예제 #1
def generatepath(source_loc: Tuple[float, float],
                 target_loc: Tuple[float, float],
                 other_rects: List[List[Dict[str, float]]],
                 agent_width: float = PERFORMER_WIDTH) \
        -> Optional[List[Tuple[float, float]]]:
    """Boundary has to be CCW, Holes CW"""
    # dilate all the polygons based on the agent width
    dilation = agent_width / 2.0
    polygons = _dilate_polygons(other_rects, dilation, Point(*source_loc), Point(*target_loc))
    if polygons is None:
        return None

    # they may intersect now, so unify any that do
    poly_coords = _unify_and_clean_polygons(polygons)

    environment = Environment()
    boundary_coordinates = [(MAX_X - dilation, MAX_Z - dilation),
                            (MIN_X + dilation, MAX_Z - dilation),
                            (MIN_X + dilation, MIN_Z + dilation),
                            (MAX_X - dilation, MIN_Z + dilation)]
        environment.store(boundary_coordinates, poly_coords, validate=True)
        path, length = environment.find_shortest_path(source_loc, target_loc)
        # Work around a bug in the DirectedHeuristicGraph class
        # defined by the extremitypathfinder module. It causes the
        # graph to keep growing across successive Environments. See
        # https://github.com/MrMinimal64/extremitypathfinder/issues/10
    except TypeError as e:
        # We sometimes get "TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for
        # +: 'NoneType' and 'float'" and "'<' not supported between
        # instances of 'generator' and 'generator'", but I don't know
        # why.
        logging.info(f'path finding failed (maybe impossible?): {e}')
        return None
    except Exception:
        # We shouldn't get other exceptions from the path finder, but
        # just in case...
        logging.warning('unexpected error in path finding')
        logObject = {
            'boundary': boundary_coordinates,
            'holes': poly_coords,
            'start': source_loc,
            'target': target_loc
        return None
    return path
예제 #2
def _generate_shortest_path_position_list(
    starting_position: Tuple[float, float], goal_position: Tuple[float, float],
    pathfinding_environment: Environment
) -> Optional[List[Tuple[float, float]]]:
    """Generate and return the postion list for the shortest path from the
    given starting position to the given goal position."""
        if not pathfinding_environment.within_map(starting_position):
            logging.debug('Starting position not in pathfinding environment.')
            return None
        if not pathfinding_environment.within_map(goal_position):
            logging.debug('Goal position not in pathfinding environment.')
            return None
        path, length = pathfinding_environment.find_shortest_path(
            starting_position, goal_position)
    except Exception as e:
        logging.error('UNEXPECTED ERROR IN PATHFINDING')
        return None
    return path if len(path) > 0 else None
class GlobalLocalPlanner():
    def __init__(self):
        self.environment = Environment()

        # counter clockwise vertex numbering!
        boundary_coordinates = [(0 + ROBOT_SIZE, 0 + ROBOT_SIZE),
                                (3.25 - ROBOT_SIZE, 0 + ROBOT_SIZE),
                                (3.25 - ROBOT_SIZE, 1.0 + ROBOT_SIZE),
                                (3.5 + ROBOT_SIZE, 1.0 + ROBOT_SIZE),
                                (3.5 + ROBOT_SIZE, 0 + ROBOT_SIZE),
                                (8.0 - ROBOT_SIZE, 0 + ROBOT_SIZE),
                                (8.0 - ROBOT_SIZE, 5.0 - ROBOT_SIZE),
                                (8.0 - 3.25 + ROBOT_SIZE, 5.0 - ROBOT_SIZE),
                                (8.0 - 3.25 + ROBOT_SIZE, 4.0 - ROBOT_SIZE),
                                (8.0 - 3.5 - ROBOT_SIZE, 4.0 - ROBOT_SIZE),
                                (8.0 - 3.5 - ROBOT_SIZE, 5.0 - ROBOT_SIZE),
                                (0 + ROBOT_SIZE, 5.0 - ROBOT_SIZE)]

