예제 #1
def updateMedicationPricing():
    tmp = sp.call('clear', shell=True)
    mname = input("Enter Medicine Name you would like to update: ")
    query = "SELECT Price FROM Med_Details WHERE Med_Name = '%s'" % (mname)

    if qexec(query):
        return -1

    ids = cur.fetchall()

    if ids == ():
        print("No such medication found")
        return -1

    for row in ids:
        print("The current price for this medicine is: {}".format(

    mprice = int(input("Enter the new price: "))
    query = "UPDATE Med_Details SET Price = '%d' WHERE Med_Name = '%s'" % (
        mprice, mname)

    if qexec(query):
        return -1

    print("The medication price was updated successfully!")

    return 0
예제 #2
def updatePaymentStatus():
    tmp = sp.call('clear', shell=True)
    billnum = int(input("Enter Bill Number: "))

    query = "SELECT Payment_Status FROM Bill WHERE Bill_No = '%d'" % (billnum)

    if qexec(query):
        return -1

    ids = cur.fetchall()

    if ids == ():
        print("No such Bill Number found")
        return -1

    for row in ids:
        print("The current status of this bill is: {}".format(

    status = "K"
    while status != "Y" and status != "N":
        status = input("Enter the new payment status for this bill (Y/N): ")

    query = "UPDATE Bill SET Payment_Status = '%s' WHERE Bill_No = '%d'" % (
        status, billnum)

    if qexec(query):
        return -1

    print("The payment status was updated successfully!")

    return 0
예제 #3
def updateTestPricing():
    tmp = sp.call('clear', shell=True)
    ttype = input("Enter test type you would like to update: ")
    query = "SELECT Cost FROM Test_Pricing WHERE Type = '%s'" % (ttype)

    if qexec(query):
        return -1

    ids = cur.fetchall()

    if ids == ():
        print("No such test type found")
        return -1

    for row in ids:
        print("The current cost for this test type is: {}".format(row["Cost"]))

    tcost = int(input("Enter the new cost: "))
    query = "UPDATE Test_Pricing SET Cost = '%d' WHERE Type = '%s'" % (tcost,

    if qexec(query):
        return -1

    print("The test price was updated successfully!")

    return 0
예제 #4
def modtest():

        td = (input("Enter Test Date (YYYY-MM-DD): "))
        tt = (input("Enter Test Time (HH:MM:SS): "))

        query = """SELECT * FROM Test_or_Surgery WHERE Date = "%s" and Time = "%s" """ % (td, tt)
            return -1; 
        res = cur.fetchall()
        if(res == ()):
            print("Invalid entry. No such test or surgery.")
            return -1

        print("Current Test/Surgery Result = ", res[0]["Result"])
        tres = (input("Enter New Test/Surgery Result: "))
        query = """UPDATE Test_or_Surgery set Result = "%s" WHERE Date = "%s" and Time = "%s" """ % (tres, td, tt)
            return -1; 

        return 0

    except Exception as e:
        print("Error: ", e)
        return -1
예제 #5
def addAppointment():
    tmp = sp.call('clear', shell=True)
    row = {}

    print("Enter new appointment details: ")

    row["Date"] = input("Date (YYYY-MM-DD): ")
    row["Time"] = input("Time (HH:MM:SS): ")

    query = "INSERT INTO Appointment(Time, Date) VALUES ('%s', '%s')" % (
        row["Time"], row["Date"])

    if qexec(query):
        return -1

    query = "SELECT LAST_INSERT_ID()"

    if qexec(query):
        return -1
    aid = cur.fetchone()

    pno = schedules(row["Date"], row["Time"], aid["LAST_INSERT_ID()"])

    print("The appointment was created successfully!")
    print("The prescription number (Pno) is: {}".format(pno))

    return 0
예제 #6
def schedules(appdate, apptime, aid):
    row = {}

    flag = 1
    query = "SELECT Pno FROM Schedules"
    if (qexec(query)):
        return -1
    ids = cur.fetchall()

    while (flag):
        temp = random.randint(0, inf)
        row["Pno"] = temp
        flag = 0
        for oid in ids:
            if (oid == temp):
                flag = 1

    row["Staff_Id"] = int(input("Staff Id: "))
    row["Patient_Id"] = int(input("Patient Id: "))
    row["Time"] = apptime
    row["Date"] = appdate
    row["Id"] = aid
    row["Duration"] = input("Duration (in minutes): ")

