예제 #1
  sheet = GoogleConfig(user, password, dockey, sheetname)
  gconfig = sheet.fetch()
  # recipients += gconfig["recipients"]
  # blacklist += gconfig["blacklist"]
  print '='*80

  # Start processing emails
  gmail = Gmail(user, password)
  result = gmail.fetch("logs", blacklist, gconfig["options"])

  if (len(result)):
    mailto, filelist, options = result

    # Upload logs to api.safecast.org
    if gconfig["apikey"] != "":
      api = SafecastAPI(gconfig["apikey"])
      for f in filelist:
          api.setMetadata(os.path.basename(f), gconfig["details"], gconfig["credits"], gconfig["cities"])

    # Create email body
    reports = processFiles(filelist, options)

    # Send emails with attachments
    if recipients != "":
        # default recipients
        print "Default recipients =",recipients
        mailto = mailto + [m.strip() for m in recipients.split(",")]
        # Cleanup for any duplicates
        mailto = list(set(mailto))
예제 #2
   def fetch(self, folder, blacklist, postfix = ""):
     self.folder = folder

     if not os.path.exists("%s" % (self.folder)):
       os.makedirs("%s" % (self.folder))

     # connecting to the gmail imap server
     logPrint("[GMAIL] Connecting to gmail server ...")
     m = imaplib.IMAP4_SSL("imap.gmail.com")
     m.select("[Gmail]/All Mail")

     logPrint("[GMAIL] Selecting all unseen emails ...")
     resp, items = m.search(None, '(UNSEEN)')
     # Get the mails id
     items = items[0].split()
     items = items[:1] # only one by one

     result = []
     options = Options()
     options.language = "jp"
     options.charset = "iso-2022-jp"
     options.pdf = False
     options.kml = False
     options.gpx = False
     options.csv = False
     options.world = True # set as default
     options.time = True # set as default
     options.distance = True # set as default
     options.summary = False
     options.instant = False
     options.area = False
     options.peak = False
     report = 0
     for emailid in items:
         logPrint("[GMAIL] Processing email id %s" % emailid)
         resp, data = m.fetch(emailid, "(RFC822)") # fetching the mail
         email_body = data[0][1] # getting the mail content
         mail = email.message_from_string(email_body)

         # Check if any attachments at all
         if mail.get_content_maintype() != 'multipart':

         if mail["Subject"] == None:
           mail["Subject"] = ""

         # Add extra options to subject
         mail["Subject"] += postfix

         logPrint("[GMAIL] ["+mail["From"]+"] :" + mail["Subject"])

         # Check subject for any requests
         if mail["Subject"].upper().find("[EN]") != -1:
           options.language = "en"

         if mail["Subject"].upper().find("[PDF]") != -1:
           options.pdf = True
           report += 1

         if mail["Subject"].upper().find("[KML]") != -1:
           options.kml = True
           report += 1

         if mail["Subject"].upper().find("[GPX]") != -1:
           options.gpx = True
           report += 1

         if mail["Subject"].upper().find("[CSV]") != -1:
           options.csv = True
           report += 1

         if mail["Subject"].upper().find("[UTF8]") != -1:
           options.charset = "utf8"

         if mail["Subject"].upper().find("[JIS]") != -1:
           options.charset = "shift-jis"

         if mail["Subject"].upper().find("[WORLD]") != -1:
           options.world = True

         if mail["Subject"].upper().find("[SUMMARY]") != -1:
           options.summary = True

         if mail["Subject"].upper().find("[SPLIT]") != -1:
           options.area = True

         if mail["Subject"].upper().find("[PEAK60]") != -1:
           options.instant = False
           options.peak = True

         if mail["Subject"].upper().find("[PEAK5]") != -1:
           options.instant = True
           options.peak = True

         # If no special type requested, set to default
         if not report:
           options.pdf = True
           options.kml = True

         # Default recipient is the sender
         email_pattern = re.compile("[-a-zA-Z0-9._]+@[-a-zA-Z0-9_]+.[a-zA-Z0-9_.]+")
         mailto = re.findall(email_pattern, mail["From"])

         # Check for emails in "Subject"
         emails = re.findall(email_pattern, mail["Subject"])
         emails = [e for e in emails if e not in blacklist] # except if blacklisted
         if len(emails):
           mailto = emails

