예제 #1
    def visit(self, candidate: Path) -> List[Path]:
        new_candidates: List[Path] = []
            task_class = self._extension_map[candidate.suffix]
            reader: TextReader = FileTextReader(candidate)
            hasher: TextReaderAdler32 = TextReaderAdler32(reader)

            if issubclass(task_class, Analyser):
                task: Task = task_class(hasher, self._state)
            elif issubclass(task_class, SingleFileCommand):
                flags = self._command_flags_map.get(task_class, [])
                task = CommandTask(
                    task_class(Path(hasher.filename), self._workspace, flags))
                message = \
                    f'Unhandled class "{task_class}" in extension map.'
                raise TypeError(message)
            # TODO: Make SQLite connection multiprocess safe
            # self._queue.add_to_queue(task)
            # TODO: The hasher part here likely needs to be
            #       moved once the task is run by the queue
            for _ in hasher.line_by_line():
                pass  # Make sure we've read the whole file.
            file_info = FileInfoDatabase(self._state)
            file_info.add_file_info(candidate, hasher.hash)
        except KeyError:
        return new_candidates
예제 #2
    def test_getter(self, tmp_path: Path):
        test_unit = FileInfoDatabase(SqliteStateDatabase(tmp_path))
        with pytest.raises(FabException):

        test_unit.add_file_info(Path('teapot.c'), 31337)
        assert test_unit.get_file_info(Path('teapot.c')) \
            == FileInfo(Path('teapot.c'), 31337)
예제 #3
    def test_iteration(self, tmp_path: Path):
        test_unit = FileInfoDatabase(SqliteStateDatabase(tmp_path))
        assert list(iter(test_unit)) == []

        test_unit.add_file_info(Path('foo.f90'), 1234)
        assert list(iter(test_unit)) == [FileInfo(Path('foo.f90'), 1234)]

        test_unit.add_file_info(Path('bar/baz.f90'), 5786)
        assert list(iter(test_unit)) == [FileInfo(Path('bar/baz.f90'), 5786),
                                         FileInfo(Path('foo.f90'), 1234)]

        # Add a new version of an existing file
        test_unit.add_file_info(Path('foo.f90'), 987)
        assert list(iter(test_unit)) == [FileInfo(Path('bar/baz.f90'), 5786),
                                         FileInfo(Path('foo.f90'), 987)]
예제 #4
    def process(self,
                artifact: Artifact,
                discovery: Dict[str, DiscoveryState],
                objects: List[Artifact],
                lock: LockT) -> List[Artifact]:

        new_artifacts: List[Artifact] = []
        new_discovery: Dict[str, DiscoveryState] = {}
        new_objects: List[Artifact] = []
        # Identify tasks that are completely new
        if (artifact.state is New
                and artifact.filetype is Unknown):
            # Use the pathmap list to work out the
            # filetype and starting state
            new_artifact = None
            for pathmap in self._pathmaps:
                if artifact.location in pathmap:
                    new_artifact = Artifact(artifact.location,
            # Assuming we found a match and were able
            # to create the artifact, return it so that
            # it can be added to the queue
            if new_artifact is not None:
                # Also store its hash in the file database
                file_info = FileInfoDatabase(self._database)

        elif artifact.state is Analysed:

            # Work out whether this artifact needs to be
            # included in the build or not - if any of its
            # definitions are mentioned in the (shared)
            # discovery mapping, or if it is defining
            # the target of the build then it should be included

            # TODO: Looping through a list of what could
            # eventually contain every unit/symbol in the build has
            # the potential to become an issue for performance.
            # Longer term we probably want to drop using the shared
            # discovery array in favour of database lookups
            required = False
            for definition in artifact.defines:
                # Is this the target?
                if (definition == self.target
                        or definition in discovery):
                    required = True

            if required:
                # Update the discovery list to indicate that
                # the definitions from this Artifact are present
                # (but not yet compiled)
                for definition in artifact.defines:
                    if definition not in discovery:
                        new_discovery[definition] = DiscoveryState.SEEN

                # Now check whether the Artifact's dependencies
                # have already been seen and compiled
                compiled = [False]*len(artifact.depends_on)
                for idep, dependency in enumerate(artifact.depends_on):
                    # Only applies to str dependencies
                    if isinstance(dependency, Path):
                    if dependency in discovery:
                        # Are the dependencies compiled?
                        if discovery[dependency] == DiscoveryState.COMPILED:
                            compiled[idep] = True
                        # If the dependency isn't in the list at all yet
                        # then add an entry so the system knows we are
                        # expecting it later (for the above check)
                        new_discovery[dependency] = DiscoveryState.AWARE_OF

                # If the dependencies are satisfied (or there weren't
                # any) then this file can be compiled now
                if len(compiled) == 0 or all(compiled):
                    for definition in artifact.defines:
                        task = self._taskmap[(artifact.filetype,
                        new_discovery[definition] = DiscoveryState.COMPILED
                    # If the dependencies weren't all satisfied then
                    # back on the queue for another pass later
                # If it wasn't required it could be later, so
                # put it back on the queue, unless the target
                # has been compiled, in which case it wasn't
                # needed at all!
                if (self._target not in discovery
                        or discovery[self._target] != DiscoveryState.COMPILED):

        elif artifact.state is Compiled:
            # Begin populating the list for linking
            # But do not return a new artifact - this object
            # is "done" as far as the processing is concerned

            # But, if this is the file containing the target
            # that means everything must have been compiled
            # by this point; so we can do the linking step
            if self._target in artifact.defines:
                task = self._taskmap[(artifact.filetype,
                new_artifacts.extend(task.run(objects + [artifact]))

        elif artifact.state is Linked:
            # Nothing to do at present with the final linked
            # executable, but included here for completeness
            # If the object specifies any paths in its dependencies
            # then these must exist before it can be processed
            # TODO: This needs more thorough logic and to come from
            # the database eventually
            ready = True
            for dependency in artifact.depends_on:
                if isinstance(dependency, Path):
                    if not dependency.exists():
                        ready = False

            if ready:
                # An artifact with a filetype and state set
                # will have an appropriate task that should
                # be used to run it (though unlike the old
                # implementation this is probably returning
                # the instance of the Task not the class)
                if ((artifact.filetype, artifact.state)
                        in self._taskmap):
                    task = self._taskmap[(artifact.filetype,


        # Update shared arrays
        for key, value in new_discovery.items():
            discovery[key] = value

        return new_artifacts