예제 #1
    def set_extline_format(self,
                           color: int = None,
                           lineweight: int = None,
                           extension: float = None,
                           offset: float = None,
                           fixed_length: float = None):
        Set common extension line attributes.

            color: color index
            lineweight: line weight as int, 13 = 0.13mm, 200 = 2.00mm
            extension: extension length above dimension line
            offset: offset from measurement point
            fixed_length: set fixed length extension line, length below the dimension line

        if color is not None:
            self.dxf.dimclre = color
        if extension is not None:
            self.dxf.dimexe = extension
        if offset is not None:
            self.dxf.dimexo = offset
            if lineweight is not None:
                self.dxf.dimlwe = lineweight
        except const.DXFAttributeError:
            raise DXFVersionError('DIMLWE requires DXF R2000+')
            if fixed_length is not None:
                self.dxf.dimfxlon = 1
                self.dxf.dimfxl = fixed_length
        except const.DXFAttributeError:
            raise DXFVersionError('DIMFXL requires DXF R2007+')
예제 #2
    def set_text_align(self,
                       halign: str = None,
                       valign: str = None,
                       vshift: float = None) -> None:
        Set measurement text alignment, `halign` defines the horizontal alignment (requires DXFR2000+),
        `valign` defines the vertical  alignment, `above1` and `above2` means above extension line 1 or 2 and aligned
        with extension line.

            halign: `left`, `right`, `center`, `above1`, `above2`, requires DXF R2000+
            valign: `above`, `center`, `below`
            vshift: vertical text shift, if `valign` is `center`; >0 shift upward, <0 shift downwards

        if valign:
            valign = valign.lower()
            self.set_dxf_attrib('dimtad', DIMTAD[valign])
            if valign == 'center' and vshift is not None:
                self.set_dxf_attrib('dimtvp', vshift)
            if halign:
                self.set_dxf_attrib('dimjust', DIMJUST[halign.lower()])
        except const.DXFAttributeError:
            raise DXFVersionError('DIMJUST require DXF R2000+')
예제 #3
    def add_ellipse(self, center: 'Vertex', major_axis: 'Vertex' = (1, 0, 0), ratio: float = 1, start_param: float = 0,
                    end_param: float = 2*math.pi, dxfattribs: dict = None) -> 'Ellipse':
        Add an :class:`Ellipse` element, `ratio` is the ratio of minor axis to major axis, `start_param` and `end_param`
        defines start and end point of the ellipse, a full ellipse goes from 0 to 2*pi. The ellipse goes from start to
        end param in `counter clockwise` direction.

            center: center of ellipse as 2D/3D point in :ref:`WCS`
            major_axis: major axis as vector (x, y, z)
            ratio: ratio of minor axis to major axis
            start_param: start of ellipse curve
            end_param: end param of ellipse curve
            dxfattribs (dict): additional DXF attributes for :class:`Ellipse` entity

        Returns: :class:`Ellipse`

        if self.dxfversion < 'AC1015':
            raise DXFVersionError('ELLIPSE requires DXF version R2000+')
        if ratio > 1.:
            raise DXFValueError("Parameter 'ratio' has to be <= 1.0")

        dxfattribs = copy_attribs(dxfattribs)
        dxfattribs['center'] = center
        dxfattribs['major_axis'] = major_axis
        dxfattribs['ratio'] = ratio
        dxfattribs['start_param'] = start_param
        dxfattribs['end_param'] = end_param
        return self.build_and_add_entity('ELLIPSE', dxfattribs)
예제 #4
    def add_spline(self, fit_points: Iterable['Vertex'] = None, degree: int = 3, dxfattribs: dict = None) -> 'Spline':
        Add a B-spline defined by fit points, the control points and knot values are created by the CAD application,
        therefore it is not predictable how the rendered spline will look like, because for every set of fit points
        exists an infinite set of B-splines. If fit_points is None, an 'empty' spline will be created, all data has to
        be set by the user. (requires DXF R2000+)

        AutoCAD creates a spline through fit points by a proprietary algorithm. `ezdxf` can not reproduce the control
        point calculation.

            fit_points: iterable of fit points as (x, y[, z]) in :ref:`WCS`, if None -> user defined spline
            degree: degree fo B-spline
            dxfattribs (dict): additional DXF attributes for :class:`Spline` entity

