# in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. # -- config -- # description: Retrieve a list of roles. # http_method: get # lock: False # tags: Postgres, Psql # -- end config -- from os import linesep from extension import CmdRun, ToolKit, Constants # Spawn Instances run = CmdRun() # <class> Run toolkit = ToolKit() # <class> Misc. functions # ****************** # * SQL SENTENCE * # ****************** sql = ("\du") sql_code = toolkit.write_temp(sql) # **************** # * SQL RUNNER * # **************** output = run.sql(sql_code) print(output) print("{status}=ok".format(status=Constants.API_SUMMARY_STRING)) toolkit.exit(0)
# * SQL SENTENCE * # ****************** sql = ("SELECT" " pid," " current_timestamp - xact_start as xact_runtime," " query" " FROM pg_stat_activity WHERE query NOT LIKE '%pg_stat_activity%' " " ORDER BY xact_start;" ) sql_code = toolkit.write_temp(sql) # **************** # * SQL RUNNER * # **************** query_result = run.sql(sql_code) # ********************** # * OUTPUT PROCESSOR * # ********************** print(query_result) exitcode = 0 # We good error_scenario_1 = False error_scenario_2 = False error_scenario_3 = False for line in query_result.split(linesep): if ("psql:/tmp/" in line) and (" ERROR: " in line): toolkit.print_stderr(line) error_scenario_1 = True