    query = "INSERT INTO Schedules VALUES ('%d', '%s', '%s', %d, '%d', '%d', '%s')" % (
        row["Staff_Id"], row["Time"], row["Date"], row["Id"], row["Pno"],
        row["Patient_Id"], row["Duration"])

    if qexec(query):
        return -1

    return row["Pno"]
예제 #7
def modroom():


        rtype = (input("Enter room type whose tariff is to be edited: "))

        query = """SELECT * FROM Room_Pricing WHERE Room_Type = "%s" """ % (
        if (qexec(query)):
            return -1
        res = cur.fetchall()
        if (res == ()):
            print("Invalid type. No such room.")
            return -1

        print("Current room tariff = ", res[0]["Hourly_Tariff"])
        tar = float(input("Enter new tariff: "))
        query = """UPDATE Room_Pricing set Hourly_Tariff = %f WHERE Room_Type = "%s" """ % (
            tar, rtype)
        if (qexec(query)):
            return -1

        return 0

    except Exception as e:
        print("Error: ", e)
        return -1
예제 #8
def adddoc(staff_id):

    tmp = sp.call('clear', shell=True)
    doctor = {}
    special = {}
    works = {}
    heads = {}

    doctor["Staff_Id"] = staff_id
    doctor["Consultation_Fee"] = int(input("Consultation Fee: "))
    query = "insert into Doctor values(%d, %d)" % (doctor["Staff_Id"],
    if (qexec(query)):
        return -1

    more = "Y"
    while (more == "Y"):
        special["Staff_Id"] = staff_id
        special["Expertise_Area"] = input("Expertise Area: ")
        query = """insert into Specialisation values(%d, "%s")""" % (
            special["Staff_Id"], special["Expertise_Area"])
        if (qexec(query)):
        more = input("Do you wish to enter more expertise areas (Y/N): ")

    works["Staff_Id"] = staff_id
    row = ()
    dnew = "N"

    while (row == () and dnew != "Y"):
        works["Dno"] = int(input("Department Number: "))
        query = "SELECT Dno FROM Works_In WHERE Dno = %d" % (works["Dno"])
        if (qexec(query)):
            return -1
        row = cur.fetchall()

        if (row == ()):
            dnew = input(
                "Department does not exist. Would you like to create a new department (Y/N): "
            if (dnew == "Y"):
                if (adddept(works["Dno"], staff_id)):
                    return -1

    query = "insert into Works_In values(%d, %d)" % (works["Staff_Id"],
    if (qexec(query)):
        return -1

    if (row == ()):
        heads["Staff_Id"] = staff_id
        heads["Dno"] = works["Dno"]
        query = "insert into Heads values(%d, %d)" % (heads["Dno"],
        if (qexec(query)):
            return -1

    return 0
예제 #9
def recommends(pno):
    row = {}

    row["Pno"] = pno

    medornot = "K"
    while medornot != "Y" and medornot != "N":
        medornot = input("Has any medication been prescribed? (Y/N): ")

        if medornot == "Y":
            row["Med_Name"] = input("Medicine Name: ")
            row["Batch_No"] = int(input("Batch No: "))
            row["Dosage"] = int(input("Dosage: "))

            query = "SELECT Price FROM Med_Details WHERE Med_Name = '%s'" % (

            if qexec(query):
                return -1

            ids = cur.fetchall()

            global medprice
            for med in ids:
                medprice = med["Price"]

            global dosage
            dosage = row["Dosage"]
            query = """UPDATE Batch_Details SET Qty = Qty - %d WHERE Batch_No = %d""" % (
                dosage, row["Batch_No"])
            if (qexec(query)):
                return -1

            row["Med_Name"] = "NULL"
            row["Batch_No"] = "NULL"
            row["Dosage"] = "NULL"

    global billno
    billno = createBill(pno)
    row["Bill_No"] = billno

    if medornot == "Y":
        query = "INSERT INTO Recommends VALUES ('%d', '%s', '%d', '%d', '%d')" % (
            row["Pno"], row["Med_Name"], row["Batch_No"], row["Bill_No"],

        query = "INSERT INTO Recommends VALUES ('%d', %s, %s, '%d', %s)" % (
            row["Pno"], row["Med_Name"], row["Batch_No"], row["Bill_No"],