        # clockwise numbering!
        list_of_holes = []
        for (x, y), (w, h) in zip(BORDER_POS[:], BORDER_BOX[:]):
            #x, y, w, h = x*10, y*10, w*10, h*10
                ((x - w - ROBOT_SIZE), (y - h - ROBOT_SIZE)),
                ((x - w - ROBOT_SIZE), (y + h + ROBOT_SIZE)),
                ((x + w + ROBOT_SIZE), (y + h + ROBOT_SIZE)),
                ((x + w + ROBOT_SIZE), (y - h - ROBOT_SIZE)),

        self.done = True
        self.dynamic = DynamicWindow()

    def plot(self):

    def findPath(self, start, goal):
        path, length = self.environment.find_shortest_path(start, goal)
        return path

    def setGoal(self, start, goal, angle=0):
        #print(start, goal)
        self.path = self.findPath(start, goal)
        self.index = 1
        self.angle_path = []
        if len(self.path) > 1:
            self.next_target = self.path[1]
            #print("new target: {}".format(self.next_target))
            for i, j in zip(self.path[:-1], self.path[1:]):
                self.angle_path.append(math.atan2(j[1] - i[1], j[0] - i[0]))
            self.next_angle = self.angle_path[0]
            self.done = False
            self.done = True

    def moveTo(self, pos, vel, angle, angular, action):
        if self.done:
            return action
        if self.distance(pos, self.next_target) < 0.4:
            self.index += 1
            if self.index < len(self.path):
                self.next_target = self.path[self.index]
                self.next_angle = self.angle_path[self.index - 1]
                print("new target: {}".format(self.next_target))
                self.done = True
                action[0], action[1], action[2] = 0, 0, 0
                return action
        #tic = time.time()
        tmp_angle = math.atan2(self.next_target[1] - pos[1],
                               self.next_target[0] - pos[0])
        tmp_length = (self.next_target[0]**2 + self.next_target[1]**2)
        tmp_target = np.array([math.cos(tmp_angle),
                               math.sin(tmp_angle)]) * min(5, tmp_length)
        action = self.dynamic.moveTo(action, pos, vel, angle, angular,
                                     tmp_target, self.next_angle)
        #print(time.time() - tic)
        u = np.array([
        target_angle = math.atan2(u[1], u[0])
        u = u.reshape([2, 1])
        mat_angle = np.array([
            [math.cos(angle), math.sin(angle)],
            [math.sin(angle), -math.cos(angle)]])
        v = np.matmul(np.linalg.inv(mat_angle), u) / 10
        #print(u, v, angle)
        v /= v.max()
        action[0] = v[0][0] 
        action[1] = target_angle - angle
        action[2] = v[1][0]
        return action

    def distance(self, p1, p2):
        return ((p1[0] - p2[0])**2 + (p1[1] - p2[1])**2)**0.5
예제 #4
def find_path(thymioCoord, goal, obsListOrig, plotFlag=True):
    """Given an inital position, a goal and a set of obstacle, will create a Visibility Graph of the map,
    then perform an A* search on the given graph, and return the shortest path
    Librairy used for visiblity Graph generation and Graph search:https://github.com/MrMinimal64/extremitypathfinder

    obsList = obsListOrig.copy()
    MARGE_BORD = 5
    EXTREME_DIST = 400
    # if obstacle are near the map border, make them bigger so we are surefound path dosn't go trough the small gap
    for iObs in range(0, len(obsList)):
        for iVert in range(0, len(obsList[iObs].vertexExpanded)):
            listV = list(obsList[iObs].vertexExpanded[iVert])
            if listV[0] > MAP_MAX_X_AXIS - MARGE_BORD:
                listV[0] = EXTREME_DIST
                obsList[iObs].vertexExpanded[iVert] = listV
            if listV[0] < 0 + MARGE_BORD:
                listV[0] = -EXTREME_DIST
                obsList[iObs].vertexExpanded[iVert] = listV
            if listV[1] > MAP_MAX_Y_AXIS - MARGE_BORD:
                listV[1] = EXTREME_DIST
                obsList[iObs].vertexExpanded[iVert] = listV
            if listV[1] < 0 + MARGE_BORD:
                listV[1] = -EXTREME_DIST
                obsList[iObs].vertexExpanded[iVert] = listV

    if plotFlag:
        for obs in obsList:
            unzippedList = list(zip(*obs.vertex))
            unzippedList = [list(elem) for elem in unzippedList]
            plt.plot(unzippedList[0], unzippedList[1])
            if obs.expandEnabled:
                unzippedList = list(zip(*obs.vertexExpanded))
                unzippedList = [list(elem) for elem in unzippedList]
                plt.plot(unzippedList[0], unzippedList[1], '--')
        plt.plot(thymioCoord[0], thymioCoord[1], 'o', color='green')
        plt.plot(goal[0], goal[1], 'o', color='red')

    map = Environment()