        Returns: :class:`Spline`

        if self.dxfversion < 'AC1015':
            raise DXFVersionError('SPLINE requires DXF version R2000+')
        dxfattribs = copy_attribs(dxfattribs)
        dxfattribs['degree'] = degree
        spline = self.build_and_add_entity('SPLINE', dxfattribs)
        if fit_points is not None:
        return spline
예제 #5
 def add_mtext(self, text, dxfattribs=None):
     if self.dxfversion < 'AC1015':
         raise DXFVersionError('MTEXT requires DXF version R2000+')
     dxfattribs = copy_attribs(dxfattribs)
     mtext = self.build_and_add_entity('MTEXT', dxfattribs)
     return mtext
예제 #6
 def add_xline(self, start, unit_vector, dxfattribs=None):
     if self.dxfversion < 'AC1015':
         raise DXFVersionError('XLINE requires DXF version R2000+')
     dxfattribs = copy_attribs(dxfattribs)
     dxfattribs['start'] = start
     dxfattribs['unit_vector'] = unit_vector
     return self.build_and_add_entity('XLINE', dxfattribs)
예제 #7
    def add_lwpolyline(self, points: Iterable['Vertex'], format: str = 'xyseb', dxfattribs: dict = None) -> 'LWPolyline':
        Add a 2D polyline as :class:`LWPolyline` entity. A points are defined as (x, y, [start_width, [end_width,
        [bulge]]]) tuples, but order can be redefined by the `format` argument. Set start_width, end_width to 0 to be
        ignored (x, y, 0, 0, bulge).

        The :class:`LWPolyline` is defined as a single DXF entity and needs less disk space and memory than a
        :class:`Polyline` entity. (requires DXF R2000+)

            points: iterable of (x, y, [start_width, [end_width, [bulge]]]) tuples
            format: user defined point format, default is "xyseb"
            dxfattribs (dict): additional DXF attributes for :class:`LWPolyline` entity

        Returns: :class:`LWPolyline`

        if self.dxfversion < 'AC1015':
            raise DXFVersionError('LWPOLYLINE requires DXF version R2000+')
        dxfattribs = copy_attribs(dxfattribs)
        closed = dxfattribs.pop('closed', False)
        lwpolyline = self.build_and_add_entity('LWPOLYLINE', dxfattribs)
        lwpolyline.set_points(points, format=format)
        lwpolyline.closed = closed
        return lwpolyline
예제 #8
    def add_underlay(self, underlay_def: 'UnderlayDef', insert: 'Vertex' = (0, 0, 0),
                     scale: Tuple[float, float, float] = (1, 1, 1),
                     rotation: float = 0., dxfattribs: dict = None) -> 'Underlay':
        Add an :class:`Underlay` entity. Create :class:`UnderlayDef` by the :class:`Drawing` factory function
        :meth:`~Drawing.add_underlay_def`, see :ref:`tut_underlay`. (requires DXF R2000+)

            underlay_def: required underlay definition as :class:`UnderlayDef`
            insert: insertion point as 3D point in :ref:`WCS`
            scale:  underlay scaling factor as (x, y, z) tuple
            rotation: rotation angle around the z-axis in degrees
            dxfattribs (dict): additional DXF attributes for :class:`Underlay` entity

        Returns: :class:`Underlay`

        if self.dxfversion < 'AC1015':
            raise DXFVersionError('UNDERLAY requires DXF version R2000+')
        dxfattribs = copy_attribs(dxfattribs)
        dxfattribs['insert'] = insert
        dxfattribs['underlay_def'] = underlay_def.dxf.handle
        dxfattribs['rotation'] = rotation

