예제 #1
    def uploadImage(self, image):
        Upload a single image. Returns the photoid, or None on failure.
        folderTag = image[len(IMAGE_DIR):]

        if self.uploaded.has_key(folderTag):
            stats = os.stat(image)
            logging.debug('The file %s already exists: mtime=%d, size=%d',
                          image, stats.st_mtime, stats.st_size)
            data = self.uploaded[folderTag]
            if not isinstance(data, tuple):
                    'Should not have non-tuple data but continuing in any case'
                self.uploaded[folderTag] = (data, stats.st_mtime,
                return None
                photo_id = data[0]
                mtime = data[1]
                filesize = data[2]
                if mtime != stats.st_mtime or filesize != stats.st_size:
                    logging.info('File has changed since previous time')
                    logging.info('Removing %s from Flickr before updating',
                    photo = flickr.Photo(data[0])
                        del self.uploaded[folderTag]
                        del self.uploaded[photo_id]
                    except flickr.FlickrError:
                        logging.info('File does not exist, adding')
                    return None

            logging.debug("Getting EXIF for %s", image)
            f = open(image, 'rb')
                exiftags = exifread.process_file(f)
            except MemoryError:
                exiftags = {}
            #print exiftags[XPKEYWORDS]
            #print folderTag
            # make one tag equal to original file path with spaces replaced by
            # # and start it with # (for easier recognition) since space is
            # used as TAG separator by flickr

            # this is needed for later syncing flickr with folders
            # look for / \ _ . and replace them with SPACE to make real Tags
            realTags = re.sub(r'[/\\_.]', ' ',

            if configdict.get('full_folder_tags', 'false').startswith('true'):
                realTags = os.path.dirname(folderTag).split(os.sep)
                realTags = (' '.join('"' + item + '"' for item in realTags))

            picTags = '"#' + folderTag + '" ' + realTags

            #check if we need to override photo dates
            if configdict.get('override_dates', '0') == '1':
                dateTaken = datePosted = ''
                dateTakenGranularity = configdict.get('date_taken_granularity',
                #fixed take date
                if configdict.get('date_taken_type', '0') == '2':
                    datePosted = configdict.get('date_posted_fixed', '')
                #fixed post date
                if configdict.get('date_posted_type', '0') == '2':
                    datePosted = configdict.get('date_posted_fixed', '')
                    #Use year and month from config ini, then calculate end of month (note: Flickr does not accept future dates. You'll get current date maximum)
                    if configdict.get('date_posted_granularity', '0') == '4':
                        datePostedY = int(
                        datePostedM = int(
                        datePostedD = calendar.monthrange(
                            datePostedY, datePostedM)[1]
                        datePosted = int(
                            (datetime(datePostedY, datePostedM, datePostedD,
                                      23, 59, 59) -
                             datetime(1970, 1, 1)).total_seconds())
                    #Use year from config ini, then calculate end of year (note: Flickr does not accept future dates. You'll get current date maximum)
                    if configdict.get('date_posted_granularity', '0') == '6':
                        datePostedY = int(
                        datePosted = int(
                            (datetime(datePostedY, 12, 31, 23, 59, 59) -
                             datetime(1970, 1, 1)).total_seconds())
                    #Convert timestamp to GMT zone
                    dateZone = configdict.get('date_posted_utc', '0')
                    if dateZone != '0':
                        datePosted = datePosted - int(dateZone) * 3600

