예제 #1
def level_1_income(

    c1 = ws_cur.cell(row=r_next, column=6, value=category_name)
    c1 = ws_cur.cell(row=r_next,
                     value=-level_1_month.get(category_lookup, 0))
    c1.number_format = '_(* #,##0_);_(* (#,##0);_(* ""-""??_);_(@_)'
    formula1 = "=if({col1}{r_sales}=0,0,{col1}{r_cur}/{col1}{r_sales})".format(
        col1=dcc.get(1), r_sales=row_sales, r_cur=r_next)
    c1 = ws_cur.cell(row=r_next, column=2, value=formula1)
    c1.number_format = '0.0%'
    c1 = ws_cur.cell(row=r_next, column=3)
    c1.number_format = '_(* #,##0_);_(* (#,##0);_(* ""-""??_);_(@_)'
    formula1 = "=if({col1}{r_sales}=0,0,{col1}{r_cur}/{col1}{r_sales})".format(
        col1=dcc.get(3), r_sales=row_sales, r_cur=r_next)
    c1 = ws_cur.cell(row=r_next, column=4, value=formula1)
    c1.number_format = '0.0%'
    formula1 = "={col_a}{r_cur}-{col_b}{r_cur}".format(col_a=dcc.get(1),
    c1 = ws_cur.cell(row=r_next, column=5, value=formula1)
    c1.number_format = '_(* #,##0_);_(* (#,##0);_(* ""-""??_);_(@_)'

    c1 = ws_cur.cell(row=r_next,
                     value=-level_1_ytd.get(category_lookup, 0))
    c1.number_format = '_(* #,##0_);_(* (#,##0);_(* ""-""??_);_(@_)'
    formula1 = "=if({col1}{r_sales}=0,0,{col1}{r_cur}/{col1}{r_sales})".format(
        col1=dcc.get(7), r_sales=row_sales, r_cur=r_next)
    c1 = ws_cur.cell(row=r_next, column=8, value=formula1)
    c1.number_format = '0.0%'
    c1 = ws_cur.cell(row=r_next, column=9)
    c1.number_format = '_(* #,##0_);_(* (#,##0);_(* ""-""??_);_(@_)'
    formula1 = "=if({col1}{r_sales}=0,0,{col1}{r_cur}/{col1}{r_sales})".format(
        col1=dcc.get(9), r_sales=row_sales, r_cur=r_next)
    c1 = ws_cur.cell(row=r_next, column=10, value=formula1)
    c1.number_format = '0.0%'
    formula1 = "={col_a}{r_cur}-{col_b}{r_cur}".format(col_a=dcc.get(7),
    c1 = ws_cur.cell(row=r_next, column=11, value=formula1)
    c1.number_format = '_(* #,##0_);_(* (#,##0);_(* ""-""??_);_(@_)'

    return ws_cur
예제 #2
def get_cover_page(wb, template_directory, date_end):
    wb_cur = wb
    ws_cur = wb_cur.create_sheet('Cover')
    ht_logo = Image(template_directory + 'ht_logo.png')
    ht_logo.anchor(ws_cur.cell(row=7, column=3), 'absolute')

    companies_logo = Image(template_directory + 'companies_logo.png') 
    companies_logo.anchor(ws_cur.cell(row=31, column=1), 'absolute')
    for c in range(1, 13):
        ws_cur.column_dimensions[(dcc.get(c))].width = 8.5
    c1 = ws_cur.cell(row=17, column=1, value='Consolidated Financial Results')
    c1.alignment = Alignment(horizontal='center')
    c1.font = Font(bold='true', size=22)
    ws_cur.merge_cells(start_row=17, end_row=17, start_column=1, 
    c1 = ws_cur.cell(row=22, column=1, 
                     value=datetime.strftime(date_end, '%B %Y'))
    c1.alignment = Alignment(horizontal='center')
    c1.font = Font(bold='true', size=22)
    ws_cur.merge_cells(start_row=22, end_row=22, start_column=1, 
    ws_cur.page_setup.orientation = ws_cur.ORIENTATION_PORTRAIT
    ws_cur.page_setup.paper_size = ws_cur.PAPERSIZE_TABLOID
    ws_cur.page_setup.fitToPage = True
    ws_cur.page_setup.fitToHeight = 1
    ws_cur.page_setup.fitToWidth = 1
    ws_cur.print_options.horizontalCentered = True    
    ws_cur.page_margins = PageMargins(left=.5, right=.5, top=.5, bottom=.5,
    return wb_cur
예제 #3
def build_consolidated_p_and_l(wb, date_start, date_ytd_start, dict_db,
    wb_cur = wb
    level_1 = retrieve_level_1(date_start, date_ytd_start, dict_db)
    level_2 = retrieve_level_2(date_start, date_ytd_start, dict_db)

    level_1_month = {}
    level_1_ytd = {}

    for x in range(0, len(level_1)):
        level_1_month[level_1[x][0]] = level_1[x][1]
        level_1_ytd[level_1[x][0]] = level_1[x][2]

    level_2_month = {}
    level_2_ytd = {}

    for x in range(0, len(level_2)):
        level_2_month[level_2[x][0]] = level_2[x][1]
        level_2_ytd[level_2[x][0]] = level_2[x][2]

    ws_cur = wb_cur.create_sheet('P&L Consolidated')

    c1 = ws_cur.cell(row=1, column=1, value='Consolidated P&L - (HT/MYOP/RAC)')
    c1 = ws_cur.cell(row=2, column=1, value='Income Statement')

    report_date = '{d1:%B} {d1.day}, {d1.year}'.format(d1=date_end)
    c1 = ws_cur.cell(row=3, column=1, value=report_date)

    row_header_1 = 5
    border_tb = Border(top=Side(style='thin'), bottom=Side(style='thin'))
    border_tb2 = Border(top=Side(style='thin'), bottom=Side(style='double', ))
    border_all = Border(top=Side(style='thin'),

    for r in range(1, 4):
        c1 = ws_cur.cell(row=r, column=1)
        c1.font = Font(bold='true')
        c1.alignment = Alignment(horizontal='center')

    c1 = ws_cur.cell(row=row_header_1, column=1, value='Month')
    c1.font = Font(bold='true')
    c1.alignment = Alignment(horizontal='center')

    c1 = ws_cur.cell(row=row_header_1, column=7, value='Year to Date')
    c1.font = Font(bold='true')
    c1.alignment = Alignment(horizontal='center')

    row_header_2 = 6
    c1 = ws_cur.cell(row=row_header_2, column=1, value='Actual')
    c1 = ws_cur.cell(row=row_header_2, column=2, value='% Sales')
    c1 = ws_cur.cell(row=row_header_2, column=3, value='Budget')
    c1 = ws_cur.cell(row=row_header_2, column=4, value='% Sales')
    c1 = ws_cur.cell(row=row_header_2, column=5, value='Variance')

    for c in range(1, 6):
        c1 = ws_cur.cell(row=row_header_2, column=c)
        c1.fill = PatternFill(start_color='1e90ff',
        c1.font = Font(bold='true', color='f8f8ff')
        c1.alignment = Alignment(horizontal='center')

    c1 = ws_cur.cell(row=row_header_2, column=7, value='Actual')
    c1 = ws_cur.cell(row=row_header_2, column=8, value='% Sales')
    c1 = ws_cur.cell(row=row_header_2, column=9, value='Budget')
    c1 = ws_cur.cell(row=row_header_2, column=10, value='% Sales')
    c1 = ws_cur.cell(row=row_header_2, column=11, value='Variance')

    for c in range(7, 12):
        c1 = ws_cur.cell(row=row_header_2, column=c)
        c1.fill = PatternFill(start_color='1e90ff',
        c1.font = Font(bold='true', color='f8f8ff')
        c1.alignment = Alignment(horizontal='center')

    for c in [x for x in range(1, 12) if x != 6]:
        c1 = ws_cur.cell(row=row_header_2, column=c)
        c1.border = border_all

    r_next = row_header_2 + 1
    row_sales = r_next
    ws_cur = level_1_income(ws_cur, r_next, row_sales, 'Total Revenue',
                            level_1_month, level_1_ytd, 'Sales')

    for c in range(1, 12):
        c1 = ws_cur.cell(row=r_next, column=c)
        c1.font = Font(bold='true')

    r_next += 1
    ws_cur = level_1_expense(ws_cur, r_next, row_sales, 'Cost of Sales',
                             level_1_month, level_1_ytd, 'Cost')

    for c in range(1, 12):
        c1 = ws_cur.cell(row=r_next, column=c)
        c1.font = Font(bold='true')

    #------Gross Margin------
    r_next += 1
    row_gm = r_next
    c1 = ws_cur.cell(row=r_next, column=6, value='Gross Margin')

    for c in [x for x in range(1, 12) if x in [1, 3, 7, 9]]:
        formula1 = "={col_letter}{r1}-{col_letter}{r2}".format(
            col_letter=dcc.get(c), r1=r_next - 2, r2=r_next - 1)
        c1 = ws_cur.cell(row=r_next, column=c, value=formula1)
        c1.number_format = '_(* #,##0_);_(* (#,##0);_(* ""-""??_);_(@_)'

    #% sales
    for c in [x for x in range(2, 11, 2) if x != 6]:
        formula1 = (
                col1=dcc.get(c - 1), r_sales=row_sales, r_cur=r_next)
        c1 = ws_cur.cell(row=r_next, column=c, value=formula1)
        c1.number_format = '0.0%'

    for c in range(5, 12, 6):
        formula1 = "={col_a}{r_cur}-{col_b}{r_cur}".format(
            col_a=dcc.get(c - 4), col_b=dcc.get(c - 2), r_cur=r_next)
        c1 = ws_cur.cell(row=r_next, column=c, value=formula1)
        c1.number_format = '_(* #,##0_);_(* (#,##0);_(* ""-""??_);_(@_)'

    for c in [x for x in range(1, 12) if x != 6]:
        c1 = ws_cur.cell(row=r_next, column=c)
        c1.border = border_tb

    for c in range(1, 12):
        c1 = ws_cur.cell(row=r_next, column=c)
        c1.font = Font(bold='true')

    #------Adjustments to Margin------
    r_next += 2
    c1 = ws_cur.cell(row=r_next, column=6, value='Adjustments to Margin:')
    c1.font = Font(bold='true')

    r_next += 1
    ws_cur = level_2_income(ws_cur, r_next, row_sales, 'Rebates',
                            level_2_month, level_2_ytd, 'Rebates')

    #------Cash Discounts------
    r_next += 1
    ws_cur = level_2_income(ws_cur, r_next, row_sales, 'Cash Discounts',
                            level_2_month, level_2_ytd, 'Cash Discounts')

    #------Customer Discounts------
    r_next += 1
    ws_cur = level_2_income(ws_cur, r_next, row_sales, 'Customer Discounts',
                            level_2_month, level_2_ytd, 'Customer Discounts')

    #------Cost of Goods Adjustments------
    r_next += 1
    ws_cur = level_2_income(ws_cur, r_next, row_sales,
                            'Cost of Goods Adjustments', level_2_month,
                            level_2_ytd, 'Cost of Goods Adjustments')

    r_next += 1
    ws_cur = level_2_income(ws_cur, r_next, row_sales, 'Other', level_2_month,
                            level_2_ytd, 'Other Adjustments to Margin')

    #------Total Adjustments to Margin------
    r_next += 1
    c1 = ws_cur.cell(row=r_next, column=6, value='Total Adjustments to Margin')

    for c in [x for x in range(1, 12) if x in [1, 3, 7, 9]]:
        formula1 = "=sum({col_letter}{r1}:{col_letter}{r2})".format(
            col_letter=dcc.get(c), r1=r_next - 5, r2=r_next - 1)
        c1 = ws_cur.cell(row=r_next, column=c, value=formula1)
        c1.number_format = '_(* #,##0_);_(* (#,##0);_(* ""-""??_);_(@_)'

    #% sales
    for c in [x for x in range(2, 11, 2) if x != 6]:
        formula1 = (
                col1=dcc.get(c - 1), r_sales=row_sales, r_cur=r_next)
        c1 = ws_cur.cell(row=r_next, column=c, value=formula1)
        c1.number_format = '0.0%'

    for c in range(5, 12, 6):
        formula1 = "={col_a}{r_cur}-{col_b}{r_cur}".format(
            col_a=dcc.get(c - 4), col_b=dcc.get(c - 2), r_cur=r_next)
        c1 = ws_cur.cell(row=r_next, column=c, value=formula1)
        c1.number_format = '_(* #,##0_);_(* (#,##0);_(* ""-""??_);_(@_)'

    for c in [x for x in range(1, 12) if x != 6]:
        c1 = ws_cur.cell(row=r_next, column=c)
        c1.border = border_tb

    for c in range(1, 12):
        c1 = ws_cur.cell(row=r_next, column=c)
        c1.font = Font(bold='true')

