예제 #1
def test_parse():
    """Test .tab parsing
    with ExperimentController(*std_args, stim_fs=44100, **std_kwargs) as ec:
        ec.identify_trial(ec_id="one", ttl_id=[0])
        ec.write_data_line("misc", "trial one")
        ec.write_data_line("misc", "between trials")
        ec.identify_trial(ec_id="two", ttl_id=[1])
        ec.write_data_line("misc", "trial two")
        ec.write_data_line("misc", "end of experiment")

    assert_raises(ValueError, read_tab, ec.data_fname, group_start="foo")
    assert_raises(ValueError, read_tab, ec.data_fname, group_end="foo")
    assert_raises(ValueError, read_tab, ec.data_fname, group_end="trial_id")
    assert_raises(RuntimeError, read_tab, ec.data_fname, group_end="misc")
    data = read_tab(ec.data_fname)
    keys = list(data[0].keys())
    assert_equal(len(keys), 6)
    for key in ["trial_id", "flip", "play", "stop", "misc", "trial_ok"]:
        assert_in(key, keys)
    assert_equal(len(data[0]["misc"]), 1)
    assert_equal(len(data[1]["misc"]), 1)
    data = read_tab(ec.data_fname, group_end=None)
    assert_equal(len(data[0]["misc"]), 2)  # includes between-trials stuff
    assert_equal(len(data[1]["misc"]), 2)
예제 #2
def test_parse(hide_window):
    """Test .tab parsing."""
    with ExperimentController(*std_args, **std_kwargs) as ec:
        ec.identify_trial(ec_id='one', ttl_id=[0])
        ec.write_data_line('misc', 'trial one')
        ec.write_data_line('misc', 'between trials')
        ec.identify_trial(ec_id='two', ttl_id=[1])
        ec.write_data_line('misc', 'trial two')
        ec.write_data_line('misc', 'end of experiment')

    pytest.raises(ValueError, read_tab, ec.data_fname, group_start='foo')
    pytest.raises(ValueError, read_tab, ec.data_fname, group_end='foo')
    pytest.raises(ValueError, read_tab, ec.data_fname, group_end='trial_id')
    pytest.raises(RuntimeError, read_tab, ec.data_fname, group_end='misc')
    data = read_tab(ec.data_fname)
    keys = list(data[0].keys())
    assert_equal(len(keys), 6)
    for key in ['trial_id', 'flip', 'play', 'stop', 'misc', 'trial_ok']:
        assert key in keys
    assert_equal(len(data[0]['misc']), 1)
    assert_equal(len(data[1]['misc']), 1)
    data, params = read_tab(ec.data_fname, group_end=None, return_params=True)
    assert_equal(len(data[0]['misc']), 2)  # includes between-trials stuff
    assert_equal(len(data[1]['misc']), 2)
    assert_equal(params['version'], 'dev')
    assert_equal(params['version_used'], __version__)
    assert (params['file'].endswith('test_parse.py'))
예제 #3
파일: test_parse.py 프로젝트: LABSN/expyfun
def test_parse(hide_window):
    """Test .tab parsing."""
    with ExperimentController(*std_args, **std_kwargs) as ec:
        ec.identify_trial(ec_id='one', ttl_id=[0])
        ec.write_data_line('misc', 'trial one')
        ec.write_data_line('misc', 'between trials')
        ec.identify_trial(ec_id='two', ttl_id=[1])
        ec.write_data_line('misc', 'trial two')
        ec.write_data_line('misc', 'end of experiment')

    pytest.raises(ValueError, read_tab, ec.data_fname, group_start='foo')
    pytest.raises(ValueError, read_tab, ec.data_fname, group_end='foo')
    pytest.raises(ValueError, read_tab, ec.data_fname, group_end='trial_id')
    pytest.raises(RuntimeError, read_tab, ec.data_fname, group_end='misc')
    data = read_tab(ec.data_fname)
    keys = list(data[0].keys())
    assert_equal(len(keys), 6)
    for key in ['trial_id', 'flip', 'play', 'stop', 'misc', 'trial_ok']:
        assert key in keys
    assert_equal(len(data[0]['misc']), 1)
    assert_equal(len(data[1]['misc']), 1)
    data, params = read_tab(ec.data_fname, group_end=None, return_params=True)
    assert_equal(len(data[0]['misc']), 2)  # includes between-trials stuff
    assert_equal(len(data[1]['misc']), 2)
    assert_equal(params['version'], 'dev')
    assert_equal(params['version_used'], __version__)
    assert (params['file'].endswith('test_parse.py'))
예제 #4
def test_parse():
    """Test .tab parsing
    with ExperimentController(*std_args, stim_fs=44100, **std_kwargs) as ec:
        ec.identify_trial(ec_id='one', ttl_id=[0])
        ec.write_data_line('misc', 'trial one')
        ec.write_data_line('misc', 'between trials')
        ec.identify_trial(ec_id='two', ttl_id=[1])
        ec.write_data_line('misc', 'trial two')
        ec.write_data_line('misc', 'end of experiment')