    if qexec(query):
        return -1

    return 0
예제 #10
def updateAppointment():
    tmp = sp.call('clear', shell=True)
    adate = input("Enter date of the appointment: ")
    atime = input("Enter time of the appointment: ")
    apid = int(input("Enter patient id: "))

    query = "SELECT * FROM Schedules WHERE Date = '%s' AND Time = '%s' AND Patient_Id = %d" % (
        adate, atime, apid)

    if qexec(query):
        return -1

    ids = cur.fetchall()

    if ids == ():
        print("No appointment found on this date, time and patient id")
        return -1

    for row in ids:
            "The patient has an appointment scheduled on {} at time {}".format(
                row["Date"], row["Time"]))

    newdate = input("Enter the new date of the appointment: ")
    newtime = input("Enter the new time of the appointment: ")

    if (newdate == adate and newtime == atime):
        print("No change in appointment as same details entered.")
        return -1

    query = """INSERT INTO Appointment(Time, Date) VALUES ("%s", "%s")""" % (
        newtime, newdate)

    if qexec(query):
        return -1

    query = "SELECT LAST_INSERT_ID()"

    if qexec(query):
        return -1

    nid = cur.fetchone()
    newid = nid["LAST_INSERT_ID()"]

    if (updateSchedules(adate, atime, apid, newdate, newtime, newid)):
        return -1

    print("The appointment was updated successfully!")

    return 0
예제 #11
def updateSchedules(adate, atime, apid, newdate, newtime, newid):

    query = "SELECT Pno FROM Schedules WHERE Date = '%s' AND Time = '%s' AND Patient_Id = %d" % (
        adate, atime, apid)

    if qexec(query):
        return -1

    pno = cur.fetchall()

    query = "UPDATE Schedules SET Date = '%s', Time = '%s', Id = %d WHERE Pno = %d" % (
        newdate, newtime, newid, pno[0]["Pno"])

    if qexec(query):
        return -1
예제 #12
def addPrescription():
    tmp = sp.call('clear', shell=True)
    row = {}
    ids = {}
    pno = 0

    while (ids == {}):
        pno = int(input("Pno: "))
        query = "SELECT Pno FROM Schedules WHERE Pno = %d" % (pno)

        if qexec(query):
            return -1

        ids = cur.fetchall()

    row["Pno"] = pno

    # print("Enter Prescription details: ")

    row["Complaint"] = input("Complaint: ")
    row["Diagnosis"] = input("Diagnosis: ")

    query = "INSERT INTO Prescription VALUES ('%d', '%s', '%s')" % (
        row["Pno"], row["Complaint"], row["Diagnosis"])

    if qexec(query):
        return -1

    if recommends(pno):
        return -1

    if entails(pno):
        return -1

    row["Payment_Status"] = "K"
    while row["Payment_Status"] != "Y" and row["Payment_Status"] != "N":
        row["Payment_Status"] = input("Payment Status (Y/N): ")

    query = "UPDATE Bill SET Payment_Status = '%s' WHERE Bill_No = %d" % (
        row["Payment_Status"], billno)

    if qexec(query):
        return -1

        "The prescription was created successfully! Associated Bill Number = ",
    return 0
예제 #13
def createPays(pno, bno):

    query = "SELECT * FROM Schedules WHERE Pno = %d" % (pno)

    if (qexec(query)):
        return -1

    dets = cur.fetchall()

    query = "INSERT INTO Pays VALUES (%d, %d, %d)" % (
        bno, dets[0]["Patient_Id"], dets[0]["Staff_Id"])

    if (qexec(query)):
        return -1

    return 0
예제 #14
def addshift(staff_id):

        tmp = sp.call('clear', shell=True)
        more = "Y"
        shift = {}
        while (more == "Y"):
            shift["Staff_Id"] = staff_id

            shift["Shift_Day"] = "Holiday"
            while shift["Shift_Day"] not in shifts:
                shift["Shift_Day"] = (input("Shift Day: "))

            shift["Shift_Start_Time"] = (
                input("Shift Start Time (HH:MM:SS): "))
            shift["Shift_End_Time"] = (input("Shift End Time (HH:MM:SS): "))
            query = """insert into Shift values(%d, "%s", "%s", "%s")""" % (
                shift["Staff_Id"], shift["Shift_Start_Time"],
                shift["Shift_End_Time"], shift["Shift_Day"])
            if (qexec(query)):
            more = input("Do you wish to enter more shifts (Y/N): ")