            if exiftags == {}:
                logging.debug('NO_EXIF_HEADER for %s', image)
                if configdict.get('override_dates', '0') == '1':
                    if 'EXIF DateTimeDigitized' in exiftags:
                        dateExif = str(exiftags['EXIF DateTimeDigitized'])
                        dateExif = dateExif[0:10].replace(':',
                                                          '-') + dateExif[10:]
                        dateUnix = int((datetime(
                            int(dateExif[0:4]), int(dateExif[5:7]),
                            int(dateExif[8:10]), int(dateExif[11:13]),
                            int(dateExif[14:16]), int(dateExif[17:19])) -
                                        datetime(1970, 1, 1)).total_seconds())
                        if configdict.get('date_taken_type', '0') == '1':
                            dateTaken = dateExif
                        if configdict.get('date_posted_type', '0') == '1':
                            datePosted = dateUnix
                            #Use year and month from dateExif, then calculate end of month (note: Flickr does not accept future dates. You'll get current date maximum)
                            if configdict.get('date_posted_granularity',
                                              '0') == '4':
                                datePostedY = int(
                                datePostedM = int(
                                datePostedD = calendar.monthrange(
                                    datePostedY, datePostedM)[1]
                                datePosted = int(
                                    (datetime(datePostedY, datePostedM,
                                              datePostedD, 23, 59, 59) -
                                     datetime(1970, 1, 1)).total_seconds())
                            #Use year from dateExif, then calculate end of year (note: Flickr does not accept future dates. You'll get current date maximum)
                            if configdict.get('date_posted_granularity',
                                              '0') == '6':
                                datePostedY = int(
                                datePosted = int((
                                    datetime(datePostedY, 12, 31, 23, 59, 59) -
                                    datetime(1970, 1, 1)).total_seconds())
                            #Convert timestamp to GMT zone
                            dateZone = configdict.get('date_posted_utc', '0')
                            if dateZone != '0':
                                datePosted = datePosted - int(dateZone) * 3600

                # look for additional tags in EXIF to tag picture with
                if XPKEYWORDS in exiftags:
                    printable = exiftags[XPKEYWORDS].printable
                    if len(printable) > 4:
                        exifstring = exifread.make_string(eval(printable))
                        picTags += exifstring.replace(';', ' ')

            picTags = picTags.strip()
            logging.info("Uploading image %s with tags %s", image, picTags)
            photo = ('photo', image, open(image, 'rb').read())

            d = {
                api.token: str(self.token),
                api.perms: str(self.perms),
                "tags": str(picTags),
                "hidden": str(FLICKR["hidden"]),
                "is_public": str(FLICKR["is_public"]),
                "is_friend": str(FLICKR["is_friend"]),
                "is_family": str(FLICKR["is_family"])
            sig = signCall(d)
            d[api.sig] = sig
            d[api.key] = FLICKR[api.key]
            url = buildRequest(api.upload, d, (photo, ))
            res = getResponse(url)
            if isGood(res):
                photoid = str(res.photoid.text)
                self.logUpload(photoid, folderTag, image)
                if configdict.get('override_dates', '0') == '1':
                    self.overrideDates(image, photoid, datePosted, dateTaken,
                return photoid
                print "problem.."
        except KeyboardInterrupt:
            logging.debug("Keyboard interrupt seen, abandon uploads")
            print "Stopping uploads..."
            self.abandonUploads = True
            return None
            logging.exception("Upload failed")
        return None
예제 #2
    def uploadImage( self, image ):
        Upload a single image. Returns the photoid, or None on failure.
        folderTag = image[len(IMAGE_DIR):]

        if self.uploaded.has_key(folderTag):
            logging.debug('The file %s already exists: mtime=%d, size=%d',
                         image, stats.st_mtime, stats.st_size)
            if not isinstance(data, tuple):
                logging.error('Should not have non-tuple data but continuing in any case')
                self.uploaded[folderTag] = (data, stats.st_mtime, stats.st_size)
                return None
                if mtime != stats.st_mtime or filesize != stats.st_size:
                    logging.info('File has changed since previous time')
                    logging.info('Removing %s from Flickr before updating', data[0])
                        del self.uploaded[folderTag]
                        del self.uploaded[photo_id]
                    except flickr.FlickrError:
                        logging.info('File does not exist, adding')
                    return None

            logging.debug("Getting EXIF for %s", image)
            f = open(image, 'rb')
                exiftags = exifread.process_file(f)
            except MemoryError:
                exiftags = {}
            #print exiftags[XPKEYWORDS]
            #print folderTag
            # make one tag equal to original file path with spaces replaced by
            # # and start it with # (for easier recognition) since space is
            # used as TAG separator by flickr