    # boundary of the map, anti clockwise vertex numbering!
    boundary_coordinates = [(0.0, 0.0), (MAP_MAX_X_AXIS, 0.0),
                            (MAP_MAX_X_AXIS, MAP_MAX_Y_AXIS),
                            (0.0, MAP_MAX_Y_AXIS)]

    list_of_obstacle = []
    for obs in obsList:
        if obs.expandEnabled:

    map.store(boundary_coordinates, list_of_obstacle, validate=False)
    path, length = map.find_shortest_path(thymioCoord, goal)
    if plotFlag:
        unzippedPath = list(zip(*path))
        plt.plot(unzippedPath[0], unzippedPath[1], '--', color='black')
        plt.xlim(0, MAP_MAX_X_AXIS)
        plt.ylim(0, MAP_MAX_Y_AXIS)
        plt.gca().set_aspect('equal', adjustable='box')
    return path
예제 #5
        (4.5, 7.0),
        (5.0, 4.0),
    # environment.store(boundary_coordinates, list_of_holes, validate=True, export_plots=True)
    environment.store(boundary_coordinates, list_of_holes, validate=False)


    # environment.export_pickle()

    # from extremitypathfinder.extremitypathfinder import load_pickle
    # environment = load_pickle()

    start_coordinates = (4.5, 1.0)
    goal_coordinates = (4.0, 8.5)
    path, length = environment.find_shortest_path(start_coordinates,
    print(path, length)

    # grid world
    size_x, size_y = 19, 10
    obstacle_iter = [
        # obstacles changing boundary
        # (x,y),
        (0, 1),
        (1, 1),
        (2, 1),
        (3, 1),
        (17, 9),
        (17, 8),
        (17, 7),
        (17, 5),
예제 #6
    def test_fct(self):
        environment = PolygonEnvironment()

        size_x, size_y = 19, 10
        obstacle_iter = [
            # (x,y),

            # obstacles changing boundary
            (0, 1),
            (1, 1),
            (2, 1),
            (3, 1),
            (17, 9),
            (17, 8),
            (17, 7),
            (17, 5),
            (17, 4),
            (17, 3),
            (17, 2),
            (17, 1),
            (17, 0),

            # hole 1
            (5, 5),
            (5, 6),
            (6, 6),
            (6, 7),
            (7, 7),

            # hole 2
            (7, 5),

        assert len(
            environment.all_extremities) == 17  # should detect all extremities

        assert len(environment.graph.all_nodes
                   ) == 16  # identical nodes should get joined in the graph!

        # test if points outside the map are being rejected
        for start_coordinates, goal_coordinates in [
                # outside of map region
            ((-1, 5.0), (17, 0.5)),
            ((17, 0.5), (-1, 5.0)),
            ((20, 5.0), (17, 0.5)),
            ((17, 0.5), (20, 5.0)),
            ((1, -5.0), (17, 0.5)),
            ((17, 0.5), (1, -5.0)),
            ((1, 11.0), (17, 0.5)),
            ((17, 0.5), (1, 11.0)),

                # outside boundary polygon
            ((17.5, 5.0), (17, 0.5)),
            ((17, 0.5), (17.5, 5.0)),
            ((1, 1.5), (17, 0.5)),
            ((17, 0.5), (1, 1.5)),

                # inside hole
            ((6.5, 6.5), (17, 0.5)),
            ((17, 0.5), (6.5, 6.5)),
            with pytest.raises(ValueError):

        for ((start_coordinates, goal_coordinates), expected_output) in [
                # ((start,goal),(path,distance))
                # identical nodes
            (((15, 5), (15, 5)), ([(15, 5), (15, 5)], 0.0)),

