예제 #1
    def eval_func(self, candidates, args):
        """ :param candidates: Current population being evaluated.

        scores_list = []

        scores = []

        print "Calculating scores... "
        for conformation in candidates:

            score = 0.0
            surf_area = 0.0
            phobic_area = 0.0
            philic_area = 0.0
            e_score = 0.0
            # Create PeptideBuilder structure for conformation

            geo = Geometry.geometry(self.sequence[0])
            geo.phi = conformation[0]
            geo.psi_im1 = conformation[1]
            if self.sequence[0] != "G" and self.sequence[0] != "P" and self.sequence[0] != "A":
                if 0 in self.mod_dict:
            structure = PeptideBuilder.initialize_res(geo)

            i = 2
            j = 1
            for aa in self.sequence[1:]:
                geo = Geometry.geometry(aa)
                geo.phi = conformation[i]
                geo.psi_im1 = conformation[i + 1]
                if aa != "G" and aa != "P" and aa != "A":
                    if j in self.mod_dict:
                j += 1
                structure = PeptideBuilder.add_residue(structure, geo)
                i += 2

            out = Bio.PDB.PDBIO()
            out.save(self.path + "/msms/prot" + str(self.id) + ".pdb")
            # Add hydrogens with pybel

            mol = pybel.readfile("pdb", self.path + "/msms/prot" + str(self.id) + ".pdb").next()


            pybelmol = pybel.Molecule(mol)
            pybelmol.write("pdb", self.path + "/msms/prot" + str(self.id) + ".pdb",

            # Convert to xyzrn with msms executable

            subprocess.call('cd ' + self.path + '/msms; ./pdb_to_xyzrn prot' + str(self.id) +
                            '.pdb > prot' + str(self.id) + '.xyzrn', shell=True)
            # Enforce constraints (atoms can't come closer than van-der-waals radii)

            check = []

            with open(self.path + "/msms/prot" + str(self.id) + ".xyzrn") as f:
                check = f.readlines()

            atoms_check = []

            unk = False
            for atom in check:
                entries = atom.split()
                name = entries[5]
                ent = name.split("_")
                resid = ent[2]
                atname = ent[0]
                res = ent[1]
                    r = get_radius(atname, res)[0]
                except KeyError:
                    unk = True
                    score = 1000000
                atoms_check.append([resid, entries[0], entries[1], entries[2], r, atname, res])

            if not unk:
                clash = False
                for atom in atoms_check:
                    id1 = int(atom[0])
                    atname1 = atom[5]
                    x = float(atom[1])
                    y = float(atom[2])
                    z = float(atom[3])
                    r = float(atom[4])
                    for atom2 in atoms_check:
                        id2 = int(atom2[0])
                        atname2 = atom2[5]
                        if (id1 != id2) and not (((id2 == (id1 + 1)) or (id2 == (id1 - 1)))
                                                 and (((atname1 == "CA") or (atname1 == "C") or (atname1 == "N")) and
                                                      ((atname2 == "CA") or (atname2 == "C") or (atname2 == "N")))):
                            x2 = float(atom2[1])
                            y2 = float(atom2[2])
                            z2 = float(atom2[3])
                            r2 = float(atom2[4])
                            distance = np.sqrt((x2 - x)**2 + (y2 - y)**2 + (z2 - z)**2)
                            if distance < r + r2:
                                solved = self.rebuild(id1, id2, self.rot_iter, conformation)
                                if not solved:
                                    score = 1000000
                                    clash = True
                                    print "CLASH"
                                    print "> " + str(atname1) + " " + str(atname2) + " " + str(distance) + " " + str(id1) + " " \
                                          + str(id2)
                                    print "Solved."
                    if clash:

                if not clash:
                    # Compute ses for all atoms with msms executable
                    subprocess.call('cd ' + self.path + '/msms; ' +
                                    './msms.x86_64Linux2.2.6.1 -if prot' + str(self.id) + '.xyzrn -af ses_atoms' +
                                    str(self.id) + ' > /dev/null', shell=True)

                    with open(self.path + "/msms/ses_atoms" + str(self.id) + ".area") as f:
                        atoms = f.readlines()