            # this is needed for later syncing flickr with folders
            # look for / \ _ . and replace them with SPACE to make real Tags
            realTags = re.sub(r'[/\\_.]', ' ',

            if configdict.get('full_folder_tags', 'false').startswith('true'):
                realTags = os.path.dirname(folderTag).split(os.sep)
                realTags = (' '.join('"' + item + '"' for item in  realTags))

            picTags = '"#' + folderTag + '" ' + realTags

            #check if we need to override photo dates
            dateTakenGranularity = configdict.get('date_taken_granularity', '0')
            dateTaken = datePosted = ''
            if configdict.get('override_dates', '0') == '1':
                #fixed take date
                if configdict.get('date_taken_type', '0') == '2':
                    datePosted = configdict.get('date_posted_fixed', '')
                #fixed post date
                if configdict.get('date_posted_type', '0') == '2':
                    datePosted = configdict.get('date_posted_fixed', '')
                    #Use year and month from config ini, then calculate end of month (note: Flickr does not accept future dates. You'll get current date maximum)
                    if configdict.get('date_posted_granularity', '0') == '4':
                        datePostedY = int(datetime.fromtimestamp(datePosted).strftime("%Y"))
                        datePostedM = int(datetime.fromtimestamp(datePosted).strftime("%m"))
                        datePostedD = calendar.monthrange(datePostedY, datePostedM)[1]
                        datePosted = int((datetime(datePostedY, datePostedM, datePostedD, 23, 59, 59) - datetime(1970, 1, 1)).total_seconds())
                    #Use year from config ini, then calculate end of year (note: Flickr does not accept future dates. You'll get current date maximum)
                    if configdict.get('date_posted_granularity', '0') == '6':
                        datePostedY = int(datetime.fromtimestamp(datePosted).strftime("%Y"))
                        datePosted = int((datetime(datePostedY, 12, 31, 23, 59, 59) - datetime(1970, 1, 1)).total_seconds())
                    #Convert timestamp to GMT zone
                    dateZone =  configdict.get('date_posted_utc', '0')
                    if dateZone != '0':
                        datePosted = datePosted - int(dateZone)*3600

            if exiftags == {}:
                logging.debug('NO_EXIF_HEADER for %s', image)
                dateTaken = time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S', time.gmtime(stats.st_mtime))
                if configdict.get('override_dates', '0') == '1':
                    if 'EXIF DateTimeDigitized' in exiftags:
                        dateExif = str(exiftags['EXIF DateTimeDigitized'])
                        dateExif = dateExif[0:10].replace(':', '-') + dateExif[10:]
                        dateUnix = int((datetime(int(dateExif[0:4]), int(dateExif[5:7]), int(dateExif[8:10]), int(dateExif[11:13]), int(dateExif[14:16]), int(dateExif[17:19])) - datetime(1970, 1, 1)).total_seconds())
                        if configdict.get('date_taken_type', '0') == '1':
                            dateTaken = dateExif
                        if configdict.get('date_posted_type', '0') == '1':
                            datePosted = dateUnix
                            #Use year and month from dateExif, then calculate end of month (note: Flickr does not accept future dates. You'll get current date maximum)
                            if configdict.get('date_posted_granularity', '0') == '4':
                                datePostedY = int(datetime.fromtimestamp(datePosted).strftime("%Y"))
                                datePostedM = int(datetime.fromtimestamp(datePosted).strftime("%m"))
                                datePostedD = calendar.monthrange(datePostedY, datePostedM)[1]
                                datePosted = int((datetime(datePostedY, datePostedM, datePostedD, 23, 59, 59) - datetime(1970, 1, 1)).total_seconds())
                            #Use year from dateExif, then calculate end of year (note: Flickr does not accept future dates. You'll get current date maximum)
                            if configdict.get('date_posted_granularity', '0') == '6':
                                datePostedY = int(datetime.fromtimestamp(datePosted).strftime("%Y"))
                                datePosted = int((datetime(datePostedY, 12, 31, 23, 59, 59) - datetime(1970, 1, 1)).total_seconds())
                            #Convert timestamp to GMT zone
                            dateZone =  configdict.get('date_posted_utc', '0')
                            if dateZone != '0':
                                datePosted = datePosted - int(dateZone)*3600

