예제 #1
파일: type.py 프로젝트: OpenTTD/musa
def package_type(ini_parser, tar, tar_path, files):
    if not ini_parser.has_option("musa", "type"):
        raise MusaException("no type specified in the configuration file")

    type_name = ini_parser.get("musa", "type")
    if not type_name in types:
        raise MusaException("unknown type \"%s\"" % type_name)

    metadata = {'package_type': type_name}

    # uniqueid and content title cannot be obtained from the Scenario (.scn) or Heightmap image file.
    # So for them this need to be obtained from the .ini file instead and passed to their package
    # methods.
    if type_name in ["Scenario", "Heightmap"]:
        uniqueid_str = ini_parser.get("musa", "uniqueid")
        if len(uniqueid_str) == 8:
            uniqueid = int(uniqueid_str, 16)
        elif (len(uniqueid_str) > 0) and uniqueid_str[0] != '0':
            uniqueid = int(uniqueid_str, 10)
            raise MusaException("Invalid uniqueid syntax in ini file")

        title = get_scen_hm_title(ini_parser.get("musa", "name"),
                                  ini_parser.get("musa", "version"))
        metadata.update(types[type_name]['package'](tar, tar_path, files,
                                                    uniqueid, title))
        metadata.update(types[type_name]['package'](tar, tar_path, files))

    return metadata
예제 #2
def package_text(ini_parser, tar, tar_path, package_files):
	if ini_parser.has_option("musa", "description_file"):
		description_file = ini_parser.get("musa", "description_file")
			with open(description_file, 'r') as content_file:
				description_text = content_file.read()
			raise MusaException("unknown description file \"%s\"" % description_file)
	elif ini_parser.has_option("musa", "description_text"):
		description_text = ini_parser.get("musa", "description_text")
		raise MusaException("Neither description_text nor description_file specified in the configuration file")

	if len(description_text) > 512:
		raise MusaException("value for description is too long")

	check_utf8(description_text, "description")

	for fname in list(package_files):
		bname = os.path.basename(fname)
		if docs_regexp.match(bname):
			with open(fname, 'r') as content:
				check_utf8(content.read(), bname)
			tar.add(fname, arcname=os.path.join(tar_path, bname))

	return { 'description': description_text }
예제 #3
파일: misc.py 프로젝트: OpenTTD/musa
def package_misc(ini_parser):
	metadata = {}

	for field in fields.keys():
		if not ini_parser.has_option("musa", field):
			raise MusaException("no %s specified in the configuration file" % field)

		value = ini_parser.get("musa", field)
		if len(value) > fields[field]:
			raise MusaException("value for %s is too long" % field)

		check_utf8(value, field)
		metadata[field] = value

	metadata['min_version'] = parse_version(ini_parser, 'openttd_minimum_supported_version', 0x06000000)
	metadata['max_version'] = parse_version(ini_parser, 'openttd_maximum_supported_version', -1)
	metadata['safe_name'] = safe_filename(metadata["name"]) + "-" + safe_filename(metadata["version"], True)

	metadata['tags'] = parse_list(ini_parser, 'tags')
	for tag in metadata['tags']:
		if len(tag) > 32:
			raise MusaException("invalid tag name")

	metadata['authors'] = parse_list(ini_parser, 'authors')

	raw_deps = parse_list(ini_parser, 'dependencies')
	dep_list = list()
	for dep in raw_deps:
		type, uniqueid, md5sum = checkdependency(dep)
		dep_list.append(type + ":" + "%08X" % uniqueid + ":" + "%032x" % md5sum)
	metadata['dependencies'] = dep_list

	return metadata
예제 #4
파일: type.py 프로젝트: OpenTTD/musa
def validate_script(metadata, tar, tar_path, suspect_filenames, infofile):
    if tar is None:

    filename = find_exact_file_in_list(tar.getnames(), infofile)
    short_name = get_script_short_name(tar.extractfile(filename))
    if len(short_name) != 4:
        raise MusaException("Invalid short name")
    uniqueid = (ord(short_name[0]) << 0) + (ord(short_name[1]) << 8) + (
        ord(short_name[2]) << 16) + (ord(short_name[3]) << 24)
    if metadata['uniqueid'] != uniqueid:
        raise MusaException("Invalid short name")

    md5sum = 0
    for file in tar.getnames():
        ext = file.split(".")[-1]
        if ext == "nut":
            md5sum ^= validate_md5(tar.extractfile(file), None,

        if file in suspect_filenames:
            if ext == "nut" or re.search("\/|\\\\lang\/|\\\\.*\.txt$",
                                         file.lower()) != None:

    if metadata['md5sum'] != "%032x" % md5sum:
        raise MusaException("md5sum mismatch")
예제 #5
파일: type.py 프로젝트: OpenTTD/musa
def validate_bg(metadata, tar, tar_path, suspect_filenames):
    if tar is None:

    (filename, ini_parser,
     shortname) = validate_packaged_ini(tar, obg_ini, ".obg")
    if os.path.dirname(filename) != tar_path:
        raise MuseException("obg file %s in wrong folder" % fname)


    if metadata['uniqueid'] != (ord(shortname[0]) << 0) + (
            ord(shortname[1]) << 8) + (ord(shortname[2]) << 16) + (
                ord(shortname[3]) << 24):
        raise MusaException("uniqueid mismatch")

    grfs = get_md5sums(ini_parser, obg_ini, tar.getnames())
    md5sum = 0
    for name, fname, md5 in grfs:
        if os.path.dirname(fname) != tar_path:
            raise MuseException("grf file %s in wrong folder" % fname)

        md5sum ^= validate_md5(tar.extractfile(fname), md5,

    if metadata['md5sum'] != "%032x" % md5sum:
        raise MusaException("md5sum mismatch")
예제 #6
파일: misc.py 프로젝트: OpenTTD/musa
def check_utf8(text, type):
	if not isinstance(text, str):
		raise MusaException("%s is not a string" % type)
	except UnicodeDecodeError:
		raise MusaException("%s is not a valid UTF-8 content" % type)
예제 #7
파일: type.py 프로젝트: OpenTTD/musa
def find_exact_file_in_list(files, filename):
    rets = [file for file in files if os.path.basename(file) == filename]
    if len(rets) > 1:
        raise MusaException("multiple %s files" % filename)
    if len(rets) == 0:
        raise MusaException("no %s file" % filename)

    return rets[0]
예제 #8
파일: musad.py 프로젝트: OpenTTD/musa
    def handle_version(self, version):
        if not isinstance(version, str):
            raise MusaException("invalid type for version")

        if version != "0.0.0":
            raise MusaException("please update your client to version %s" %

        self.state = self.handle_authorization
예제 #9
파일: type.py 프로젝트: OpenTTD/musa
def find_file_in_list(files, end):
    rets = []
    for e in end:
        rets += [file for file in files if file.endswith(e)]

    if len(rets) > 1:
        raise MusaException("multiple %s files" % end)
    if len(rets) == 0:
        raise MusaException("no %s file" % end)

    return rets[0]
예제 #10
파일: type.py 프로젝트: OpenTTD/musa
def validate_newgrf(metadata, tar, tar_path, suspect_filenames):
    if metadata['uniqueid'] >> 24 == 0xFF:
        raise MusaException("Invalid/system GRF")

    if tar is None:

    filename = find_file_in_list(tar.getnames(), [".grf"])
    md5sum = validate_md5(tar.extractfile(filename), metadata['md5sum'],
    if metadata['uniqueid'] != get_grfid(tar.extractfile(filename)):
        raise MusaException("uniqueid mismatch")