                    ses_type = []
                    for i in range(len(atoms)):
                        if i != 0:
                            entries = atoms[i].split()
                            ses = entries[1]
                            atom_desc = entries[3]
                            atmname = atom_desc.split("_")
                            rad_hydro = get_radius(atmname[0].strip(), atmname[1].strip())
                            res_num = atmname[2].strip()
                            atm_type = rad_hydro[1]
                            ses_type.append([ses, atm_type, res_num])

                    for atom in ses_type:
                        surf_area += float(atom[0])
                        if atom[1] == 1:
                            phobic_area += float(atom[0])
                        if atom[1] == 2:
                            philic_area -= float(atom[0])

                    print "SA: " + str(surf_area/2)

                    print "SPHOBE: " + str(phobic_area)

                    print "SPHIL: " + str(philic_area)

                    # print "ES: " + str(e_score)

                    # Score the new conformation
                    score = surf_area/2 + phobic_area + philic_area

            scores.append([score, conformation])

            # For fitness

        print "Done. \n"

        scores = sorted(scores)

        # Save lowest to pdb
        if scores[0][0] < self.lowest:
            conformation = scores[0][1]

            geo = Geometry.geometry(self.sequence[0])
            geo.phi = conformation[0]
            geo.psi_im1 = conformation[1]
            if self.sequence[0] != "G" and self.sequence[0] != "P" and self.sequence[0] != "A":
                if 0 in self.mod_dict:
            structure = PeptideBuilder.initialize_res(geo)

            i = 2
            j = 1
            for aa in self.sequence[1:]:
                geo = Geometry.geometry(aa)
                geo.phi = conformation[i]
                geo.psi_im1 = conformation[i + 1]
                if aa != "G" and aa != "P" and aa != "A":
                    if j in self.mod_dict:
                j += 1
                structure = PeptideBuilder.add_residue(structure, geo)
                i += 2

            out = Bio.PDB.PDBIO()
            out.save("lowest" + str(self.id) + ".pdb")

            mol = pybel.readfile("pdb", "lowest" + str(self.id) + ".pdb").next()


            pybelmol = pybel.Molecule(mol)
            pybelmol.write("pdb", "lowest" + str(self.id) + ".pdb", overwrite=True)
            pybelmol.write("pdb", "lowest_backup" + str(self.id) + ".pdb", overwrite=True)

        if scores[0][0] < self.lowest:
            self.lowest = scores[0][0]

        print "Lowest score: " + str(self.lowest)

        # return novelty_scores
        return scores_list
예제 #2
    def local_mover(self, n):
        """ :param candidates: Current population being evaluated.
        conformation = self.conformation
        move = 0

        score = 0.0
        surf_area = 0.0
        phobic_area = 0.0
        philic_area = 0.0
        e_score = 0.0
        if self.steps != 0:
            rand = random.random()
            if rand < 0.33:
                move = -self.mover_size
            elif rand < 0.66:
                move = 0
                move = self.mover_size

            conformation[n] += move

        geo = Geometry.geometry(self.sequence[0])
        geo.phi = conformation[0]
        geo.psi_im1 = conformation[1]
        if self.sequence[0] != "G" and self.sequence[0] != "P" and self.sequence[0] != "A":
            if 0 in self.mod_dict:
        structure = PeptideBuilder.initialize_res(geo)

        i = 2
        j = 1
        for aa in self.sequence[1:]:
            geo = Geometry.geometry(aa)
            geo.phi = conformation[i]
            geo.psi_im1 = conformation[i + 1]
            if aa != "G" and aa != "P" and aa != "A":
                if j in self.mod_dict:
            j += 1
            structure = PeptideBuilder.add_residue(structure, geo)
            i += 2

        out = Bio.PDB.PDBIO()
        out.save(self.path + "/msms/prot" + str(self.id) + ".pdb")

        mol = pybel.readfile("pdb", self.path + "/msms/prot" + str(self.id) + ".pdb").next()


        pybelmol = pybel.Molecule(mol)
        pybelmol.write("pdb", self.path + "/msms/prot" + str(self.id) + ".pdb",

        subprocess.call('cd ' + self.path + '/msms; ./pdb_to_xyzrn prot' + str(self.id) +
                        '.pdb > prot' + str(self.id) + '.xyzrn', shell=True)

        check = []