                # look for additional tags in EXIF to tag picture with
                if XPKEYWORDS in exiftags:
                    printable = exiftags[XPKEYWORDS].printable
                    if len(printable) > 4:
                        exifstring = exifread.make_string(eval(printable))
                        picTags += exifstring.replace(';', ' ')

            picTags = picTags.strip()
            logging.info("Uploading image %s with tags %s", image, picTags)

            photo = ('photo', image, open(image,'rb').read())

            d = {
                api.token   : str(self.token),
                api.perms   : str(self.perms),
                "tags"      : str(picTags),
                "hidden"    : str( FLICKR["hidden"] ),
                "is_public" : str( FLICKR["is_public"] ),
                "is_friend" : str( FLICKR["is_friend"] ),
                "is_family" : str( FLICKR["is_family"] )
            sig = signCall(d)
            d[ api.sig ] = sig
            d[ api.key ] = FLICKR[ api.key ]
            url = buildRequest(api.upload, d, (photo,))
            res = getResponse(url)

            if isGood(res):
                logging.debug( "successful.")
                photoid = str(res.photoid.text)
                self.logUpload(photoid, folderTag, image)
                if configdict.get('override_dates', '0') == '1' or exiftags == {}:
                    self.overrideDates(image, photoid, datePosted, dateTaken, dateTakenGranularity)
                return photoid
            else :
                print "problem.."
        except KeyboardInterrupt:
            logging.debug("Keyboard interrupt seen, abandon uploads")
            print "Stopping uploads..."
            self.abandonUploads = True
            return None
        return None
예제 #3
import string
from datetime import timedelta, datetime, time, date, tzinfo
from itertools import groupby
from os.path import dirname
import calendar

import f2flickr.flickr as flickr
import f2flickr.tags2set as tags2set
from f2flickr.configuration import configdict
from flickr2history import convert_format
from xml.dom import minidom

# Location to scan for new images
IMAGE_DIR = configdict.get('imagedir')
#   Flickr settings
    "title": "",
    "description": "",
    "tags": "auto-upload",
    "hidden": configdict.get('hidden', 2),
    "is_public": configdict.get('public'),
    "is_friend": configdict.get('friend'),
    "is_family": configdict.get('family')

#   File we keep the history of uploaded images in.
예제 #4
    def uploadImage( self, image ):
        folderTag = image[len(IMAGE_DIR):]

        if self.uploaded.has_key(folderTag):
            return None

            logging.debug("Getting EXIF for %s", image)
            f = open(image, 'rb')
            exiftags = exif.process_file(f)
            #print exiftags[XPKEYWORDS]
            #print folderTag
            # make one tag equal to original file path with spaces replaced by
            # # and start it with # (for easier recognition) since space is
            # used as TAG separator by flickr

            # this is needed for later syncing flickr with folders
            realTags  = os.path.dirname(folderTag).replace('\\',' ')   # look for / or \ or _ or .  and replace them with SPACE to make real Tags
            realTags =  realTags.replace('/',' ')   # these will be the real tags ripped from folders
            realTags =  realTags.replace('_',' ')
            realTags =  realTags.replace('.',' ')
            realTags = realTags.strip()

            if configdict.get('full_folder_tags', 'false').startswith('true'):
                realTags = os.path.dirname(folderTag).split(os.sep)
                realTags = (' '.join('"' + item + '"' for item in  realTags))

            picTags = '#' + folderTag.replace(' ','#') + ' ' + realTags

            if exiftags == {}:
                logging.debug('NO_EXIF_HEADER for %s', image)
                if XPKEYWORDS in exiftags:  #look for additional tags in EXIF to tag picture with
                    if len(exiftags[XPKEYWORDS].printable) > 4:
                        picTags += exif.make_string( eval(exiftags[XPKEYWORDS].printable)).replace(';',' ')

            picTags = picTags.strip()
            logging.info("Uploading image %s with tags %s", image, picTags)
            photo = ('photo', image, open(image,'rb').read())

