def __init__(self, base_uri=None, username=None, password=None, headers=None, additional_args=None, timeout=g5k_configuration.get('api_timeout')): """:param base_uri: server base uri. defaults to ``g5k_configuration.get('api_uri')`` :param username: username for the http connection. If None (default), use default from ``g5k_configuration.get('api_username')``. If False, don't use a username at all. :param password: password for the http connection. If None (default), get the password from a keyring (if available) or interactively. :param headers: http headers to use. If None (default), default headers accepting json answer will be used. :param additional_args: a dict of optional arguments (string to string mappings) to pass at the end of the url of all http requests. :param timeout: timeout for the http connection. """ if not base_uri: base_uri = g5k_configuration.get('api_uri') self.base_uri = base_uri.rstrip("/") if headers: self.headers = headers else: self.headers = {'ACCEPT': 'application/json'} self.additional_args = g5k_configuration["api_additional_args"] if additional_args: self.additional_args.update(additional_args) if username: self.username = username else: self.username = g5k_configuration.get('api_username') self.password = password if self.username and not self.password: self.password = _get_api_password(self.username, self.base_uri) self.timeout = timeout
def __init__(self, base_uri=None, username=None, password=None, headers=None, additional_args=None, timeout=g5k_configuration.get('api_timeout')): """:param base_uri: server base uri. defaults to ``g5k_configuration.get('api_uri')`` :param username: username for the http connection. If None (default), use default from ``g5k_configuration.get('api_username')``. If False, don't use a username at all. :param password: password for the http connection. If None (default), get the password from a keyring (if available) or interactively. :param headers: http headers to use. If None (default), default headers accepting json answer will be used. :param additional_args: a dict of optional arguments (string to string mappings) to pass at the end of the url of all http requests. :param timeout: timeout for the http connection. """ if not base_uri: base_uri = g5k_configuration.get('api_uri') self.base_uri = base_uri.rstrip("/") if headers: self.headers = headers else: self.headers = { 'ACCEPT': 'application/json' } self.additional_args = g5k_configuration["api_additional_args"] if additional_args: self.additional_args.update(additional_args) if username: self.username = username else: self.username = g5k_configuration.get('api_username') self.password = password if self.username and not self.password: self.password = _get_api_password(self.username, self.base_uri) self.timeout = timeout
def get_frontend_host(frontend = None): """Given a frontend name, or None, and based on the global configuration, returns the frontend to connect to or None.""" if frontend == None: frontend = get_default_frontend() if g5k_configuration.get('no_ssh_for_local_frontend') == True and frontend == get_default_frontend(): frontend = None if frontend: frontend = Host(frontend) return frontend
def get_frontend_host(frontend=None): """Given a frontend name, or None, and based on the global configuration, returns the frontend to connect to or None.""" if frontend == None: frontend = get_default_frontend() if g5k_configuration.get('no_ssh_for_local_frontend' ) == True and frontend == get_default_frontend(): frontend = None if frontend: frontend = Host(frontend) return frontend
def _get_api_password_check_func(username, uri, password): if g5k_configuration['api_verify_ssl_cert'] == False: verify = False requests.packages.urllib3.disable_warnings(requests.packages.urllib3.exceptions.InsecureRequestWarning) else: verify = True response = requests.get(uri, auth=(username, password), verify=verify, timeout=g5k_configuration.get('api_timeout')) return (response.status_code in [200, 304])
def __site_charter_remaining(site, day, user = None): try: with G5kAutoPortForwarder(site, 'oardb.' + site + '', g5k_configuration['oar_pgsql_ro_port']) as (host, port): start, end = get_oar_day_start_end(day) if not user: user = g5k_configuration.get('api_username') if not user: user = os.environ['LOGNAME'] conn = psycopg2.connect(host = host, port = port, user = g5k_configuration['oar_pgsql_ro_user'], password = g5k_configuration['oar_pgsql_ro_password'], database = g5k_configuration['oar_pgsql_ro_db']) try: logger.trace("getting jobs for user %s on %s for %s" % (user, site, day)) OOC_total_site_used = 0 OOC_site_quota = 0 for cluster in get_site_clusters(site): total_cluster_used = 0 for j in _get_jobs(conn, cluster, user, start, end): logger.trace("%s:%s - job: start %s, end %s, walltime %s, %s" % ( site, cluster, format_unixts(j[7]), format_unixts(j[8]), format_seconds(j[6]), j)) if _job_intersect_charter_period(j): cluster_used = (j[9] + j[10]) * j[6] logger.trace("%s:%s job %i intersects charter -> uses %is of cluster quota" % ( site, cluster, j[0], cluster_used,)) total_cluster_used += cluster_used #cluster_quota = cluster_num_cores(cluster) * 3600 * 2 cluster_quota = _cluster_num_available_cores(conn, cluster) * 3600 * 2 logger.trace("%s:%s total cluster used = %i (%s), cluster quota = %i (%s)" % ( site, cluster, total_cluster_used, format_seconds(total_cluster_used), cluster_quota, format_seconds(cluster_quota))) threading.currentThread().remaining[cluster] = max(0, cluster_quota - total_cluster_used) OOC_total_site_used += total_cluster_used OOC_site_quota += cluster_quota logger.trace("%s to compare with outofchart: total used = %i (%s), %i%% of site quota = %i (%s)" % ( site, OOC_total_site_used, format_seconds(OOC_total_site_used), int(float(OOC_total_site_used) / float(OOC_site_quota) * 100.0), OOC_site_quota, format_seconds(OOC_site_quota))) finally: conn.close() except Exception as e: logger.warn("error connecting to oar database / getting planning from " + site) logger.detail("exception:\n" + format_exc())
def get_default_frontend(): """Return the name of the default frontend.""" global __default_frontend, __default_frontend_cached #IGNORE:W0603 if not __default_frontend_cached: __default_frontend_cached = True if g5k_configuration.get("default_frontend"): __default_frontend = g5k_configuration["default_frontend"] else: try: localhost = socket.gethostname() except socket.error: localhost = "" mo ="^[^ \t\n\r\f\v\.]+\.([^ \t\n\r\f\v\.]+)\$", localhost) if mo: __default_frontend = else: __default_frontend = None return __default_frontend
def get_default_frontend(): """Return the name of the default frontend.""" global __default_frontend, __default_frontend_cached #IGNORE:W0603 if not __default_frontend_cached: __default_frontend_cached = True if g5k_configuration.get("default_frontend"): __default_frontend = g5k_configuration["default_frontend"] else: try: localhost = socket.gethostname() except socket.error: localhost = "" mo = "^[^ \t\n\r\f\v\.]+\.([^ \t\n\r\f\v\.]+)\$", localhost) if mo: __default_frontend = else: __default_frontend = None return __default_frontend