        with open(self.path + "/msms/prot" + str(self.id) + ".xyzrn") as f:
            check = f.readlines()

        atoms_check = []

        unk = False
        for atom in check:
            entries = atom.split()
            name = entries[5]
            ent = name.split("_")
            resid = ent[2]
            atname = ent[0]
            res = ent[1]
                r = get_radius(atname, res)[0]
            except KeyError:
                    unk = True
                    score = 1000000
            atoms_check.append([resid, entries[0], entries[1], entries[2], r, atname, res])

        if not unk:
            clash = False
            for atom in atoms_check:
                id1 = int(atom[0])
                atname1 = atom[5]
                x = float(atom[1])
                y = float(atom[2])
                z = float(atom[3])
                r = float(atom[4])
                for atom2 in atoms_check:
                    id2 = int(atom2[0])
                    atname2 = atom2[5]
                    if (id1 != id2) and not (((id2 == (id1 + 1)) or (id2 == (id1 - 1)))
                                             and (((atname1 == "CA") or (atname1 == "C") or (atname1 == "N")) and
                                                  ((atname2 == "CA") or (atname2 == "C") or (atname2 == "N")))):
                        x2 = float(atom2[1])
                        y2 = float(atom2[2])
                        z2 = float(atom2[3])
                        r2 = float(atom2[4])
                        distance = np.sqrt((x2 - x)**2 + (y2 - y)**2 + (z2 - z)**2)
                        if distance < r + r2:
                            solved = self.rebuild(id1, id2, self.rot_iter, conformation)
                            if not solved:
                                score = 1000000
                                clash = True
                                print "CLASH"
                                print "> " + str(atname1) + " " + str(atname2) + " " + str(distance) + " " + str(id1) + " " \
                                      + str(id2)
                                print "Solved."
                if clash:

            if not clash:
                self.threshold = 0
                subprocess.call('cd ' + self.path + '/msms; ' +
                                './msms.x86_64Linux2.2.6.1 -if prot' + str(self.id) + '.xyzrn -af ses_atoms' +
                                str(self.id) + ' > /dev/null', shell=True)

                with open(self.path + "/msms/ses_atoms" + str(self.id) + ".area") as f:
                    atoms = f.readlines()

                ses_type = []
                for i in range(len(atoms)):
                    if i != 0:
                        entries = atoms[i].split()
                        ses = entries[1]
                        atom_desc = entries[3]
                        atmname = atom_desc.split("_")
                        rad_hydro = get_radius(atmname[0].strip(), atmname[1].strip())
                        res_num = atmname[2].strip()
                        atm_type = rad_hydro[1]
                        ses_type.append([ses, atm_type, res_num])

                for atom in ses_type:
                    surf_area += float(atom[0])
                    if atom[1] == 1:
                        phobic_area += float(atom[0])
                    if atom[1] == 2:
                        philic_area -= float(atom[0])

                print "SA: " + str(surf_area)

                print "SPHOBE: " + str(phobic_area)

                # print "SPHIL: " + str(philic_area)

                # print "ES: " + str(e_score)

                # Score the new conformation
                score = surf_area + phobic_area

                if self.steps == 0:
                    self.current_score = score
                    self.accepted += 1
                    if score >= self.current_score:
                            p_acc = math.exp(-(score - self.current_score)/self.temperature)
                            print "PACC " + str(p_acc)
                        except OverflowError:
                            p_acc = 0
                            print "OVERFLOW"
                        rand = random.random()
                        if p_acc < rand:
                            self.rejected += 1
                            self.conformation = conformation
                            self.current_score = score
                            self.accepted += 1
                        self.conformation = conformation
                        self.current_score = score
                        self.accepted += 1
                        if score < self.lowest:
                            self.lowest = score
                            pybelmol.write("pdb", "lowest" + str(self.id) + ".pdb", overwrite=True)
                            pybelmol.write("pdb", "lowest_backup" + str(self.id) + ".pdb", overwrite=True)

        # For messing with dynamic parameter adjustment

        # if self.threshold % 10 == 0:
        #     if self.mover_size > 1:
        #         self.mover_size -= 1
        #         print "MS: " + str(self.mover_size)
        #     self.threshold = 0