    #------Adjusted Gross Margin------
    r_next += 1
    c1 = ws_cur.cell(row=r_next, column=6, value='Adjusted Gross Margin')

    for c in [x for x in range(1, 12) if x in [1, 3, 7, 9]]:
        formula1 = "={col_letter}{r1}+{col_letter}{r2}".format(
            col_letter=dcc.get(c), r1=r_next - 9, r2=r_next - 1)
        c1 = ws_cur.cell(row=r_next, column=c, value=formula1)
        c1.number_format = '_(* #,##0_);_(* (#,##0);_(* ""-""??_);_(@_)'

    #% sales
    for c in [x for x in range(2, 11, 2) if x != 6]:
        formula1 = (
                col1=dcc.get(c - 1), r_sales=row_sales, r_cur=r_next)
        c1 = ws_cur.cell(row=r_next, column=c, value=formula1)
        c1.number_format = '0.0%'

    for c in range(5, 12, 6):
        formula1 = "={col_a}{r_cur}-{col_b}{r_cur}".format(
            col_a=dcc.get(c - 4), col_b=dcc.get(c - 2), r_cur=r_next)
        c1 = ws_cur.cell(row=r_next, column=c, value=formula1)
        c1.number_format = '_(* #,##0_);_(* (#,##0);_(* ""-""??_);_(@_)'

    for c in [x for x in range(1, 12) if x != 6]:
        c1 = ws_cur.cell(row=r_next, column=c)
        c1.border = border_tb

    for c in range(1, 12):
        c1 = ws_cur.cell(row=r_next, column=c)
        c1.font = Font(bold='true')

    r_next += 2
    ws_cur = level_2_expense(ws_cur, r_next, row_sales, 'Commissions',
                             level_2_month, level_2_ytd, 'Commissions')

    #------Total Commissions------
    r_next += 1
    c1 = ws_cur.cell(row=r_next, column=6, value='Total Commissions')

    for c in [x for x in range(1, 12) if x in [1, 3, 7, 9]]:
        formula1 = "=sum({col_letter}{r1}:{col_letter}{r2})".format(
            col_letter=dcc.get(c), r1=r_next - 1, r2=r_next - 1)
        c1 = ws_cur.cell(row=r_next, column=c, value=formula1)
        c1.number_format = '_(* #,##0_);_(* (#,##0);_(* ""-""??_);_(@_)'

    #% sales
    for c in [x for x in range(2, 11, 2) if x != 6]:
        formula1 = (
                col1=dcc.get(c - 1), r_sales=row_sales, r_cur=r_next)
        c1 = ws_cur.cell(row=r_next, column=c, value=formula1)
        c1.number_format = '0.0%'

    for c in range(5, 12, 6):
        formula1 = "={col_b}{r_cur}-{col_a}{r_cur}".format(
            col_a=dcc.get(c - 4), col_b=dcc.get(c - 2), r_cur=r_next)
        c1 = ws_cur.cell(row=r_next, column=c, value=formula1)
        c1.number_format = '_(* #,##0_);_(* (#,##0);_(* ""-""??_);_(@_)'

    for c in [x for x in range(1, 12) if x != 6]:
        c1 = ws_cur.cell(row=r_next, column=c)
        c1.border = border_tb

    for c in range(1, 12):
        c1 = ws_cur.cell(row=r_next, column=c)
        c1.font = Font(bold='true')

    #% To Margin
    r_next += 1
    c1 = ws_cur.cell(row=r_next, column=6, value='% To Margin')

    for c in [x for x in range(1, 12) if x in [1, 3, 7, 9]]:
        formula1 = (""
                        col1=dcc.get(c), r_gm=row_gm, r_cur=r_next - 1)
        c1 = ws_cur.cell(row=r_next, column=c, value=formula1)
        c1.number_format = '0.0%'

    for c in range(1, 12):
        c1 = ws_cur.cell(row=r_next, column=c)
        c1.font = Font(italic='true')

    #------Other Personnel Expenses------
    r_next += 2
    c1 = ws_cur.cell(row=r_next, column=6, value='Other Personnel Expenses:')
    c1.font = Font(bold='true')

    r_next += 1
    ws_cur = level_2_expense(ws_cur, r_next, row_sales, 'Salaries',
                             level_2_month, level_2_ytd, 'Salaries')

    r_next += 1
    ws_cur = level_2_expense(ws_cur, r_next, row_sales, 'Bonuses',
                             level_2_month, level_2_ytd, 'Bonuses')

    r_next += 1
    ws_cur = level_2_expense(ws_cur, r_next, row_sales, 'Benefits',
                             level_2_month, level_2_ytd, 'Benefits')

    #------Payroll Taxes------
    r_next += 1
    ws_cur = level_2_expense(ws_cur, r_next, row_sales, 'Payroll Taxes',
                             level_2_month, level_2_ytd, 'Payroll Taxes')

    #------Total Other Personnel Expenses------
    r_next += 1
    c1 = ws_cur.cell(row=r_next,
                     value='Total Other Personnel Expenses')

    for c in [x for x in range(1, 12) if x in [1, 3, 7, 9]]:
        formula1 = "=sum({col_letter}{r1}:{col_letter}{r2})".format(
            col_letter=dcc.get(c), r1=r_next - 4, r2=r_next - 1)
        c1 = ws_cur.cell(row=r_next, column=c, value=formula1)
        c1.number_format = '_(* #,##0_);_(* (#,##0);_(* ""-""??_);_(@_)'

    #% sales
    for c in [x for x in range(2, 11, 2) if x != 6]:
        formula1 = (
                col1=dcc.get(c - 1), r_sales=row_sales, r_cur=r_next)
        c1 = ws_cur.cell(row=r_next, column=c, value=formula1)
        c1.number_format = '0.0%'

    for c in range(5, 12, 6):
        formula1 = "={col_b}{r_cur}-{col_a}{r_cur}".format(
            col_a=dcc.get(c - 4), col_b=dcc.get(c - 2), r_cur=r_next)
        c1 = ws_cur.cell(row=r_next, column=c, value=formula1)
        c1.number_format = '_(* #,##0_);_(* (#,##0);_(* ""-""??_);_(@_)'

    for c in [x for x in range(1, 12) if x != 6]:
        c1 = ws_cur.cell(row=r_next, column=c)
        c1.border = border_tb

    for c in range(1, 12):
        c1 = ws_cur.cell(row=r_next, column=c)
        c1.font = Font(bold='true')

    #------Other Operating Expenses------
    r_next += 2
    c1 = ws_cur.cell(row=r_next, column=6, value='Other Operating Expenses:')
    c1.font = Font(bold='true')

    r_next += 1
    ws_cur = level_2_expense(ws_cur, r_next, row_sales, 'Travel',
                             level_2_month, level_2_ytd, 'Travel')

    #------Meals & Entertainment------
    r_next += 1
    ws_cur = level_2_expense(ws_cur, r_next, row_sales,
                             'Meals & Entertainment', level_2_month,
                             level_2_ytd, 'Meals & Entertainment')

    #------Facility Rent------
    r_next += 1
    ws_cur = level_2_expense(ws_cur, r_next, row_sales, 'Facility Rent',
                             level_2_month, level_2_ytd, 'Facility Rent')

    r_next += 1
    ws_cur = level_2_expense(ws_cur, r_next, row_sales, 'Utilities',
                             level_2_month, level_2_ytd, 'Utilities')

    #------Facility Maintenance------
    r_next += 1
    ws_cur = level_2_expense(ws_cur, r_next, row_sales, 'Facility Maintenance',
                             level_2_month, level_2_ytd,
                             'Facility Maintenance')

    #------Fleet Fuel------
    r_next += 1
    ws_cur = level_2_expense(ws_cur, r_next, row_sales, 'Fleet Fuel',
                             level_2_month, level_2_ytd, 'Fleet Fuel')

    #------Fleet Repair & Maintenance------
    r_next += 1
    ws_cur = level_2_expense(ws_cur, r_next, row_sales,
                             'Fleet Repair & Maintenance', level_2_month,
                             level_2_ytd, 'Fleet Repair & Maintenance')

    #------Vehicle Rent Expense------
    r_next += 1
    ws_cur = level_2_expense(ws_cur, r_next, row_sales, 'Vehicle Rent Expense',
                             level_2_month, level_2_ytd,
                             'Vehicle Rent Expense')

    #------Outsourced Delivery------
    r_next += 1
    ws_cur = level_2_expense(ws_cur, r_next, row_sales, 'Outsourced Delivery',
                             level_2_month, level_2_ytd, 'Outsourced Delivery')

    #------Outbound Freight------
    r_next += 1
    ws_cur = level_2_expense(ws_cur, r_next, row_sales, 'Outbound Freight',
                             level_2_month, level_2_ytd, 'Outbound Freight')

    #------Outbound Freight Rebates------
    r_next += 1
    ws_cur = level_2_expense(ws_cur, r_next, row_sales,
                             'Outbound Freight Rebates', level_2_month,
                             level_2_ytd, 'Outbound Freight Rebates')

    #------Equipment Rental------
    r_next += 1
    ws_cur = level_2_expense(ws_cur, r_next, row_sales, 'Equipment Rental',
                             level_2_month, level_2_ytd, 'Equipment Rental')

    #------MRO Supplies------
    r_next += 1
    ws_cur = level_2_expense(ws_cur, r_next, row_sales, 'MRO Supplies',
                             level_2_month, level_2_ytd, 'MRO Supplies')

    #------Office Freight & Postage------
    r_next += 1
    ws_cur = level_2_expense(ws_cur, r_next, row_sales,
                             'Office Freight & Postage', level_2_month,
                             level_2_ytd, 'Office Freight & Postage')

    #------Outside Services------
    r_next += 1
    ws_cur = level_2_expense(ws_cur, r_next, row_sales, 'Outside Services',
                             level_2_month, level_2_ytd, 'Outside Services')

    #------IT Services & Maintenance------
    r_next += 1
    ws_cur = level_2_expense(ws_cur, r_next, row_sales,
                             'IT Services & Maintenance', level_2_month,
                             level_2_ytd, 'IT Services & Maintenance')

    r_next += 1
    ws_cur = level_2_expense(ws_cur, r_next, row_sales, 'Telecom Expense',
                             level_2_month, level_2_ytd, 'Telecom Expense')

    #------Business Insurance------
    r_next += 1
    ws_cur = level_2_expense(ws_cur, r_next, row_sales, 'Business Insurance',
                             level_2_month, level_2_ytd, 'Business Insurance')

    #------Training, Dues & Subscriptions------
    r_next += 1
    ws_cur = level_2_expense(ws_cur, r_next, row_sales,
                             'Training, Dues & Subscriptions', level_2_month,
                             level_2_ytd, 'Training, Dues & Subscriptions')

    #------Advertising & Marketing------
    r_next += 1
    ws_cur = level_2_expense(ws_cur, r_next, row_sales,
                             'Advertising & Marketing', level_2_month,
                             level_2_ytd, 'Advertising & Marketing')

    #------Diversity Partner Fees------
    r_next += 1
    ws_cur = level_2_expense(ws_cur, r_next, row_sales,
                             'Diversity Partner Fees', level_2_month,
                             level_2_ytd, 'Diversity Partner Fees')

    #------e-Commerce Fees------
    r_next += 1
    ws_cur = level_2_expense(ws_cur, r_next, row_sales, 'E-Commerce Fees',
                             level_2_month, level_2_ytd, 'e-Commerce Fees')

    #------Professional Fees------
    r_next += 1
    ws_cur = level_2_expense(ws_cur, r_next, row_sales, 'Professional Fees',
                             level_2_month, level_2_ytd, 'Professional Fees')

    #------Bank Charges------
    r_next += 1
    ws_cur = level_2_expense(ws_cur, r_next, row_sales, 'Bank Charges',
                             level_2_month, level_2_ytd, 'Bank Charges')

    #------Bad Debt Expense------
    r_next += 1
    ws_cur = level_2_expense(ws_cur, r_next, row_sales, 'Bad Debt Expense',
                             level_2_month, level_2_ytd, 'Bad Debt Expense')

    #------Other Taxes------
    r_next += 1
    ws_cur = level_2_expense(ws_cur, r_next, row_sales, 'Other Taxes',
                             level_2_month, level_2_ytd, 'Other Taxes')

    #------Other Expenses------
    r_next += 1
    ws_cur = level_2_expense(ws_cur, r_next, row_sales, 'Other Expenses',
                             level_2_month, level_2_ytd, 'Other Expenses')