예제 #11
파일: type.py 프로젝트: OpenTTD/musa
def validate_ini(file, expected_sections):
    ini_parser = ConfigParser()

    for section, keys in obg_ini.items():
        if not ini_parser.has_section(section):
            raise MusaException("section %s is missing" % section)
        for key in keys:
            if not ini_parser.has_option(section, key):
                raise MusaException("option %s:%s is missing" % (section, key))

    shortname = ini_parser.get("metadata", "shortname")
    if len(shortname) != 4:
        raise MusaException("the short name is not 4 long")

    return (ini_parser, shortname)
예제 #12
파일: type.py 프로젝트: OpenTTD/musa
def package_script(tar, tar_path, files, infofile):
    filename = find_exact_file_in_list(files, infofile)
    short_name = get_script_short_name(open(filename))
    if len(short_name) != 4:
        raise MusaException("Invalid short name")
    uniqueid = (ord(short_name[0]) << 0) + (ord(short_name[1]) << 8) + (
        ord(short_name[2]) << 16) + (ord(short_name[3]) << 24)

    md5sum = 0
    scriptFiles = list()
    for file in files:
        ext = file.split(".")[-1]
        if ext == "nut":
            md5sum ^= validate_md5(open(file, "rb"), None,

        if ext == "nut" or re.search("\/|\\\\lang\/|\\\\.*\.txt$",
                                     file) != None:

    common_path = os.path.commonprefix(scriptFiles)
    for file in scriptFiles:
        content_file_path = file[len(common_path):].replace(
            "\\", "/")  # remove common path
        tar.add(file, arcname=os.path.join(tar_path, content_file_path))

    return {'uniqueid': uniqueid, 'md5sum': "%032x" % md5sum}
예제 #13
파일: type.py 프로젝트: OpenTTD/musa
def validate_tar_file(tar, tar_path, filename, expected_content):
    tar_file = tar_join_path(tar_path, filename)
    f_expected = StringIO.StringIO(expected_content)
    f_expected.seek(0, os.SEEK_END)
    expected_size = f_expected.tell()
        f = tar.extractfile(tar_file)
    except tarfile.TarError:
        raise MusaException("Tar does not contain expected file " + filename)

    if tar.getmember(tar_file).size != expected_size:
        raise MusaException("File " + filename +
                            " in tar does not has the expected size")

    if f.read(expected_size) != expected_content:
        raise MusaException("File " + filename +
                            " in tar does not contain the expected content")
예제 #14
파일: musad.py 프로젝트: OpenTTD/musa
def authenticate(username, password):
    username = username.encode('utf-8')
    password = password.encode('utf-8')

    user_dn = "uid=" + username.lower() + ",ou=Users,dc=openttd,dc=org"
    ldap_conn = ldap.initialize(LDAP_HOST)
        ldap_conn.bind_s(user_dn, password)
    except ldap.INVALID_CREDENTIALS:
        raise MusaException("Invalid username/password")

    r = ldap_conn.search_s('ou=Users,dc=openttd,dc=org', ldap.SCOPE_SUBTREE,
                           "(uid=" + username.lower() + ")", ["memberOf"])
    if not 'cn=BaNaNaS-Manager,ou=Manager,ou=Groups,dc=openttd,dc=org' in r[0][
        raise MusaException("You are no bananas manager, you may not upload")

    return True
예제 #15
파일: musad.py 프로젝트: OpenTTD/musa
    def handle_metadata(self, metadata):
        if not isinstance(metadata, dict):
            raise MusaException("invalid type for metadata")

        self.metadata = metadata
        validate(self.metadata, None)

        if not self.user in self.metadata['authors']:
            raise MusaException(
                "you are not listed as author for this content")

        self.db_conn = _mysql.connect(DATABASE_HOST, DATABASE_USER,
                                      DATABASE_PASSWORD, DATABASE_NAME)

        check_content(self.user, self.metadata, self.db_conn)
        self.send("metadata validated at server side")

        self.binary = True
        self.state = self.handle_upload
예제 #16
def get_grfid(f):
        reader = GRFIDReader(f)
        grfcontversion = 1

