예제 #1
def get_linux_disk_info(datadirs):
    #get the info related to datadir
    datadir = datadirs['@@datadir']
    output = util.output("Datadir", datadir)
    output2, datadir_physical = _get_physical_info(datadir)
    output += output2
    for key in datadirs:

        if key == "@@datadir":
        output += util.output(key[2:], datadirs[key])
        if datadirs[key] == "./" or datadirs[
                key] == datadir or not datadirs[key]:
            if datadirs[key].startswith("./"):
                path_to_check = datadir + datadirs[key][1:]
                path_to_check = datadirs[key]

            output2, physical_disk2 = _get_physical_info(path_to_check)

            if datadir_physical != physical_disk2:
                output += output2

    return output
예제 #2
def get_linux_memory_usage(advices):
    command = "free -h"
    all_info = subprocess.check_output(command, shell=True).strip()                  
    for line in all_info.decode("utf-8").split("\n"): 
        if "Mem:" in line:
            line_sp = line.split()
            memory =  util.output("Total Memory", line_sp[1])
            memory += util.output("Memory Used", line_sp[2])
            memory += util.output("Memory Free", line_sp[3])
            memory += util.output("Filesystem Cache", line_sp[5])
        if "Swap:" in line:
            line_sp = line.split()
            memory += util.output("Total Swap", line_sp[1])
            memory += util.output("Swap Used", line_sp[2])
            memory += util.output("Swap Free", line_sp[3])
            swappiness = util.get_sysctl_value('vm.swappiness')
            memory += util.output("Swappiness", swappiness)
            if advices:
                if int(swappiness) <= 10 and int(swappiness) > 0:
                    memory += util.print_green("\nYour swappiness value is good")
                elif int(swappiness) == 0:
                    memory += util.print_red("0 as swappiness is dangerous, you should set it to 5")
                    memory += util.print_red("Your swappiness value is to high, you should set it to a value between 1 and 10")
    return memory
예제 #3
def get_dataset(session):
    stmt = """SELECT format_bytes(SUM(data_length)) Data,
                     format_bytes(SUM(index_length)) Indexes,
                     format_bytes(SUM(data_length)+sum(index_length)) 'Total Size'
              FROM information_schema.TABLES GROUP BY NULL"""
    result = session.run_sql(stmt)
    output = util.output("Dataset", "")
    while result.has_data():
        object_res = result.fetch_one_object()
        for key in object_res:
            output += util.output(key, object_res[key], 1)

    return output
예제 #4
def get_tables_without_pk(session):
        from prettytable import PrettyTable
        return (util.print_red(
            "Error importing module prettytable, check if it's installed"))

    stmt = """SELECT concat(tables.table_schema, '/' , tables.table_name) as `Table Name`, tables.engine as `Engine`, 
       tables.table_rows as `Row` FROM information_schema.tables  LEFT JOIN (     
          SELECT table_schema , table_name     
          FROM information_schema.statistics     
          GROUP BY table_schema, table_name, index_name HAVING       
           SUM( case when non_unique = 0 and nullable != 'YES' then 1 else 0 end ) = count(*) ) puks   
           ON tables.table_schema = puks.table_schema and tables.table_name = puks.table_name   
           WHERE puks.table_name is null     
            AND tables.table_type = 'BASE TABLE' AND Engine='InnoDB'"""

    result = session.run_sql(stmt)
    headers = []
    for col in result.get_columns():

    tab = PrettyTable(headers)
    tab.align = 'r'

    output = util.output("Tables without PK", "")
    for row in result.fetch_all():
    tab.align[result.get_columns()[0].get_column_label()] = 'l'
    output += str(tab) + "\n"
    return output
예제 #5
def get_largest_innodb_tables(session, limit=10):
        from prettytable import PrettyTable
        return (util.print_red(
            "Error importing module prettytable, check if it's installed"))

    stmt = """SELECT NAME as `Table Name`, TABLE_ROWS as `Rows`, format_bytes(data_length) `Data Size`,
                     format_bytes(PAGE_SIZE) `Page Size`, SPACE_TYPE `Space Type`,
                     format_bytes(index_length) `Index Size`,
                     format_bytes(data_length+index_length) `Total Size`,
                     format_bytes(data_free) `Data Free`,
                     format_bytes(FILE_SIZE) `File Size`,
                     format_bytes((FILE_SIZE/10 - (data_length/10 + 
                           index_length/10))*10) `Wasted Size`
                FROM information_schema.TABLES as t 
                JOIN information_schema.INNODB_TABLESPACES as it 
                ON it.name = concat(table_schema,"/",table_name) 
                ORDER BY (data_length + index_length) desc limit %s""" % str(
    result = session.run_sql(stmt)
    headers = []
    for col in result.get_columns():

    tab = PrettyTable(headers)
    tab.align = 'r'

    output = util.output("Top %s largest InnoDB Tables" % str(limit), "")
    for row in result.fetch_all():
    tab.align[result.get_columns()[0].get_column_label()] = 'l'
    output += str(tab) + "\n"
    return output
예제 #6
def version_info(session):
    supported = False
    stmt = "select @@version_comment, @@version, @@version_compile_machine"
    result = session.run_sql(stmt)
    row = result.fetch_one()
    output = util.output("MySQL Version",
                         "%s (%s) - %s" % (row[0], row[1], row[2]))
    if int(row[1][0]) >= 8 and row[0].startswith('MySQL'):
        supported = True
    return supported, output
예제 #7
def _get_physical_info(path):
    command = "df -h %s | tail -n 1" % path
    all_info = subprocess.check_output(command, shell=True).strip()
    physical_disk = ""
    for line in all_info.decode("utf-8").split("\n"):
        line_sp = line.split()
        physical_disk = line_sp[0]
        output = util.output("Physical drive", physical_disk, 1)
        output += util.output("Size", line_sp[1], 1)
        output += util.output("Used (%s)" % line_sp[4], line_sp[2], 1)
        output += util.output("Free", line_sp[3], 1)
        output += util.output("Mount point", line_sp[5], 1)
        filesystem, attributes = _get_mount_options(line_sp[0])
        output += util.output("Filesystem", filesystem, 1)
        output += util.output("Mount attributes", attributes, 1)
    return output, physical_disk