    assert_raises(ValueError, read_tab, ec.data_fname, group_start='foo')
    assert_raises(ValueError, read_tab, ec.data_fname, group_end='foo')
    assert_raises(ValueError, read_tab, ec.data_fname, group_end='trial_id')
    assert_raises(RuntimeError, read_tab, ec.data_fname, group_end='misc')
    data = read_tab(ec.data_fname)
    keys = list(data[0].keys())
    assert_equal(len(keys), 6)
    for key in ['trial_id', 'flip', 'play', 'stop', 'misc', 'trial_ok']:
        assert_in(key, keys)
    assert_equal(len(data[0]['misc']), 1)
    assert_equal(len(data[1]['misc']), 1)
    data = read_tab(ec.data_fname, group_end=None)
    assert_equal(len(data[0]['misc']), 2)  # includes between-trials stuff
    assert_equal(len(data[1]['misc']), 2)
예제 #5
def test_parse():
    """Test .tab parsing
    with ExperimentController(*std_args, stim_fs=44100, **std_kwargs) as ec:
        ec.identify_trial(ec_id='one', ttl_id=[0])
        ec.write_data_line('misc', 'trial one')
        ec.write_data_line('misc', 'between trials')
        ec.identify_trial(ec_id='two', ttl_id=[1])
        ec.write_data_line('misc', 'trial two')
        ec.write_data_line('misc', 'end of experiment')

    assert_raises(ValueError, read_tab, ec.data_fname, group_start='foo')
    assert_raises(ValueError, read_tab, ec.data_fname, group_end='foo')
    assert_raises(ValueError, read_tab, ec.data_fname, group_end='trial_id')
    assert_raises(RuntimeError, read_tab, ec.data_fname, group_end='misc')
    data = read_tab(ec.data_fname)
    keys = list(data[0].keys())
    assert_equal(len(keys), 6)
    for key in ['trial_id', 'flip', 'play', 'stop', 'misc', 'trial_ok']:
        assert_in(key, keys)
    assert_equal(len(data[0]['misc']), 1)
    assert_equal(len(data[1]['misc']), 1)
    data = read_tab(ec.data_fname, group_end=None)
    assert_equal(len(data[0]['misc']), 2)  # includes between-trials stuff
    assert_equal(len(data[1]['misc']), 2)
예제 #6
def test_parse_basic(hide_window, tmpdir):
    """Test .tab parsing."""
    with ExperimentController(*std_args, **std_kwargs) as ec:
        ec.identify_trial(ec_id='one', ttl_id=[0])
        ec.write_data_line('misc', 'trial one')
        ec.write_data_line('misc', 'between trials')
        ec.identify_trial(ec_id='two', ttl_id=[1])
        ec.write_data_line('misc', 'trial two')
        ec.write_data_line('misc', 'end of experiment')

    pytest.raises(ValueError, read_tab, ec.data_fname, group_start='foo')
    pytest.raises(ValueError, read_tab, ec.data_fname, group_end='foo')
    pytest.raises(ValueError, read_tab, ec.data_fname, group_end='trial_id')
    pytest.raises(RuntimeError, read_tab, ec.data_fname, group_end='misc')
    data = read_tab(ec.data_fname)
    keys = list(data[0].keys())
    assert_equal(len(keys), 6)
    for key in ['trial_id', 'flip', 'play', 'stop', 'misc', 'trial_ok']:
        assert key in keys
    assert_equal(len(data[0]['misc']), 1)
    assert_equal(len(data[1]['misc']), 1)
    data, params = read_tab(ec.data_fname, group_end=None, return_params=True)
    assert_equal(len(data[0]['misc']), 2)  # includes between-trials stuff
    assert_equal(len(data[1]['misc']), 2)
    assert_equal(params['version'], 'dev')
    assert_equal(params['version_used'], __version__)
    assert (params['file'].endswith('test_parse.py'))