        # Check version
        if reader.buffer[0:len(grfv2header)] == grfv2header:
            grfcontversion = 2
            reader.skip_bytes(len(grfv2header) + 4 + 1)

        if reader.read_size(
                grfcontversion) != 0x04 or reader.read_byte() != 0xFF:
            raise MusaException("No magic header")


        while True:
            num = reader.read_size(grfcontversion)
            if num == 0:
                # End of file, but no GRFID
                raise MusaException("No GRFID")

            type = reader.read_byte()
            if type == 0xFF:
                action = reader.read_byte()
                if action == 0x08:
                    # Ignored version
                    # Finally... the GRFID
                    return reader.swap(reader.read_dword())
                    # Skip pseudo sprites
                    reader.skip_bytes(num - 1)
                # Skip real sprites
                reader.skip_sprite_data(type, num - 8)
    except Exception, inst:
        raise inst
예제 #17
파일: misc.py 프로젝트: OpenTTD/musa
def checkdependency(dep):
	data = dep.split(":")
	if len(data) != 3:
		raise MusaException("invalid dependency")

	if not data[0] in [ "AI", "AI Library", "Base Graphic", "Base Music", "Base Sound", "Game Script", "GS Library", "Heightmap", "NewGRF", "Scenario" ]:
		raise MusaException("invalid dependency type")

	if len(data[1]) == 4:
		short_name = data[1]
		id = (ord(short_name[0]) << 0) + (ord(short_name[1]) << 8) + (ord(short_name[2]) << 16) + (ord(short_name[3]) << 24)
	elif len(data[1]) == 8:
			id = int(data[1], 16)
			raise MusaException("invalid dependency id")
		raise MusaException("invalid dependency id")

	if len(data[2]) != 32:
		raise MusaException("invalid dependency md5sum")

		md5 = int(data[2], 16)
		raise MusaException("invalid dependency id")

	return (data[0], id, md5)
예제 #18
파일: misc.py 프로젝트: OpenTTD/musa
def parse_list(ini_parser, field):
	if not ini_parser.has_option("musa", field):
		raise MusaException("no %s specified in the configuration file" % field)

	ret = set()
	data = ini_parser.get("musa", field)
	if len(data) != 0:
		for value in data.split(","):
			value = value.strip()
			check_utf8(value, field)

	return list(ret)
예제 #19
파일: type.py 프로젝트: OpenTTD/musa
def package_newgrf(tar, tar_path, files):
    filename = find_file_in_list(files, [".grf"])
    uniqueid = get_grfid(open(filename, 'rb'))
    if uniqueid >> 24 == 0xFF:
        raise MusaException("Invalid/system GRF")

    md5sum = validate_md5(open(filename, "rb"), None,

            arcname=os.path.join(tar_path, os.path.basename(filename)))
    return {'uniqueid': uniqueid, 'md5sum': "%032x" % md5sum}
예제 #20
파일: type.py 프로젝트: OpenTTD/musa
def get_md5sums(ini_parser, sections, files):
    grfs = []
    for key in sections['files']:
        name = ini_parser.get('files', key)

        if not ini_parser.has_option('md5s', name):
            raise MusaException("no MD5 checksum given for %s" % name)

        md5 = ini_parser.get('md5s', name)
        fname = find_file_in_list(files, [name])
        grfs.append((name, fname, md5))

    return grfs
예제 #21
def get_script_type(f):

    for line in f.readlines():

        if re.search("extends\\s+GSInfo", line) != None:
            return 'GS'
        elif re.search("extends\\s+GSLibrary", line) != None:
            return 'GS'
        elif re.search("extends\\s+AIInfo", line) != None:
            return 'AI'
        elif re.search("extends\\s+AILibrary", line) != None:
            return 'AI'

