예제 #1
    def load_elements_from_file(self, robot_init_filename, block_init_filename):
        map = Map((int(self.cfg['MAP']['grid_row_dimension']), int(self.cfg['MAP']['grid_column_dimension'])))
        for x, y in map.get_blocks_init_place(block_init_filename):
            if not map.is_location_in_environment(x, y, (
            int(self.cfg['MAP']['grid_row_dimension']), int(self.cfg['MAP']['grid_column_dimension']))):
                raise OutsideBoundryError('init block (x, y) not in map!')
            map.grid[x][y] = BLOCK_AREA
            map.blocks.append((x, y))

        for x, y in map.get_robot_init_place(robot_init_filename):
            if not map.is_location_in_environment(x, y, (
            int(self.cfg['MAP']['grid_row_dimension']), int(self.cfg['MAP']['grid_column_dimension']))):
                raise OutsideBoundryError('init robot (x, y) not in map!')
            map.grid[x][y] = ROBOT_AREA
            map.robots.append(Robot(x, y))  # add robots
        return map
예제 #2
 def judge_side_white(self, x, y):
     if x < 0 or y < 0 or x >= self.grid_dimension[
             0] or y >= self.grid_dimension[1]:
         raise OutsideBoundryError('(x, y) not in map!')
     if self.is_location_in_environment(
             x - 1, y,
             self.grid_dimension) and self.grid[x -
                                                1][y] == EXPLORATED_AREA:
         return True
     elif self.is_location_in_environment(
             x + 1, y,
             self.grid_dimension) and self.grid[x +
                                                1][y] == EXPLORATED_AREA:
         return True
     elif self.is_location_in_environment(
             x, y + 1,
             self.grid_dimension) and self.grid[x][y +
                                                   1] == EXPLORATED_AREA:
         return True
     elif self.is_location_in_environment(
             x, y - 1,
             self.grid_dimension) and self.grid[x][y -
                                                   1] == EXPLORATED_AREA:
         return True
         return False
예제 #3
    def load_elements_by_click(self, robots_sequences, blocks_sequences):
        map = Map((int(self.cfg['MAP']['grid_row_dimension']), int(self.cfg['MAP']['grid_column_dimension'])))
        for x, y in blocks_sequences:
            if not map.is_location_in_environment(x, y, (
            int(self.cfg['MAP']['grid_row_dimension']), int(self.cfg['MAP']['grid_column_dimension']))):
                raise OutsideBoundryError('init block (x, y) not in map!')
            map.grid[x][y] = BLOCK_AREA
            map.blocks.append((x, y))

        for x, y in robots_sequences:
            if not map.is_location_in_environment(x, y, (
            int(self.cfg['MAP']['grid_row_dimension']), int(self.cfg['MAP']['grid_column_dimension']))):
                raise OutsideBoundryError('init robot (x, y) not in map!')
            map.grid[x][y] = ROBOT_AREA
            map.robots.append(Robot(x, y))  # add robots
        return map