            d = {
                api.token   : str(self.token),
                api.perms   : str(self.perms),
                "tags"      : str(picTags),
                "hidden"    : str( FLICKR["hidden"] ),
                "is_public" : str( FLICKR["is_public"] ),
                "is_friend" : str( FLICKR["is_friend"] ),
                "is_family" : str( FLICKR["is_family"] )
            sig = self.signCall( d )
            d[ api.sig ] = sig
            d[ api.key ] = FLICKR[ api.key ]
            url = self.buildRequest(api.upload, d, (photo,))
            res = getResponse(url)
            if isGood(res):
                logging.debug( "successful.")
                photoid = str(res.photoid.text)
                self.logUpload(photoid, folderTag)
                return photoid
            else :
                print "problem.."
        except KeyboardInterrupt, ex:
            logging.debug("Keyboard interrupt seen, abandon uploads")
            print "Stopping uploads..."
            self.abandonUploads = True
            return None
예제 #5
import exifread
from datetime import datetime
from itertools import groupby
from os.path import dirname
import calendar

import f2flickr.flickr as flickr
import f2flickr.tags2set as tags2set
from f2flickr.configuration import configdict
from flickr2history import convert_format
from xml.dom import minidom

# Location to scan for new images
IMAGE_DIR = configdict.get('imagedir')
#   Flickr settings
FLICKR = {"title": "",
        "description": "",
        "tags": "auto-upload",
        "hidden": configdict.get('hidden', 2),
        "is_public": configdict.get('public'),
        "is_friend": configdict.get('friend'),
        "is_family": configdict.get('family') }

#   File we keep the history of uploaded images in.
HISTORY_FILE = configdict.get('history_file')
예제 #6
    def uploadImage( self, image ):
        Upload a single image. Returns the photoid, or None on failure.
        folderTag = image[len(IMAGE_DIR):]

        if self.uploaded.has_key(folderTag):
            return None

            logging.debug("Getting EXIF for %s", image)
            f = open(image, 'rb')
            exiftags = exifread.process_file(f)
            #print exiftags
            #print folderTag
            # make one tag equal to original file path with spaces replaced by
            # # and start it with # (for easier recognition) since space is
            # used as TAG separator by flickr

            # this is needed for later syncing flickr with folders
            # look for / \ _ . and replace them with SPACE to make real Tags
            realTags = re.sub(r'[/\\_.]', ' ', os.path.dirname(folderTag)).strip()

            image_date = None
            image_yyyy = None
            image_yyyy_mm = None
            if 'Image DateTime' in exiftags:
                image_date = exiftags['Image DateTime'].printable
                # print image_date
                date_field = re.search('^(\d{4}):(\d{2}):(\d{2})', image_date)
                if date_field:
                    image_yyyy = date_field.group(1)
                    image_yyyy_mm = "%s-%s" % (date_field.group(1), date_field.group(2),)
		    print image_yyyy
		    print image_yyyy_mm
            if configdict.get('full_folder_tags', 'false').startswith('true'):
                realTags = os.path.dirname(folderTag).split(os.sep)
                # Remove empty tags
                realTags = filter(None, realTags)
                # Assumes date is the first field, and add YYYY as tag
                datefield = realTags[0]
                realTags = (' '.join('"' + item + '"' for item in  realTags))

            picTags = realTags
            #picTags = '#' + folderTag.replace(' ','#') + ' ' + realTags # Do not make a tag of the image path

            if exiftags == {}:
                logging.debug('NO_EXIF_HEADER for %s', image)
                # look for additional tags in EXIF to tag picture with
                if XPKEYWORDS in exiftags:
                    printable = exiftags[XPKEYWORDS].printable
                    if len(printable) > 4:
                        exifstring = exifread.make_string(eval(printable))
                        picTags += exifstring.replace(';', ' ')

            picTags = picTags.strip()
            logging.info("Uploading image %s with tags %s", image, picTags)
            photo = ('photo', image, open(image,'rb').read())

            d = {
                api.token   : str(self.token),
                api.perms   : str(self.perms),
                "tags"      : str(picTags),
                "hidden"    : str( FLICKR["hidden"] ),
                "is_public" : str( FLICKR["is_public"] ),
                "is_friend" : str( FLICKR["is_friend"] ),
                "is_family" : str( FLICKR["is_family"] )
            sig = signCall(d)
            d[ api.sig ] = sig
            d[ api.key ] = FLICKR[ api.key ]
            url = buildRequest(api.upload, d, (photo,))
            res = getResponse(url)
            if isGood(res):
                logging.debug( "successful.")
                photoid = str(res.photoid.text)
                self.logUpload(photoid, folderTag)
                return photoid
            else :
                print "problem.."
        except KeyboardInterrupt:
            logging.debug("Keyboard interrupt seen, abandon uploads")
            print "Stopping uploads..."
            self.abandonUploads = True
            return None
        return None
예제 #7
    def uploadImage( self, image ):
        Upload a single image. Returns the photoid, or None on failure.
        folderTag = image[len(IMAGE_DIR):]