        underlay = self.build_and_add_entity(underlay_def.entity_name, dxfattribs)
        underlay.scale = scale
        return underlay
예제 #9
 def _add_acis_entiy(self, name, acis_data: str, dxfattribs: dict) -> 'Body':
     if self.dxfversion < 'AC1015':
         raise DXFVersionError('{} requires DXF version R2000+'.format(name))
     dxfattribs = copy_attribs(dxfattribs)
     entity = self.build_and_add_entity(name, dxfattribs)
     if acis_data is not None:
     return entity
예제 #10
 def add_hatch(self, color=7, dxfattribs=None):
     if self.dxfversion < 'AC1015':
         raise DXFVersionError('HATCH requires DXF version R2000+')
     dxfattribs = copy_attribs(dxfattribs)
     dxfattribs['solid_fill'] = 1
     dxfattribs['color'] = color
     dxfattribs['pattern_name'] = 'SOLID'
     return self.build_and_add_entity('HATCH', dxfattribs)
예제 #11
 def delete_layout(self, name):
     if self.dxfversion > 'AC1009':
         if name not in self.layouts:
             raise DXFValueError("Layout '{}' does not exist.".format(name))
         raise DXFVersionError('delete_layout() not supported for DXF version R12.')
예제 #12
 def new_layout(self, name, dxfattribs=None):
     if self.dxfversion > 'AC1009':
         if name in self.layouts:
             raise DXFValueError("Layout '{}' already exists.".format(name))
             return self.layouts.new(name, dxfattribs)
         raise DXFVersionError('new_layout() not supported for DXF version R12.')
예제 #13
 def add_lwpolyline(self, points, dxfattribs=None):
     if self.dxfversion < 'AC1015':
         raise DXFVersionError('LWPOLYLINE requires DXF version R2000+')
     dxfattribs = copy_attribs(dxfattribs)
     closed = dxfattribs.pop('closed', False)
     lwpolyline = self.build_and_add_entity('LWPOLYLINE', dxfattribs)
     lwpolyline.closed = closed
     return lwpolyline
예제 #14
파일: drawing.py 프로젝트: vshu3000/ezdxf
 def _validate_dxf_version(self, version: str) -> str:
     version = version.upper()
     version = acad_release_to_dxf_version.get(version, version)  # translates 'R12' -> 'AC1009'
     if version not in versions_supported_by_save:
         raise DXFVersionError(f'Unsupported DXF version "{version}".')
     if version == DXF12:
         if self._dxfversion > DXF12:
             logger.warning(f'Downgrade from DXF {self.acad_release} to R12 may create an invalid DXF file.')
     elif version < self._dxfversion:
         logger.info(f'Downgrade from DXF {self.acad_release} to {acad_release[version]} can cause lost of features.')
     return version
예제 #15
    def set_dimline_format(self,
                           color: int = None,
                           linetype: str = None,
                           lineweight: int = None,
                           extension: float = None,
                           disable1: bool = None,
                           disable2: bool = None):
        Set dimension line properties

            color: color index
            linetype: linetype as string, requires DXF R2007+
            lineweight: line weight as int, 13 = 0.13mm, 200 = 2.00mm, requires DXF R2000+
            extension: extension length
            disable1: True to suppress first part of dimension line, requires DXF R2000+
            disable2: True to suppress second part of dimension line, requires DXF R2000+

        if color is not None:
            self.dxf.dimclrd = color
        if extension is not None:
            self.dxf.dimdle = extension
            if lineweight is not None:
                self.dxf.dimlwd = lineweight
            if disable1 is not None:
                self.dxf.dimsd1 = disable1
            if disable2 is not None:
                self.dxf.dimsd2 = disable2
        except const.DXFAttributeError:
            raise DXFVersionError(
                'DIMLWD, DIMSD1 and DIMSD2 requires DXF R2000+')
            if linetype is not None:
                self.dxf.dimltype = linetype
        except const.DXFAttributeError:
            raise DXFVersionError('DIMLTYPE requires DXF R2007+')
예제 #16
    def add_swept_surface(self, acis_data: str = None, dxfattribs: dict = None) -> 'SweptSurface':
        Add a :class:`SweptSurface` entity. (requires DXF R2007+)

            acis_data: ACIS data as iterable of text lines as strings, no interpretation by ezdxf possible
            dxfattribs (dict): additional DXF attributes for :class:`SweptSurface` entity