    # handle old files where the last trial_ok was missing
    bad_fname = str(tmpdir.join('bad.tab'))
    with open(ec.data_fname, 'r') as fid:
        lines = fid.readlines()
        assert 'trial_ok' in lines[-3]
    with open(bad_fname, 'w') as fid:
        # we used to write JSON badly
        fid.write(lines[0].replace('"', "'"))
        # and then sometimes missed the last trial_ok
        for line in lines[1:-3]:
    with pytest.raises(RuntimeError, match='bad bounds'):
    data, params = read_tab(ec.data_fname, return_params=True)
    data_2, params_2 = read_tab(bad_fname,
    assert params == params_2
    t = data[-1].pop('trial_ok')
    t_2 = data_2[-1].pop('trial_ok')
    assert t != t_2
    assert data_2 == data
hmfx = np.zeros((len(subjects), 4), int)
avg_rt = np.zeros(len(subjects))

ppi = []
corr = []
dts = []

for si, subj in enumerate(subjects):
    print('  Reading data for %s...' % subj)
    # cleaning w/r/t button presses
    fnames = glob.glob(op.join(work_dir, 'data', subj + '*.tab'))
    assert len(fnames) == 1
    # this includes both phases of the experiment (dyn range & tone resp)
    exp_data = read_tab(fnames[0], group_end=None)
    assert len(exp_data) == 318
    exp_data = exp_data[-300:]  # restrict to tone experiment
    flip_times = np.array([float(d['flip'][0][1]) for d in exp_data])
    press_times = np.array(
        [float(d['keypress'][-1][1]) for d in exp_data if d['keypress']])
    # exclude presses after the end of experiment:
    press_times = press_times[press_times < flip_times[-1]]
    # get index of flips (=trial starts) immediately preceded by presses
    press_idx = np.searchsorted(flip_times, press_times)
    # get latency between presses and following flips
    press_to_flip = np.array(
        [flip_times[ii] - p for ii, p in zip(press_idx, press_times)])
    # mark for exclusion any trials that are too soon after presses
    post_press_idx = press_idx[press_to_flip < press_back]
    stim_nums = list()
    print('Subject {}...'.format(subj))
    # find files for this subj
    fnames = get_pupil_data_files(subj, indir)
    n_files_expected = list(np.arange(1, 3) + len(params['block_trials']))
    assert len(fnames) in n_files_expected
    ix = 0 - len(params['block_trials'])
    fnames = fnames[ix:]  # first blocks are training & pupil response function

    # subject's expyfun log
    subj_tab = glob(op.join(indir, '{}_*.tab'.format(subj)))
    assert len(subj_tab) == 1
    subj_tab = subj_tab[0]
    with open(subj_tab, 'r') as fid:
        session = int(eval(fid.readline().strip()[2:])['session']) - 1
    subj_tab = read_tab(subj_tab)
    subj_tab = subj_tab[-n_trials:]
    stim_onset_times = [s['play'][0][1] for s in subj_tab]

    print('  Loading block', end=' ')
    for run_ix, fname in enumerate(fnames):
        print(str(run_ix + 1), end=' ')
        raw = read_raw(fname)
        assert raw.info['sfreq'] == fs_in
        # get the stimulus numbers presented in this block
        this_stim_nums = \
        this_cond_mat = cond_mat[this_stim_nums]
    (len(subjects), 2, 2, 2, 2)
)  #array of subjects circle false alarm detection with the count in appropriate condition

dprime_subjects = np.zeros((len(subjects), 5))
dprime_diss = np.zeros((len(subjects), 4))
pc_disagree_conditions = np.zeros(
    (3, len(subjects)))  #used for T-test at end of code
subjects_trials_correct = []
subjects_trials_response = []
subjects_trials_info = []
subject_ids = []
bias_diss = np.zeros((len(subjects), 4))
for j in range(len(subjects)):
    fname = path + subjects[j] + '_flip_detect.tab'
    data = read_tab(fname,

    # t_mod: 0: not mod, 1: mod
    # m_mod 0: not mod, 1:mod
    # angle 0: normal, 1:flipped
    # match: 0: masker, 1: target
    correct_tracker = np.zeros((2, 2, 2, 2))
    repmod_tracker = np.zeros((2, 2, 2, 2))
    count_tracker = np.zeros((2, 2, 2, 2))
    false_alarm_circle = np.zeros((2, 2, 2, 2))

    trials_info = []
    trials_repmod = []
    trials_correct = []
hmfx = np.zeros((len(subjects), 4), int)
avg_rt = np.zeros(len(subjects))

ppi = []
corr = []
dts = []