    raise MusaException('Unknown script type')
예제 #22
파일: validate.py 프로젝트: OpenTTD/musa
def validate(metadata, tar, verbose=False):
    if not 'safe_name' in metadata:
        raise MusaException("safe name is missing")
    if not isinstance(metadata['safe_name'], str):
        raise MusaException("safe name is invalid")

    tar_path = metadata['safe_name']
    if tar is not None:
        suspect_filenames = tar.getnames()
        for fn in suspect_filenames:
            if not fn.startswith(tar_path):
                raise MusaException("invalid file in tarball")

            if tar.getmember(fn).isdir():
        suspect_filenames = []

    if verbose: print "validating misc data"
    validate_misc(metadata, tar, tar_path, suspect_filenames)

    if verbose: print "validating license..."
    validate_license(metadata, tar, tar_path, suspect_filenames)

    if verbose: print "validating text"
    validate_text(metadata, tar, tar_path, suspect_filenames)

    if verbose: print "validating type..."
    validate_type(metadata, tar, tar_path, suspect_filenames)

    if len(suspect_filenames) != 0:
        if verbose:
            print "the following unknown files are found:"
            for sf in suspect_filenames:
                print " - %s" % sf
        raise MusaException("unknown files in tarball")
예제 #23
파일: type.py 프로젝트: OpenTTD/musa
def validate_md5(file, md5, size):
        md5sum = hashlib.md5()

        read_header = file.read(10)
        read_header = [ord(i) for i in read_header]
        size -= 10

        expected_header = list(
            array.array('B', [
                0x00, 0x00,
                ord('F'), 0x82, 0x0D, 0x0A, 0x1A, 0x0A
        if read_header == expected_header:
            raw_size = file.read(4)
            size -= 4
            size = unpack("<i", raw_size)[0]

        while size > 0:
            data = file.read(min(8192, size))
            if data is None or len(data) == 0:

            size -= len(data)

        digest = md5sum.hexdigest()
        if md5 is not None and digest != md5:
            print digest
            print md5
            raise MusaException("MD5 checksums do not match!")

        return int(digest, 16)
예제 #24
파일: type.py 프로젝트: OpenTTD/musa
def validate_type(metadata, tar, tar_path, suspect_filenames):
    if not 'package_type' in metadata:
        raise MusaException("package type is missing")
    if not isinstance(metadata['package_type'], str):
        raise MusaException("package_type is invalid")

    package_type = metadata['package_type']
    if not package_type in types:
        raise MusaException("invalid package type")

    if not "uniqueid" in metadata:
        raise MusaException("uniqueid missing")
    if not isinstance(metadata['uniqueid'], int):
        raise MusaException("uniqueid is invalid")

    if not "md5sum" in metadata:
        raise MusaException("md5sum missing")
    if not isinstance(metadata['md5sum'], str):
        raise MusaException("md5sum is invalid")

    types[package_type]['validate'](metadata, tar, tar_path, suspect_filenames)
예제 #25
파일: musad.py 프로젝트: OpenTTD/musa
    def handle_authorization(self, info):
        if not isinstance(info, dict):
            raise MusaException("invalid type for info")

        if not "username" in info or not isinstance(info["username"], str):
            raise MusaException("invalid type for info")
        if not "password" in info or not isinstance(info["password"], str):
            raise MusaException("invalid type for info")
        if not "check" in info or not isinstance(info["check"], str):
            raise MusaException("invalid type for info")

        if info["check"] != "yes I am":
            raise MusaException(
                "you are not the author of this content. You may not upload it"

        if not authenticate(info["username"], info["password"]):
            raise MusaException("could not authenticate")

        self.user = info["username"]
        self.state = self.handle_metadata
예제 #26
파일: misc.py 프로젝트: OpenTTD/musa
def parse_version(ini_parser, name, default):
	if not ini_parser.has_option("musa", name):
		raise MusaException("no %s specified in the configuration file" % name)