    #------Total Other Operating Expenses------
    r_next += 1
    c1 = ws_cur.cell(row=r_next,
                     value='Total Other Operating Expenses')

    for c in [x for x in range(1, 12) if x in [1, 3, 7, 9]]:
        formula1 = "=sum({col_letter}{r1}:{col_letter}{r2})".format(
            col_letter=dcc.get(c), r1=r_next - 27, r2=r_next - 1)
        c1 = ws_cur.cell(row=r_next, column=c, value=formula1)
        c1.number_format = '_(* #,##0_);_(* (#,##0);_(* ""-""??_);_(@_)'

    #% sales
    for c in [x for x in range(2, 11, 2) if x != 6]:
        formula1 = (
                col1=dcc.get(c - 1), r_sales=row_sales, r_cur=r_next)
        c1 = ws_cur.cell(row=r_next, column=c, value=formula1)
        c1.number_format = '0.0%'

    for c in range(5, 12, 6):
        formula1 = "={col_b}{r_cur}-{col_a}{r_cur}".format(
            col_a=dcc.get(c - 4), col_b=dcc.get(c - 2), r_cur=r_next)
        c1 = ws_cur.cell(row=r_next, column=c, value=formula1)
        c1.number_format = '_(* #,##0_);_(* (#,##0);_(* ""-""??_);_(@_)'

    for c in [x for x in range(1, 12) if x != 6]:
        c1 = ws_cur.cell(row=r_next, column=c)
        c1.border = border_tb

    for c in range(1, 12):
        c1 = ws_cur.cell(row=r_next, column=c)
        c1.font = Font(bold='true')

    #------Total Operating Expenses------
    r_next += 1
    c1 = ws_cur.cell(row=r_next, column=6, value='Total Operating Expenses')

    for c in [x for x in range(1, 12) if x in [1, 3, 7, 9]]:
        formula1 = "={col_letter}{r1}+{col_letter}{r2}+{col_letter}{r3}".format(
            r1=r_next - 39,
            r2=r_next - 31,
            r3=r_next - 1)
        c1 = ws_cur.cell(row=r_next, column=c, value=formula1)
        c1.number_format = '_(* #,##0_);_(* (#,##0);_(* ""-""??_);_(@_)'

    #% sales
    for c in [x for x in range(2, 11, 2) if x != 6]:
        formula1 = (
                col1=dcc.get(c - 1), r_sales=row_sales, r_cur=r_next)
        c1 = ws_cur.cell(row=r_next, column=c, value=formula1)
        c1.number_format = '0.0%'

    for c in range(5, 12, 6):
        formula1 = "={col_b}{r_cur}-{col_a}{r_cur}".format(
            col_a=dcc.get(c - 4), col_b=dcc.get(c - 2), r_cur=r_next)
        c1 = ws_cur.cell(row=r_next, column=c, value=formula1)
        c1.number_format = '_(* #,##0_);_(* (#,##0);_(* ""-""??_);_(@_)'

    for c in [x for x in range(1, 12) if x != 6]:
        c1 = ws_cur.cell(row=r_next, column=c)
        c1.border = border_tb

    for c in range(1, 12):
        c1 = ws_cur.cell(row=r_next, column=c)
        c1.font = Font(bold='true')

    #------Other Income / (Expense)------
    r_next += 2
    c1 = ws_cur.cell(row=r_next, column=6, value='Other Income / (Expense):')
    c1.font = Font(bold='true')

    #------Corporate Allocation------
    r_next += 1
    ws_cur = level_2_income(ws_cur, r_next, row_sales, 'Corporate Allocation',
                            level_2_month, level_2_ytd, 'Corporate Allocation')

    #------Deferred Partner Revenue------
    r_next += 1
    ws_cur = level_2_income(ws_cur, r_next, row_sales,
                            'Deferred Partner Revenue', level_2_month,
                            level_2_ytd, 'Deferred Partner Revenue')

    #------Excluded Expenses------
    r_next += 1
    ws_cur = level_2_income(ws_cur, r_next, row_sales, 'Excluded Expenses',
                            level_2_month, level_2_ytd, 'Excluded Expenses')

    #------Misc. Income------
    r_next += 1
    ws_cur = level_2_income(ws_cur, r_next, row_sales, 'Misc. Income',
                            level_2_month, level_2_ytd, 'Misc. Income')

    #------Gain/(Loss) on Fixed Asset Disposal------
    r_next += 1
    ws_cur = level_2_income(ws_cur, r_next, row_sales,
                            'Gain / (Loss) Fixed Asset Disposal',
                            level_2_month, level_2_ytd,
                            'Gain / (Loss) Fixed Asset Disposal')

    #------Total Other Income / (Expense)------
    r_next += 1
    c1 = ws_cur.cell(row=r_next,
                     value='Total Other Income / (Expense)')

    for c in [x for x in range(1, 12) if x in [1, 3, 7, 9]]:
        formula1 = "=sum({col_letter}{r1}:{col_letter}{r2})".format(
            col_letter=dcc.get(c), r1=r_next - 5, r2=r_next - 1)
        c1 = ws_cur.cell(row=r_next, column=c, value=formula1)
        c1.number_format = '_(* #,##0_);_(* (#,##0);_(* ""-""??_);_(@_)'

    #% sales
    for c in [x for x in range(2, 11, 2) if x != 6]:
        formula1 = (
                col1=dcc.get(c - 1), r_sales=row_sales, r_cur=r_next)
        c1 = ws_cur.cell(row=r_next, column=c, value=formula1)
        c1.number_format = '0.0%'

    for c in range(5, 12, 6):
        formula1 = "={col_a}{r_cur}-{col_b}{r_cur}".format(
            col_a=dcc.get(c - 4), col_b=dcc.get(c - 2), r_cur=r_next)
        c1 = ws_cur.cell(row=r_next, column=c, value=formula1)
        c1.number_format = '_(* #,##0_);_(* (#,##0);_(* ""-""??_);_(@_)'

    for c in [x for x in range(1, 12) if x != 6]:
        c1 = ws_cur.cell(row=r_next, column=c)
        c1.border = border_tb

    for c in range(1, 12):
        c1 = ws_cur.cell(row=r_next, column=c)
        c1.font = Font(bold='true')

    r_next += 2
    c1 = ws_cur.cell(row=r_next, column=6, value='EBITDA')

    for c in [x for x in range(1, 12) if x in [1, 3, 7, 9]]:
        formula1 = "={col_letter}{r1}-{col_letter}{r2}+{col_letter}{r3}".format(
            r1=r_next - 52,
            r2=r_next - 10,
            r3=r_next - 2)
        c1 = ws_cur.cell(row=r_next, column=c, value=formula1)
        c1.number_format = '_(* #,##0_);_(* (#,##0);_(* ""-""??_);_(@_)'

    #% sales
    for c in [x for x in range(2, 11, 2) if x != 6]:
        formula1 = (
                col1=dcc.get(c - 1), r_sales=row_sales, r_cur=r_next)
        c1 = ws_cur.cell(row=r_next, column=c, value=formula1)
        c1.number_format = '0.0%'

    for c in range(5, 12, 6):
        formula1 = "={col_a}{r_cur}-{col_b}{r_cur}".format(
            col_a=dcc.get(c - 4), col_b=dcc.get(c - 2), r_cur=r_next)
        c1 = ws_cur.cell(row=r_next, column=c, value=formula1)
        c1.number_format = '_(* #,##0_);_(* (#,##0);_(* ""-""??_);_(@_)'

    for c in [x for x in range(1, 12) if x != 6]:
        c1 = ws_cur.cell(row=r_next, column=c)
        c1.border = border_tb

    for c in range(1, 12):
        c1 = ws_cur.cell(row=r_next, column=c)
        c1.font = Font(bold='true')
        c1.fill = PatternFill(start_color='ffd700',

        #------Interest Expense------
    r_next += 2
    ws_cur = level_2_expense(ws_cur, r_next, row_sales, 'Interest Expense',
                             level_2_month, level_2_ytd, 'Interest Expense')

    r_next += 1
    ws_cur = level_2_expense(ws_cur, r_next, row_sales, 'Depreciation',
                             level_2_month, level_2_ytd, 'Depreciation')

    r_next += 1
    ws_cur = level_2_expense(ws_cur, r_next, row_sales, 'Amortization',
                             level_2_month, level_2_ytd, 'Amortization')

    #------Net Income Before Taxes------
    r_next += 1
    c1 = ws_cur.cell(row=r_next, column=6, value='Net Income Before Taxes')

    for c in [x for x in range(1, 12) if x in [1, 3, 7, 9]]:
        formula1 = ("={col_letter}{r3}-"
                        r1=r_next - 3,
                        r2=r_next - 1,
                        r3=r_next - 5)
        c1 = ws_cur.cell(row=r_next, column=c, value=formula1)
        c1.number_format = '_(* #,##0_);_(* (#,##0);_(* ""-""??_);_(@_)'

    #% sales
    for c in [x for x in range(2, 11, 2) if x != 6]:
        formula1 = (
                col1=dcc.get(c - 1), r_sales=row_sales, r_cur=r_next)
        c1 = ws_cur.cell(row=r_next, column=c, value=formula1)
        c1.number_format = '0.0%'

    for c in range(5, 12, 6):
        formula1 = "={col_a}{r_cur}-{col_b}{r_cur}".format(
            col_a=dcc.get(c - 4), col_b=dcc.get(c - 2), r_cur=r_next)
        c1 = ws_cur.cell(row=r_next, column=c, value=formula1)
        c1.number_format = '_(* #,##0_);_(* (#,##0);_(* ""-""??_);_(@_)'

    for c in [x for x in range(1, 12) if x != 6]:
        c1 = ws_cur.cell(row=r_next, column=c)
        c1.border = border_tb

    for c in range(1, 12):
        c1 = ws_cur.cell(row=r_next, column=c)
        c1.font = Font(bold='true')

        #------State Income Taxes------
    r_next += 2
    ws_cur = level_2_expense(ws_cur, r_next, row_sales, 'State Income Taxes',
                             level_2_month, level_2_ytd, 'State Income Taxes')

    #------Net Income------
    r_next += 1
    c1 = ws_cur.cell(row=r_next, column=6, value='Net Income')

    for c in [x for x in range(1, 12) if x in [1, 3, 7, 9]]:
        formula1 = ("={col_letter}{r1}-{col_letter}{r2}").format(
            col_letter=dcc.get(c), r1=r_next - 3, r2=r_next - 1)
        c1 = ws_cur.cell(row=r_next, column=c, value=formula1)
        c1.number_format = '_(* #,##0_);_(* (#,##0);_(* ""-""??_);_(@_)'

    #% sales
    for c in [x for x in range(2, 11, 2) if x != 6]:
        formula1 = (
                col1=dcc.get(c - 1), r_sales=row_sales, r_cur=r_next)
        c1 = ws_cur.cell(row=r_next, column=c, value=formula1)
        c1.number_format = '0.0%'

    for c in range(5, 12, 6):
        formula1 = "={col_a}{r_cur}-{col_b}{r_cur}".format(
            col_a=dcc.get(c - 4), col_b=dcc.get(c - 2), r_cur=r_next)
        c1 = ws_cur.cell(row=r_next, column=c, value=formula1)
        c1.number_format = '_(* #,##0_);_(* (#,##0);_(* ""-""??_);_(@_)'

    for c in [x for x in range(1, 12) if x != 6]:
        c1 = ws_cur.cell(row=r_next, column=c)
        c1.border = border_tb2

    for c in range(1, 12):
        c1 = ws_cur.cell(row=r_next, column=c)
        c1.font = Font(bold='true')

    #------Excluded Expenses------
    r_next += 2
    c1 = ws_cur.cell(row=r_next, column=6, value='EXCLUDED EXPENSES')

    for c in [x for x in range(1, 12) if x in [1, 3, 7, 9]]:
        formula1 = "=-{col_letter}{r1}".format(col_letter=dcc.get(c),
                                               r1=r_next - 15)
        c1 = ws_cur.cell(row=r_next, column=c, value=formula1)
        c1.number_format = '_(* #,##0_);_(* (#,##0);_(* ""-""??_);_(@_)'

