예제 #1
    def upload(self, local, local_stat, path, callback_dict=None, max_upload_size=-1):
        Upload a file to the server.
        :param local: file path
        :param local_stat: stat of the file
        :param path: target path on the server
        :param callback_dict: an dict that can be fed with progress data
        :param max_upload_size: a known or arbitrary upload max size. If the file file is bigger, it will be
        chunked into many POST requests
        :return: Server response
        if not local_stat:
            raise PydioSdkException('upload', path, _('Local file to upload not found!'))
        if local_stat['size'] == 0:
            new = self.stat(path)
            if not new or not (new['size'] == local_stat['size']):
                raise PydioSdkException('upload', path, _('File not correct after upload (expected size was 0 bytes)'))
            return True

        existing_part = False
        if (self.upload_max_size - 4096) < local_stat['size']:
            self.has_disk_space_for_upload(path, local_stat['size'])
            existing_part = self.stat(path+'.dlpart', True)

        dirpath = os.path.dirname(path)
        if dirpath and dirpath != '/':
            folder = self.stat(dirpath)
            if not folder:
        url = self.url + '/upload/put' + self.urlencode_normalized((self.remote_folder + os.path.dirname(path)))
        files = {
            'userfile_0': local
        if existing_part:
            files['existing_dlpart'] = existing_part
        data = {
            'force_post': 'true',
            'xhr_uploader': 'true',
            'urlencoded_filename': self.urlencode_normalized(os.path.basename(path))
            self.perform_request(url=url, type='post', data=data, files=files, with_progress=callback_dict)
        except PydioSdkDefaultException as e:
            if e.message == '507':
                usage, total = self.quota_usage()
                raise PydioSdkQuotaException(path, local_stat['size'], usage, total)
            if e.message == '412':
                raise PydioSdkPermissionException('Cannot upload '+os.path.basename(path)+' in directory '+os.path.dirname(path))
                raise e
        except RequestException as ce:
            raise PydioSdkException("upload", path, 'RequestException: ' + ce.message)

        new = self.stat(path)
        if not new or not (new['size'] == local_stat['size']):
            raise PydioSdkException('upload', path, _('File is incorrect after upload'))
        return True
예제 #2
    def stat(self, path, with_hash=False, partial_hash=None):
        Equivalent of the local fstat() on the remote server.
        :param path: path of node from the workspace root
        :param with_hash: stat result can be enriched with the node hash
        :return:dict a list of key like
            dev: 16777218,
            ino: 4062280,
            mode: 16895,
            nlink: 15,
            uid: 70,
            gid: 20,
            rdev: 0,
            size: 510,
            atime: 1401915891,
            mtime: 1399883020,
            ctime: 1399883020,
            blksize: 4096,
            blocks: 0
        if self.interrupt_tasks:
            raise PydioSdkException("stat", path=path, detail=_('Task interrupted by user'))

        path = self.remote_folder + path
        action = '/stat_hash' if with_hash else '/stat'
            url = self.url + action + self.urlencode_normalized(path)
            if partial_hash:
                h = {'range': 'bytes=%i-%i' % (partial_hash[0], partial_hash[1])}
                resp = self.perform_request(url, headers=h)
                resp = self.perform_request(url)

                data = json.loads(resp.content)
            except ValueError as ve:
                return False
            logging.debug("data: %s" % data)
            if not data:
                return False
            if len(data) > 0 and 'size' in data:
                return data
                return False
        except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError:
        except requests.exceptions.Timeout:
        except Exception, ex:
            logging.warning("Stat failed", exc_info=ex)
            return False
예제 #3
    def basic_authenticate(self):
        Use basic-http authenticate to get a key/pair token instead of passing the
        users credentials at each requests
        url = self.base_url + 'pydio/keystore_generate_auth_token/' + self.device_id
        resp = requests.get(url=url, auth=self.auth, verify=self.verify_ssl, proxies=self.proxies)
        if resp.status_code == 401:
            raise PydioSdkBasicAuthException(_('Authentication Error'))

        # If content is empty (but not error status code), the token based auth may not be active
        # We should switch to basic
        if resp.content == '':
            raise PydioSdkTokenAuthNotSupportedException("token_auth")

            tokens = json.loads(resp.content)
        except ValueError as v:
            raise PydioSdkException("basic_auth", "", "Cannot parse JSON result: " + resp.content + "")
            #return False

