예제 #1
 def set_working_directory(self, wd):
     Method for setting the working directory of the model interface. This
     method is used in case of running models in parallel. In this case,
     each worker process will have its own working directory, to avoid 
     having to share files across processes. This requires the need to
     update the working directory to the new working directory. 
     :param wd: The new working directory.
     wd = os.path.abspath(wd)
     debug('setting working directory to '+ wd)
     self.workingDirectory = wd
예제 #2
def prim_one(x,
             box_init = None,
             peel_alpha = 0.05,
             paste_alpha = 0.01,
             mass_min = 0.05,
             threshold = None,
             pasting = False,
             threshold_type = 1):

    d = x.shape[1]
    n = x.shape[0]
    k_max = np.ceil(1/mass_min)
    info("k max: %s" %(k_max))
    num_boxes = int(k_max)
    y_mean =  np.mean(y)
    mass_init =  y.shape[0]/n #should default to 1 if I read the code correctly
    if box_init == None:
        box_init = np.array([np.min(x, axis=0),np.max(x, axis=0)])
        box_diff = box_init[1, :] - box_init[0, :]
        box_init[0,:] = box_init[0, :] - 10*paste_alpha*box_diff
        box_init[1,:] = box_init[1, :] + 10*paste_alpha*box_diff
    # find first box
    k = 1

    a = x.shape[0]
    debug("remaing items: %s" % (a))

    boxk = find_box(x=x, y=y, box=box_init, peel_alpha=peel_alpha,
                   paste_alpha=paste_alpha, mass_min=mass_min,
                   threshold=np.min(y)-0.1*np.abs(np.min(y)), d=d, n=n, 

    b = boxk.x.shape[0]
    debug("removed items: %s" %b)

    if boxk == None:
        info("unable to find box 1")  
        x_prim = Prim(x, threshold_type*y, y_mean=threshold_type*y_mean, 
                      box=box_init, box_mass=mass_init, threshold=np.mean(y)) 
        return x_prim
        info("Found box %s: y_mean=%s, mass=%s" % (k, threshold_type*boxk.y_mean, boxk.box_mass))
        boxes = []
    # find subsequent boxes
    if num_boxes > 1:

        #  data still under consideration
        x_out_ind_mat = np.empty(x.shape)
        for j in range(d):
            x_out_ind_mat[:, j] = (x[:, j] < boxk.box[0,j]) | (x[:,j] >boxk.box[1,j]) 
        x_out_ind = np.any(x_out_ind_mat,axis=1)
        x_out =  x[x_out_ind,:]
        y_out =  y[x_out_ind]
        a = x_out.shape[0]
        debug("remaing items: %s" % (a))
        while (y_out.shape[0] > 0) & (k < num_boxes):
            k = k+1
            boxk = find_box(x=x_out, y=y_out, box=box_init,
                           peel_alpha=peel_alpha, paste_alpha=paste_alpha,
                           threshold=np.min(y)-0.1*np.abs(np.min(y)), d=d, n=n,
            if boxk == None:
                info("Bump "+str(k)+" includes all remaining data")
                boxk = Prim(x_out, y_out, np.mean(y_out), box_init, 
                b += boxk.x.shape[0]
                debug("removed items: %s" %b)
                b += boxk.x.shape[0]
                debug("removed items: %s" %b)
                # update x and y
                debug("Found box %s: y_mean=%s, mass=%s" % (k, threshold_type*boxk.y_mean, boxk.box_mass))
                #  data still under consideration
                x_out_ind_mat = np.empty(x.shape)
                for j in range(d):
                    x_out_ind_mat[:, j] = (x[:, j] < boxk.box[0,j]) | (x[:,j] >boxk.box[1,j]) 
                x_out_ind_mat = np.any(x_out_ind_mat,axis=1)
                x_out_ind = x_out_ind & x_out_ind_mat
                x_out =  x[x_out_ind, :]
                y_out =  y[x_out_ind]
                a = x_out.shape[0]
                debug("remaing items: %s" %(a))

    # adjust for negative hdr  
    for box in boxes:
        box.y = threshold_type*box.y
        box.y_mean = threshold_type*box.y_mean

    prim_res, num_hdr=  prim_hdr(boxes, threshold, threshold_type)
    return prim_res, num_hdr
예제 #3
def show_boxes_together(boxes, results, uv=[], filter=True):
    This functions visually shows the size of a list of prim boxes. 
    Each box has its own color. The dump box is not shown. The size of the
    boxes is normalized, where 0 is the lowest sampled value for each
    uncertainty and 1 is the highest sampled value for each uncertainty. his
    is visualized using a light grey background.
    :param boxes: the list of prim objects as returned by :func:`perform_prim`.
    :param results: the results as returnd by :meth:`perform_experiments`
    :param uv: the uncertainties to show in the plot. Defaults to an empty list,
               meaning all the uncertainties will be shown. If the list is not
               empty only the uncertainties specified in uv will be plotted. 
    :param filter: boolean, if True, the uncertainties for which all the boxes
                   equal the size of the dump box are not visualized 
    :rtype: a `figure <http://matplotlib.sourceforge.net/api/figure_api.html>`_ instance
    experiments, results = results
    boxes = [element.box for element in boxes]
    #determine minima and maxima
    boxes = __normalize(boxes, experiments)
    dump_box = boxes[-1]
    boxes = boxes[0:-1]
    uncertainties = []
    for entry in experiments.dtype.descr:

    if not uv:
        uv = uncertainties
    #plot results    
    figure = plt.figure()
    ax = figure.add_subplot(111)
    #iterate over uncertainties
    names = []
    i = -1
    for name in uncertainties:
        if name in uv:
            show_uncertainty = True
            if filter:
                #determine whether to show
                for box in boxes:
                    minimum = box[name][0]
                    maximum = box[name][1]
                    value = box.dtype.fields.get(name)[0]
                    if value == 'object':
                        debug("filtering name")
                        a = dump_box[name][0]
                        if len(minimum) == len(a):
                            ans = np.all(np.equal(a, minimum))
                            ans = False
                        if not ans:
                            show_uncertainty = True
                    elif (minimum > dump_box[name][0]) or\
                         (maximum < dump_box[name][1]):
                        show_uncertainty = True
            if show_uncertainty:    
                #iterate over boxes
                for j, box in enumerate(boxes):
                    if value == 'object':
                        y = box[name][0]
                        x = [i+0.1*(j+1) for entry in range(len(y))]
                        ax.plot([i+0.1*(j+1), i+0.1*(j+1)], box[name][:], 

    rect = mpl.patches.Rectangle((-0.5, 0), i+1.5, 1, facecolor="#C0C0C0",
                                 alpha=0.25, edgecolor="#C0C0C0")
    ax.set_xlim(xmin= -0.5, xmax=len(names)-0.5)
    ax.set_ylim(ymin=-0.2, ymax=1.2)
    ax.xaxis.set_ticks([x for x in range(len(names))])
    xtickNames = plt.setp(ax, xticklabels = names)
    plt.setp(xtickNames, rotation=90, fontsize=12)
    ytickNames = ax.get_yticklabels()
    plt.setp(ytickNames, rotation=90, fontsize=12)
    ax.set_ylabel('normalized uncertainty bandwidth', 
    return figure