    #% sales
    for c in [x for x in range(2, 11, 2) if x != 6]:
        formula1 = (
                col1=dcc.get(c - 1), r_sales=row_sales, r_cur=r_next)
        c1 = ws_cur.cell(row=r_next, column=c, value=formula1)
        c1.number_format = '0.0%'

    for c in range(5, 12, 6):
        formula1 = "={col_a}{r_cur}-{col_b}{r_cur}".format(
            col_a=dcc.get(c - 4), col_b=dcc.get(c - 2), r_cur=r_next)
        c1 = ws_cur.cell(row=r_next, column=c, value=formula1)
        c1.number_format = '_(* #,##0_);_(* (#,##0);_(* ""-""??_);_(@_)'

    for c in [x for x in range(1, 12) if x != 6]:
        c1 = ws_cur.cell(row=r_next, column=c)
        c1.border = border_tb

    for c in range(1, 12):
        c1 = ws_cur.cell(row=r_next, column=c)
        c1.font = Font(bold='true')
        c1.fill = PatternFill(start_color='ffd700',

    #------Adjusted EBITDA------
    r_next += 2
    c1 = ws_cur.cell(row=r_next, column=6, value='ADJUSTED EBITDA')

    for c in [x for x in range(1, 12) if x in [1, 3, 7, 9]]:
        formula1 = "={col_letter}{r1}+{col_letter}{r2}".format(
            col_letter=dcc.get(c), r1=r_next - 12, r2=r_next - 2)
        c1 = ws_cur.cell(row=r_next, column=c, value=formula1)
        c1.number_format = '_(* #,##0_);_(* (#,##0);_(* ""-""??_);_(@_)'

    #% sales
    for c in [x for x in range(2, 11, 2) if x != 6]:
        formula1 = (
                col1=dcc.get(c - 1), r_sales=row_sales, r_cur=r_next)
        c1 = ws_cur.cell(row=r_next, column=c, value=formula1)
        c1.number_format = '0.0%'

    for c in range(5, 12, 6):
        formula1 = "={col_a}{r_cur}-{col_b}{r_cur}".format(
            col_a=dcc.get(c - 4), col_b=dcc.get(c - 2), r_cur=r_next)
        c1 = ws_cur.cell(row=r_next, column=c, value=formula1)
        c1.number_format = '_(* #,##0_);_(* (#,##0);_(* ""-""??_);_(@_)'

    for c in [x for x in range(1, 12) if x != 6]:
        c1 = ws_cur.cell(row=r_next, column=c)
        c1.border = border_tb

    for c in range(1, 12):
        c1 = ws_cur.cell(row=r_next, column=c)
        c1.font = Font(bold='true')
        c1.fill = PatternFill(start_color='ffd700',

    #Change font size and name
    for r in range(1, ws_cur.max_row + 1):
        for c in range(1, ws_cur.max_column + 1):
            c1 = ws_cur.cell(row=r, column=c)
            c1.font = Font(bold=c1.font.bold,

    #Row height
    for r in range(1, ws_cur.max_row + 1):
        ws_cur.row_dimensions[r].height = 11.5

    #Column width
    for x in [x for x in range(1, 12) if x in [1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11]]:
        ws_cur.column_dimensions[dcc.get(x)].width = 11

    for x in [x for x in range(1, 12) if x in [2, 4, 8, 10]]:
        ws_cur.column_dimensions[dcc.get(x)].width = 6.5

    ws_cur.column_dimensions[dcc.get(6)].width = 27

    #Page Setup
    ws_cur.page_setup.orientation = ws_cur.ORIENTATION_PORTRAIT
    ws_cur.page_setup.paper_size = ws_cur.PAPERSIZE_TABLOID
    ws_cur.page_setup.fitToPage = True
    ws_cur.page_setup.fitToHeight = 1
    ws_cur.page_setup.fitToWidth = 1
    ws_cur.print_options.horizontalCentered = True
    ws_cur.page_margins = PageMargins(left=.5,

    date_cur = datetime.strftime(
        "%a {dt.month}/{dt.day}/%Y %I:%M %p".format(dt=datetime.today()))

    ws_cur.oddFooter.right.text = date_cur
    ws_cur.oddFooter.right.size = 8
    ws_cur.oddFooter.right.font = 'Arial'

    #Freeze Panes
    c1 = ws_cur.cell(row=7, column=1)
    ws_cur.freeze_panes = c1

    return wb_cur
예제 #4
def sum_col_1(row1, row2, col1):
    formula1 = "=sum({col1}{row1}:{col1}{row2})".format(
        row1=row1, row2=row2, col1=dcc.get(col1))
    return formula1
예제 #5
def sum_row_1(row, col1, col2):
    formula1 = "=sum({col_letter1}{row1}:{col_letter2}{row1})".format(
        col_letter1=dcc.get(col1), row1=row, col_letter2=dcc.get(col2))
    return formula1
예제 #6
def pct_of_total1(col1, r_total, r_row):
    formula1 = "=if({col1}{r_total}=0,0,{col1}{r_row}/{col1}{r_total})".format(
        col1=dcc.get(col1-1), r_total=r_total, r_row=r_row)
    return formula1
def build_report(dict_db, date_end, wb):
    sales_and_cost = gross_margin_data(dict_db, date_end)
    pl_trend_data = profit_loss_data(dict_db, date_end)
    wb_cur = wb
    ws_cur = wb_cur.create_sheet('P&L_Trend_HT_MYOP')
    ws_cur.cell(row=1, column=1, value='Consolidated P&L Trend- (HT/MYOP)')
    ws_cur.cell(row=2, column=1, value='Income Statement')
                value='For the 12 Months Ending {d1}'.format(
                    d1=datetime.strftime(date_end, '%B %d, %Y')))

    for r in range(1, 4):
        c1 = ws_cur.cell(row=r, column=1)
        wb_cur = ExcelWidget(wb_cur).arial_8_bold_center(c1)

    ws_cur.merge_cells(start_row=1, end_row=1, start_column=1, end_column=14)
    ws_cur.merge_cells(start_row=2, end_row=2, start_column=1, end_column=14)
    ws_cur.merge_cells(start_row=3, end_row=3, start_column=1, end_column=14)

    date_next = date_end + relativedelta(days=-date_end.day + 1)
    trend_period = []

    for i in range(0, 12):
        date_next = date_next + relativedelta(months=-1)

    trend_period.sort(key=None, reverse=False)
    row_next = 5
    c = 2

    for d in range(0, len(trend_period)):
        c1 = ws_cur.cell(row=row_next,
                         value=datetime.strftime(trend_period[d], '%b %Y'))
        wb_cur = ExcelWidget(wb_cur).header_blue_arial_8(c1)
        c += 1

    c1 = ws_cur.cell(row=row_next, column=14, value='Total')
    wb_cur = ExcelWidget(wb_cur).header_blue_arial_8(c1)
    c_last = ws_cur.max_column

    #Gross Margin
    row_next += 1
    c1 = ws_cur.cell(row=row_next, column=1, value='Total Revenue')
    wb_cur = ExcelWidget(wb_cur).arial_8_bold(c1)

    c = 2

    for d in range(0, len(trend_period)):
        c1 = ws_cur.cell(row=row_next,
                             x[2] for x in sales_and_cost
                             if x[0] == trend_period[d] if x[1] == 'Sales'
        wb_cur = ExcelWidget(wb_cur).arial_8_bold_number0(c1)
        c += 1

    c1 = ws_cur.cell(row=row_next, column=c)
    formula1 = ExcelWidget(wb_cur).row_total(2, c_last - 1, row_next)
    c1.value = formula1
    wb_cur = ExcelWidget(wb_cur).arial_8_bold_number0(c1)

    row_next += 1
    c1 = ws_cur.cell(row=row_next, column=1, value='Cost of Sales')
    wb_cur = ExcelWidget(wb_cur).arial_8_bold(c1)

    c = 2

    for d in range(0, len(trend_period)):
        c1 = ws_cur.cell(row=row_next,
                             x[2] for x in sales_and_cost
                             if x[0] == trend_period[d] if x[1] == 'Cost'
        wb_cur = ExcelWidget(wb_cur).arial_8_bold_number0(c1)
        c += 1

    c1 = ws_cur.cell(row=row_next, column=c)
    formula1 = ExcelWidget(wb_cur).row_total(2, c_last - 1, row_next)
    c1.value = formula1
    wb_cur = ExcelWidget(wb_cur).arial_8_bold_number0(c1)

    row_next += 1
    c1 = ws_cur.cell(row=row_next, column=1, value='Gross Margin')
    wb_cur = ExcelWidget(wb_cur).arial_8_bold(c1)
    row_gm = row_next

    for c in range(2, 15):
        c1 = ws_cur.cell(row=row_next,
                                                           r1=row_next - 2,
                                                           r2=row_next - 1))
        wb_cur = ExcelWidget(wb_cur).arial_8_bold_number0(c1)
        wb_cur = ExcelWidget(wb_cur).border_tb(c1)

    #Adj to Margin
    row_next += 2
    c1 = ws_cur.cell(row=row_next, column=1, value='Adjustments to Margin:')
    wb_cur = ExcelWidget(wb_cur).arial_8_bold(c1)

    row_next += 1
    adjustment_to_margin = [
        'Rebates', 'Cash Discounts', 'Customer Discounts',
        'Cost of Goods Adjustments', 'Other Adjustments to Margin'

    for x in adjustment_to_margin:
        c1 = ws_cur.cell(row=row_next, column=1, value=x)
        wb_cur = ExcelWidget(wb_cur).arial_8(c1)
        c = 2
        for d in trend_period:
            amount = sum([
                p[3] for p in pl_trend_data if p[0] == d
                if p[1] == 'Adjustment to Margin' if p[2] == x
            c1 = ws_cur.cell(row=row_next, column=c, value=amount)
            wb_cur = ExcelWidget(wb_cur).arial_8_number0(c1)
            c += 1
        formula1 = ExcelWidget(wb_cur).row_total(2, c_last - 1, row_next)
        c1 = ws_cur.cell(row=row_next, column=c, value=formula1)
        wb_cur = ExcelWidget(wb_cur).arial_8_number0(c1)
        row_next += 1

    c1 = ws_cur.cell(row=row_next,
                     value='Total Adjustments to Margin')
    wb_cur = ExcelWidget(wb_cur).arial_8_bold(c1)

    for c in range(2, c_last + 1):
        c1 = ws_cur.cell(row=row_next, column=c)
        formula1 = ExcelWidget(wb_cur).col_total(
            row_next - len(adjustment_to_margin), row_next - 1, c)
        c1.value = formula1
        wb_cur = ExcelWidget(wb_cur).arial_8_bold_number0(c1)
        wb_cur = ExcelWidget(wb_cur).border_tb(c1)

    #Adjusted Gross Margin
    row_next += 1
    row_agm = row_next
    c1 = ws_cur.cell(row=row_next, column=1, value='Adjusted Gross Margin')
    wb_cur = ExcelWidget(wb_cur).arial_8_bold(c1)

    for c in range(2, c_last + 1):
        c1 = ws_cur.cell(row=row_next, column=c)
        cs1 = ws_cur.cell(row=row_gm, column=c)
        cs2 = ws_cur.cell(row=row_next - 1, column=c)
        formula1 = ExcelWidget(wb_cur).sum_2(cs1, cs2)
        c1.value = formula1
        wb_cur = ExcelWidget(wb_cur).arial_8_bold_number0(c1)
        wb_cur = ExcelWidget(wb_cur).border_tb(c1)

    row_next += 2
    c1 = ws_cur.cell(row=row_next, column=1, value='Commissions')
    wb_cur = ExcelWidget(wb_cur).arial_8_bold(c1)
    commission = ['Commissions']

    for x in commission:
        c1 = ws_cur.cell(row=row_next, column=1, value=x)
        wb_cur = ExcelWidget(wb_cur).arial_8(c1)
        c = 2
        for d in trend_period:
            amount = sum([
                p[3] for p in pl_trend_data if p[0] == d
                if p[1] == 'Commissions' if p[2] == x
            c1 = ws_cur.cell(row=row_next, column=c, value=amount)
            wb_cur = ExcelWidget(wb_cur).arial_8_number0(c1)
            c += 1
        formula1 = ExcelWidget(wb_cur).row_total(2, c_last - 1, row_next)
        c1 = ws_cur.cell(row=row_next, column=c, value=formula1)
        wb_cur = ExcelWidget(wb_cur).arial_8_number0(c1)
        row_next += 1

    c1 = ws_cur.cell(row=row_next, column=1, value='Total Commissions')
    wb_cur = ExcelWidget(wb_cur).arial_8_bold(c1)
    row_commission = row_next

    for c in range(2, c_last + 1):
        c1 = ws_cur.cell(row=row_next, column=c)
        formula1 = ExcelWidget(wb_cur).col_total(row_next - 1, row_next - 1, c)
        c1.value = formula1
        wb_cur = ExcelWidget(wb_cur).arial_8_bold_number0(c1)
        wb_cur = ExcelWidget(wb_cur).border_tb(c1)

    row_next += 1
    c1 = ws_cur.cell(row=row_next, column=1, value='% To Margin')
    wb_cur = ExcelWidget(wb_cur).arial_8_italic(c1)

    for c in range(2, c_last + 1):
        c1 = ws_cur.cell(row=row_next, column=c)
        cdivisor = ws_cur.cell(row=row_next - 1, column=c)
        cdividend = ws_cur.cell(row=row_gm, column=c)
        formula1 = ExcelWidget(wb_cur).divide_2(cdivisor, cdividend)
        c1.value = formula1
        wb_cur = ExcelWidget(wb_cur).arial_8_italic_percent1(c1)