        return tokens
예제 #4
    def upload_file_with_progress(self, url, fields, files, stream, with_progress, max_size=0):
        Upload a file with progress, file chunking if necessary, and stream content directly from file.
        :param url: url to post
        :param fields: dict() query parameters
        :param files: dict() {'fieldname' : '/path/to/file'}
        :param stream: whether to get response as stream or not
        :param with_progress: dict() updatable dict with progress data
        :param max_size: upload max size
        :return: response of the last requests if there were many of them
        if with_progress:
            def cb(size=0, progress=0, delta=0, rate=0):
                with_progress['total_size'] = size
                with_progress['bytes_sent'] = delta
                with_progress['total_bytes_sent'] = progress
                dispatcher.send(signal=TRANSFER_CALLBACK_SIGNAL, change=with_progress)
            def cb(size=0, progress=0, delta=0, rate=0):
                logging.debug('Current transfer rate ' + str(rate))

        def parse_upload_rep(http_response):
            if http_response.headers.get('content-type') != 'application/octet-stream':
                if unicode(http_response.text).count('message type="ERROR"'):

                    if unicode(http_response.text).lower().count("(507)"):
                        raise PydioSdkDefaultException('507')

                    if unicode(http_response.text).lower().count("(412)"):
                        raise PydioSdkDefaultException('412')

                    import re
                    # Remove XML tags
                    text = re.sub('<[^<]+>', '', unicode(http_response.text))
                    raise PydioSdkDefaultException(text)

                if unicode(http_response.text).lower().count("(507)"):
                    raise PydioSdkDefaultException('507')

                if unicode(http_response.text).lower().count("(412)"):
                    raise PydioSdkDefaultException('412')

                if unicode(http_response.text).lower().count("(410)") or unicode(http_response.text).lower().count("(411)"):
                    raise PydioSdkDefaultException(unicode(http_response.text))

        filesize = os.stat(files['userfile_0']).st_size
        if max_size:
            # Reduce max size to leave some room for data header
            max_size -= 4096

        existing_pieces_number = 0

        if max_size and filesize > max_size:
            fields['partial_upload'] = 'true'
            fields['partial_target_bytesize'] = str(filesize)
            # Check if there is already a .dlpart on the server.
            # If it's the case, maybe it's already the beginning of this?
            if 'existing_dlpart' in files:
                existing_dlpart = files['existing_dlpart']
                existing_dlpart_size = existing_dlpart['size']
                if filesize > existing_dlpart_size and \
                        file_start_hash_match(files['userfile_0'], existing_dlpart_size, existing_dlpart['hash']):
                    logging.info('Found the beggining of this file on the other file, skipping the first pieces')
                    existing_pieces_number = existing_dlpart_size / max_size
                    cb(filesize, existing_dlpart_size, existing_dlpart_size, 0)

        if not existing_pieces_number:
            (header_body, close_body, content_type) = encode_multiparts(fields)
            body = BytesIOWithFile(header_body, close_body, files['userfile_0'], callback=cb, chunk_size=max_size, file_part=0)
            resp = requests.post(
                headers={'Content-Type': content_type},

            existing_pieces_number = 1
            if resp.status_code == 401:
                return resp

        if max_size and filesize > max_size:
            fields['appendto_urlencoded_part'] = fields['urlencoded_filename']
            del fields['urlencoded_filename']
            (header_body, close_body, content_type) = encode_multiparts(fields)
            for i in range(existing_pieces_number, int(math.ceil(filesize / max_size)) + 1):

                if self.interrupt_tasks:
                    raise PydioSdkException("upload", path=os.path.basename(files['userfile_0']), detail=_('Task interrupted by user'))

                before = time.time()
                body = BytesIOWithFile(header_body, close_body, files['userfile_0'],
                                       callback=cb, chunk_size=max_size, file_part=i)
                resp = requests.post(
                    headers={'Content-Type': content_type},
                if resp.status_code == 401:
                    return resp

                duration = time.time() - before
                logging.info('Uploaded '+str(max_size)+' bytes of data in about %'+str(duration)+' s')

        return resp
예제 #5
    def download(self, path, local, callback_dict=None):
        Download the content of a server file to a local file.
        :param path: node path on the server
        :param local: local path on filesystem
        :param callback_dict: a dict() than can be updated by with progress data
        :return: Server response
        orig = self.stat(path)
        if not orig:
            raise PydioSdkException('download', path, _('Original file was not found on server'))

        url = self.url + '/download' + self.urlencode_normalized((self.remote_folder + path))
        local_tmp = local + '.pydio_dl'
        headers = None
        write_mode = 'wb'
        dl = 0
        if not os.path.exists(os.path.dirname(local)):
        elif os.path.exists(local_tmp):
            # A .pydio_dl already exists, maybe it's a chunk of the original?
            # Try to get an md5 of the corresponding chunk
            current_size = os.path.getsize(local_tmp)
            chunk_local_hash = hashfile(open(local_tmp, 'rb'), hashlib.md5())
            chunk_remote_stat = self.stat(path, True, partial_hash=[0, current_size])
            if chunk_local_hash == chunk_remote_stat['hash']:
                headers = {'range':'bytes=%i-%i' % (current_size, chunk_remote_stat['size'])}
                write_mode = 'a+'
                dl = current_size
                if callback_dict:
                    callback_dict['bytes_sent'] = float(current_size)
                    callback_dict['total_bytes_sent'] = float(current_size)
                    callback_dict['total_size'] = float(chunk_remote_stat['size'])
                    callback_dict['transfer_rate'] = 0
                    dispatcher.send(signal=TRANSFER_CALLBACK_SIGNAL, send=self, change=callback_dict)