        return 0

    except Exception as e:
        print("Error: ", e)
        return -1
예제 #15
def addroom():

        tmp = sp.call('clear', shell=True)
        room = {}
        roompr = {}

        print("Enter new room's details: ")
        room["Room_No"] = int(input("Room Number: "))
        room["Location_Floor"] = int(input("Floor Number: "))
        room["Location_Block"] = (input("Block: "))
        room["Room_Type"] = (input("Room Type: "))
        room["Available"] = 1

        roompr["Room_Type"] = room["Room_Type"]

        query = """SELECT * from Room_Pricing WHERE Room_Type = '%s'""" % (
        if (qexec(query)):
            return -1
        rpri = cur.fetchall()

        if (rpri == ()):
            tariff = (input("Hourly Tariff: "))

            if (tariff != ""):
                roompr["Hourly_Tariff"] = int(tariff)
                roompr["Hourly_Tariff"] = "NULL"

            query = """insert into Room_Pricing values("%s", %s)""" % (
                roompr["Room_Type"], roompr["Hourly_Tariff"])
            if (qexec(query)):
                return -1

        query = """insert into Room values(%d, %d, "%s", "%s", %d)""" % (
            room["Room_No"], room["Location_Floor"], room["Location_Block"],
            room["Room_Type"], room["Available"])
        if (qexec(query)):
            return -1

        return 0

    except Exception as e:
        print("Error: ", e)
        return -1
예제 #16
def entails(pno):
    row = {}

    row["Pno"] = pno
    row["Bill_No"] = billno

    testornot = "K"
    while testornot != "Y" and testornot != "N":
        testornot = input("Has any test/surgery been prescribed? (Y/N): ")

    if testornot == "Y":
        row["Date"] = input("Test Date (YYYY-MM-DD): ")
        row["Time"] = input("Test Time (HH:MM:SS): ")

        row["Date"] = "NULL"
        row["Time"] = "NULL"

    if testornot == "Y":
        if addTestorSurgery(row["Date"], row["Time"]):
            return -1

        query = "INSERT INTO Entails VALUES ('%d', '%s', '%s', '%d')" % (
            row["Pno"], row["Date"], row["Time"], row["Bill_No"])

        query = "INSERT INTO Entails VALUES ('%d', %s, %s, '%d')" % (
            row["Pno"], row["Date"], row["Time"], row["Bill_No"])

    if qexec(query):
        return -1

    query = "SELECT * FROM Schedules WHERE Pno = %d" % (pno)
    if qexec(query):
        return -1
    x = cur.fetchall()
    query = "SELECT * FROM Doctor WHERE Staff_Id = %d" % (x[0]["Staff_Id"])
    if qexec(query):
        return -1
    y = cur.fetchall()

    query = "UPDATE Bill SET Amount = Amount + %d WHERE Bill_No = %d" % (
        y[0]["Consultation_Fee"], billno)
    if qexec(query):
        return -1

    return 0
예제 #17
def fee(res):

    query = "SELECT * FROM Doctor WHERE Staff_Id = %d" % (res["Staff_Id"])
    if (qexec(query)):
        return -1
    doc = cur.fetchall()

    print("Current consultation fee = ", doc[0]["Consultation_Fee"])
    num = int(input("Enter new fee: "))

    query = "UPDATE Doctor set Consultation_Fee = %d WHERE Staff_Id = %d" % (
        num, res["Staff_Id"])
    if (qexec(query)):
        return -1

    return 0
예제 #18
def modpat():


        pid = int(input("Enter patient id whose details are to be edited: "))

        query = """SELECT * FROM Patient WHERE Patient_Id = %d""" % (pid)
        if (qexec(query)):
            return -1
        res = cur.fetchall()
        if (res == ()):
            print("Invalid id. No such patient.")
            return -1

        print("Choose 1 field to edit: ")
        print("1. Contact")
        print("2. Address")

        query = """SELECT * FROM Insured_Patients WHERE Patient_Id = %d""" % (
        if (qexec(query)):
            return -1
        inspat = cur.fetchall()
        if (inspat != ()):
            print("3. Insurance latest renewal date")

        choice = int(input("Enter choice: "))
        tmp = sp.call('clear', shell=True)
        if (choice == 1):
            if (contact(res[0])):
                return -1
        elif (choice == 2):
            if (addr(res[0])):
                return -1
        elif (inspat != () and choice == 3):
            if (ins(inspat[0])):
                return -1
            print("Error: Invalid option.")