for si, subj in enumerate(subjects):
    print('  Reading data for %s...' % subj)
    # cleaning w/r/t button presses
    fnames = glob.glob(op.join(work_dir, 'data', subj + '*.tab'))
    assert len(fnames) == 1
    # this includes both phases of the experiment (dyn range & tone resp)
    exp_data = read_tab(fnames[0], group_end=None)
    assert len(exp_data) == 318
    exp_data = exp_data[-300:]  # restrict to tone experiment
    flip_times = np.array([float(d['flip'][0][1]) for d in exp_data])
    press_times = np.array([float(d['keypress'][-1][1]) for d in exp_data
                            if d['keypress']])
    # exclude presses after the end of experiment:
    press_times = press_times[press_times < flip_times[-1]]
    # get index of flips (=trial starts) immediately preceded by presses
    press_idx = np.searchsorted(flip_times, press_times)
    # get latency between presses and following flips
    press_to_flip = np.array([flip_times[ii] - p for ii, p
                              in zip(press_idx, press_times)])
    # mark for exclusion any trials that are too soon after presses
    post_press_idx = press_idx[press_to_flip < press_back]
예제 #11
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Parsing demo

This example shows some of the functionality of ``read_tab``.
# Author: Eric Larson <*****@*****.**>
# License: BSD (3-clause)

import ast

from expyfun.io import read_tab


data = read_tab('sample.tab')  # from simple_experiment
print('Number of trials: %s' % len(data))
keys = list(data[0].keys())
print('Data keys:     %s\n' % keys)
for di, d in enumerate(data):
    if d['trial_id'][0][0] == 'multi-tone':
        print('Trial %s multi-tone' % (di + 1))
        targs = ast.literal_eval(d['multi-tone trial'][0][0])
        presses = [int(k[0]) for k in d['keypress']]
        print('  Targs: %s\n  Press: %s' % (targs, presses))
예제 #12
def score(p, subjects):
    """Use expyfun to extract events write MNE events file to disk."""
    for subj in subjects:
        print("  Running subject %s... " % subj, end="")

        # Figure out what our filenames should be
        out_dir = op.join(p.work_dir, subj, p.list_dir)
        if not op.isdir(out_dir):

        for run_name in p.run_names:
            # Extract standard events
            fname = op.join(p.work_dir, subj, p.raw_dir,
                            (run_name % subj) + p.raw_fif_tag)
            fname_out = op.join(out_dir, f"ALL_{run_name % subj}-eve.lst")

            events, _ = extract_expyfun_events(fname)[:2]
            events[:, 2] += offsets[run_name.split('_')[-1]]
            if run_name in ("%s_am", "%s_ids"):
                mne.write_events(fname_out, events)
            # Find the right mismatch .tab file
            raw = mne.io.read_raw_fif(fname, allow_maxshield="yes")
            exp_subj = subj.split("_")[1].rstrip("ab")
            tab_files = sorted(glob.glob(op.join(tabdir, f"{exp_subj}_*.tab")))
            assert len(tab_files)
            good = np.zeros(len(tab_files), bool)
            got = list()
            ts = list()
            for tab_file in tab_files:
                with open(tab_file, "r") as fid:
                    header = fid.readline().lstrip("#").strip()
                    if "runfile" in header:
                        # errant session that breaks things
                        assert subj == "bad_130a"
                        header = re.sub('"runfile.*\'\\)"', "'1'", header)
                    header = json.loads(header.replace("'", '"'))
                assert header["participant"] == exp_subj
                if "." in header["date"]:
                    fmt = "%Y-%m-%d %H_%M_%S.%f"
                    fmt = "%Y-%m-%d %H_%M_%S"
                t_tab = datetime.datetime.strptime(
                    header["date"], fmt).replace(tzinfo=timezone("US/Pacific"))
                t_raw = raw.info["meas_date"]
                # offsets between the Neuromag DAQ and expyfun computer
                off_minutes = abs((t_raw - t_tab).total_seconds() / 60.0)
                    (off_minutes, header["exp_name"], header["session"]))
            # pick something in the right time frame, and the correct
            # session
            good = [
                m < 120 and e == "syllable" and s in ("1", "3")
                for m, e, s in got
            if sum(good) == 2:
                idx = np.where(good)[0]
                sizes = [os.stat(tab_files[ii]).st_size for ii in idx]
                print(f"    Triaging based on file sizes: {sizes}")
                for ii in idx:
                    good[ii] = False
                good[idx[np.argmax(sizes)]] = True
            assert sum(good) == 1, sum(good)
            idx = np.where(good)[0][0]
            fname_tab = tab_files[idx]
                f'    Selected {tab_files[idx]}:\n'
                f'        Raw data {raw.info["meas_date"].astimezone(ts[idx].tzinfo)}\n'
                f'        Tab file {ts[idx]}')