                # directly reachable
            (((15, 5), (15, 6)), ([(15, 5), (15, 6)], 1.0)),
            (((15, 6), (15, 5)), ([(15, 6), (15, 5)], 1.0)),
            (((15, 5), (16, 6)), ([(15, 5), (16, 6)], sqrt(2))),
            (((16, 6), (15, 5)), ([(16, 6), (15, 5)], sqrt(2))),

                # points on the polygon edges (vertices) should be accepted!
                # on edge
            (((15, 0), (15, 6)), ([(15, 0), (15, 6)], 6.0)),
            (((15, 6), (15, 0)), ([(15, 6), (15, 0)], 6.0)),
            (((17, 5), (16, 5)), ([(17, 5), (16, 5)], 1.0)),
            (((16, 5), (17, 5)), ([(16, 5), (17, 5)], 1.0)),
                # on edge of hole
            (((7, 8), (7, 9)), ([(7, 8), (7, 9)], 1.0)),
            (((7, 9), (7, 8)), ([(7, 9), (7, 8)], 1.0)),

                # on vertex
            (((4, 2), (4, 3)), ([(4, 2), (4, 3)], 1.0)),
            (((4, 3), (4, 2)), ([(4, 3), (4, 2)], 1.0)),
                # on vertex of hole
            (((6, 8), (6, 9)), ([(6, 8), (6, 9)], 1.0)),
            (((6, 9), (6, 8)), ([(6, 9), (6, 8)], 1.0)),

                # on two vertices
                # coinciding with edge (direct neighbour)
            (((4, 2), (4, 1)), ([(4, 2), (4, 1)], 1.0)),
            (((5, 5), (5, 7)), ([(5, 5), (5, 7)], 2.0)),
                # should have direct connection to all visible extremities! connected in graph
            (((6, 8), (5, 7)), ([(6, 8), (5, 7)], sqrt(2))),
            (((4, 1), (5, 7)), ([(4, 1), (5, 7)], sqrt(1**2 + 6**2))),
                # should have direct connection to all visible extremities! even if not connected in graph!
            (((4, 2), (5, 7)), ([(4, 2), (5, 7)], sqrt(1**2 + 5**2))),

                # mix of edges and vertices, directly visible
            (((2, 2), (5, 7)), ([(2, 2), (5, 7)], sqrt(3**2 + 5**2))),

                # also regular points should have direct connection to all visible extremities!
            (((10, 3), (17, 6)), ([(10, 3), (17, 6)], sqrt(7**2 + 3**2))),
            (((10, 3), (8, 8)), ([(10, 3), (8, 8)], sqrt(2**2 + 5**2))),
                # even if the query point lies in front of an extremity! (test if new query vertices are being created!)
            (((10, 3), (8, 5)), ([(10, 3), (8, 5)], sqrt(2**2 + 2**2))),

                # using a* graph search:
                # directly reachable through a single vertex (does not change distance!)
            (((5, 1), (3, 3)), ([(5, 1), (4, 2), (3, 3)], sqrt(2**2 + 2**2))),

                # If two Polygons have vertices with identical coordinates (this is allowed),
                #   paths through these vertices are theoretically possible!
            (((6.5, 5.5), (7.5, 6.5)), ([(6.5, 5.5), (7, 6),
                                         (7.5, 6.5)], sqrt(1**2 + 1**2))),

                # distance should stay the same even if multiple extremities lie on direct path
                # test if path is skipping passed extremities
            (((8, 4), (8, 8)), ([(8, 4), (8, 5), (8, 6), (8, 7), (8, 8)], 4)),
            (((8, 4), (8, 9)), ([(8, 4), (8, 5), (8, 6), (8, 7), (8, 8),
                                 (8, 9)], 5)),

