예제 #1
 def delete_node(self, *args):
     """arg should be like this: .//managedObject[@class="LNCEL"][@distName="0"]/list/item/p[@name="dFpucchF1b"]
     for each_node in args:
         each_node = self._re_config_path(each_node)
         self._log.debug("new_node_path:%s", each_node)
         elements = self._xml_inst.get_elements(self._xml_parser, each_node)
         if not elements:
             raise TAFileException(
                 "not found any elements, please check your xpath!--%s." %
         for ele in elements:
             self._xml_inst.remove_elements(self._xml_parser, each_node)
 def modify_node_text(self, *args):
     """arg should be like this: './/managedObject[@class="LNBTS"]/p[@name="actDLCAggr"]:false'
     for each_node in args:
         ret_temp = each_node.split(":")
         node_path = ":".join(ret_temp[:-1])
         node_path = self._re_config_path(node_path)
         value = ret_temp[-1]
         self._log.debug("node_path:%s, value:%s", node_path, value)
         elements = self._xml_inst.get_elements(self._xml_parser, node_path)
         if not elements:
             raise TAFileException(
                 "not found any elements, please check your xpath!--%s." %
         for ele in elements:
             self._xml_inst.set_element_text(ele, value)
 def get_node_attribute(self, *args):
     """arg should be like this: .//managedObject[@class\="LNCEL"]:@version
     ret_list = []
     for arg in args:
         attr_name = arg.split(':@')[-1]
         each_node = self._re_config_path(arg.split(':@')[0])
         elements = self._xml_inst.get_elements(self._xml_parser, each_node)
         if not elements:
             raise TAFileException(
                 "not found any elements, please check your xpath!--%s." %
         for ele in elements:
                 self._xml_inst.get_element_attribute(ele, attr_name))
     return ret_list
예제 #4
    def delete_node(self, *args):
        """arg should be like this:    0x10049
        total_line = len(self._txt_data)

        for each_node in args:
            param = each_node
            self._log.debug("try to delete param:'%s'", param)
            deleted = False
            for i in range(total_line):
                assignment = self._txt_data[i].split("#")[0]
                get_param = assignment.split("=")[0].strip()
                if param == get_param:
                    self._txt_data[i] = ""
                    deleted = True
            if deleted is not True:
                raise TAFileException("not found any value for param %s, please check your param!" % param)
 def find_tag_position(self, tagname):
     """location the tag lines
     pos_value_list = []
     target_pos = 0
     get_tag = b''
     get_value = b''
     read_tag = False
     read_value = False
     self._file_object.seek(-990, 2)
     while True:
             ch = self._file_object.read(1)
             single = struct.unpack('c', ch)[0]
             if single == '<'.encode('utf-8'):
                 read_tag = True
                 read_value = False
                 if len(get_value) != 0:
                     target_pos = self._file_object.tell() - len(
                         get_value) - 1
                     pos_value_list.append((target_pos, get_value))
                     self._log.info("find tag '%s' at 'pos': %s", tagname,
             elif single == '>'.encode('utf-8'):
                 read_tag = False
                 get_tag = b''
             elif read_tag is True:
                 get_tag += single
                 if get_tag == tagname.encode('utf-8'):
                     read_value = True
                     read_value = False
             elif read_value is True and read_tag is False:
                 get_value += single
         except struct.error:
             self._log.info("end of file")
     if len(pos_value_list) == 0:
         raise TAFileException("Not find tag '%s'" % tagname)
         return pos_value_list
예제 #6
    def get_csv_columns_list(self, *cared_title):
        """to get the columns with the cared titles
        csv_columns_list = []
        for title in cared_title:
            if title not in self.title_list:
                raise TAFileException("Title '%s' cann't be find." % title)
                column_pos = self.title_list.index(title)
                column_list = []
                for valid in self.valid_line_list:
                    value = valid[column_pos].strip()
                    if re.match('^\d+$', value):
                        value = int(value)
                    elif re.match('^\d+.\d+$', value):
                        value = float(value)

        result_list = [csv_columns_list,
                       csv_columns_list[0]][len(csv_columns_list) == 1]
        return result_list
예제 #7
 def modify_node(self, *args):
     """arg should be like this:    0x10042:0x0A691892        0x10043:51015
     total_line = len(self._txt_data)
     for each_node in args:
         ret_temp = each_node.split(":")
         param = ret_temp[0]
         value = ":".join(ret_temp[1:])
         self._log.debug("try to modify param:'%s', value:'%s'", param, value)
         modified = False
         comment = ''
         for i in range(total_line):
             assignment = self._txt_data[i].split("#")[0]
             comment = self._txt_data[i][self._txt_data[i].find("#")+1:]
             get_param = assignment.split("=")[0].strip()
             if param == get_param:
                 if comment == self._txt_data[i] or comment.strip() == '':
                     self._txt_data[i] = "%s = %s\n" % (param, value)
                     self._txt_data[i] = "%s = %s #%s" % (param, value, comment)
                 modified = True
         if modified is not True:
             raise TAFileException("not found any value for param %s, please check your param!" % param)