            # We should only have one candidate file
            assert sum(good) == 1, sum(good)
            fname_tab = tab_files[np.where(good)[0][0]]
            data = read_tab(fname_tab, allow_last_missing=True)

            # Correct the triggers
            if subj in ("bad_921a", "bad_925a"):
                use_map = OTHER_TRIGGER_MAP
                use_map = TRIGGER_MAP
            new_nums = np.array([use_map[d["trial_id"][0][0]] for d in data],
            exp_times = [d["play"][0][1] for d in data]

            # Sometimes we are missing the last one
            assert len(data) >= len(events), (len(data), len(events))
            n_missed = len(data) - len(events)
            if n_missed:
                if subj == "bad_117a":
                    sl = slice(n_missed - 1, -1, None)
                    sl = slice(None, -n_missed, None)
                data = data[sl]
                new_nums = new_nums[sl]
                exp_times = exp_times[sl]
                corr = np.corrcoef(events[:, 0], exp_times)[0, 1]
                assert corr > 9e-20, corr
            wrong = new_nums != events[:, 2]
            if wrong.any():
                print(f"    Replacing {wrong.sum()}/{len(wrong)} TTL IDs")
                events[:, 2] = new_nums
            assert np.in1d(events[:, 2], IN_NUMBERS).all()
            print("    Counts: " +
                  "  ".join(f"{name.upper()}: {(events[:, 2] == num).sum()}"
                            for name, num in zip(IN_NAMES, IN_NUMBERS)))
            mne.write_events(fname_out, events)
예제 #13
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Parsing demo

This example shows some of the functionality of ``read_tab``.
# Author: Eric Larson <*****@*****.**>
# License: BSD (3-clause)

import ast

from expyfun.io import read_tab


data = read_tab('sample.tab')  # from simple_experiment
print('Number of trials: %s' % len(data))
keys = list(data[0].keys())
print('Data keys:     %s\n' % keys)
for di, d in enumerate(data):
    if d['trial_id'][0][0] == 'multi-tone':
        print('Trial %s multi-tone' % (di + 1))
        targs = ast.literal_eval(d['multi-tone trial'][0][0])
        presses = [int(k[0]) for k in d['keypress']]
        print('  Targs: %s\n  Press: %s' % (targs, presses))
예제 #14
                      np.sum(slot_codes != '-', axis=1))

# init DF
trial_df = pd.DataFrame()
slots_df = pd.DataFrame()

# loop over subjects
for subj in subjects:
    logfile = glob(op.join(datadir, f'{subj}_*.tab'))
    assert len(logfile) == 1
    with open(logfile[0], 'r') as f:
        # first line includes dict with experiment metadata
        metadata = eval(f.readline().strip()[2:])
        assert metadata['participant'] == subj
        session = int(metadata['session']) - 1
    all_trials = read_tab(logfile[0])
    trials = all_trials[-n_trials:]  # omit training
    this_trial_df = pd.DataFrame(trials,
                                 columns=('trial_id', 'play', 'keypress'))
    this_trial_df.rename(columns=dict(play='trial_onset', keypress='presses'),
    this_trial_df['trial_id'] = this_trial_df['trial_id'].map(parse_trial_id)
    this_trial_df['trial_onset'] = this_trial_df['trial_onset'].map(
        lambda x: x[0][1])
    this_trial_df['presses'] = this_trial_df['presses'].map(parse_presses)
    # merge in info from cond_mat (put in correct order first!)
    block_order = params['blocks'][session]
    trial_order = np.concatenate(
        [params['block_trials'][block] for block in block_order])
    this_cond_mat = cond_mat[trial_order]
    assert np.array_equal(np.array(this_trial_df['trial_id'].values.tolist()),
예제 #15
Parsing demo

This example shows some of the functionality of ``read_tab``.
# Author: Eric Larson <*****@*****.**>
# License: BSD (3-clause)

from os import path as op
import ast

from expyfun.io import read_tab


fname = op.join(op.dirname(__file__), 'sample.tab')  # from simple_experiment
data = read_tab(fname)
print('Number of trials: %s' % len(data))
keys = list(data[0].keys())
print('Data keys:     %s\n' % keys)
for di, d in enumerate(data):
    if d['trial_id'][0][0] == 'multi-tone':
        print('Trial %s multi-tone' % (di + 1))
        targs = ast.literal_eval(d['multi-tone trial'][0][0])
        presses = [int(k[0]) for k in d['keypress']]
        print('  Targs: %s\n  Press: %s' % (targs, presses))