    #Other Personnel Expense
    row_next += 2
    c1 = ws_cur.cell(row=row_next, column=1, value='Other Personnel Expenses:')
    wb_cur = ExcelWidget(wb_cur).arial_8_bold(c1)

    row_next += 1
    personnel_exp = ['Salaries', 'Bonuses', 'Benefits', 'Payroll Taxes']

    for x in personnel_exp:
        c1 = ws_cur.cell(row=row_next, column=1, value=x)
        wb_cur = ExcelWidget(wb_cur).arial_8(c1)
        c = 2
        for d in trend_period:
            amount = sum([
                p[3] for p in pl_trend_data if p[0] == d
                if p[1] == 'Other Personnel Expense' if p[2] == x
            c1 = ws_cur.cell(row=row_next, column=c, value=amount)
            wb_cur = ExcelWidget(wb_cur).arial_8_number0(c1)
            c += 1
        formula1 = ExcelWidget(wb_cur).row_total(2, c_last - 1, row_next)
        c1 = ws_cur.cell(row=row_next, column=c, value=formula1)
        wb_cur = ExcelWidget(wb_cur).arial_8_number0(c1)
        row_next += 1

    c1 = ws_cur.cell(row=row_next,
                     value='Total Other Personnel Expenses')
    wb_cur = ExcelWidget(wb_cur).arial_8_bold(c1)
    row_oth_pers_exp = row_next

    for c in range(2, c_last + 1):
        c1 = ws_cur.cell(row=row_next, column=c)
        formula1 = ExcelWidget(wb_cur).col_total(row_next - len(personnel_exp),
                                                 row_next - 1, c)
        c1.value = formula1
        wb_cur = ExcelWidget(wb_cur).arial_8_bold_number0(c1)
        wb_cur = ExcelWidget(wb_cur).border_tb(c1)

    #Other Operating Expense
    row_next += 2
    c1 = ws_cur.cell(row=row_next, column=1, value='Other Operating Expenses:')
    wb_cur = ExcelWidget(wb_cur).arial_8_bold(c1)

    row_next += 1
    opex = [
        'Travel', 'Meals & Entertainment', 'Facility Rent', 'Utilities',
        'Facility Maintenance', 'Fleet Fuel', 'Fleet Repair & Maintenance',
        'Vehicle Rent Expense', 'Outsourced Delivery', 'Outbound Freight',
        'Outbound Freight Rebates', 'Equipment Rental', 'MRO Supplies',
        'Office Freight & Postage', 'Outside Services',
        'IT Services & Maintenance', 'Telecom Expense', 'Business Insurance',
        'Training, Dues & Subscriptions', 'Advertising & Marketing',
        'Diversity Partner Fees', 'e-Commerce Fees', 'Professional Fees',
        'Bank Charges', 'Bad Debt Expense', 'Other Taxes', 'Other Expenses'

    for x in opex:
        c1 = ws_cur.cell(row=row_next, column=1, value=x)
        wb_cur = ExcelWidget(wb_cur).arial_8(c1)
        c = 2
        for d in trend_period:
            amount = sum([
                p[3] for p in pl_trend_data if p[0] == d
                if p[1] == 'Other Operating Expense' if p[2] == x
            c1 = ws_cur.cell(row=row_next, column=c, value=amount)
            wb_cur = ExcelWidget(wb_cur).arial_8_number0(c1)
            c += 1
        formula1 = ExcelWidget(wb_cur).row_total(2, c_last - 1, row_next)
        c1 = ws_cur.cell(row=row_next, column=c, value=formula1)
        wb_cur = ExcelWidget(wb_cur).arial_8_number0(c1)
        row_next += 1

    c1 = ws_cur.cell(row=row_next,
                     value='Total Other Operating Expenses')
    wb_cur = ExcelWidget(wb_cur).arial_8_bold(c1)

    for c in range(2, c_last + 1):
        c1 = ws_cur.cell(row=row_next, column=c)
        formula1 = ExcelWidget(wb_cur).col_total(row_next - len(opex),
                                                 row_next - 1, c)
        c1.value = formula1
        wb_cur = ExcelWidget(wb_cur).arial_8_bold_number0(c1)
        wb_cur = ExcelWidget(wb_cur).border_tb(c1)

    #Total Opex
    row_next += 1
    c1 = ws_cur.cell(row=row_next, column=1, value='Total Operating Expenses')
    wb_cur = ExcelWidget(wb_cur).arial_8_bold(c1)
    row_total_opex = row_next

    for c in range(2, c_last + 1):
        c1 = ws_cur.cell(row=row_next, column=c)
        cs1 = ws_cur.cell(row=row_commission, column=c)
        cs2 = ws_cur.cell(row=row_oth_pers_exp, column=c)
        cs3 = ws_cur.cell(row=row_next - 1, column=c)
        formula1 = ExcelWidget(wb_cur).sum_3(cs1, cs2, cs3)
        c1.value = formula1
        wb_cur = ExcelWidget(wb_cur).arial_8_bold_number0(c1)
        wb_cur = ExcelWidget(wb_cur).border_tb(c1)

    #Other Income/(Expense)
    row_next += 2
    c1 = ws_cur.cell(row=row_next, column=1, value='Other Income / (Expense):')
    wb_cur = ExcelWidget(wb_cur).arial_8_bold(c1)

    row_next += 1
    oth_inc_exp = [
        'Corporate Allocation', 'Deferred Partner Revenue',
        'Excluded Expenses', 'Misc. Income',
        'Gain / (Loss) Fixed Asset Disposal'

    for x in oth_inc_exp:
        c1 = ws_cur.cell(row=row_next, column=1, value=x)
        wb_cur = ExcelWidget(wb_cur).arial_8(c1)
        c = 2
        for d in trend_period:
            amount = sum([
                p[3] for p in pl_trend_data if p[0] == d
                if p[1] == 'Other Income / (Expense)' if p[2] == x
            c1 = ws_cur.cell(row=row_next, column=c, value=amount)
            wb_cur = ExcelWidget(wb_cur).arial_8_number0(c1)
            c += 1
        formula1 = ExcelWidget(wb_cur).row_total(2, c_last - 1, row_next)
        c1 = ws_cur.cell(row=row_next, column=c, value=formula1)
        wb_cur = ExcelWidget(wb_cur).arial_8_number0(c1)
        row_next += 1

    c1 = ws_cur.cell(row=row_next,
                     value='Total Other Income / (Expense)')
    wb_cur = ExcelWidget(wb_cur).arial_8_bold(c1)

    for c in range(2, c_last + 1):
        c1 = ws_cur.cell(row=row_next, column=c)
        formula1 = ExcelWidget(wb_cur).col_total(row_next - len(oth_inc_exp),
                                                 row_next - 1, c)
        c1.value = formula1
        wb_cur = ExcelWidget(wb_cur).arial_8_bold_number0(c1)
        wb_cur = ExcelWidget(wb_cur).border_tb(c1)

    row_next += 2
    c1 = ws_cur.cell(row=row_next, column=1, value='EBITDA')
    wb_cur = ExcelWidget(wb_cur).arial_8_bold(c1)
    row_ebitda = row_next

    for c in range(2, c_last + 1):
        c1 = ws_cur.cell(row=row_next, column=c)
        c_agm = ws_cur.cell(row=row_agm, column=c)
        c_opex = ws_cur.cell(row=row_total_opex, column=c)
        c_oth_income = ws_cur.cell(row=row_next - 2, column=c)
        formula1 = ExcelWidget(wb_cur).ebitda_calc(c_agm, c_opex, c_oth_income)
        c1.value = formula1
        wb_cur = ExcelWidget(wb_cur).arial_8_yellow_bold_number0(c1)
        wb_cur = ExcelWidget(wb_cur).border_tb(c1)

    row_next += 2
    ida = ['Interest Expense', 'Depreciation', 'Amortization']

    for x in ida:
        c1 = ws_cur.cell(row=row_next, column=1, value=x)
        wb_cur = ExcelWidget(wb_cur).arial_8(c1)
        c = 2
        for d in trend_period:
            amount = sum([
                p[3] for p in pl_trend_data if p[0] == d if p[1] == 'ITDA'
                if p[2] == x
            c1 = ws_cur.cell(row=row_next, column=c, value=amount)
            wb_cur = ExcelWidget(wb_cur).arial_8_number0(c1)
            c += 1
        formula1 = ExcelWidget(wb_cur).row_total(2, c_last - 1, row_next)
        c1 = ws_cur.cell(row=row_next, column=c, value=formula1)
        wb_cur = ExcelWidget(wb_cur).arial_8_number0(c1)
        row_next += 1

    c1 = ws_cur.cell(row=row_next, column=1, value='Net Income Before Taxes')
    wb_cur = ExcelWidget(wb_cur).arial_8_bold(c1)

    for c in range(2, c_last + 1):
        c1 = ws_cur.cell(row=row_next, column=c)
        ebitda = ws_cur.cell(row=row_ebitda, column=c)
        ida_start = ws_cur.cell(row=row_next - len(ida), column=c)
        ida_end = ws_cur.cell(row=row_next - 1, column=c)
        formula1 = ExcelWidget(wb_cur).net_income_before_tax(
            ebitda, ida_start, ida_end)
        c1.value = formula1
        wb_cur = ExcelWidget(wb_cur).arial_8_bold_number0(c1)
        wb_cur = ExcelWidget(wb_cur).border_tb(c1)

    row_next += 2
    tax = ['State Income Taxes']

    for x in tax:
        c1 = ws_cur.cell(row=row_next, column=1, value=x)
        wb_cur = ExcelWidget(wb_cur).arial_8(c1)
        c = 2
        for d in trend_period:
            amount = sum([
                p[3] for p in pl_trend_data if p[0] == d if p[1] == 'ITDA'
                if p[2] == x
            c1 = ws_cur.cell(row=row_next, column=c, value=amount)
            wb_cur = ExcelWidget(wb_cur).arial_8_number0(c1)
            c += 1
        formula1 = ExcelWidget(wb_cur).row_total(2, c_last - 1, row_next)
        c1 = ws_cur.cell(row=row_next, column=c, value=formula1)
        wb_cur = ExcelWidget(wb_cur).arial_8_number0(c1)
    row_next += 1

    #Net Income
    c1 = ws_cur.cell(row=row_next, column=1, value='Net Income')
    wb_cur = ExcelWidget(wb_cur).arial_8_bold(c1)

    for c in range(2, c_last + 1):
        c1 = ws_cur.cell(row=row_next, column=c)
        c_nibt = ws_cur.cell(row=row_next - 3, column=c)
        c_tax = ws_cur.cell(row=row_next - 1, column=c)
        formula1 = ExcelWidget(wb_cur).subtract_2(c_nibt, c_tax)
        c1.value = formula1
        wb_cur = ExcelWidget(wb_cur).arial_8_bold_number0(c1)
        wb_cur = ExcelWidget(wb_cur).border_tb2(c1)

    #Excluded Expenses
    row_next += 2
    c1 = ws_cur.cell(row=row_next, column=1, value='EXCLUDED EXPENSES')
    wb_cur = ExcelWidget(wb_cur).arial_8_bold(c1)

    for r in range(row_next, row_next - 30, -1):
        if ws_cur.cell(row=r, column=1).value == 'Excluded Expenses':
            row_excluded_expense = r

    for c in range(2, c_last + 1):
        c1 = ws_cur.cell(row=row_next, column=c)
        c_excluded_expense = ws_cur.cell(row=row_excluded_expense, column=c)
        formula1 = (
        c1.value = formula1
        wb_cur = ExcelWidget(wb_cur).arial_8_yellow_bold_number0(c1)
        wb_cur = ExcelWidget(wb_cur).border_tb(c1)