        Returns: :class:`SweptSurface`

        if self.dxfversion < 'AC1021':
            raise DXFVersionError('SWEPT requires DXF version R2007+')
        return cast('SweptSurface', self._add_acis_entiy('SWEPTSURFACE', acis_data, dxfattribs))
예제 #17
    def add_mesh(self, dxfattribs: dict = None) -> 'Mesh':
        Add a :class:`Mesh` entity. (requires DXF R2007+)

            dxfattribs (dict): additional DXF attributes for :class:`Mesh` entity

        Returns: :class:`Mesh`

        if self.dxfversion < 'AC1015':
            raise DXFVersionError('MESH requires DXF version R2000+')
        dxfattribs = copy_attribs(dxfattribs)
        return self.build_and_add_entity('MESH', dxfattribs)
예제 #18
    def add_underlay_def(self, filename, format='ext', name=None):
        Add an underlay definition to the objects section.

            format: file format as string pdf|dwf|dgn or ext=get format from filename extension
            name: underlay name, None for an auto-generated name

        if self.dxfversion < 'AC1015':
            raise DXFVersionError('The UNDERLAY entity needs at least DXF version R2000 or later.')
        if format == 'ext':
            format = filename[-3:]
        return self.objects.add_underlay_def(filename, format, name)
예제 #19
    def new(dxfversion='AC1009'):
        from .lldxf.const import versions_supported_by_new, acad_release_to_dxf_version

        dxfversion = dxfversion.upper()
        dxfversion = acad_release_to_dxf_version.get(dxfversion, dxfversion)  # translates 'R12' -> 'AC1009'
        if dxfversion not in versions_supported_by_new:
            raise DXFVersionError("Can not create DXF drawings, unsupported DXF version '{}'.".format(dxfversion))
        finder = TemplateLoader(options.template_dir)
        stream = finder.getstream(dxfversion.upper())
            dwg = Drawing.read(stream)
        return dwg
예제 #20
    def set_extline2(self, linetype: str = None, disable=False):
        Set extension line 2 attributes.

            linetype: linetype for extension line 2, requires DXF R2007+
            disable: disable extension line 2 if True

        if disable:
            self.dxf.dimse2 = 1
            if linetype is not None:
                self.dxf.dimltex2 = linetype
        except const.DXFAttributeError:
            raise DXFVersionError('DIMLTEX2 requires DXF R2007+')
예제 #21
    def add_underlay(self,
                     insert=(0, 0, 0),
                     scale=(1, 1, 1),
        if self.dxfversion < 'AC1015':
            raise DXFVersionError('UNDERLAY requires DXF version R2000+')
        dxfattribs = copy_attribs(dxfattribs)
        dxfattribs['insert'] = insert
        dxfattribs['underlay_def'] = underlay_def.dxf.handle
        dxfattribs['rotation'] = rotation

        underlay = self.build_and_add_entity(underlay_def.entity_name,
        underlay.scale = scale
        return underlay
예제 #22
    def add_mtext(self, text: str, dxfattribs: dict = None) -> 'MText':
        Add a multiline text element with automatic text wrapping at boundaries as :class:`MText` entity. (requires
        DXF R2000+)

            text: content string
            dxfattribs (dict): additional DXF attributes for :class:`MText` entity

        Returns: :class:`MText`

        if self.dxfversion < 'AC1015':
            raise DXFVersionError('MTEXT requires DXF version R2000+')
        dxfattribs = copy_attribs(dxfattribs)
        mtext = self.build_and_add_entity('MTEXT', dxfattribs)
        return mtext
예제 #23
    def add_hatch(self, color: int = 7, dxfattribs: dict = None) -> 'Hatch':
        Add a :class:`Hatch` entity. (requires DXF R2007+)

            color: ACI (AutoCAD Color Index), default is 7 (black/white).
            dxfattribs (dict): additional DXF attributes for :class:`Hatch` entity

        Returns: :class:`Hatch`

        if self.dxfversion < 'AC1015':
            raise DXFVersionError('HATCH requires DXF version R2000+')
        dxfattribs = copy_attribs(dxfattribs)
        dxfattribs['solid_fill'] = 1
        dxfattribs['color'] = color
        dxfattribs['pattern_name'] = 'SOLID'
        return self.build_and_add_entity('HATCH', dxfattribs)
예제 #24
    def add_image(self, image_def: 'ImageDef', insert: 'Vertex', size_in_units: Tuple[float, float], rotation: float = 0.,
                  dxfattribs: dict = None) -> 'Image':
        Add an :class:`Image` entity. Create :class:`ImageDef` by the :class:`Drawing` factory function
        :meth:`~Drawing.add_image_def`, see :ref:`tut_image`. (requires DXF R2000+)

            image_def: required image definition as :class:`ImageDef`
            insert: insertion point as 3D point in :ref:`WCS`
            size_in_units: size as (x, y) tuple in drawing units
            rotation: rotation angle around the z-axis in degrees
            dxfattribs (dict): additional DXF attributes for :class:`Image` entity