        # if self.steps % 20 == 0:
        #     if self.lowest - self.score_10 < 10:
        #         self.mover_size += 1
        #     self.score_10 = self.lowest

        print "Done. \n"

        print "################################"
        print "Step " + str(self.steps) + " | MC Ratio: " + str(self.rejected/self.accepted) + \
              " | Lowest score: " + str(self.lowest)
        print "################################"

        self.steps += 1
예제 #3
    def rebuild(self, id1, id2, it, conformation):
        """Rebuilds clashing residues.
        :param id1: First residue id.
        :param id2: Second residue id.
        :param it: Number of iterations.
        :param conformation: Current conformation.
        :return: :type boolean: True if successfully rebuilt, False if not.
        print "Adjusting rotamers..."
        new_rot1 = []
        new_rot2 = []
        aa1 = self.sequence[id1 - 1]
        aa2 = self.sequence[id2 - 1]
        solved = False
        if (aa1 != "G" and aa1 != "P" and aa1 != "A") or (aa2 != "G" and aa2 != "P" and aa2 != "A"):
            for n in range(it):
                if solved:
                if n == 0:
                    new_rot1 = self.make_rot_list(aa1)
                    new_rot2 = self.make_rot_list(aa2)
                    moves1 = []
                    for j in range(len(new_rot1)):
                        rand = random.random()
                        if rand < 0.33:
                        elif rand < 0.66:
                    new_rot1 = [new_rot1[i] + moves1[i] for i in range(len(new_rot1))]

                    moves2 = []
                    for j in range(len(new_rot2)):
                        rand = random.random()
                        if rand < 0.33:
                        elif rand < 0.66:
                    new_rot2 = [new_rot2[i] + moves2[i] for i in range(len(new_rot2))]

                geo = Geometry.geometry(self.sequence[0])
                geo.phi = conformation[0]
                geo.psi_im1 = conformation[1]
                if id1 - 1 == 0:
                    if aa1 != "G" and aa1 != "P" and aa1 != "A":
                elif id2 - 1 == 0:
                    if aa2 != "G" and aa2 != "P" and aa2 != "A":
                elif 0 in self.mod_dict:
                    if self.sequence[0] != "G" and self.sequence[0] != "P" and self.sequence[0] != "A":
                structure = PeptideBuilder.initialize_res(geo)

                i = 2
                j = 1
                for aa in self.sequence[1:]:
                    geo = Geometry.geometry(aa)
                    geo.phi = conformation[i]
                    geo.psi_im1 = conformation[i + 1]
                    if id1 == j + 1:
                        if aa1 != "G" and aa1 != "P" and aa1 != "A":
                    elif id2 == j + 1:
                        if aa2 != "G" and aa2 != "P" and aa2 != "A":
                    elif j in self.mod_dict:
                    j += 1
                    structure = PeptideBuilder.add_residue(structure, geo)
                    i += 2

                out = Bio.PDB.PDBIO()
                out.save(self.path + "/msms/prot" + str(self.id) + ".pdb")

                mol = pybel.readfile("pdb", self.path + "/msms/prot" + str(self.id) + ".pdb").next()


                pybelmol = pybel.Molecule(mol)
                pybelmol.write("pdb", self.path + "/msms/prot" + str(self.id) + ".pdb",

                subprocess.call('cd ' + self.path + '/msms; ./pdb_to_xyzrn prot' + str(self.id) +
                                '.pdb > prot' + str(self.id) + '.xyzrn', shell=True)

                check = []

                with open(self.path + "/msms/prot" + str(self.id) + ".xyzrn") as f:
                    check = f.readlines()

                atoms_check = []

                clash = False
                unk = False
                for atom in check:
                    entries = atom.split()
                    name = entries[5]
                    ent = name.split("_")
                    resid = ent[2]
                    atname = ent[0]
                    res = ent[1]
                        r = get_radius(atname, res)[0]
                    except KeyError:
                        unk = True
                    atoms_check.append([resid, entries[0], entries[1], entries[2], r, atname, res])