    #Adjusted EBITDA
    row_next += 2
    c1 = ws_cur.cell(row=row_next, column=1, value='ADJUSTED EBITDA')
    wb_cur = ExcelWidget(wb_cur).arial_8_bold(c1)

    for c in range(2, c_last + 1):
        c1 = ws_cur.cell(row=row_next, column=c)
        c_ebitda = ws_cur.cell(row=row_ebitda, column=c)
        c_excl_exp = ws_cur.cell(row=row_next - 2, column=c)
        formula1 = ExcelWidget(wb_cur).sum_2(c_ebitda, c_excl_exp)
        c1.value = formula1
        wb_cur = ExcelWidget(wb_cur).arial_8_yellow_bold_number0(c1)
        wb_cur = ExcelWidget(wb_cur).border_tb(c1)

    #Row height
    for r in range(1, ws_cur.max_row + 1):
        ws_cur.row_dimensions[r].height = 11.5

    #Column Width
    ws_cur.column_dimensions['A'].width = 27

    for c in range(2, 14):
        ws_cur.column_dimensions[dcc.get(c)].width = 10

    ws_cur.column_dimensions['N'].width = 10.5

    #Page Setup
    wb_cur = ExcelWidget(wb_cur).page_setup_portrait_1X1(ws_cur, 5)

    #Freeze Panes
    c1 = ws_cur.cell(row=6, column=1)
    ws_cur.freeze_panes = c1

    return wb_cur
def excelupdate(Workbook, dict_db, date_end, month_actual, month_budget):
    #Get data from data warehouse
    gl_data = retrieve1(dict_db=dict_db)

    wb_new = Workbook
    ws_cur = wb_new.create_sheet('EBITDA Cash Analysis')

    col_actual_start = 2
    col_actual_end = col_actual_start + len(month_actual) - 1
    col_budget_start = col_actual_end + 1
    col_budget_end = col_budget_start + len(month_budget) - 1

    c1 = ws_cur.cell(row=1, column=1, value="Consolidated (HT/MYOP/RAC)")
    c1.alignment = Alignment(horizontal='center')
    c1.font = Font(bold='true')
    c1 = ws_cur.cell(row=2, column=1, value="EBITDA Cash Analysis")
    c1.alignment = Alignment(horizontal='center')
    c1.font = Font(bold='true')
    str_period = ("For Period Ending {d1:%B} "
                  "{d1.day}, {d1.year}").format(d1=date_end)
    c1 = ws_cur.cell(row=3, column=1, value=str_period)
    c1.alignment = Alignment(horizontal='center')
    c1.font = Font(bold='true')
    row_date = 7

    ws_cur.merge_cells(start_row=1, end_row=1, start_column=1, end_column=14)
    ws_cur.merge_cells(start_row=2, end_row=2, start_column=1, end_column=14)
    ws_cur.merge_cells(start_row=3, end_row=3, start_column=1, end_column=14)

    for c in range(2, 14):
        c1 = ws_cur.cell(row=row_date,
                         value=calendar.month_name[c - 1])
        c1.font = Font(underline='single', bold='true')
        c1.alignment = Alignment(horizontal='center')

    c1 = ws_cur.cell(row=row_date,
                     value='Total ' + str(date_end.year))
    c1.font = Font(underline='single', bold='true')
    c1.alignment = Alignment(horizontal='center')

    col_last = ws_cur.max_column

    #Actual Header
    c1 = ws_cur.cell(row=row_date - 1, column=col_actual_start, value='Actual')
    c1.font = Font(bold='true')
    c1.alignment = Alignment(horizontal='center')
    ws_cur.merge_cells(start_row=row_date - 1,
                       end_row=row_date - 1,
    for c in range(col_actual_start, col_actual_end + 1):
        c1 = ws_cur.cell(row=row_date - 1, column=c)
        c1.fill = PatternFill(start_color='b0e0e6',

    #Budget Header
    c1 = ws_cur.cell(row=row_date - 1, column=col_budget_start, value='Budget')
    c1.font = Font(bold='true')
    c1.alignment = Alignment(horizontal='center')
    ws_cur.merge_cells(start_row=row_date - 1,
                       end_row=row_date - 1,
    for c in range(col_budget_start, col_budget_end + 1):
        c1 = ws_cur.cell(row=row_date - 1, column=c)
        c1.fill = PatternFill(start_color='bdb76b',

    r_next = row_date + 1

    c1 = ws_cur.cell(row=r_next, column=1, value='Sales')

    sales = []
    for x in range(1, len(month_actual) + 1):
            sum(r[1] for r in gl_data if r[0].month == x
                if r[0].year == date_end.year))

    for c in range(2, 2 + len(month_actual)):
        c1 = ws_cur.cell(row=r_next, column=c, value=sales[c - 2])

    adj_gross_margin = []
    for x in range(1, len(month_actual) + 1):
            sum(r[2] for r in gl_data if r[0].month == x
                if r[0].year == date_end.year))

    r_next += 1
    c1 = ws_cur.cell(row=r_next, column=1, value='Adjusted Gross Margin')

    for c in range(2, 2 + len(month_actual)):
        c1 = ws_cur.cell(row=r_next, column=c, value=adj_gross_margin[c - 2])

    for c in range(2, 15):
        for r in range(r_next - 1, r_next + 1):
            c1 = ws_cur.cell(row=r, column=c)
            c1.number_format = '_(* #,##0_);_(* (#,##0);_(* ""-""??_);_(@_)'

    #Adjusted Gross Margin %
    r_next += 1
    c1 = ws_cur.cell(row=r_next, column=1, value='%')
    for c in range(2, 15):
        formula1 = ("=if({col_letter}{row1}=0,0,"
                        row1=r_next - 2,
                        row2=r_next - 1)
        c1 = ws_cur.cell(row=r_next, column=c, value=formula1)
        c1.number_format = '0.0%'

    #Adjusted EBITDA
    adj_ebitda = []
    for x in range(1, len(month_actual) + 1):
            sum(r[7] for r in gl_data if r[0].month == x
                if r[0].year == date_end.year))

    r_next += 1
    c1 = ws_cur.cell(row=r_next, column=1, value='Adjusted EBITDA')

    for c in range(col_actual_start, col_actual_end + 1):
        c1 = ws_cur.cell(row=r_next, column=c, value=adj_ebitda[c - 2])

    for c in range(col_actual_start, col_last + 1):
        c1 = ws_cur.cell(row=r_next, column=c)
        c1.number_format = '_(* #,##0_);_(* (#,##0);_(* ""-""??_);_(@_)'

    #Adj EBITDA %
    r_next += 1
    c1 = ws_cur.cell(row=r_next, column=1, value='%')
    for c in range(2, 15):
        formula1 = ("=if({col_letter}{row1}=0,0,"
                        row1=r_next - 4,
                        row2=r_next - 1)
        c1 = ws_cur.cell(row=r_next, column=c, value=formula1)
        c1.number_format = '0.0%'

    #EBITDA Adjustment
    r_next += 2
    c1 = ws_cur.cell(row=r_next, column=1, value='EBITDA Adjustment')
    r_next += 1
    c1 = ws_cur.cell(row=r_next, column=1, value='Adjusted EBITDA')
    c1.alignment = Alignment(indent=2)

    for c in range(col_actual_start, col_actual_end + 1):
        c1 = ws_cur.cell(row=r_next, column=c, value=adj_ebitda[c - 2])

    def_revenue = []
    for x in range(1, len(month_actual) + 1):
            sum(r[5] for r in gl_data if r[0].month == x
                if r[0].year == date_end.year))
    r_next += 1
    c1 = ws_cur.cell(row=r_next, column=1, value='Deferred Revenue')
    c1.alignment = Alignment(indent=2)

    for c in range(col_actual_start, col_actual_end + 1):
        c1 = ws_cur.cell(row=r_next, column=c, value=def_revenue[c - 2])

    excl_expense = []
    for x in range(1, len(month_actual) + 1):
            sum(r[4] for r in gl_data if r[0].month == x
                if r[0].year == date_end.year))
    r_next += 1
    c1 = ws_cur.cell(row=r_next, column=1, value='Excluded Expenses')
    c1.alignment = Alignment(indent=2)

    for c in range(col_actual_start, col_actual_end + 1):
        c1 = ws_cur.cell(row=r_next, column=c, value=excl_expense[c - 2])

    r_next += 1
    c1 = ws_cur.cell(row=r_next, column=1, value='Cash EBITDA')
    for c in range(col_actual_start, col_last + 1):
        formula1 = "=sum({col_letter}{row1}:{col_letter}{row2})".format(
            col_letter=dcc.get(c), row1=r_next - 3, row2=r_next - 1)
        c1 = ws_cur.cell(row=r_next, column=c, value=formula1)

    #Cash Needs
    r_next += 2
    c1 = ws_cur.cell(row=r_next, column=1, value='Cash Needs')
    r_next += 1
    c1 = ws_cur.cell(row=r_next, column=1, value='Cash Interest (1)')
    c1.alignment = Alignment(indent=2)
    def_finance_fees = setup1.def_finance_fees()
    interest_expense = []

    for x in range(1, len(month_actual) + 1):
            sum(r[6] - def_finance_fees for r in gl_data if r[0].month == x
                if r[0].year == date_end.year))

    for c in range(col_actual_start, col_actual_end + 1):
        c1 = ws_cur.cell(row=r_next, column=c, value=interest_expense[c - 2])

    r_next += 1
    c1 = ws_cur.cell(row=r_next, column=1, value='Principal Payments (2)')
    c1.alignment = Alignment(indent=2)

    for c in range(col_actual_start, col_actual_end + 1):
        c1 = ws_cur.cell(row=r_next,

    r_next += 1
    c1 = ws_cur.cell(row=r_next, column=1, value='CAPEX')
    c1.alignment = Alignment(indent=2)
    capex = []

    for x in range(1, len(month_actual) + 1):
            sum(r[8] for r in gl_data if r[0].month == x
                if r[0].year == date_end.year))

    for c in range(col_actual_start, col_actual_end + 1):
        c1 = ws_cur.cell(row=r_next, column=c, value=capex[c - 2])

    r_next += 1
    c1 = ws_cur.cell(row=r_next, column=1, value='Total Cash Needs')

    for c in range(col_actual_start, col_last + 1):
        formula1 = "=sum({col_letter}{row1}:{col_letter}{row2})".format(
            col_letter=dcc.get(c), row1=r_next - 3, row2=r_next - 1)
        c1 = ws_cur.cell(row=r_next, column=c, value=formula1)

    #Free Cash Flow
    r_next += 2
    c1 = ws_cur.cell(row=r_next,
                     value='Free Cash Flow (EBITDA Coverage')

    for c in range(col_actual_start, col_last + 1):
        formula1 = "={col_letter}{row1}-{col_letter}{row2}".format(
            col_letter=dcc.get(c), row1=r_next - 8, row2=r_next - 2)
        c1 = ws_cur.cell(row=r_next, column=c, value=formula1)

    #Budgeted FCF
    r_next += 1
    c1 = ws_cur.cell(row=r_next, column=1, value='Budged FCF')

    r_next += 1
    c1 = ws_cur.cell(row=r_next, column=1, value='Variance')

    for c in range(col_actual_start, col_last + 1):
        formula1 = "={col_letter}{row1}-{col_letter}{row2}".format(
            col_letter=dcc.get(c), row1=r_next - 2, row2=r_next - 1)
        c1 = ws_cur.cell(row=r_next, column=c, value=formula1)

    #Total Year
    sum_rows = [8, 9, 11, 15, 16, 17, 21, 22, 23, 27]

    for r in range(0, len(sum_rows)):
                    value=excel_formulas.sum_row_1(sum_rows[r], 2,
                                                   col_last - 1))

    #Format Cells
    row_start = row_date + 6
    row_last = ws_cur.max_row

    for c in range(2, col_last + 1):
        for r in range(row_start, row_last + 1):
            c1 = ws_cur.cell(row=r, column=c)
            c1.number_format = '_(* #,##0_);_(* (#,##0);_(* ""-""??_);_(@_)'

    r_next = row_last + 3
    str_note = (
        "1) Deferred Financing Fees are deducted from interest expense "
        "since it is non cash.")
    c1 = ws_cur.cell(row=r_next, column=1, value=str_note)

    #Column Width
    ws_cur.column_dimensions[dcc.get(1)].width = 35

    for c in range(2, 15):
        ws_cur.column_dimensions[dcc.get(c)].width = 13

    #Page Setup
    ws_cur.page_setup.orientation = ws_cur.ORIENTATION_LANDSCAPE
    ws_cur.page_setup.paper_size = ws_cur.PAPERSIZE_TABLOID
    ws_cur.page_setup.fitToPage = True
    ws_cur.page_setup.fitToHeight = False
    ws_cur.page_setup.fitToWidth = 1
    ws_cur.print_options.horizontalCentered = True
    ws_cur.page_margins = PageMargins(left=.5, right=.5, top=.5, bottom=.5)

