def test_csv_store_iterable_instances_no_identifier():
    """Validates that an iterable of instances can be loaded from a sheet with no identifier"""
    instances = []
    ranstring = lambda: ''.join(random.choices(string.ascii_uppercase, k=10)
                                )  # Generates a random 10 character string
    instances.append(User("John Doe", 20, 75, ["Abby", "Mike", "Janice"]))
    for i in range(1000):
            User(ranstring(), random.randint(12, 100), random.randint(75, 400),
                 [ranstring(), ranstring(),

    with Spreadsheet('users.csv', User) as output_sheet:

    with Spreadsheet("users.csv") as loaded_sheet:
        users, instances = loaded_sheet.load("users")

    assert users.__name__ == "users"
    assert type(users) == type(
        namedtuple("users", ["name", "age", "weight", "family"]))
    assert users._make
    assert instances[0].Name == "John Doe"
    assert instances[0].Age == 20
    assert instances[0].Weight == 75
    assert instances[0].Family == ["Abby", "Mike", "Janice"]
    assert len(instances) == 1001

    os.remove("users.csv")  # remove animals.csv
def test_csv_store_iterable_instances():
    """Validates that an iterable of instances can be stored to a sheet"""
    test_instances = []
    ranstring = lambda: ''.join(random.choices(string.ascii_uppercase, k=10)
                                )  # Generates a random 10 character string
    test_instances.append(User("John Doe", 20, 75, ["Abby", "Mike", "Janice"]))
    for i in range(1000):
            User(ranstring(), random.randint(12, 100), random.randint(75, 400),
                 [ranstring(), ranstring(),

    # Write test instance to spreadsheet
    with Spreadsheet('users.csv', User) as output_sheet:

    # Validate data saved properly
    with Spreadsheet('users.csv') as input_sheet:
        assert type(input_sheet) == _CSV_Spreadsheet
        _, instances = input_sheet.load("users")
        header = input_sheet.class_attributes

    # Confirm heading is correct
    assert header[0] == "Name"
    assert header[1] == "Age"
    assert header[2] == "Weight"
    assert header[3] == "Family"

    # Check the second row is equal to the first instance
    assert instances[0].Name == "John Doe"
    assert instances[0].Age == 20
    assert instances[0].Weight == 75
    assert instances[0].Family == ['Abby', 'Mike', 'Janice']

    os.remove("users.csv")  # remove users.csv
def test_csv_load_multi_instance_no_identifier():
    """Validates that multiple instance can be loaded from a sheet without a class identifier"""

    # Setup test instance
    leopard_gecko = Animal('Leopard Gecko', 'Least Concern')

    philippine_eagle = Animal('Philippine Eagle', 'Threatened')

    # Write test instance to spreadsheet
    with Spreadsheet('animals.csv', Animal) as output_sheet:, philippine_eagle)

    with Spreadsheet("animals.csv") as loaded_sheet:
        animals, instances = loaded_sheet.load("animals")

    assert animals.__name__ == "animals"
    assert type(animals) == type(
        namedtuple("animals", ["name", "conservation_status"]))
    assert animals._make
    assert len(instances) == 2
    assert instances[0].name == "Leopard Gecko"
    assert instances[0].conservation_status == "Least Concern"
    assert instances[1].name == "Philippine Eagle"
    assert instances[1].conservation_status == "Threatened"

    os.remove("animals.csv")  # remove animals.csv
def test_csv_store_multi_instance():
    """Validates that multiple single instance can be stored to a sheet"""

    # Setup test instances
    leopard_gecko = Animal('Leopard Gecko', 'Least Concern')

    philippine_eagle = Animal('Philippine Eagle', 'Threatened')

    # Write test instance to spreadsheet
    with Spreadsheet('animals.csv', Animal) as output_sheet:, philippine_eagle)

    # Validate data saved properly
    with Spreadsheet('animals.csv') as input_sheet:
        assert type(input_sheet) == _CSV_Spreadsheet
        _, instances = input_sheet.load("Animal")
        header = input_sheet.class_attributes

