def validate_access_processor(request, e_name): # Use the following to see if the pages produce what's expected # return "invalid code" # return "incorrect code" # return "no email" # return "participate" try: validate_access_code(request.POST.get("access_code")) except ValidationError: return "invalid code" # Get the validated code a_code=request.POST.get("access_code") # See if there's a participant entry with that code subject = None try: subject = Participant.objects.get(access_code=a_code) except: return "incorrect code" # check if code belongs to participant # get session email and then pid and verify the accesscode # goes with that pid user_email = request.session['email'] # Create variable we'll contain the user information in user = None # Make sure there's not already a user before creating one try: user = User.objects.get(email=user_email) # There is a user. Check to see if the permission # needs changing. except: # The session expired or didn't exist, or there's no # user. Either way, redirect to the consent page to start # over return "no email" pid = create_participant_id(user, e_name, True) if(subject.participant!=pid): return "wrong code" # The user is logged in and has the correct code so let them # participate return "participate"
def validate_view_processor(request, e_name): # For easy testing try the following # return {"which_version": "no email"} # return {"which_version": "no experiment"} # return {"which_version": "already participated"} # return {"which_version": "couldn't send email"} # return {"which_version": "validate"} # Get the experiment data exp = None try: exp = Experiment.objects.get(url_name=e_name) except: return {"which_version": "no experiment", "e_name": e_name, "pretty_name": exp.pretty_name.lower()} try: validate_email(request.POST.get("email")) except ValidationError: return {"which_version": "no email", "e_name": e_name, "pretty_name": exp.pretty_name.lower()} user_email = request.POST.get("email") permission = request.POST.get("permission_to_contact") permission = permission == "on" # Set session request.session['email'] = user_email request.session['submitted'] = False # Create variable we'll contain the user information in user = None # Make sure there's not already a user before creating one try: user = User.objects.get(email=user_email) # There is a user. Check to see if the permission # needs changing. except: # There was no user, so create one user = User(email=user_email) if(permission != user.permission_to_contact): user.permission_to_contact = permission # Create the participant id number pid = create_participant_id(user, e_name, permission) # Get the institution for the participant institute = user_email.split("@")[1] # Check to see if they're already in the database and whether # or not they can participate again subject=None try: subject = Participant.objects.get(participant=pid, except: # Create an access code for the participant a_code = create_participant_access_code(pid, e_name, permission) subject = Participant(participant=pid, experiment=exp, institution=institute, access_code=a_code, participation_time=0,,) if((subject.participation_time == 0) or (exp.repeat == "t")): if(subject.participation_time > 0): #They've already participated #Check that they've waited enough time time_to_participate = None if exp.repeat_delay_units=="hours": time_to_participate = subject.time_last_participated + datetime.timedelta(hours=exp.repeat_delay) elif exp.repeat_delay_units=="days": time_to_participate = subject.time_last_participated + datetime.timedelta(days=exp.repeat_delay) elif exp.repeat_delay_units=="months": time_to_participate = subject.time_last_participated + datetime.timedelta(days=exp.repeat_delay*30) else: #Years time_to_participate = subject.time_last_participated + datetime.timedelta(days=exp.repeat_delay*365) if time_to_participate > time_string = time_to_participate.strftime("%I:%M %p, %B %d, %Y") return {"which_version": "have to wait", "e_name": e_name, "pretty_name": exp.pretty_name.lower(), "time_to_participate": time_string} elif subject.access_code == 'ZZZZZZZZZZ': #They can participate, but they'll need a new access code a_code = create_participant_access_code(pid, e_name, permission) subject.access_code = a_code else: return {"which_version": "already participated", "e_name": e_name, "pretty_name": exp.pretty_name.lower()} # send an email informing participants containing the access_code send_access_code_email(user, subject, exp) return {"which_version": "validate", "e_name": e_name, "pretty_name": exp.pretty_name.lower()}