        if self.uploaded.has_key(folderTag):
            return None

            logging.debug("Getting EXIF for %s", image)
            f = open(image, 'rb')
                exiftags = exifread.process_file(f)
            except MemoryError:
                exiftags = {}
            #print exiftags[XPKEYWORDS]
            #print folderTag
            # make one tag equal to original file path with spaces replaced by
            # # and start it with # (for easier recognition) since space is
            # used as TAG separator by flickr

            # this is needed for later syncing flickr with folders
            # look for / \ _ . and replace them with SPACE to make real Tags
            realTags = re.sub(r'[/\\_.]', ' ', folderTag).strip()
            picTags = '#' + realTags.replace(' ','#')

            # with the full_folder_tags option, the tag for the file is directly its
            # relative path. We use quotes to make it only one tag on Flickr.
            if configdict.get('full_folder_tags', 'false').startswith('true'):
                realTags = '"#' + folderTag + '"' 
                picTags = realTags

            if exiftags == {}:
                logging.debug('NO_EXIF_HEADER for %s', image)
                # look for additional tags in EXIF to tag picture with
                if XPKEYWORDS in exiftags:
                    printable = exiftags[XPKEYWORDS].printable
                    if len(printable) > 4:
                        exifstring = exifread.make_string(eval(printable))
                        picTags += exifstring.replace(';', ' ')

            picTags = picTags.strip()
            logging.info("Uploading image %s with tags %s", image, picTags)
            photo = ('photo', image, open(image,'rb').read())

            d = {
                api.token   : str(self.token),
                api.perms   : str(self.perms),
                "tags"      : str(picTags),
                "hidden"    : str( FLICKR["hidden"] ),
                "is_public" : str( FLICKR["is_public"] ),
                "is_friend" : str( FLICKR["is_friend"] ),
                "is_family" : str( FLICKR["is_family"] )
            sig = signCall(d)
            d[ api.sig ] = sig
            d[ api.key ] = FLICKR[ api.key ]
            url = buildRequest(api.upload, d, (photo,))
            res = getResponse(url)
            if isGood(res):
                logging.debug( "successful.")
                photoid = str(res.photoid.text)
                self.logUpload(photoid, folderTag)
                return photoid
            else :
                print "problem.."
        except KeyboardInterrupt:
            logging.debug("Keyboard interrupt seen, abandon uploads")
            print "Stopping uploads..."
            self.abandonUploads = True
            return None
        return None
예제 #8
    def uploadImage(self, image):
        Upload a single image. Returns the photoid, or None on failure.
        folderTag = image[len(IMAGE_DIR) :]

        if self.uploaded.has_key(folderTag):
            return None

            logging.debug("Getting EXIF for %s", image)
            f = open(image, "rb")
            exiftags = exifread.process_file(f)
            # print exiftags[XPKEYWORDS]
            # print folderTag
            # make one tag equal to original file path with spaces replaced by
            # # and start it with # (for easier recognition) since space is
            # used as TAG separator by flickr

            # this is needed for later syncing flickr with folders
            # look for / \ _ . and replace them with SPACE to make real Tags
            realTags = re.sub(r"[/\\_.]", " ", os.path.dirname(folderTag)).strip()

            if configdict.get("full_folder_tags", "false").startswith("true"):
                realTags = os.path.dirname(folderTag).split(os.sep)
                realTags = " ".join('"' + item + '"' for item in realTags)

            picTags = "#" + folderTag.replace(" ", "#") + " " + realTags

            if exiftags == {}:
                logging.debug("NO_EXIF_HEADER for %s", image)
                # look for additional tags in EXIF to tag picture with
                if XPKEYWORDS in exiftags:
                    printable = exiftags[XPKEYWORDS].printable
                    if len(printable) > 4:
                        exifstring = exifread.make_string(eval(printable))
                        picTags += exifstring.replace(";", " ")

