예제 #1
파일: core.py 프로젝트: sousasag/OPEN
	def chi2_1(individual):
		""" Fitness function for 1 planet model """
		P, K, ecc, omega, T0, gam = individual 
		get_rvn(system.time, P, K, ecc, omega, T0, gam, vel)
		chi2 = sum(((system.vrad - vel)/system.error)**2)
		#print chi2
		return chi2,
예제 #2
파일: core.py 프로젝트: sousasag/OPEN
	def chi2_n(params):
		""" Fitness function for N planet model """
		# print params
		P, K, ecc, omega, T0, gam = [params[i::6] for i in range(6)]
		#print ecc
		if any(e>1 or e<0 for e in ecc): return 1e99
		get_rvn(system.time, P, K, ecc, omega, T0, gam[0], vel)
		#print 'out of get_rvn'
		return system.vrad - vel
예제 #3
파일: core.py 프로젝트: sousasag/OPEN
	def chi2_n(individual):
		""" Fitness function for N planet model """
		P, K, ecc, omega, T0, gam = [individual[i::6] for i in range(6)]
		#print ecc
		get_rvn(system.time, P, K, ecc, omega, T0, gam[0], vel)
		#print 'out of get_rvn'
		chi2 = sum(((system.vrad - vel)/system.error)**2)
		#print chi2
		return chi2,
예제 #4
파일: core.py 프로젝트: sousasag/OPEN
	def chi2_2(params):
		P, K, ecc, omega, T0, gam = params
		get_rvn(system.time, P, K, ecc, omega, T0, gam, vel)
		return system.vrad - vel
예제 #5
파일: classes.py 프로젝트: sousasag/OPEN
    def do_plot_fit(self):
        """ Plot the observed radial velocities together with the 
        current best fit curve as well as phased RV curves for each 
        planet considered in the fit. Data from each file are color 
        coded and labeled. 
        if self.fit is None: return # there is no fit yet

        colors = 'rgbmk' # possible colors
        t, rv, err = self.time, self.vrad, self.error # temporaries

        tt = numpy.linspace(self.time.min()-200, self.time.max()+300, 400)
        final = numpy.zeros_like(tt)
        par = self.fit['params']
        keplerians = int(len(par)/6)
        P, K, ecc, omega, T0, gam = [par[j::6] for j in range(6)]
        gam = gam[0]

        get_rvn(tt, P, K, ecc, omega, T0, gam, final)

        ### observations + fitted curve + residuals
        gs = gridspec.GridSpec(2, 1, height_ratios=[2,1])
        ax1 = plt.subplot(gs[0])
        # plot each file's values
        for i, (fname, [n, nout]) in enumerate(sorted(self.provenance.iteritems())):
            m = n-nout # how many values are there after restriction
            ax1.errorbar(t[:m], rv[:m], yerr=err[:m], \
                         fmt='o'+colors[i], label=fname)
            t, rv, err = t[m:], rv[m:], err[m:]
        ax1.plot(tt, final, 'k-')

        # redo this...
        t, rv, err = self.time, self.vrad, self.error # temporaries
        final = numpy.zeros_like(t)
        get_rvn(t, P, K, ecc, omega, T0, gam, final)

        ax2 = plt.subplot(gs[1], sharex=ax1)
        # plot residuals
        for i, (fname, [n, nout]) in enumerate(sorted(self.provenance.iteritems())):
            m = n-nout # how many values are there after restriction
            ax2.errorbar(t[:m], rv[:m]-final[:m], yerr=err[:m], \
                       fmt='o'+colors[i], label=fname)
            t, rv, err, final = t[m:], rv[m:], err[m:], final[m:]
        ax2.axhline(y=0, xmin=0, xmax=1, ls='--', color='k')

        # # redo this...
        # t, rv, err = self.time-self.time.min(), self.vrad, self.error # temporaries
        # final = numpy.zeros_like(tt)

        # ### phased RV curves
        # plt.figure()
        # gs = gridspec.GridSpec(keplerians, 1)
        # for i in range(keplerians):
        #   get_rvn(tt, P[i], K[i], ecc[i], omega[i], T0[i], gam, final)
        #   ax = plt.subplot(gs[i])
        #   # plot each file's values
        #   for i, (fname, [n, nout]) in enumerate(sorted(self.provenance.iteritems())):
        #       m = n-nout # how many values are there after restriction
        #       ax.errorbar(t[:m]/P[i], rv[:m], yerr=err[:m], \
        #                    fmt='o'+colors[i], label=fname)
        #       t, rv, err = t[m:], rv[m:], err[m:]
        #   ax.plot((tt-min(tt))/P[i], final, 'k-')