         # Check for emails in "To"
         emails = re.findall(email_pattern, mail["To"])
         emails = [e for e in emails if e != self.user] # except user itself
         emails = [e for e in emails if e not in blacklist] # except if blacklisted
         if len(emails):
           mailto = emails

         # Check for emails in "Cc"
         if mail["Cc"] != None:
           emails = re.findall(email_pattern, mail["Cc"])
           emails = [e for e in emails if e != self.user] # except user itself
           emails = [e for e in emails if e not in blacklist] # except if blacklisted
           if len(emails):
             mailto += emails

         # Cleanup for any duplicates
         mailto = list(set(mailto))

         # Mark as read
         m.uid('STORE', emailid, '+FLAGS', '(\Seen)')

         # Process the parts
         filelist = []
         for part in mail.walk():
             # multipart are just containers, so we skip them
             if part.get_content_maintype() == 'multipart':

             # is this part an attachment ?
             if part.get('Content-Disposition') is None:

             filename = part.get_filename()
             counter = 1

             # if there is no filename, we create one with a counter to avoid duplicates
             if not filename:
                 filename = 'part-%03d%s' % (counter, '.LOG')
                 counter += 1

             logPrint("[GMAIL]  - Fetching %s" % filename)
             att_path = os.path.join(self.folder, filename)

             # Write the attachment
             fp = open(att_path, 'wb')

             if (os.path.splitext(filename)[1]).upper() not in attachment_extensions:
                logPrint("Check for attached zip file ...")
                  filezip = zipfile.ZipFile(att_path, "r")
                  for info in filezip.infolist():
                     if (os.path.splitext(info.filename)[1]).upper() in attachment_extensions:
                       logname = os.path.join(self.folder, os.path.basename(info.filename))
                       logPrint(" - %s [%d bytes]" % (logname, info.file_size))
                       fp = open(logname, "wb")
                       data = filezip.read(info.filename)
                  # Wrong file, continue to next attachment

         result = [mailto, filelist, options]

         # Upload to Safecast API
         if mail["Subject"].upper().find("[API ") != -1:
           pattern = re.compile("([a-zA-Z0-9]+)")
           position = mail["Subject"].upper().find("[API ") + 5
           apikey = re.findall(pattern, mail["Subject"][position:])[0]

           api = SafecastAPI(apikey)
           for f in filelist:
              api.setMetadata(os.path.basename(f), "", re.findall(email_pattern, mail["From"])[0], "")

     logPrint("[GMAIL] Done.")
     return result
예제 #3
    def fetch(self, folder, blacklist, postfix=""):
        self.folder = folder

        if not os.path.exists("%s" % (self.folder)):
            os.makedirs("%s" % (self.folder))

        # connecting to the gmail imap server
        logPrint("[GMAIL] Connecting to gmail server ...")
        m = imaplib.IMAP4_SSL("imap.gmail.com")
        m.login(self.user, self.pwd)
        m.select("[Gmail]/All Mail")

        logPrint("[GMAIL] Selecting all unseen emails ...")
        resp, items = m.search(None, '(UNSEEN)')
        # Get the mails id
        items = items[0].split()
        items = items[:1]  # only one by one

        result = []
        options = Options()
        options.language = "jp"
        options.charset = "iso-2022-jp"
        options.pdf = False
        options.kml = False
        options.gpx = False
        options.csv = False
        options.world = True  # set as default
        options.time = True  # set as default
        options.distance = True  # set as default
        options.summary = False
        options.instant = False
        options.area = False
        options.peak = False
        report = 0
        for emailid in items:
            logPrint("[GMAIL] Processing email id %s" % emailid)
            resp, data = m.fetch(emailid, "(RFC822)")  # fetching the mail
            email_body = data[0][1]  # getting the mail content
            mail = email.message_from_string(email_body)

            # Check if any attachments at all
            if mail.get_content_maintype() != 'multipart':

            if mail["Subject"] == None:
                mail["Subject"] = ""

            # Add extra options to subject
            mail["Subject"] += postfix

            logPrint("[GMAIL] [" + mail["From"] + "] :" + mail["Subject"])

