959, 14, 13, 13, 14
                   14, "Indianapolis, Ind.", 848788, 843393, 820445, 784118,
                   781870, 741952, 13, 12, 12, 12
                   15, "Columbus, Ohio", 835957, 822553, 787033, 730657,
                   711470, 632910, 16, 15, 15, 15
                   16, "Fort Worth , Tex.", 812238, 792727, 741206, 624067,
                   534694, 447619, 29, 27, 16, 17
                   17, "Charlotte, N.C.", 809958, 792862, 731424, 610949,
                   540828, 395934, 33, 26, 17, 16
                   18, "Detroit, Mich.", 680250, 688701, 713777, 886671,
                   951270, 1027974, 7, 10, 18, 18
                   19, "El Paso, Tex.", 679036, 674443, 649121, 598590,
                   563662, 515342, 22, 23, 19, 19
                   20, "Seattle , Wash.", 668342, 652405, 608660, 573911,
                   563374, 516259, 21, 24, 23, 21
                   21, "Denver , Colo.", 663862, 649495, 600158, 557917,
                   554636, 467610, 28, 25, 26, 22
                   22, "Washington, DC", 658893, 646449, 601723, 550521,
                   572059, 606900, 19, 21, 24, 23
                   23, "Memphis, Tenn.", "656,860", 653450, 646889, 672277,
                   650100, 610337, 18, 18, 20, 20
                   24, "Boston, Mass.", 655884, 645966, 617594, 559034,
                   589141, 574283, 20, 20, 22, 24
                   25, "Nashville-Davidson, Tenn.1", 644014, 634464, 601222,
                   549110, 545524, 510784, 26, 22, 25, 25
                   26, "Baltimore, Md.", 622793, 622104, 620961, 635815,
                   651154, 736014, 12, 17, 21, 26
                   27, "Oklahoma City, Okla.", 620602, 610613, 579999,
                   531324, 506132, 444719, 30, 29, 31, 27
                   28, "Portland , Ore.", 619360, 609456, 583776, 533427,
                   529121, 437319, 27, 28, 29, 29
                   29, "Las Vegas , Nev.", 613599, 603488, 583756, 545147,
                   478434, 258295, 63, 32, 30, 30
                   30, "Louisville-Jefferson County, Ky.2", 612780, 609893,
                   597337, 556429, 256231, 269063, 58, 67, 27, 28
                   31, "Milwaukee, Wis.", 599642, 599164, 594833, 578887,
                   596974, 628088, 17, 19, 28, 31
                   32, "Albuquerque, N.M.", 557169, 556495, 545852, 494236,
                   448607, 384736, 40, 35, 32, 32
                   33, "Tucson, Ariz.", 527972, 526116, 520116, 515526,
                   486699, 405390, 34, 32, 33, 33
                   34, "Fresno, Calif.", 515986, 509924, 494665, 461116,
                   427652, 354202, 48, 37, 34, 34
                   35, "Sacramento, Calif.", 485199, 479686, 466488, 456441,
                   407018, 369365, 37, 40, 35, 35
                   36, "Long Beach, Calif.", 473577, 469428, 462257, 474014,
                   461522, 429433, 32, 34, 36, 36
                   37, "Kansas City, Mo.", 470800, 467007, 459787, 444965,
                   441545, 435146, 31, 36, 37, 37
                   38, "Mesa, Ariz.", 464704, 457587, 439041, 442780,
                   396375, 288091, 53, 42, 38, 38
                   39, "Atlanta , Ga.", 456002, 447841, 420003, 470688,
                   416474, 394017, 38, 39, 40, 40
                   40, "Virginia Beach, Va.", 450980, 448479, 437994,
                   438415, 425257, 393069, 39, 38, 39, 39
                   41, "Omaha , Nebr.", 446599, 434353, 408958, 414521,
                   390007, 335795, 47, 44, 42, 42
                   41, "Colorado Springs, Colo.", 445830, 439886, 416427,
                   369815, 360890, 281140, 54, 48, 41, 41
                   43, "Raleigh, N.C.", 439896, 431746, 403892, "-", "-",
                   "-", "-", "-", 43, 43
                   44, "Miami, Fla.", 430332, 417650, 399457, 386417,
                   362470, 358548, 46, 47, 44, 44
                   45, "Oakland, Calif.", 413775, 406253, 390724, 395274,
                   399484, 372242, 35, 41, 47, 45
                   46, "Minneapolis, Minn.", 407207, 400070, 382578, 372811,
                   382618, 368383, 43, 45, 48, 46
                   47, "Tulsa, Okla.", 399682, 398121, 391906, 382457,
                   393049, 367302, 44, 43, 46, 47
                   48, "Cleveland, Ohio", 389521, 390113, 396815, 452208,
                   478403, 505616, 23, 33, 45, 48
                   49, "Wichita, Kans.", 388413, 386552, 382368, 353823,
                   344284, "-", "-", 50, 49, 49
                   50, "New Orleans, La.", 384320, 378715, 343829, 455188,
                   484674, 495080, 24, 38, 51, 51
                   51, "Arlington, Tex.", 383204, 379577, 365438, 362805,
                   332969, 261721, 62, 54, 50, 50
     range = context.workbook.worksheets.getItem("Sheet1").getCell(
         0, 0).getResizedRange(len(values) - 1,
                               len(values[0]) - 1)
     range.values = values
     range.worksheet.getRange("C:H").numberFormat = [["#,##0"]]
     table = range.worksheet.tables.add(range, True)
     table.name = "PopulationTable"