                if not unk:
                    for atom in atoms_check:
                        aid1 = int(atom[0])
                        atname1 = atom[5]
                        x = float(atom[1])
                        y = float(atom[2])
                        z = float(atom[3])
                        r = float(atom[4])
                        for atom2 in atoms_check:
                            aid2 = int(atom2[0])
                            atname2 = atom2[5]
                            if (aid1 != aid2) and not (((aid2 == (aid1 + 1)) or (aid2 == (aid1 - 1)))
                                                    and (((atname1 == "CA") or (atname1 == "C") or (atname1 == "N")) and
                                                         ((atname2 == "CA") or (atname2 == "C") or (atname2 == "N")))):
                                x2 = float(atom2[1])
                                y2 = float(atom2[2])
                                z2 = float(atom2[3])
                                r2 = float(atom2[4])
                                distance = np.sqrt((x2 - x)**2 + (y2 - y)**2 + (z2 - z)**2)
                                if distance < r + r2:
                                    clash = True
                        if clash:
                    if not clash:
                        solved = True
            print str(aa1) + " " + str(aa2)
        if solved:
            if aa1 != "G" and aa1 != "P" and aa1 != "A":
                self.mod_dict[id1 - 1] = new_rot1
            if aa2 != "G" and aa2 != "P" and aa2 != "A":
                self.mod_dict[id2 - 1] = new_rot2
            return True
            return False
예제 #4
    def rotamer_mover(self, conformation, n):
        if n == 0:
            self.rot_conf_local = self.rot_conformation
        for i in range(len(self.rot_conf_local)):
            aa = self.rot_conf_local[i]
            moves = []
            for j in range(len(aa)):
                rand = random.random()
                if rand < 0.33:
                elif rand < 0.66:
            aa = [aa[i] + moves[i] for i in range(len(aa))]
            self.rot_conf_local[i] = aa

        geo = Geometry.geometry(self.sequence[0])
        geo.phi = conformation[0]
        geo.psi_im1 = conformation[1]
        structure = PeptideBuilder.initialize_res(geo)

        i = 2
        j = 1
        for aa in self.sequence[1:]:
            geo = Geometry.geometry(aa)
            geo.phi = conformation[i]
            geo.psi_im1 = conformation[i + 1]
            if aa != "G" and aa != "P" and aa != "A":
                j += 1
            structure = PeptideBuilder.add_residue(structure, geo)
            i += 2

        out = Bio.PDB.PDBIO()
        out.save(self.path + "/msms/prot" + str(self.id) + ".pdb")

        mol = pybel.readfile("pdb", self.path + "/msms/prot" + str(self.id) + ".pdb").next()


        pybelmol = pybel.Molecule(mol)
        pybelmol.write("pdb", self.path + "/msms/prot" + str(self.id) + ".pdb",

        subprocess.call('cd ' + self.path + '/msms; ./pdb_to_xyzrn prot' + str(self.id) +
                        '.pdb > prot' + str(self.id) + '.xyzrn', shell=True)

        check = []

        with open(self.path + "/msms/prot" + str(self.id) + ".xyzrn") as f:
            check = f.readlines()

        atoms_check = []

        for atom in check:
            entries = atom.split()
            name = entries[5]
            ent = name.split("_")
            resid = ent[2]
            atname = ent[0]
            res = ent[1]
                r = get_radius(atname, res)[0]
            except KeyError:
                self.threshold += 1
                return False
            atoms_check.append([resid, entries[0], entries[1], entries[2], r, atname, res])

        for atom in atoms_check:
            id1 = int(atom[0])
            atname1 = atom[5]
            x = float(atom[1])
            y = float(atom[2])
            z = float(atom[3])
            r = float(atom[4])
            for atom2 in atoms_check:
                id2 = int(atom2[0])
                atname2 = atom2[5]
                if (id1 != id2) and not (((id2 == (id1 + 1)) or (id2 == (id1 - 1)))
                                         and (((atname1 == "CA") or (atname1 == "C") or (atname1 == "N")) and
                                              ((atname2 == "CA") or (atname2 == "C") or (atname2 == "N")))):
                    x2 = float(atom2[1])
                    y2 = float(atom2[2])
                    z2 = float(atom2[3])
                    r2 = float(atom2[4])
                    distance = np.sqrt((x2 - x)**2 + (y2 - y)**2 + (z2 - z)**2)
                    if distance < r + r2:
                        self.threshold += 1
        self.rot_conformation = self.rot_conf_local
        self.new_conf = True
        print "Success."
        return True