            # Check subject for any requests
            if mail["Subject"].upper().find("[EN]") != -1:
                options.language = "en"

            if mail["Subject"].upper().find("[PDF]") != -1:
                options.pdf = True
                report += 1

            if mail["Subject"].upper().find("[KML]") != -1:
                options.kml = True
                report += 1

            if mail["Subject"].upper().find("[GPX]") != -1:
                options.gpx = True
                report += 1

            if mail["Subject"].upper().find("[CSV]") != -1:
                options.csv = True
                report += 1

            if mail["Subject"].upper().find("[UTF8]") != -1:
                options.charset = "utf8"

            if mail["Subject"].upper().find("[JIS]") != -1:
                options.charset = "shift-jis"

            if mail["Subject"].upper().find("[WORLD]") != -1:
                options.world = True

            if mail["Subject"].upper().find("[SUMMARY]") != -1:
                options.summary = True

            if mail["Subject"].upper().find("[SPLIT]") != -1:
                options.area = True

            if mail["Subject"].upper().find("[PEAK60]") != -1:
                options.instant = False
                options.peak = True

            if mail["Subject"].upper().find("[PEAK5]") != -1:
                options.instant = True
                options.peak = True

            # If no special type requested, set to default
            if not report:
                options.pdf = True
                options.kml = True

            # Default recipient is the sender
            email_pattern = re.compile(
            mailto = re.findall(email_pattern, mail["From"])

            # Check for emails in "Subject"
            emails = re.findall(email_pattern, mail["Subject"])
            emails = [e for e in emails
                      if e not in blacklist]  # except if blacklisted
            if len(emails):
                mailto = emails

            # Check for emails in "To"
            emails = re.findall(email_pattern, mail["To"])
            emails = [e for e in emails
                      if e != self.user]  # except user itself
            emails = [e for e in emails
                      if e not in blacklist]  # except if blacklisted
            if len(emails):
                mailto = emails

            # Check for emails in "Cc"
            if mail["Cc"] != None:
                emails = re.findall(email_pattern, mail["Cc"])
                emails = [e for e in emails
                          if e != self.user]  # except user itself
                emails = [e for e in emails
                          if e not in blacklist]  # except if blacklisted
                if len(emails):
                    mailto += emails

            # Cleanup for any duplicates
            mailto = list(set(mailto))

            # Mark as read
            m.uid('STORE', emailid, '+FLAGS', '(\Seen)')

            # Process the parts
            filelist = []
            for part in mail.walk():
                # multipart are just containers, so we skip them
                if part.get_content_maintype() == 'multipart':

                # is this part an attachment ?
                if part.get('Content-Disposition') is None:

                filename = part.get_filename()
                counter = 1

                # if there is no filename, we create one with a counter to avoid duplicates
                if not filename:
                    filename = 'part-%03d%s' % (counter, '.LOG')
                    counter += 1

                logPrint("[GMAIL]  - Fetching %s" % filename)
                att_path = os.path.join(self.folder, filename)

                # Write the attachment
                fp = open(att_path, 'wb')

                if (os.path.splitext(filename)[1]
                    ).upper() not in attachment_extensions:
                    logPrint("Check for attached zip file ...")
                        filezip = zipfile.ZipFile(att_path, "r")
                        for info in filezip.infolist():
                            if (os.path.splitext(info.filename)[1]
                                ).upper() in attachment_extensions:
                                logname = os.path.join(
                                logPrint(" - %s [%d bytes]" %
                                         (logname, info.file_size))
                                fp = open(logname, "wb")
                                data = filezip.read(info.filename)
                        # Wrong file, continue to next attachment

            result = [mailto, filelist, options]

            # Upload to Safecast API
            if mail["Subject"].upper().find("[API ") != -1:
                pattern = re.compile("([a-zA-Z0-9]+)")
                position = mail["Subject"].upper().find("[API ") + 5
                apikey = re.findall(pattern, mail["Subject"][position:])[0]

                api = SafecastAPI(apikey)
                for f in filelist:
                    api.setMetadata(os.path.basename(f), "",
                                    re.findall(email_pattern, mail["From"])[0],

        logPrint("[GMAIL] Done.")
        return result