                # regular examples
            (((0.5, 6), (18.5, 0.5)), ([(0.5, 6.0), (5, 5), (6, 5), (7, 5),
                                        (8, 5), (17, 6), (18, 6),
                                        (18.5, 0.5)], 23.18783787537749)),
            (((0.5, 6), (9, 6)), ([(0.5, 6.0), (5, 5), (6, 5), (7, 6), (8, 6),
                                   (9, 6)], 9.023985791019538)),
            (((0.5, 6), (18.5, 9)), ([(0.5, 6.0), (5, 5),
                                      (6, 5), (7, 5), (8, 5), (18, 7),
                                      (18.5, 9.0)], 19.869364068640845)),
                # 19.86936406864084
            (((6.9, 4), (7, 9)), ([(6.9, 4.0), (7, 6), (8, 7), (8, 8),
                                   (7, 9)], 5.830925564196269)),
            (((6.5, 4), (7, 9)), ([(6.5, 4.0), (7, 6), (8, 7), (8, 8),
                                   (7, 9)], 5.889979937555021)),

            # test if path and distance are correct
            # print(input, expected_output, fct(input))
            actual_output = environment.find_shortest_path(
                start_coordinates, goal_coordinates)

            if actual_output != expected_output:
                print('input: {} expected: {} got: {}'.format(
                    (start_coordinates, goal_coordinates), expected_output,
            assert actual_output == expected_output

        # when the deep copy mechanism works correctly
        # even after many queries the internal graph should have the same structure as before
        # otherwise the temporarily added vertices during a query stay stored
        assert len(environment.graph.all_nodes) == 16
예제 #7
class PathPreProcessor:
    def __init__(self, config, plotting = False):
        self.config = config
        self.inflator = pyclipper.PyclipperOffset()
                # Define environment based on wheter or not to plot
        if plotting:
            self.env = PlottingEnvironment(plotting_dir='plotted_paths')
            self.env = PolygonEnvironment()

    def prepare(self, graph_map):

        self.dyn_obs_list = graph_map.dyn_obs_list.copy()
        # Obstacles
        self.original_obstacle_list = graph_map.obstacle_list.copy()
        # Pre-proccess obstacles
        self.processed_obstacle_list = self.preprocess_obstacles(graph_map.obstacle_list)
        # Boundary
        self.original_boundary_coordinates = graph_map.boundary_coordinates.copy()
        # Pre-process boundaries
        self.processed_boundary_coordinates = self.preprocess_obstacle(

        # Give obstacles and boundaries to environment
        self.env.store(self.processed_boundary_coordinates, self.processed_obstacle_list)

        # Prepare the visibility graph 

    def get_initial_guess(self, start_pos, end_pos):
        """Method that generates the initially guessed path based on obstacles and boundaries specified during creation

            start_pos (tuple): tuple containing x and y position for starting position
            end_pos (tuple): tuple containing x and y position for end position

            path ([tuples]) : a list of coordinates that together becomes the inital path. These points lies on extremities of the padded obstacles 
            vertices ([tuples]) : a list of the vertices on the original (unpadded) obstacles corresponding to the vertices in path
        path, distance = self.env.find_shortest_path(start_pos, end_pos)
        vertices = self.find_original_vertices(path)

        self.path = path
        self.vert = vertices
        self.vert_copy = vertices.copy()

        return path, vertices

    def preprocess_obstacle(self, obstacle, inflation, boundary = False):
        self.inflator.AddPath(obstacle, pyclipper.JT_MITER, pyclipper.ET_CLOSEDPOLYGON)
        inflated_obstacle = pyclipper.scale_from_clipper(self.inflator.Execute(inflation))[0]
        return inflated_obstacle    
    def preprocess_obstacles(self, obstacle_list):
        inflation = pyclipper.scale_to_clipper(self.config.vehicle_width)
        inflated_obstacles = []
        for obs in obstacle_list:
            obstacle = pyclipper.scale_to_clipper(obs)
            inflated_obstacle = self.preprocess_obstacle(obstacle, inflation, boundary=False)
            inflated_obstacle.reverse() # obstacles are ordered clockwise

        return inflated_obstacles
    def dist_between_points(p1, p2):
        return np.linalg.norm((np.asarray(p1) - np.asarray(p2)), ord = 2)
    def get_closest_vert(self, vert, list_to_compare):
        #best_vert = ()
        #best_dist = 10e3
        #best_idx = 0
        distances = map(lambda x: self.dist_between_points(vert, x), list_to_compare)
        best_idx = np.argmin(list(distances))
        '''for idx, ref_vert in enumerate(list_to_compare):
            dist = self.dist_between_points(vert, ref_vert)
            if dist < best_dist: 
                best_dist = dist
                best_idx = idx
                best_vert = ref_vert'''