    #Freeze Panes
    c1 = ws_cur.cell(row=8, column=1)
    ws_cur.freeze_panes = c1

    return wb_new
예제 #9
def location_inventory_update(wb):
    wb_cur = wb
    ws_cur = wb.create_sheet('Location Inventory')
    file_path = "Z:/Accounting/Accounting/Financial Package/"
    dir_list = listdir(file_path)
    inv_file = [x for x in dir_list if 'Inventory By Location' in x]

    if len(inv_file) > 1:
        print('Multiple Inventory By Location Files, Process Cancelled!')

    msg_text = "Use Inventory File {f1}?".format(f1=inv_file)
    root = Tk()
    answer_loc_file = messagebox.askquestion('Location File', msg_text)

    if answer_loc_file == 'no':
        print('Wrong Location File in Package Folder, Process Cancelled!')
        err_index = 1
        cont_return = [wb_cur, err_index]

    wb_source = load_workbook(file_path + inv_file[0], read_only=True)

    #Last Worksheet
    ws_source = wb_source.worksheets[len(wb_source.worksheets) - 1]

    #Last data row
    r = 1

    while True:
        if ws_source.cell(row=r, column=2).value == 'TOTAL INVENTORY':
        if r > ws_source.max_row:
        r += 1

    if r > ws_source.max_row:
        print(("Location Inventory: Can't find TOTAL INVENTORY record, "
               "Process Cancelled"))
        err_index = 1
        cont_return = [wb_cur, err_index]

    row_end = r - 1

    #Header data row
    r = 1

    while True:
        if ws_source.cell(row=r, column=2).value == 'Location':
        if r > ws_source.max_row:
        r += 1

    if r > ws_source.max_row:
        print(("Location Inventory: Can't find Location column header record, "
               "Process Cancelled"))
        err_index = 1
        cont_return = [wb_cur, err_index]

    row_header = r

    titles = []
    titles.append(ws_source.cell(row=1, column=1).value)
    titles.append(ws_source.cell(row=2, column=1).value)
    titles.append(ws_source.cell(row=3, column=1).value)

    header1 = [
        ws_source.cell(row=row_header, column=x).value for x in range(1, 7)

    #flat list of records
    records = []

    for r in range(row_header + 1, row_end + 1):
        for c in range(1, 5):
            records.append(ws_source.cell(row=r, column=c).value)

    #row list of records
    records2 = []

    for x in range(0, len(records), 4):
        records2.append(records[x:x + 4])

    for x in range(0, len(records2)):
        if records2[x][0] == None:
            records2[x][0] = records2[x - 1][0]
        if records2[x][0] == 'Managed':
            records2[x][0] = 'Vendor Managed'

    #remove blanks
    records3 = [
        x for x in records2 if float(x[2] or 0) + float(x[3] or 0) != 0

    #Write to Financial Package
    c1 = ws_cur.cell(row=1, column=1, value=titles[0])
    c1.font = Font(bold='true')
    c1.alignment = Alignment(horizontal='center')

    c1 = ws_cur.cell(row=2, column=1, value=titles[1])
    c1.font = Font(bold='true')
    c1.alignment = Alignment(horizontal='center')

    c1 = ws_cur.cell(row=3, column=1, value=titles[2])
    c1.font = Font(bold='true')
    c1.alignment = Alignment(horizontal='center')

    ws_cur.merge_cells(start_row=1, end_row=1, start_column=1, end_column=6)

    ws_cur.merge_cells(start_row=2, end_row=2, start_column=1, end_column=6)

    ws_cur.merge_cells(start_row=3, end_row=3, start_column=1, end_column=6)

    r_next = 5

    for c in range(1, 7):
        c1 = ws_cur.cell(row=r_next, column=c, value=header1[c - 1])
        c1.fill = PatternFill(start_color='cdc9c9',

    r_next += 1
    c_next = 1

    for r in range(0, len(records3)):
        for e in range(0, len(records3[r])):
            ws_cur.cell(row=r_next, column=c_next, value=records3[r][e])
            c_next += 1
        c_next = 1
        r_next += 1

    r_next = 6

    for r in range(r_next, ws_cur.max_row + 1):
        formula1 = "={col_1}{row_cur}-{col_2}{row_cur}".format(
            row_cur=r, col_1=dcc.get(4), col_2=dcc.get(3))
        ws_cur.cell(row=r, column=5, value=formula1)

    for r in range(r_next, ws_cur.max_row + 1):
        formula1 = ("=if({col_1}{row_cur}=0,0,"
                        row_cur=r, col_1=dcc.get(3), col_2=dcc.get(5))
        ws_cur.cell(row=r, column=6, value=formula1)

    #Count region records
    regions = sorted(set([x[0] for x in records3]))
    region_count = {}

    for r in regions:
        region_count[r] = [x[0] for x in records3 if x[0] == r].count(r)

    r_next = ws_cur.max_row + 2
    ws_cur.cell(row=r_next, column=1, value='Total')
    inv_pm = sum([x[2] for x in records3])
    ws_cur.cell(row=r_next, column=3, value=inv_pm)
    inv_cm = sum([x[3] for x in records3])
    ws_cur.cell(row=r_next, column=4, value=inv_cm)

    formula1 = "={col_1}{row_cur}-{col_2}{row_cur}".format(row_cur=r_next,
    ws_cur.cell(row=r_next, column=5, value=formula1)

    formula1 = ("=if({col_1}{row_cur}=0,0,"
    ws_cur.cell(row=r_next, column=6, value=formula1)

    for c in range(1, 7):
        ws_cur.cell(row=r_next, column=c).font = Font(bold=True)

    #Region Totals
    r_next = ws_cur.max_row + 2
    regions_supplies = [x for x in regions if x != 'Vendor Managed']

    for r in range(0, len(regions_supplies)):
        ws_cur.cell(row=r_next, column=1, value=regions_supplies[r])
        inv_pm = sum([x[2] for x in records3 if x[0] == regions_supplies[r]])
        ws_cur.cell(row=r_next, column=3, value=inv_pm)
        inv_cm = sum([x[3] for x in records3 if x[0] == regions_supplies[r]])
        ws_cur.cell(row=r_next, column=4, value=inv_cm)

        formula1 = "={col_1}{row_cur}-{col_2}{row_cur}".format(
            row_cur=r_next, col_1=dcc.get(4), col_2=dcc.get(3))
        ws_cur.cell(row=r_next, column=5, value=formula1)

        formula1 = ("=if({col_1}{row_cur}=0,0,"
                        row_cur=r_next, col_1=dcc.get(3), col_2=dcc.get(5))
        ws_cur.cell(row=r_next, column=6, value=formula1)

        r_next += 1

    r_next += 1
    ws_cur.cell(row=r_next, column=1, value='Total Supplies Inventory')
    inv_pm_supplies = sum([x[2] for x in records3 if x[0] != 'Vendor Managed'])
    ws_cur.cell(row=r_next, column=3, value=inv_pm_supplies)
    inv_cm_supplies = sum([x[3] for x in records3 if x[0] != 'Vendor Managed'])
    ws_cur.cell(row=r_next, column=4, value=inv_cm_supplies)

    formula1 = "={col_1}{row_cur}-{col_2}{row_cur}".format(row_cur=r_next,
    ws_cur.cell(row=r_next, column=5, value=formula1)

    formula1 = ("=if({col_1}{row_cur}=0,0,"
    ws_cur.cell(row=r_next, column=6, value=formula1)

    for c in range(1, 7):
        ws_cur.cell(row=r_next, column=c).font = Font(bold=True)

    #Vendor Managed Total
    r_next += 2
    ws_cur.cell(row=r_next, column=1, value='Vendor Managed')
    inv_pm_vendor = sum([x[2] for x in records3 if x[0] == 'Vendor Managed'])
    ws_cur.cell(row=r_next, column=3, value=inv_pm_vendor)
    inv_cm_vendor = sum([x[3] for x in records3 if x[0] == 'Vendor Managed'])
    ws_cur.cell(row=r_next, column=4, value=inv_cm_vendor)

    formula1 = "={col_1}{row_cur}-{col_2}{row_cur}".format(row_cur=r_next,
    ws_cur.cell(row=r_next, column=5, value=formula1)

    formula1 = ("=if({col_1}{row_cur}=0,0,"
    ws_cur.cell(row=r_next, column=6, value=formula1)

    for c in range(1, 7):
        ws_cur.cell(row=r_next, column=c).font = Font(bold=True)

    format_number = '_(* #,##0_);_(* (#,##0);_(* ""-""??_);_(@_)'
    for r in range(6, ws_cur.max_row + 1):
        for c in range(3, 6):
            ws_cur.cell(row=r, column=c).number_format = format_number

    for r in range(6, ws_cur.max_row + 1):
        for c in range(6, 7):
            ws_cur.cell(row=r, column=c).number_format = '0.0%'

    for c in range(1, 7):
        ws_cur.cell(row=5, column=c).alignment = Alignment(horizontal='center')
        ws_cur.cell(row=5, column=c).font = Font(bold=True)

    #Page Setup
    ws_cur.column_dimensions[dcc.get(1)].width = 24
    ws_cur.column_dimensions[dcc.get(2)].width = 33
    ws_cur.column_dimensions[dcc.get(3)].width = 18
    ws_cur.column_dimensions[dcc.get(4)].width = 18
    ws_cur.column_dimensions[dcc.get(5)].width = 18
    ws_cur.column_dimensions[dcc.get(6)].width = 13

    ws_cur.page_setup.orientation = ws_cur.ORIENTATION_PORTRAIT
    ws_cur.page_setup.paper_size = ws_cur.PAPERSIZE_TABLOID
    ws_cur.page_setup.fitToPage = True
    ws_cur.page_setup.fitToHeight = 1
    ws_cur.page_setup.fitToWidth = 1
    ws_cur.print_options.horizontalCentered = True
    ws_cur.page_margins = PageMargins(left=.5,

    #Freeze Panes
    c1 = ws_cur.cell(row=6, column=1)
    ws_cur.freeze_panes = c1

    cont_return = [wb_cur]
    return cont_return
예제 #10
def excelupdate(wb, dict_db, date_start, date_end, date_ytd_start,
    result = retrieve1(dict_db=dict_db)

    wb_cur = wb
    prod_class = sorted(set([r[1] for r in result]))
    ws_cur = wb_cur.create_sheet('Schedule B')
    c1 = ws_cur.cell(row=1, column=1, value='HiTouch Business Services, LLC')
    str_value = ("Schedule B - Office Products Business Unit Product Mix")
    c1 = ws_cur.cell(row=2, column=1, value=str_value)
    str_value = ("For the Period ending {d1:%B} {d1.day}, {d1.year}").format(
    c1 = ws_cur.cell(row=3, column=1, value=str_value)

    #4 Prior Months in descending order
    month_prior_4 = []

    for m in range(1, 4):
        month_prior_4.append(date_start + relativedelta(months=-m))

    #Reverse in ascending order

    row_start = 8

    #Product Class
    r_next = row_start

    for x in range(0, len(prod_class)):
        c1 = ws_cur.cell(row=r_next, column=1, value=prod_class[x])
        r_next += 1

    r_next = row_start - 1
    c1 = ws_cur.cell(row=r_next, column=1, value='Product Class')

    for c in range(2, 13, 2):
        c1 = ws_cur.cell(row=r_next, column=c, value='Revenues')

    for c in range(3, 14, 2):
        c1 = ws_cur.cell(row=r_next, column=c, value='% of Rev')

    r_next = row_start - 2
    c_next = 2

    for x in range(0, len(month_prior_4)):
        mth_name = calendar.month_name[month_prior_4[x].month]
        c1 = ws_cur.cell(row=r_next, column=c_next, value=mth_name)
        c_next += 2

    c1 = ws_cur.cell(row=r_next,
                     value=str(date_end.year) + ' ' + 'Year-to-Date')

    c1 = ws_cur.cell(row=r_next, column=12, value='Trailing 12 Months')

    #Revenue Trailing 4 Months
    r_next = row_start

    for p in prod_class:
        c_next = 2

        for c in month_prior_4:
            rev = sum([x[2] for x in result if x[0] == c if x[1] == p])
            c1 = ws_cur.cell(row=r_next, column=c_next, value=rev)
            c_next += 2
        r_next += 1

    #Revenue YTD
    r_next = row_start
    c_next = 10

    for p in prod_class:
        rev = sum([
            x[2] for x in result if date_ytd_start <= x[0] <= date_end
            if x[1] == p
        c1 = ws_cur.cell(row=r_next, column=c_next, value=rev)
        r_next += 1