            picTags = picTags.strip()
            logging.info("Uploading image %s with tags %s", image, picTags)
            photo = ("photo", image, open(image, "rb").read())

            d = {
                api.token: str(self.token),
                api.perms: str(self.perms),
                "tags": str(picTags),
                "hidden": str(FLICKR["hidden"]),
                "is_public": str(FLICKR["is_public"]),
                "is_friend": str(FLICKR["is_friend"]),
                "is_family": str(FLICKR["is_family"]),
            sig = signCall(d)
            d[api.sig] = sig
            d[api.key] = FLICKR[api.key]
            url = buildRequest(api.upload, d, (photo,))
            res = getResponse(url)
            if isGood(res):
                photoid = str(res.photoid.text)
                self.logUpload(photoid, folderTag)
                return photoid
                print "problem.."
        except KeyboardInterrupt:
            logging.debug("Keyboard interrupt seen, abandon uploads")
            print "Stopping uploads..."
            self.abandonUploads = True
            return None
        return None
예제 #9
import re
import shelve
import sys
import urllib2
import webbrowser
import exifread

import f2flickr.flickr as flickr
import f2flickr.tags2set as tags2set
from f2flickr.configuration import configdict
from xml.dom import minidom

# Location to scan for new images
IMAGE_DIR = configdict.get("imagedir")
#   Flickr settings
    "title": "",
    "description": "",
    "tags": "auto-upload",
    "hidden": configdict.get("hidden", 2),
    "is_public": configdict.get("public"),
    "is_friend": configdict.get("friend"),
    "is_family": configdict.get("family"),

#   File we keep the history of uploaded images in.
예제 #10
    def uploadImage(self, image):
        Upload a single image. Returns the photoid, or None on failure.
        folderTag = image[len(IMAGE_DIR):]

        if self.uploaded.has_key(folderTag):
            return None

            logging.debug("Getting EXIF for %s", image)
            f = open(image, 'rb')
                exiftags = exifread.process_file(f)
            except MemoryError:
                exiftags = {}
            #print exiftags[XPKEYWORDS]
            #print folderTag
            # make one tag equal to original file path with spaces replaced by
            # # and start it with # (for easier recognition) since space is
            # used as TAG separator by flickr

            # this is needed for later syncing flickr with folders
            # look for / \ _ . and replace them with SPACE to make real Tags
            realTags = re.sub(r'[/\\_.]', ' ',

            if configdict.get('full_folder_tags', 'false').startswith('true'):
                realTags = os.path.dirname(folderTag).split(os.sep)
                realTags = (' '.join('"' + item + '"' for item in realTags))

            picTags = '#' + folderTag.replace(' ', '#') + ' ' + realTags

            if exiftags == {}:
                logging.debug('NO_EXIF_HEADER for %s', image)
                # look for additional tags in EXIF to tag picture with
                if XPKEYWORDS in exiftags:
                    printable = exiftags[XPKEYWORDS].printable
                    if len(printable) > 4:
                        exifstring = exifread.make_string(eval(printable))
                        picTags += exifstring.replace(';', ' ')

            picTags = picTags.strip()
            logging.info("Uploading image %s with tags %s", image, picTags)
            photo = ('photo', image, open(image, 'rb').read())

            d = {
                api.token: str(self.token),
                api.perms: str(self.perms),
                "tags": str(picTags),
                "hidden": str(FLICKR["hidden"]),
                "is_public": str(FLICKR["is_public"]),
                "is_friend": str(FLICKR["is_friend"]),
                "is_family": str(FLICKR["is_family"])
            sig = signCall(d)
            d[api.sig] = sig
            d[api.key] = FLICKR[api.key]
            url = buildRequest(api.upload, d, (photo, ))
            res = getResponse(url)
            if isGood(res):
                photoid = str(res.photoid.text)
                self.logUpload(photoid, folderTag)
                return photoid
                print "problem.."
        except KeyboardInterrupt:
            logging.debug("Keyboard interrupt seen, abandon uploads")
            print "Stopping uploads..."
            self.abandonUploads = True
            return None
        return None