예제 #1
def sysinitstart_RASVAMT_and_check_status():
    Starts the APP daemon process and checks that the server is up and running
    then it shuts down the server
    # We sleep 2 here as it was found on Mac deployment to docker container
    # that the shell would exit before the APPDaemon could detach, thus
    # resulting in no startup self.
    # Please replace following line with something meaningful
    # virtualenv('ngamsDaemon start -cfg {0} && sleep 2'.format(tgt_cfg))

    env.APP_INSTALL_DIR = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(home(), APP_INSTALL_DIR_NAME))
    env.APP_ROOT_DIR = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(home(), APP_ROOT_DIR_NAME))
    env.APP_SRC_DIR = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(home(), APP_SRC_DIR_NAME))

    info('Start {0} and check'.format(APP))
    with settings(user=env.AWS_SUDO_USER):
        sudo('service nginx start')
        u = urllib2.urlopen('http://{0}/static/html/index.html'.
    except urllib2.URLError:
        red("RASVAMT NOT running!")
    r = u.read()
    assert r.find('rasvamt-s-user-documentation') > -1, red("RASVAMT NOT running")
예제 #2
def APP_build_cmd():

    # The installation of the bsddb package (needed by ngamsCore) is in
    # particular difficult because it requires some flags to be passed on
    # (particularly if using MacOSX's port
    # >>>> NOTE: This function potentially needs heavy customisation <<<<<<
    build_cmd = ['cd {0}; pip install -e .'.format(APP_SRC_DIR_NAME)]
    # linux_flavor = get_linux_flavor()

    env.APP_INSTALL_DIR = os.path.abspath(
        os.path.join(home(), APP_INSTALL_DIR_NAME))
    env.APP_ROOT_DIR = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(home(), APP_ROOT_DIR_NAME))
    env.APP_SRC_DIR = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(home(), APP_SRC_DIR_NAME))

    return ' '.join(build_cmd)
예제 #3
def start_unicorn():
    Starts the gunicorn daemon which in turn will be called by nginx.
    HOME = home()
    env.APP_INSTALL_DIR = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(HOME, APP_INSTALL_DIR_NAME))
    env.APP_ROOT_DIR = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(HOME, APP_ROOT_DIR_NAME))
    env.APP_SRC_DIR = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(HOME, APP_SRC_DIR_NAME))

    SOCKFILE = env.APP_INSTALL_DIR+'/sock'
    PIDFILE = env.APP_INSTALL_DIR+'/gunicorn.pid'
    USER = env.APP_USER
    GROUP = env.APP_USER
    NUM_WORKERS = '3'
    with settings(user=env.APP_USER):
        with cd(FLASKDIR):
            run('{0}/bin/gunicorn main:app -b -D '.format(env.APP_INSTALL_DIR) +\
                ' --name {0}'.format(NAME) + \
                ' --user={0} --group={1}'.format(USER, GROUP) +\
                ' --bind=unix:{0}'.format(SOCKFILE) +\
                ' --workers={0}'.format(NUM_WORKERS) +\
                ' --log-level=debug --pythonpath={0}'.format(FLASKDIR) +\
                ' -p {0}'.format(PIDFILE)
예제 #4
def APP_build_cmd():

    env.APP_INSTALL_DIR = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(home(), APP_INSTALL_DIR_NAME))
    env.APP_ROOT_DIR = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(home(), APP_ROOT_DIR_NAME))
    env.APP_SRC_DIR = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(home(), APP_SRC_DIR_NAME))

    build_cmd = []

    # create RASVAMT directories and chown to correct user and group
    run('mkdir -p {0}'.format(env.APP_INSTALL_DIR))
    # This not working for some reason
    # sudo('chown -R {0}:{1} {2}'.format(env.USERS[0], GROUP, APP_INSTALL_DIR))

    run('ln -s {0}/src {1}/src'.format(env.APP_SRC_DIR, env.APP_INSTALL_DIR))
    return ' '.join(build_cmd)
예제 #5
def virtualenv_setup():
    Creates a new virtualenv that will hold the APP installation
    APPInstallDir = APP_install_dir()
    if check_dir(APPInstallDir):
        overwrite = APP_overwrite_installation()
        if not overwrite:
            msg = ("%s exists already. Specify APP_OVERWRITE_INSTALLATION "
                   "to overwrite, or a different APP_INSTALL_DIR location")
            abort(msg % (APPInstallDir,))
        run("rm -rf %s" % (APPInstallDir,))

    # Check which python will be bound to the virtualenv
    ppath = check_python()
    if not ppath:
        ppath = python_setup(os.path.join(home(), 'python'))

    # Use our create_venv.sh script to create the virtualenv
    # It already handles the download automatically if no virtualenv command is
    # found in the system, and also allows to specify a python executable path
    script_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))+'/create_venv.sh'
    put(script_path, APP_source_dir()+'/create_venv.sh')
    with cd(APP_source_dir()):
        run("/bin/bash create_venv.sh -p {0} {1}".format(ppath, APPInstallDir))

    # Download this particular certifcate; otherwise pip complains
    # in some platforms
    if APP_use_custom_pip_cert():
        if not(check_dir('~/.pip')):
            run('mkdir ~/.pip')
            with cd('~/.pip'):
        run('echo "[global]" > ~/.pip/pip.conf; echo '
            '"cert = {0}/.pip/cacert.pem" >> ~/.pip/pip.conf;'.format(home()))

    # Update pip and install wheel; this way we can install binary wheels from
    # PyPI if available (like astropy)
    # TODO: setuptools and python-daemon are here only because
    #       python-daemon 2.1.2 is having a problem to install via setuptools
    #       but not via pip (see https://pagure.io/python-daemon/issue/2 and
    #       https://pagure.io/python-daemon/issue/3).
    #       When this problem is fixed we'll fix our dependency on python-daemo
    #       to avoid this issue entirely
    virtualenv('pip install -U pip wheel setuptools python-daemon')

    success("Virtualenv setup completed")
예제 #6
def APP_build_cmd():

    # The installation of the bsddb package (needed by ngamsCore) is in
    # particular difficult because it requires some flags to be passed on
    # (particularly if using MacOSX's port
    # >>>> NOTE: This function potentially needs heavy customisation <<<<<<
    build_cmd = []
    # linux_flavor = get_linux_flavor()

    env.APP_INSTALL_DIR = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(home(), APP_INSTALL_DIR_NAME))
    env.APP_ROOT_DIR = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(home(), APP_ROOT_DIR_NAME))
    env.APP_SRC_DIR = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(home(), APP_SRC_DIR_NAME))
    build_cmd.append('cd {0} ;'.format(APP_source_dir()))
        'curl -o- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/nvm-sh/nvm/v0.35.3/install.sh | bash ;')
    build_cmd.append('source ~/.nvm/nvm.sh')
    build_cmd.append('nvm install node')
    # build_cmd.append('npm install typescript')
    build_cmd.append('pip install . ;')

    return ' '.join(build_cmd)
예제 #7
def APP_source_dir():
    key = 'APP_SRC_DIR'
    if key not in env:
        env[key] = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(home(), env.APP_SRC_DIR_NAME))
    return env[key]
예제 #8
def APP_root_dir():
    key = 'APP_ROOT_DIR'
    if key not in env:
        env[key] = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(home(), env.APP_ROOT_DIR_NAME))
    return env[key]
예제 #9
def APP_install_dir():
    default_if_empty(env, key, APP_name().lower()+'_rt')
    if env[key].find('/') != 0: # make sure this is an absolute path
        env[key] = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(home(), env.APP_INSTALL_DIR_NAME))
    return env[key]