        return 0

    except Exception as e:
        print("Error: ", e)
        return -1
예제 #19
def ins(inspat):

    query = "SELECT * FROM Insured_Details WHERE Insurance_Id = %d" % (
    if (qexec(query)):
        return -1
    insdet = cur.fetchall()

    print("Current latest renewal date = ", insdet[0]["Latest_Renewal_Date"])
    num = (input("Enter new date (YYYY-MM-DD): "))

    query = """UPDATE Insured_Details set Latest_Renewal_Date = "%s" WHERE Insurance_Id = %d""" % (
        num, inspat["Insurance_Id"])
    if (qexec(query)):
        return -1

    return 0
예제 #20
def addMedication():
    tmp = sp.call('clear', shell=True)
    row = {}

    print("Enter Medication details: ")

    row["Med_Name"] = input("Medicine name: ")
    row["Batch_No"] = int(input("Batch No: "))
    row["Expiry_Date"] = input("Expiry Date (YYYY-MM-DD): ")
    snew = "N"
    ret = ()

    while (ret == () and snew != "Y"):
        row["Supplier_Id"] = int(input("Supplier Id: "))
        query = "SELECT Supplier_Id FROM Supplier_Details WHERE Supplier_Id = %d" % (
        if (qexec(query)):
            return -1
        ret = cur.fetchall()

        if (ret == ()):
            snew = input(
                "Supplier does not exist. Would you like to create a new supplier (Y/N): "
            if (snew == "Y"):
                if addSupplierDetails(row["Supplier_Id"]):
                    return -1

    query = "INSERT INTO Medication VALUES ('%s', '%d', '%s', '%d')" % (
        row["Med_Name"], row["Batch_No"], row["Expiry_Date"],

    if qexec(query):
        return -1

    if addMedDetails(row["Med_Name"]):
        return -1

    if addBatchDetails(row["Batch_No"]):
        return -1

    print("The medication was added successfully!")

    return 0
예제 #21
def freeroom():


        rno = int(input("Enter room number: "))
        query = "UPDATE Room set Available = 1 WHERE Room_No = %d" % (rno)
        if (qexec(query)):
            return -1

        query = "DELETE FROM Stays_In WHERE Room_No = %d" % (rno)
        if (qexec(query)):
            return -1

        return 0

    except Exception as e:
        print("Error: ", e)
        return -1
예제 #22
def bookroom():


        rno = int(input("Enter room number: "))
        query = """SELECT * FROM Room WHERE Room_No = %d""" % (rno)
        if (qexec(query)):
            return -1
        res = cur.fetchall()
        if (res == ()):
            print("Invalid room number. No such room.")
            return -1
        elif (res[0]["Available"] == 0):
            print("Room unavailable.")
            return -1

        bno = int(
            input("Enter bill number to which this room will be charged: "))
        query = """SELECT * FROM Entails WHERE Bill_No = %d""" % (bno)
        if (qexec(query)):
            return -1
        ent = cur.fetchall()
        if (ent == ()):
            print("Invalid bill number. No such bill.")
            return -1
        query = """SELECT * FROM Schedules WHERE Pno = %d""" % (ent[0]["Pno"])
        if (qexec(query)):
            return -1
        sched = cur.fetchall()

        dur = int(input("Enter stay duration (number of hours rounded up): "))

        query = """SELECT * FROM Room_Pricing WHERE Room_Type = "%s" """ % (
        if (qexec(query)):
            return -1
        pri = cur.fetchall()
        query = """UPDATE Bill set Amount = Amount + %d, Payment_Status = "N" WHERE Bill_No = %d""" % (
            pri[0]["Hourly_Tariff"] * dur, bno)
        if (qexec(query)):
            return -1

        query = """insert into Stays_In values(%d, %d, %d, "%s")""" % (
            bno, sched[0]["Patient_Id"], rno, dur)
        if (qexec(query)):
            return -1

        query = "UPDATE Room set Available = 0 WHERE Room_No = %d" % (rno)
        if (qexec(query)):
            return -1

        return 0

    except Exception as e:
        print("Error: ", e)
        return -1
예제 #23
def delappt():

        tmp = sp.call('clear', shell=True)
        pid = int(
            input("Enter Patient Id whose appointment is to be removed: "))
        ad = (input("Enter Appointment Date (YYYY-MM-DD): "))
        at = (input("Enter Appointment Time (HH:MM:SS): "))