    #Revenue Trailing 12 Months
    r_next = row_start
    c_next = 12

    for p in prod_class:
        rev = sum([
            x[2] for x in result if date_trail_12_start <= x[0] <= date_end
            if x[1] == p
        c1 = ws_cur.cell(row=r_next, column=c_next, value=rev)
        r_next += 1

    r_last = ws_cur.max_row
    r_total = r_last + 2
    c_next = 2

    for c in range(c_next, 14):
        formula1 = excel_formulas.sum_col_1(row1=row_start,
        c1 = ws_cur.cell(row=r_total, column=c, value=formula1)

    #% of Rev
    c_next = 3

    for c in range(c_next, 14, 2):
        for r in range(row_start, r_last + 1):
            formula1 = excel_formulas.pct_of_total1(c, r_total, r)
            c1 = ws_cur.cell(row=r, column=c, value=formula1)

    c_last = ws_cur.max_column


    for r in range(1, 4):
        c1 = ws_cur.cell(row=r, column=1)
        c1.alignment = Alignment(horizontal='center')
        c1.font = Font(bold='true')

    border_left = Border(left=Side(style='thin'),

    border_right = Border(right=Side(style='thin'),

    r_next = row_start - 2

    for c in range(2, 13, 2):
                           end_column=c + 1)
        c1 = ws_cur.cell(row=r_next, column=c)
        c1.alignment = Alignment(horizontal='center')
        c1.font = Font(bold='true')
        c1.border = border_left
        c1 = ws_cur.cell(row=r_next, column=c + 1)
        c1.border = border_right

    r_next = row_start - 1

    for c in range(1, c_last + 1):
        c1 = ws_cur.cell(row=r_next, column=c)
        c1.font = Font(bold='true')
        c1.alignment = Alignment(horizontal='center')

    for c in range(2, 13, 2):
        for r in range(row_start, r_total + 1):
            c1 = ws_cur.cell(row=r, column=c)
            c1.number_format = '_(* #,##0_);_(* (#,##0);_(* ""-""??_);_(@_)'

    for c in range(3, 14, 2):
        for r in range(row_start, r_total + 1):
            c1 = ws_cur.cell(row=r, column=c)
            c1.number_format = '0.0%'

    #Column widths
    ws_cur.column_dimensions['A'].width = 27

    for c in range(2, c_last + 1):
        ws_cur.column_dimensions[dcc.get(c)].width = 12.5

    #Page Setup
    ws_cur.page_setup.orientation = ws_cur.ORIENTATION_LANDSCAPE
    ws_cur.page_setup.paper_size = ws_cur.PAPERSIZE_TABLOID
    ws_cur.page_setup.fitToPage = True
    ws_cur.page_setup.fitToHeight = False
    ws_cur.page_setup.fitToWidth = 1
    ws_cur.print_options.horizontalCentered = True
    ws_cur.page_margins = PageMargins(left=.5, right=.5, top=.5, bottom=.5)

    #Freeze Panes
    c1 = ws_cur.cell(row=8, column=1)
    ws_cur.freeze_panes = c1

    return wb_cur
예제 #11
 def col_total(self, rowstart, rowend, colcur):
     formula1 = "=SUM({c1}{r1}:{c1}{r2})".format(c1=dcc.get(colcur),
     return formula1
예제 #12
 def row_total(self, colstart, colend, rcur):
     formula1 = "=SUM({c1}{r1}:{c2}{r1})".format(c1=dcc.get(colstart),
     return formula1
예제 #13
def build_report(dict_db, date_end, wb):
    rebates = get_rebate_data(date_end, dict_db)
    sales = get_sales_data(date_end, dict_db)
    date_reverse = sorted(set([x[0] for x in sales]), reverse=1)
    wb_cur = wb
    ws_cur = wb_cur.create_sheet('Schedule C')
    ws_cur.cell(row=1, column=1, value='Schedule C - Rebate Components')
    ws_cur.cell(row=2, column=1, value='Consolidated (HT/MYOP)')
                value='For the 12 months ending {d1}'.format(
                    d1=datetime.strftime(date_end, '%B %d, %Y')))
    for r in range(1, 4):
        ws_cur.cell(row=r, column=1).font = Font(bold='true')
    date_reverse = sorted(set([x[0] for x in sales]), reverse=1)
    r_next = 5
    ws_cur.cell(row=r_next, column=2, value='Pricing')
    ws_cur.cell(row=r_next, column=3, value='Wholesalers')
    ws_cur.cell(row=r_next, column=4, value='Manufacturing')
    ws_cur.cell(row=r_next, column=5, value='Direct Buy')
    ws_cur.cell(row=r_next, column=6, value='Total')
    for c in range(2, 7):
        c1 = ws_cur.cell(row=r_next, column=c)
        c1.font = Font(bold='true', underline='single')
        c1.alignment = Alignment(horizontal='center')
    ws_cur.merge_cells(start_row=1, end_row=1, start_column=1, end_column=6)
    ws_cur.merge_cells(start_row=2, end_row=2, start_column=1, end_column=6)
    ws_cur.merge_cells(start_row=3, end_row=3, start_column=1, end_column=6)
    for r in range(1, 4):
        c1 = ws_cur.cell(row=r, column=1)
        c1.alignment = Alignment(horizontal='center')
    format_number = '_(* #,##0_);_(* (#,##0);_(* ""-""??_);_(@_)'
    border_tl = Border(top=Side(style='thin'),
    border_t = Border(top=Side(style='thin'))
    border_tr = Border(top=Side(style='thin'),
    border_bl = Border(bottom=Side(style='thin'),
    border_b = Border(bottom=Side(style='thin'))
    border_br = Border(bottom=Side(style='thin'),
    r_next += 2    
    for d in date_reverse:
        month_sales = sum([s[1] for s in sales if s[0] == d])
        ws_cur.cell(row=r_next, column=1, 
                    value = datetime.strftime(d, '%B %Y'))        
        pricing = sum([r[2] for r in rebates 
                             if r[0] == d 
                             if r[1] == 'Pricing'])
        c1 = ws_cur.cell(row=r_next, column=2, 
                    value = pricing)
        c1.border = border_tl
        wholesaler = sum([r[2] for r in rebates 
                             if r[0] == d 
                             if r[1] == 'Wholesalers'])
        ws_cur.cell(row=r_next, column=3, 
                    value = wholesaler)        
        manufacturing = sum([r[2] for r in rebates 
                             if r[0] == d 
                             if r[1] == 'Manufacturing'])
        ws_cur.cell(row=r_next, column=4, 
                    value = manufacturing)
        direct_buy = sum([r[2] for r in rebates 
                             if r[0] == d 
                             if r[1] == 'Direct Buy Savings'])                
        ws_cur.cell(row=r_next, column=5, 
                    value = direct_buy)
        formula_total = '=sum(B{r1}:E{r1})'.format(r1=r_next)
        c1 = ws_cur.cell(row=r_next, column=6, value=formula_total)
        c1.border = border_tr
        for c in range(2, 7):
            ws_cur.cell(row=r_next, column=c).number_format = format_number
        for c in range(3, 6):
            c1 = ws_cur.cell(row=r_next, column=c).border = border_t            
        pricing_ratio = pricing / month_sales if month_sales else 0
        wholesaler_ratio = wholesaler / month_sales if month_sales else 0
        manufacturing_ratio = manufacturing / month_sales if month_sales else 0
        direct_buy_ratio = direct_buy / month_sales if month_sales else 0
        ws_cur.cell(row=r_next + 1, column=1, value='% of Revenue')
        ws_cur.cell(row=r_next + 1, column=2, value=pricing_ratio)
        ws_cur.cell(row=r_next + 1, column=3, value=wholesaler_ratio)
        ws_cur.cell(row=r_next + 1, column=4, value=manufacturing_ratio)
        ws_cur.cell(row=r_next + 1, column=5, value=direct_buy_ratio)
        formula_total = '=sum(B{r1}:E{r1})'.format(r1=r_next + 1)
        ws_cur.cell(row=r_next + 1, column=6, value=formula_total)
        for c in range(2, 7):
            ws_cur.cell(row=r_next + 1, column=c).number_format = '0.0%'
        ws_cur.cell(row=r_next + 1, column=2).border = border_bl
        for c in range(3, 6):
            ws_cur.cell(row=r_next + 1, column=c).border = border_b
        ws_cur.cell(row=r_next + 1, column=6).border = border_br
        r_next += 3
    ws_cur.cell(row=r_next, column=1, value='Rolling 12 Month Total')
    for c in range(2, 7):
        r = 3
        cat_total = '='
        for x in range(1, 13):
            cat_total = cat_total + '{c1}{r1}+'.format(
                c1=dcc.get(c), r1=r_next - r)
            r += 3 
        cat_total = cat_total[:-1]
        ws_cur.cell(row=r_next, column=c, value=cat_total)
    ws_cur.cell(row=r_next + 1, column=1, value='% of Revenue')
    pricing = sum([r[2] for r in rebates
                         if r[1] == 'Pricing'])    
    wholesaler = sum([r[2] for r in rebates
                         if r[1] == 'Wholesalers'])
    manufacturing = sum([r[2] for r in rebates
                         if r[1] == 'Manufacturing'])    
    direct_buy = sum([r[2] for r in rebates
                         if r[1] == 'Direct Buy Savings'])
    rebate_total = sum([r[2] for r in rebates])
    sales_total = sum([s[1] for s in sales])
    pricing_ratio = pricing / sales_total if sales_total else 0
    wholesaler_ratio = wholesaler / sales_total if sales_total else 0
    manufacturing_ratio = manufacturing / sales_total if sales_total else 0
    direct_buy_ratio = direct_buy / sales_total if sales_total else 0    
    rebate_total_ratio = rebate_total / sales_total if sales_total else 0    
    ws_cur.cell(row=r_next + 1, column=2, value=pricing_ratio)
    ws_cur.cell(row=r_next + 1, column=3, value=wholesaler_ratio)
    ws_cur.cell(row=r_next + 1, column=4, value=manufacturing_ratio)
    ws_cur.cell(row=r_next + 1, column=5, value=direct_buy_ratio)
    ws_cur.cell(row=r_next + 1, column=6, value=rebate_total_ratio)
    for c in range(2, 7):
        ws_cur.cell(row=r_next, column=c).number_format = format_number    
        ws_cur.cell(row=r_next + 1, column=c).number_format = '0.0%'
    ws_cur.cell(row=r_next, column=2).border = border_tl
    ws_cur.cell(row=r_next + 1, column=2).border = border_bl
    for c in range(3, 6):
        ws_cur.cell(row=r_next, column=c).border = border_t
        ws_cur.cell(row=r_next + 1, column=c).border = border_b
    ws_cur.cell(row=r_next, column=6).border = border_tr
    ws_cur.cell(row=r_next + 1, column=6).border = border_br
    #Page Setup
    ws_cur.column_dimensions[dcc.get(1)].width = 22
    for c in range(2, 7):
        ws_cur.column_dimensions[dcc.get(c)].width = 15    
    ws_cur.page_setup.orientation = ws_cur.ORIENTATION_PORTRAIT
    ws_cur.page_setup.paper_size = ws_cur.PAPERSIZE_TABLOID
    ws_cur.page_setup.fitToPage = True
    ws_cur.page_setup.fitToHeight = 1
    ws_cur.page_setup.fitToWidth = 1
    ws_cur.print_options.horizontalCentered = True
    ws_cur.page_margins = PageMargins(left=.5, right=.5, top=.5, bottom=.5,
    #Freeze Panes
    c1 = ws_cur.cell(row=6, column=1)
    ws_cur.freeze_panes = c1    
    return wb_cur
예제 #14
c1.alignment = Alignment(horizontal='center')
c1.font = Font(bold='true')
c1.fill = PatternFill(start_color='da70d6',

#Sum Sales and Cost
row_end = ws_ht.max_row
col_end = ws_ht.max_column
r = row_end + 2
c1 = ws_ht.cell(row=r, column=1, value='DW Total')

for col in range(2, col_end + 1):
    f1 = '=SUM({col_letter1}{row1}:{col_letter2}{row2})'.format(
    c1 = ws_ht.cell(row=r, column=col, value=f1)
    c1.number_format = '_(* #,##0_);_(* (#,##0);_(* ""-""??_);_(@_)'
        col_letter=dcc.get(col))].width = w_Amt

#Column Headers
for c in range(2, col_end + 1, 2):
    c1 = ws_ht.cell(row=row_start - 1, column=c, value='Sales')

for c in range(3, col_end + 1, 2):
    c1 = ws_ht.cell(row=row_start - 1, column=c, value='Cost')