    # Confirm heading is correct
    assert header[0] == "name"
    assert header[1] == "conservation_status"

    # Check the first instance values are equal to leopard_gecko
    assert instances[0].name ==
    assert instances[
        0].conservation_status == leopard_gecko.conservation_status

    # Check the A3 and B3 values are equal to philippine_eagle
    assert instances[1].name ==
    assert instances[
        1].conservation_status == philippine_eagle.conservation_status

    os.remove("animals.csv")  # remove animals.csv
def test_xlsx_store_multi_instance():
    """Validates that multiple single instance can be stored to a sheet"""

    # Setup test instances
    leopard_gecko = Animal('Leopard Gecko', 'Least Concern')

    philippine_eagle = Animal('Philippine Eagle', 'Threatened')

    # Write test instances to a sheet
    with Spreadsheet('animals.xlsx', Animal) as output_sheet:, philippine_eagle)

    # Validate data saved properly
    workbook = load_workbook(filename='animals.xlsx', data_only=True)
    sheet =
    # Confirm heading is correct
    assert sheet["A1"].value == "name"
    assert sheet["B1"].value == "conservation_status"

    # Check the A2 and B2 values are equal to leopard_gecko
    assert sheet["A2"].value ==
    assert sheet["B2"].value == leopard_gecko.conservation_status

    # Check the A3 and B3 values are equal to philippine_eagle
    assert sheet["A3"].value ==
    assert sheet["B3"].value == philippine_eagle.conservation_status

    os.remove("animals.xlsx")  # remove animals.xlsx
def test_xlsx_store_iterable_instances():
    """Validates that an iterable of instances can be stored to a sheet"""
    instances = []
    ranstring = lambda: ''.join(random.choices(string.ascii_uppercase, k=10)
                                )  # Generates a random 10 character string
    instances.append(User("John Doe", 20, 75, ["Abby", "Mike", "Janice"]))
    for i in range(1000):
            User(ranstring(), random.randint(12, 100), random.randint(75, 400),
                 [ranstring(), ranstring(),

    with Spreadsheet('users.xlsx', User) as output_sheet:

    # Validate data saved properly
    workbook = load_workbook(filename='users.xlsx', data_only=True)
    sheet =
    # Confirm heading is correct
    assert sheet["A1"].value == "Name"
    assert sheet["B1"].value == "Age"
    assert sheet["C1"].value == "Weight"
    assert sheet["D1"].value == "Family"

    # Check the second row is equal to the first instance
    assert sheet["A2"].value == "John Doe"
    assert sheet["B2"].value == 20
    assert sheet["C2"].value == 75
    assert sheet["D2"].value == "['Abby', 'Mike', 'Janice']"

    os.remove("users.xlsx")  # remove users.xlsx
def test_csv_unflattened_dict_attributes():
    """Validates that dict elements are flattened on save when readable flag is set to False on store()"""
    test_user = User("John Doe", 20, 75, {"age": 21, "name": "Francis"})

    # Write test instance to spreadsheet
    with Spreadsheet('users.csv', User) as output_sheet:

    # Validate data saved properly
    with Spreadsheet('users.csv') as input_sheet:
        assert type(input_sheet) == _CSV_Spreadsheet
        _, instances = input_sheet.load("users")
        header = input_sheet.class_attributes

    assert instances[0].Family == {"age": "21", "name": "Francis"}

    os.remove("users.csv")  # remove users.csv
def test_xlsx_unflattened_dict_attributes():
    """Validates that dict elements are flattened on save when readable flag is set to False on store()"""
    test_user = User("John Doe", 20, 75, {"age": 21, "name": "Francis"})

    with Spreadsheet('users.xlsx', User) as output_sheet:

    # Validate data saved properly
    workbook = load_workbook(filename='users.xlsx', data_only=True)
    sheet =

    # Check the dict has been not flattened
    with Spreadsheet("users.xlsx") as loaded_sheet:
        users, instances = loaded_sheet.load("users")
    assert instances[0].Family == {"age": "21", "name": "Francis"}

    os.remove("users.xlsx")  # remove users.xlsx
def test_xlsx_unflattened_tuple_attributes():
    """Validates that tuple elements are flattened on save when readable flag is set to False on store()"""
    test_user = User("John Doe", 20, 75, ("Abby", "Mike", "Janice"))

    with Spreadsheet('users.xlsx', User) as output_sheet:

    # Validate data saved properly
    workbook = load_workbook(filename='users.xlsx', data_only=True)
    sheet =

    # Check the tuple has not been flattened
    with Spreadsheet("users.xlsx") as loaded_sheet:
        users, instances = loaded_sheet.load("users")
    assert instances[0].Family == ("Abby", "Mike", "Janice")

    os.remove("users.xlsx")  # remove users.xlsx
예제 #10
def test_csv_unflattened_tuple_attributes():
    """Validates that tuple elements are flattened on save when readable flag is set to False on store()"""
    test_user = User("John Doe", 20, 75, ("Abby", "Mike", "Janice"))

    # Write test instance to spreadsheet
    with Spreadsheet('users.csv', User) as output_sheet:

    # Validate data saved properly
    with Spreadsheet('users.csv') as input_sheet:
        assert type(input_sheet) == _CSV_Spreadsheet
        _, instances = input_sheet.load("users")
        header = input_sheet.class_attributes

    assert instances[0].Family == ("Abby", "Mike", "Janice")

    os.remove("users.csv")  # remove users.csv
예제 #11
def test_csv_load_single_instance_with_identifier():
    """Validates that a single instance can be loaded from a sheet with a class identifier"""

    # Setup test instance
    leopard_gecko = Animal('Leopard Gecko', 'Least Concern')

    # Write test instance to spreadsheet
    with Spreadsheet('animals.csv', Animal) as output_sheet:

    with Spreadsheet("animals.csv", Animal) as loaded_sheet:
        animals, instances = loaded_sheet.load("animals")

    assert type(animals) == type(Animal)
    assert instances[0].name == "Leopard Gecko"
    assert instances[0].conservation_status == "Least Concern"

    os.remove("animals.csv")  # remove animals.csv
예제 #12
def test_csv_flattened_list_attributes():
    """Validates that list elements are flattened on save when readable flag is set on store()"""
    test_user = User("John Doe", 20, 75, ["Abby", "Mike", "Janice"])

    # Write test instance to spreadsheet
    with Spreadsheet('users.csv', User) as output_sheet:, readable=True)

    # Validate data saved properly
    with Spreadsheet('users.csv') as input_sheet:
        assert type(input_sheet) == _CSV_Spreadsheet
        _, instances = input_sheet.load("users")
        header = input_sheet.class_attributes

    # Check the list has been flattened
    assert instances[0].Family == "- Abby \t- Mike \t- Janice \t"

    os.remove("users.csv")  # remove users.csv
예제 #13
def test_xlsx_load_single_instance_no_identifier():
    """Validates that a single instance can be loaded from a sheet without a class identifier"""

    # Setup test instance
    leopard_gecko = Animal('Leopard Gecko', 'Least Concern')

    # Write test instance to spreadsheet
    with Spreadsheet('animals.xlsx', Animal) as output_sheet:

    with Spreadsheet("animals.xlsx") as loaded_sheet:
        animals, instances = loaded_sheet.load("animals")

    assert animals.__name__ == "animals"
    assert type(animals) == type(
        namedtuple("animals", ["name", "conservation_status"]))
    assert animals._make
    assert instances[0].name == "Leopard Gecko"
    assert instances[0].conservation_status == "Least Concern"

    os.remove("animals.xlsx")  # remove animals.xlsx
예제 #14
def test_xlsx_load_multi_instance_with_identifier():
    """Validates that multiple instance can be loaded from a sheet with a class identifier"""