        query = """SELECT * FROM Schedules WHERE Patient_Id = %d and Time = "%s" and Date = "%s" """ % (
            pid, at, ad)
        if (qexec(query)):
            return -1
        res = cur.fetchall()
        if (res == ()):
            print("Invalid entry. No such appointment.")
            return -1

        query = """SELECT * FROM Prescription WHERE Pno = %d""" % (
        if (qexec(query)):
            return -1
        pre = cur.fetchall()
        if (pre != ()):
            print("Error. Cannot cancel a completed appointment.")
            return -1

        query = "DELETE FROM Schedules WHERE Pno = %d" % (res[0]["Pno"])
        if (qexec(query)):
            return -1
        query = """DELETE FROM Appointment WHERE Time = "%s" and Date = "%s" """ % (
            res[0]["Time"], res[0]["Date"])
        if (qexec(query)):
            return -1

        return 0

    except Exception as e:
        print("Error: ", e)
        return -1
예제 #24
def contact(res):

    print("Current contact number = ", res["Contact_No"])
    num = int(input("Enter new number: "))

    query = "UPDATE Staff set Contact_No = %d WHERE Staff_Id = %d" % (
        num, res["Staff_Id"])
    if (qexec(query)):
        return -1

    return 0
예제 #25
def sal(res):

    print("Current salary = ", res["Salary"])
    num = int(input("Enter new salary: "))

    query = "UPDATE Staff set Salary = %d WHERE Staff_Id = %d" % (
        num, res["Staff_Id"])
    if (qexec(query)):
        return -1

    return 0
예제 #26
def addBatchDetails(batch_no):
    row = {}

    row["Batch_No"] = batch_no
    row["Qty"] = int(input("Quantity: "))

    query = "INSERT INTO Batch_Details VALUES ('%d', '%d')" % (row["Batch_No"],

    if qexec(query):
        return -1

    return 0
예제 #27
def addSupplierDetails(supplier_id):
    row = {}

    row["Supplier_Id"] = supplier_id
    row["Supplier_Name"] = input("Supplier_Name: ")

    query = "INSERT INTO Supplier_Details VALUES ('%s', '%s')" % (
        row["Supplier_Id"], row["Supplier_Name"])

    if qexec(query):
        return -1

    return 0
예제 #28
def addMedDetails(med_name):
    row = {}

    row["Med_Name"] = med_name
    row["Manufacturer"] = input("Manufacturer: ")
    row["Price"] = int(input("Price: "))

    query = "SELECT * FROM Med_Details WHERE Med_Name = '%s' AND Manufacturer = '%s' AND Price = %d" % (
        row["Med_Name"], row["Manufacturer"], row["Price"])
    if (qexec(query)):
        return -1
    ret = cur.fetchall()

    if (ret != ()):
        return 0

    query = "INSERT INTO Med_Details VALUES ('%s', '%s', '%d')" % (
        row["Med_Name"], row["Manufacturer"], row["Price"])

    if qexec(query):
        return -1

    return 0
예제 #29
def addins(patid):

    tmp = sp.call('clear', shell=True)
    inspat = {}
    insdet = {}

    inspat["Patient_Id"] = patid
    inspat["Insurance_Id"] = int(input("Insurance Id: "))

    insdet["Insurance_Id"] = inspat["Insurance_Id"]
    insdet["Company"] = (input("Company: "))
    insdet["Latest_Renewal_Date"] = input("Latest Renewal Date (YYYY-MM-DD): ")
    query = """insert into Insured_Details values(%d, "%s", "%s")""" % (
        insdet["Insurance_Id"], insdet["Company"],
    if (qexec(query)):
        return -1

    query = """insert into Insured_Patients values(%d, %d)""" % (
        inspat["Patient_Id"], inspat["Insurance_Id"])
    if (qexec(query)):
        return -1

    return 0
예제 #30
def addedu(staff_id):

    tmp = sp.call('clear', shell=True)
    more = "Y"
    education = {}
    while (more == "Y"):
        education["Staff_Id"] = staff_id
        education["Degree"] = input("Degree: ")
        query = """insert into Education values(%d, "%s")""" % (
            education["Staff_Id"], education["Degree"])
        if (qexec(query)):
        more = input("Do you wish to enter more degrees (Y/N): ")

    return 0