        return list_to_compare[best_idx], best_idx
    def find_original_vertices(self, path):
        vertices = []
        if not (len(path) > 2):
           print('[INFO] Path is only one line. No vertices to find.') 
           return vertices

        all_vert = self.original_obstacle_list + [self.original_boundary_coordinates]

        all_vert_flat = [item for sublist in all_vert for item in sublist]
        for vert in path[1:-1]: # dont use start and final positions as contstraints
            closest_vert, _ = self.get_closest_vert(vert, all_vert_flat)

        return vertices
    def find_closest_vertices(self, current_pos, n_vertices = 10, N_STEPS_LOOK_BACK = 2):
        if n_vertices >= len(self.vert):
            return self.vert

        _, idx = self.get_closest_vert(current_pos, self.vert)
        lb = max(0, idx - N_STEPS_LOOK_BACK) # look two objects behind 
        ub = min(len(self.vert), n_vertices - N_STEPS_LOOK_BACK)
        return self.vert[lb:ub]

        ###### If one wants to use euclidian distance instead.
        # self.vert_copy.sort(key = lambda x: self.dist_between_points(current_pos, x))
        # return self.vert.copy()[:n_vertices]

    def generate_obstacle(p1, p2, freq, time):
        p1 = np.array(p1)
        p2 = np.array(p2)
        time = np.array(time)
        t = abs(np.sin(freq * time))
        if type(t) == np.ndarray:
            t = np.expand_dims(t,1)
        p3 = t*p1 + (1-t)*p2

        return p3
    def rotate(origin, point, angle):
        ox, oy = origin
        px, py = point

        qx =  math.cos(angle) * (px - ox) - math.sin(angle) * (py - oy)
        qy = math.sin(angle) * (px - ox) + math.cos(angle) * (py - oy)
        return np.array([qx, qy])

    def rotate_and_add(self, p1,p2, angle, addition):
        rot = self.rotate(p1, p2, angle)
        rot[1] += addition
        rot = self.rotate(np.array([0,0]), rot, -angle)
        return rot + p1
    def generate_sinus_obstacle(self, p1, p2, freq, time, ampl=1.5):
        p1 = np.array(p1)
        p2 = np.array(p2)
        dp = p2 - p1
        angle = np.arctan2(dp[1],dp[0])
        time = np.array(time)
        t = abs(np.sin(freq * time))
        if type(t) == np.ndarray:
            t = np.expand_dims(t,1)
        p3 = t*p1 + (1-t)*p2

        add = ampl*np.cos(10*freq*time)
        return self.rotate_and_add(p1, p3, angle, add)

    def get_dyn_obstacle(self, t, horizon, sinus_object=False):
        # TODO: allow simulation to start from previously calculated positionss
        if len(self.dyn_obs_list) == 0:
            return []

        time = np.linspace(t, t+horizon*self.config.ts, horizon)
        obs_list = []
        for i, obs in enumerate(self.dyn_obs_list):
            p1, p2, freq, x_radius, y_radius, angle = obs
            x_radius = x_radius+self.config.vehicle_width/2+self.config.vehicle_margin
            y_radius = y_radius+self.config.vehicle_width/2+self.config.vehicle_margin
            if sinus_object and i == 2: 
                q = [(*self.generate_sinus_obstacle(p1, p2, freq, t), x_radius, y_radius, angle) for t in time]
                obs_list.append([(*self.generate_obstacle(p1, p2, freq, t), x_radius, y_radius, angle) for t in time])

        return obs_list

    def plot_all(self, ax):
        plot_boundaries(self.original_boundary_coordinates, ax, c='k', label = 'Original Boundary')
        plot_boundaries(self.processed_boundary_coordinates, ax, c='g', label = 'Padded Boundary')
        plot_obstacles(self.original_obstacle_list, c='r', ax = ax, label = 'Original Obstacles')
        plot_obstacles(self.processed_obstacle_list,c='y', ax = ax, label = 'Padded Obstacles')
        plot_path(self.path, c='--k', ax = ax)
        plot_vertices(self.vert, radius = self.config.vehicle_width, ax = ax)