        Returns: :class:`Image`

        def to_vector(units_per_pixel, angle_in_rad):
            x = math.cos(angle_in_rad) * units_per_pixel
            y = math.sin(angle_in_rad) * units_per_pixel
            return round(x, 6), round(y, 6), 0  # supports only images in the xy-plane

        if self.dxfversion < 'AC1015':
            raise DXFVersionError('IMAGE requires DXF version R2000+')
        dxfattribs = copy_attribs(dxfattribs)
        x_pixels, y_pixels = image_def.dxf.image_size
        x_units, y_units = size_in_units
        x_units_per_pixel = x_units / x_pixels
        y_units_per_pixel = y_units / y_pixels
        x_angle_rad = math.radians(rotation)
        y_angle_rad = x_angle_rad + (math.pi / 2.)

        dxfattribs['insert'] = Vector(insert)
        dxfattribs['u_pixel'] = to_vector(x_units_per_pixel, x_angle_rad)
        dxfattribs['v_pixel'] = to_vector(y_units_per_pixel, y_angle_rad)
        dxfattribs['image_def'] = image_def.dxf.handle
        dxfattribs['image_size'] = image_def.dxf.image_size

        image = self.build_and_add_entity('IMAGE', dxfattribs)
        if self.drawing is not None:
            image_def_reactor = self.drawing.objects.add_image_def_reactor(image.dxf.handle)
            reactor_handle = image_def_reactor.dxf.handle
            image.dxf.image_def_reactor = reactor_handle
        return image
예제 #25
    def set_text_format(self,
                        prefix: str = '',
                        postfix: str = '',
                        rnd: float = None,
                        dec: int = None,
                        sep: str = None,
                        leading_zeros: bool = True,
                        trailing_zeros: bool = True):
        Set dimension text format, like prefix and postfix string, rounding rule and number of decimal places.

            prefix: Dimension text prefix text as string
            postfix: Dimension text postfix text as string
            rnd: Rounds all dimensioning distances to the specified value, for instance, if DIMRND is set to 0.25, all
                 distances round to the nearest 0.25 unit. If you set DIMRND to 1.0, all distances round to the nearest
            dec: Sets the number of decimal places displayed for the primary units of a dimension. requires DXF R2000+
            sep: "." or "," as decimal separator requires DXF R2000+
            leading_zeros: suppress leading zeros for decimal dimensions if False
            trailing_zeros: suppress trailing zeros for decimal dimensions if False

        if prefix or postfix:
            self.dxf.dimpost = prefix + '<>' + postfix
        if rnd is not None:
            self.dxf.dimrnd = rnd

        # works only with decimal dimensions not inch and feet, US user set dimzin directly
        if leading_zeros is not None or trailing_zeros is not None:
            dimzin = 0
            if leading_zeros is False:
                dimzin = const.DIMZIN_SUPPRESSES_LEADING_ZEROS
            if trailing_zeros is False:
                dimzin += const.DIMZIN_SUPPRESSES_TRAILING_ZEROS
            self.dxf.dimzin = dimzin
            if dec is not None:
                self.dxf.dimdec = dec
            if sep is not None:
                self.dxf.dimdsep = ord(sep)
        except const.DXFAttributeError:
            raise DXFVersionError('DIMDSEP and DIMDEC require DXF R2000+')
예제 #26
파일: drawing.py 프로젝트: tbwhsb88/ezdxf
    def __init__(self, dxfversion=DXF2013):
        self.entitydb = EntityDB()
        self.dxffactory = EntityFactory(self)
        self.tracker = Tracker()
        target_dxfversion = dxfversion.upper()
        self._dxfversion: str = acad_release_to_dxf_version.get(
            target_dxfversion, target_dxfversion)
        if self._dxfversion not in versions_supported_by_new:
            raise DXFVersionError(
                f'Unsupported DXF version "{self.dxfversion}".')
        # Store original dxf version if loaded (and maybe converted R13/14) from file.
        self._loaded_dxfversion: Optional[str] = None
        self.encoding: str = 'cp1252'  # read/write
        self.filename: Optional[str] = None