            with open(local_tmp, write_mode) as fd:
                start = time.clock()
                r = self.perform_request(url=url, stream=True, headers=headers)
                total_length = r.headers.get('content-length')
                if total_length is None: # no content length header
                    previous_done = 0
                    for chunk in r.iter_content(1024 * 8):
                        if self.interrupt_tasks:
                            raise PydioSdkException("interrupt", path=path, detail=_('Task interrupted by user'))
                        dl += len(chunk)
                        done = int(50 * dl / int(total_length))
                        if done != previous_done:
                            transfer_rate = dl // (time.clock() - start)
                            logging.debug("\r[%s%s] %s bps" % ('=' * done, ' ' * (50 - done), transfer_rate))
                            dispatcher.send(signal=TRANSFER_RATE_SIGNAL, send=self, transfer_rate=transfer_rate)
                            if callback_dict:
                                callback_dict['bytes_sent'] = float(len(chunk))
                                callback_dict['total_bytes_sent'] = float(dl)
                                callback_dict['total_size'] = float(total_length)
                                callback_dict['transfer_rate'] = transfer_rate
                                dispatcher.send(signal=TRANSFER_CALLBACK_SIGNAL, send=self, change=callback_dict)

                        previous_done = done
            if not os.path.exists(local_tmp):
                raise PydioSdkException('download', local, _('File not found after download'))
                stat_result = os.stat(local_tmp)
                if not orig['size'] == stat_result.st_size:
                    raise PydioSdkException('download', path, _('File is not correct after download'))
                    is_system_windows = platform.system().lower().startswith('win')
                    if is_system_windows and os.path.exists(local):
                    os.rename(local_tmp, local)
            return True

        except PydioSdkException as pe:
            if pe.operation == 'interrupt':
                raise pe
                if os.path.exists(local_tmp):
                raise pe

        except Exception as e:
            if os.path.exists(local_tmp):
            raise PydioSdkException('download', path, _('Error while downloading file: %s') % e.message)
예제 #6
    def bulk_stat(self, pathes, result=None, with_hash=False):
        Perform a stat operation (see self.stat()) but on a set of nodes. Very important to use that method instead
        of sending tons of small stat requests to server. To keep POST content reasonable, pathes will be sent 200 by

        :param pathes: list() of node pathes
        :param result: dict() an accumulator for the results
        :param with_hash: bool whether to ask for files hash or not (md5)
        pathes = map(lambda p: self.normalize(p), pathes)

        action = '/stat_hash' if with_hash else '/stat'
        data = dict()
        maxlen = min(len(pathes), 200)
        clean_pathes = map(lambda t: self.remote_folder + t.replace('\\', '/'),
                           filter(lambda x: x != '', pathes[:maxlen]))
        data['nodes[]'] = map(lambda p: self.normalize(p), clean_pathes)
        url = self.url + action + self.urlencode_normalized(clean_pathes[0])
        resp = self.perform_request(url, type='post', data=data)
            data = json.loads(resp.content)
        except ValueError:
            logging.debug("url: %s" % url)
            logging.debug("resp.content: %s" % resp.content)

        if len(pathes) == 1:
            englob = dict()
            englob[self.remote_folder + pathes[0]] = data
            data = englob
        if result:
            replaced = result
            replaced = dict()
        for (p, stat) in data.items():
            if self.remote_folder:
                p = p[len(self.remote_folder):]
                #replaced[os.path.normpath(p)] = stat
            p1 = os.path.normpath(p)
            p2 = os.path.normpath(self.normalize_reverse(p))
            p3 = p
            p4 = self.normalize_reverse(p)
            if p2 in pathes:
                replaced[p2] = stat
            elif p1 in pathes:
                replaced[p1] = stat
            elif p3 in pathes:
                replaced[p3] = stat
            elif p4 in pathes:
                replaced[p4] = stat
                logging.info('Fatal charset error, cannot find files (%s, %s, %s, %s) in %s' % (repr(p1), repr(p2), repr(p3), repr(p4), repr(pathes),))
                raise PydioSdkException('bulk_stat', p1, "Encoding problem, failed emptying bulk_stat, "
                                                         "exiting to avoid infinite loop")
        if len(pathes):
            self.bulk_stat(pathes, result=replaced, with_hash=with_hash)
        return replaced