	version = ini_parser.get("musa", name)
	if len(version) == 0:
		return default

	version = version.split(" ", 2)
	if len(version) == 1:
		version = version[0].split(".")
		if len(version) != 3:
			raise MusaException("invalid full version")
		iversion = []
			for v in version:
			raise MusaException("invalid full version")

		if name == 'openttd_maximum_supported_version':
			stable_comp = 0x0008FFFF
			stable_comp = 0x00080000
		return iversion[0] * 0x10000000 + iversion[1] * 0x01000000 + iversion[2] * 0x00100000 + stable_comp
		if not version[1].startswith("r"):
			raise MusaException("invalid revision")
			revision = int(version[1][1:])
			version = version[0].split(".")
			if len(version) != 2:
				raise MusaException("invalid full version")
			iversion = []
			for v in version:
			raise MusaException("invalid full version")
		return iversion[0] * 0x10000000 + iversion[1] * 0x01000000 + revision
예제 #27
def validate_text(metadata, tar, tar_path, suspect_filenames):
	if not 'description' in metadata:
		raise MusaException("description is missing")
	if not isinstance(metadata['description'], str):
		raise MusaException("description is invalid")

	if len(metadata['description']) > 512:
		raise MusaException("value for description is too long")

	check_utf8(metadata['description'], "description")

	if not 'name' in metadata:
		raise MusaException("name is missing")
	if not isinstance(metadata['name'], str):
		raise MusaException("name is invalid")

	if len(metadata['name']) > 32:
		raise MusaException("value for name is too long")

	check_utf8(metadata['name'], "name")

	if tar is not None:
		for member in tar.getnames():
			bname = os.path.basename(member)
			if docs_regexp.match(bname):
					fd = tar.extractfile(member)
					check_utf8(fd.read(), bname)

				if os.path.dirname(member) != tar_path:
					raise MuseException("text file %s in wrong folder" % member)

예제 #28
 def fill_buffer(self):
     self.buffer = [ord(i) for i in self.file.read(8192)]
     if len(self.buffer) == 0:
         raise MusaException("Invalid GRF")
예제 #29
파일: misc.py 프로젝트: OpenTTD/musa
def validate_misc(metadata, tar, tar_path, suspect_filenames):
	for field in fields.keys():
		if not field in metadata:
			raise MusaException("%s missing" % field)

		value = metadata[field]
		if len(value) > fields[field]:
			raise MusaException("value for %s is too long" % field)

		check_utf8(value, field)

	if not 'safe_name' in metadata:
		raise MusaException("safe_name missing")
	if not isinstance(metadata['safe_name'], str):
		raise MusaException("safe name is invalid")

	if not 'min_version' in metadata:
		raise MusaException("min_version missing")
	if not isinstance(metadata['min_version'], int):
		raise MusaException("min_version is invalid")

	if not 'max_version' in metadata:
		raise MusaException("min_version missing")
	if not isinstance(metadata['max_version'], int):
		raise MusaException("max_version is invalid")

	min_version = int(metadata['min_version'])
	max_version = int(metadata['max_version'])
	if max_version != -1 and min_version > max_version or min_version < 0 or max_version < -1:
		raise MusaException("invalid version")

	if metadata['safe_name'] != safe_filename(metadata["name"]) + "-" + safe_filename(metadata["version"], True):
		raise MusaException("safe_name inconsistent")

	if not 'tags' in metadata:
		raise MusaException("tags missing")
	if not isinstance(metadata['tags'], list):
		raise MusaException("tags is invalid")

	for tag in metadata['tags']:
		check_utf8(tag, "tags")
		if len(tag) > 32:
			raise MusaException("invalid tag name")

	if not 'authors' in metadata:
		raise MusaException("authors missing")
	if not isinstance(metadata['authors'], list):
		raise MusaException("authors is invalid")

	if len(metadata['authors']) < 1:
		raise MusaException("authors missing")

	for author in metadata['authors']:
		check_utf8(author, "authors")