        # named objects dictionary
        self.rootdict: 'Dictionary' = None

        # DXF sections
        self.header: HeaderSection = None
        self.classes: ClassesSection = None
        self.tables: TablesSection = None
        self.blocks: BlocksSection = None
        self.entities: EntitySection = None
        self.objects: ObjectsSection = None

        # DXF R2013 and later
        self.acdsdata: AcDsDataSection = None

        self.stored_sections = []
        self.layouts: Layouts = None
        self.groups: GroupCollection = None
        self.materials: MaterialCollection = None
        self.mleader_styles: MLeaderStyleCollection = None
        self.mline_styles: MLineStyleCollection = None
        self._acad_compatible = True  # will generated DXF file compatible with AutoCAD
        self._dimension_renderer = DimensionRenderer(
        )  # set DIMENSION rendering engine
        self._acad_incompatibility_reason = set(
        )  # avoid multiple warnings for same reason
        # Don't create any new entities here:
        # New created handles could collide with handles loaded from DXF file.
        assert len(self.entitydb) == 0
예제 #27
    def add_ray(self, start: 'Vertex', unit_vector: 'Vertex', dxfattribs: dict = None) -> 'Ray':
        Add a :class:`Ray` that begins at `start` point and continues to infinity (construction line).
        (requires DXF R2000+)

            start: location 3D point in :ref:`WCS`
            unit_vector: 3D vector (x, y, z)
            dxfattribs (dict): additional DXF attributes for :class:`Ray` entity

        Returns: :class:`Ray`

        if self.dxfversion < 'AC1015':
            raise DXFVersionError('RAY requires DXF version R2000+')
        dxfattribs = copy_attribs(dxfattribs)
        dxfattribs['start'] = start
        dxfattribs['unit_vector'] = unit_vector
        return self.build_and_add_entity('RAY', dxfattribs)
예제 #28
    def add_ellipse(self,
                    major_axis=(1, 0, 0),
        if self.dxfversion < 'AC1015':
            raise DXFVersionError('ELLIPSE requires DXF version R2000+')
        if ratio > 1.:
            raise DXFValueError("Parameter 'ratio' has to be <= 1.0")

        dxfattribs = copy_attribs(dxfattribs)
        dxfattribs['center'] = center
        dxfattribs['major_axis'] = major_axis
        dxfattribs['ratio'] = ratio
        dxfattribs['start_param'] = start_param
        dxfattribs['end_param'] = end_param
        return self.build_and_add_entity('ELLIPSE', dxfattribs)
예제 #29
    def add_xline(self, start: 'Vertex', unit_vector: 'Vertex', dxfattribs: dict = None) -> 'XLine':
        Add an infinity :class:`XLine` (construction line).
        (requires DXF R2000+)

            start: location 3D point in :ref:`WCS`
            unit_vector: 3D vector (x, y, z)
            dxfattribs (dict): additional DXF attributes for :class:`XLine` entity

        Returns: :class:`XLine`

        if self.dxfversion < 'AC1015':
            raise DXFVersionError('XLINE requires DXF version R2000+')
        dxfattribs = copy_attribs(dxfattribs)
        dxfattribs['start'] = start
        dxfattribs['unit_vector'] = unit_vector
        return self.build_and_add_entity('XLINE', dxfattribs)
예제 #30
 def set_gradient(self,
                  color1: 'RGB' = (0, 0, 0),
                  color2: 'RGB' = (255, 255, 255),
                  rotation: float = 0.,
                  centered: float = 0.,
                  one_color: int = 0,
                  tint: float = 0.,
                  name: str = 'LINEAR') -> None:
     if self.drawing is not None and self.drawing.dxfversion < 'AC1018':
         raise DXFVersionError(
             "Gradient support requires at least DXF version AC1018, this drawing is:%s" % self.drawing.dxfversion)
     gradient_data = GradientData()
     gradient_data.color1 = color1
     gradient_data.color2 = color2
     gradient_data.one_color = one_color
     gradient_data.rotation = rotation
     gradient_data.centered = centered
     gradient_data.tint = tint
     gradient_data.name = name