예제 #1
def test_parsable_setup_parsing():
    """Test Parsable setup_parsing() method."""
    the_file = Parsable()
    Parsable.read = utils.mock_read_data
    the_file.data = FILE
        'htdocs' : ('DocumentRoot (.*)',),
        'debug'  :  'DEBUG = (.*)',
        'secure' : ('SECURE[ ]*=[ ]*([^ \n]*)', 'SECURE = {0}'),
        'speed'  : ('SPEED[ ]*=[ ]*([^ \n]*)', 'SPEED = {0}'),
        'list'   : ('LIST[ ]*=[ ]*([^ \n]*)', 'LIST = {0}'),
    assert the_file.htdocs[0] == '/var/www/google.com'
    assert the_file.htdocs[1] == '/var/www/example.com'
    assert the_file.debug == 'True'
    assert the_file.secure == 'False'
    the_file.secure = 'True'
    assert the_file.secure == 'True'
    assert the_file.speed is None
    the_file.speed = 'fastest'
    assert the_file.speed == 'fastest'
    the_file.speed = 'fastest' # setting it more than once with the same value
                           # shouldn't affect the number of times it is added.
    assert isinstance(the_file.speed, str) \
        or isinstance(the_file.speed, unicode)  # Shouldn't be a list, checking unicode
                                          # for Python 2 support.
    assert len(the_file.list) == 2 # Should be a list
예제 #2
def test_parsable_setup_parsing_on_empty_file():
    """Test Parsable setup_paring() using an empty file."""
    the_file = Parsable()
    Parsable.read = utils.mock_read_data
    the_file.data = EMPTY_FILE
        'htdocs' : ('DocumentRoot (.*)', 'DocumentRoot {0}'),
        'secure'  : ('SECURE[ ]*=[ ]*([^ \n]*)', 'SECURE = {0}'),
    assert the_file.htdocs is None
    the_file.htdocs = '/var/www/google.com'
    assert the_file.htdocs == '/var/www/google.com'
    assert the_file.secure is None
    the_file.secure = 'True'
    assert the_file.secure == 'True'