예제 #1
def search_disk_for_mp3_files(search_dir, root_dir):
    from shutil import copyfile
    existing_files = os.listdir(root_dir)
    for (dirpath, dirnames, filenames) in walk(search_dir):
        for file_name in filenames:
            abs_dirpath = abspath(dirpath)
            if abs_dirpath != root_dir and isMp3File(file_name) and file_name not in existing_files:
                    copyfile(abs_dirpath + '/' + file_name, root_dir + '/' + file_name)
                    print('Copying file = {file} in dir = {dir} to {root_dir}'\
                        .format(file = file_name, dir = dirpath, root_dir = root_dir))
예제 #2
def update_database(conn, files):
    errors = []

    for file in files:
        if not isMp3File(file['path']):
            errors.append('{fi} is not an mp3 file.'.format(fi = file['name']))
        mp3_file = eyed3.load(file['path'])
        tag = mp3_file.tag
        if tag:
            artist = mp3_file.tag.artist
            album = mp3_file.tag.album
            title = mp3_file.tag.title
            genre = mp3_file.tag.genre
            year = mp3_file.tag.release_date or mp3_file.tag.recording_date
            if genre:
                genre = genre.name
            insert_into_db(conn = conn, file = file, artist = artist, 
                album = album, title = title, genre = genre, year = year)
			title, album, artist, genre, year = search_apple_api(file['name'])
			if title and title != UNKNOWN:
				errors.append('No tag found for mp3 file {fi}. '\
					'Successfully found tag info using Apple API.'.\
					format(fi = file['name']))
				insert_into_db(conn = conn, file = file, artist = artist, 
					album = album, title = title, genre = genre, year = year)
				errors.append('No tag found for mp3 file {fi}.'\
					.format(fi = file['name']))
				# All values default to UNKNOWN
				insert_into_db(conn = conn, file = file) 

    return True, errors
예제 #3
def add_file(root, myfile, path, newCollection, formKind, formTag):
    passed the root, file, path from an os walk
    newCollection was created to hold the new database object
    formKind, formTag are from the create collections form
    returns musician (null unless it was found for a song) to allow redirect if appropriate

    musician = None

    theFile = unicode(os.path.join(root, myfile))
        statinfo = os.stat(theFile)
    except Exception as ex:
        # in this case I want to see what the exception is, but the file is ok and
        # will not be ignored
        utility.log("SKIP (os.stat) %s unhandled exception %s" %
                    (theFile, type(ex).__name__))
        return musician
    if not statinfo.st_size:
        utility.log("SKIP file with 0 size %s" % theFile)
        return musician
    base = unicode(os.path.basename(theFile))
    mTitle, extension = os.path.splitext(base)
    mTitle = unicode(mTitle)
    extension = unicode(extension)
    adate = time.gmtime(os.path.getmtime(theFile))
    fdate = time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d', adate)

    if mp3.isMp3File(theFile):
        nc = newCollection
        sSlug = slugify(unicode('%s%s-sg' % (nc.slug, mTitle)))
        song = add_song(mTitle, base, sSlug, nc)
        song.date_added = fdate

        if len(formTag):
            xSlug = slugify(unicode('%s' % (formTag)))
            xTag = add_tag(formTag, xSlug)

        # fill in extra details from the id3 tag on file if possible
        musician = fix_song(song, theFile, nc)

        # This section is for the info on mkv files
        # currently not being used, but may be in future
        # in this section new movies will be added to the passed collection
        ## try:
        ##    with open(theFile,'rb') as f:
        ##        mkv = enzyme.MKV(f)
        ##        print (mkv)
        ##        print (type(mkv))
        ##    f.close()
        ##except enzyme.MalformedMKVError:
        ##    print("BOGUS MKV skip")

        nc = newCollection
        if as_movie(extension):
            mSlug = slugify(unicode('%s%s-mv' % (nc.slug, mTitle)))
            movie = add_movie(mTitle, base, mSlug, nc, formKind)
            movie.date_added = fdate

            if len(formTag):
                xSlug = slugify(unicode('%s' % (formTag)))
                xTag = add_tag(formTag, xSlug)

        elif as_picture(extension):
            mSlug = slugify(unicode('%s%s-pict' % (nc.slug, mTitle)))
            picture = add_picture(mTitle, base, mSlug, nc)
            picture.date_added = fdate

            # supposed to be faster with details=False
            #itags = exifread.process_file(theFile, details=False)
            fname = unicode(theFile)
                #print("before open file open file %s" % fname)
                with open(fname, 'r') as f:
                    #print("file open ok now get info")
                    itags = exifread.process_file(f, details=False)
                    #print("got info %s " % fname)
                    #print (itags)
                    #print tag['Image DateTime']
                    for tag in itags:
                        if tag in 'Image DateTime':
                            value = itags[tag]
                            picture.data1 = value
                                picture.year = int(value[:4])
                            except ValueError:
                                # if its not a number just
                                # don't set the year
                        if tag in 'EXIF DateTimeOriginal':
                            value = itags[tag]
                            picture.data2 = value
                            #print("2 %s" % value)
                        if tag in 'EXIF DateTimeDigitized':
                            value = itags[tag]
                            #print("3 %s" % value)
                            picture.data3 = value
            except NameError:
                #print("ERROR (opening for info) NameError file %s" % fname)
                # this is ok, file is OK just ignore the info
            except Exception as ex:
                # in this case I want to see what the exception is, but the file is ok and
                # will not be ignored
                    "ERROR (opening for info) %s unhandled exception %s" %
                    (fname, type(ex).__name__))

            if len(formTag):
                xSlug = slugify(unicode('%s' % (formTag)))
                xTag = add_tag(formTag, xSlug)

            utility.log("SKIPPING - unhandled extension %s/%s" % (path, base))
    return musician