    # Setup test instance
    leopard_gecko = Animal('Leopard Gecko', 'Least Concern')

    philippine_eagle = Animal('Philippine Eagle', 'Threatened')

    # Write test instance to spreadsheet
    with Spreadsheet('animals.xlsx', Animal) as output_sheet:, philippine_eagle)

    with Spreadsheet("animals.xlsx") as loaded_sheet:
        animals, instances = loaded_sheet.load("animals")

    assert type(animals) == type(Animal)
    assert instances[0].name == "Leopard Gecko"
    assert instances[0].conservation_status == "Least Concern"
    assert instances[1].name == "Philippine Eagle"
    assert instances[1].conservation_status == "Threatened"

    os.remove("animals.xlsx")  # remove animals.xlsx
예제 #15
def test_csv_unmatched_instances():
    """Validates that an error is thrown when mismatched instance types are tried to be stored"""
    # Setup test instances
    leopard_gecko = Animal('Leopard Gecko', 'Least Concern')

    philippine_eagle = Animal('Philippine Eagle', 'Threatened')

    # Try to use mismatching instances of class (User and Animal)
        with Spreadsheet('users.csv', User) as output_sheet:
  , philippine_eagle)
        os.remove("users.csv")  # remove users.csv
        assert False  # Test fails because it allows to store a different class than provided
    except ValueError:
        assert True
예제 #16
def test_xlsx_flattened_dict_attributes():
    """Validates that dict elements are flattened on save when readable flag is set on store()"""
    test_user = User("John Doe", 20, 75, {"age": 21, "name": "Francis"})

    with Spreadsheet('users.xlsx', User) as output_sheet:, readable=True)

    # Validate data saved properly
    workbook = load_workbook(filename='users.xlsx', data_only=True)
    sheet =

    # Check the dict has been flattened
    assert sheet["D2"].value == "- age: 21\n- name: Francis\n"

    os.remove("users.xlsx")  # remove users.xlsx
예제 #17
def test_xlsx_flattened_tuple_attributes():
    """Validates that tuple elements are flattened on save when readable flag is set on store()"""
    test_user = User("John Doe", 20, 75, ("Abby", "Mike", "Janice"))

    with Spreadsheet('users.xlsx', User) as output_sheet:, readable=True)

    # Validate data saved properly
    workbook = load_workbook(filename='users.xlsx', data_only=True)
    sheet =

    # Check the tuple has been flattened
    assert sheet["D2"].value == "- Abby\n- Mike\n- Janice\n"

    os.remove("users.xlsx")  # remove users.xlsx
예제 #18
from dataclasses import dataclass
from ezspreadsheet import Spreadsheet

class User():  # Setup class to store instances of
    Name: str
    Age: int
    Weight: int
    Family: list

file_path = "users.xlsx"  # also works with .csv

user_1 = User("Kieran", 21, 202, ["sister", "mother", "father"])
user_2 = User("Jim", 12, 170, ["brother", "mother", "father"])

with Spreadsheet(file_path, User) as output_file:
    # Can also pass a list or tuple of intances such as [user_1, user_2], user_2)
예제 #19
from dataclasses import dataclass
from ezspreadsheet import Spreadsheet

class User():
    Name: str
    Age: int
    Weight: int
    Family: list

file_path = "users.xlsx"  # also works with .csv

# Retrieve namedtuple classes when class constructor is available
with Spreadsheet(file_path, User) as input_sheet:
    users, instances = input_sheet.load("users")
)  # [User(Name='Kieran', Age=21, Weight=202, Family=['sister', 'mother', 'father']), User(Name='Jim', Age=12, Weight=170, Family=['brother', 'mother', 'father'])]
print(users == User)  # True

# Retrieve namedtuple classes when no class constructor is available
with Spreadsheet(file_path) as input_sheet:
    users, instances = input_sheet.load("users")
)  # [users(Name='Kieran', Age=21, Weight=202, Family=['sister', 'mother', 'father']), users(Name='Jim', Age=12, Weight=170, Family=['brother', 'mother', 'father'])]
print(users == User)  # False