	if not 'dependencies' in metadata:
		raise MusaException("dependencies missing")
	if not isinstance(metadata['dependencies'], list):
		raise MusaException("dependencies is invalid")

	for dep in metadata['dependencies']:
		check_utf8(dep, "dependencies")
예제 #30
파일: musad.py 프로젝트: OpenTTD/musa
def check_content(username, metadata, db_conn):
    # Verify name
		SELECT username
		FROM bananas_file
		JOIN bananas_type ON bananas_file.type_id = bananas_type.id
		JOIN bananas_file_authors ON bananas_file.id = bananas_file_authors.file_id
		JOIN bananas_author ON bananas_author.id = bananas_file_authors.author_id
		JOIN auth_user ON auth_user.id = bananas_author.user_id
		WHERE bananas_file.name = "%s" AND bananas_type.name = "%s"
		ORDER BY bananas_file.id
		""" % (_mysql.escape_string(metadata['name']), metadata['package_type']))

    users = []
    for row in db_conn.store_result().fetch_row(maxrows=0):

    if len(users) > 0 and not username in users:
        raise MusaException(
            "the supplied content name is already used by another author")

    # Verify ownership of uniqueid
		SELECT bananas_file.id, filename, version, uniquemd5, blacklist, published, username
		FROM bananas_file
		JOIN bananas_type ON bananas_file.type_id = bananas_type.id
		JOIN bananas_file_authors ON bananas_file.id = bananas_file_authors.file_id
		JOIN bananas_author ON bananas_author.id = bananas_file_authors.author_id
		JOIN auth_user ON auth_user.id = bananas_author.user_id
		WHERE uniqueid = %d AND bananas_type.name = "%s"
		ORDER BY bananas_file.id
		""" % (metadata['uniqueid'], metadata['package_type']))

    prevId = None
    users = []
    for row in db_conn.store_result().fetch_row(maxrows=0):
        if row[1] == metadata['safe_name']:
            raise MusaException("this content is already uploaded (filename)")
        if row[2] == metadata['version']:
            raise MusaException("this content is already uploaded (version)")
        if row[3] == metadata['md5sum']:
            raise MusaException("this content is already uploaded (md5)")
        if row[4] == "1":
            raise MusaException("this content is blacklisted")
        if row[5] == "1":
            prevId = int(row[0])

    if len(users) > 0 and username not in users:
        raise MusaException(
            "you are no author for this content; you cannot update it")

    if prevId == None and metadata['package_type'] in [
            'Scenario', 'Heightmap'
        raise MusaException(
            "heightmaps and scenarios must be initially uploaded via bananas web manager to obtain a uniqueid"

    metadata['prevId'] = prevId
    metadata['resolved_dependencies'] = []
    for dep in metadata['dependencies']:
        act_dep = dep.split(":")
			SELECT bananas_file.id FROM bananas_file
			JOIN bananas_type ON bananas_file.type_id = bananas_type.id
			WHERE uniqueid = %d AND bananas_type.name = "%s" AND uniquemd5 = "%s"
			""" % (int(act_dep[1], 16), act_dep[0], act_dep[2]))
        data = db_conn.store_result().fetch_row(maxrows=0)
        if len(data) == 0:
            raise MusaException("dependency %s not in bananas" % dep)
        if len(data) > 1:
            raise MusaException("duplicate %s dependencies in bananas" % dep)

    metadata['resolved_authors'] = []
    for author in metadata['authors']:
			SELECT bananas_author.id
			FROM bananas_author
			JOIN auth_user ON auth_user.id = bananas_author.user_id
			WHERE username = '******'
			""" % (_mysql.escape_string(author)))
        data = db_conn.store_result().fetch_row(maxrows=0)
        if len(data) == 0:
            raise MusaException(
                "author %s not in bananas; this author must first accept bananas' terms"
                % author)
        if len(data) > 1:
            raise MusaException("duplicate %s authors in bananas" % author)