예제 #1
def getLoopsFromCorrectMesh(edges, faces, vertexes, z):
    "Get loops from a carve of a correct mesh."
    remainingEdgeTable = getRemainingEdgeTable(edges, vertexes, z)
    remainingValues = remainingEdgeTable.values()
    for edge in remainingValues:
        if len(edge.faceIndexes) < 2:
                'This should never happen, there is a hole in the triangle mesh, each edge should have two faces.'
                "Something will still be printed, but there is no guarantee that it will be the correct shape."
                'Once the gcode is saved, you should check over the layer with a z of:'
            return []
    loops = []
    while isPathAdded(edges, faces, loops, remainingEdgeTable, vertexes, z):
    if euclidean.isLoopListIntersecting(loops):
            'Warning, the triangle mesh slice intersects itself in getLoopsFromCorrectMesh in trianglemesh.'
            "Something will still be printed, but there is no guarantee that it will be the correct shape."
            'Once the gcode is saved, you should check over the layer with a z of:'
        return []
    return loops
예제 #2
	def getExtruderPaths( self, shouldPrintWarning, z ):
		"Get extruder loops."
		rotatedBoundaryLayer = euclidean.RotatedLoopLayer( z )
		visibleObjectLoopsList = booleansolid.getVisibleObjectLoopsList( self.importRadius, evaluate.getVisibleObjects( self.archivableObjects ), z )
		rotatedBoundaryLayer.loops = euclidean.getConcatenatedList( visibleObjectLoopsList )
		if euclidean.isLoopListIntersecting( rotatedBoundaryLayer.loops, z ):
			rotatedBoundaryLayer.loops = booleansolid.getLoopsUnified( self.importRadius, visibleObjectLoopsList )
			if shouldPrintWarning:
				print('Warning, the triangle mesh slice intersects itself.')
				print( "Something will still be printed, but there is no guarantee that it will be the correct shape." )
				print('Once the gcode is saved, you should check over the layer with a z of:')
				print( z )
		return rotatedBoundaryLayer
예제 #3
def getEmptyZLoops(archivableObjects, importRadius, shouldPrintWarning, z, zoneArrangement):
	'Get loops at empty z level.'
	emptyZ = zoneArrangement.getEmptyZ(z)
	visibleObjects = evaluate.getVisibleObjects(archivableObjects)
	visibleObjectLoopsList = boolean_solid.getVisibleObjectLoopsList(importRadius, visibleObjects, emptyZ)
	loops = euclidean.getConcatenatedList(visibleObjectLoopsList)
	if euclidean.isLoopListIntersecting(loops):
		loops = boolean_solid.getLoopsUnion(importRadius, visibleObjectLoopsList)
		if shouldPrintWarning:
			print('Warning, the triangle mesh slice intersects itself in getExtruderPaths in boolean_geometry.')
			print('Something will still be printed, but there is no guarantee that it will be the correct shape.')
			print('Once the gcode is saved, you should check over the layer with a z of:')
	return loops
예제 #4
def getEmptyZLoops(archivableObjects, importRadius, shouldPrintWarning, z, zoneArrangement):
	'Get loops at empty z level.'
	emptyZ = zoneArrangement.getEmptyZ(z)
	visibleObjects = evaluate.getVisibleObjects(archivableObjects)
	visibleObjectLoopsList = boolean_solid.getVisibleObjectLoopsList(importRadius, visibleObjects, emptyZ)
	loops = euclidean.getConcatenatedList(visibleObjectLoopsList)
	if euclidean.isLoopListIntersecting(loops):
		loops = boolean_solid.getLoopsUnion(importRadius, visibleObjectLoopsList)
		if shouldPrintWarning:
			print('Warning, the triangle mesh slice intersects itself in getExtruderPaths in boolean_geometry.')
			print('Something will still be printed, but there is no guarantee that it will be the correct shape.')
			print('Once the gcode is saved, you should check over the layer with a z of:')
	return loops
예제 #5
	def getEmptyZExtruderPaths( self, shouldPrintWarning, z ):
		"Get extruder loops."
		z = trianglemesh.getEmptyZ(self, z)
		rotatedBoundaryLayer = euclidean.RotatedLoopLayer(z)
		visibleObjectLoopsList = booleansolid.getVisibleObjectLoopsList( self.importRadius, evaluate.getVisibleObjects(self.archivableObjects), z )
		rotatedBoundaryLayer.loops = euclidean.getConcatenatedList( visibleObjectLoopsList )
		if euclidean.isLoopListIntersecting(rotatedBoundaryLayer.loops):
			rotatedBoundaryLayer.loops = booleansolid.getLoopsUnified(self.importRadius, visibleObjectLoopsList)
			if shouldPrintWarning:
				print('Warning, the triangle mesh slice intersects itself in getExtruderPaths in boolean_geometry.')
				print( "Something will still be printed, but there is no guarantee that it will be the correct shape." )
				print('Once the gcode is saved, you should check over the layer with a z of:')
		return rotatedBoundaryLayer
예제 #6
def getLoopsFromCorrectMesh( edges, faces, vertices, z ):
	"Get loops from a carve of a correct mesh."
	remainingEdgeTable = getRemainingEdgeTable( edges, vertices, z )
	remainingValues = remainingEdgeTable.values()
	for edge in remainingValues:
		if len( edge.faceIndexes ) < 2:
			print( 'This should never happen, there is a hole in the triangle mesh, each edge should have two faces.' )
			print( edge )
			print( "Something will still be printed, but there is no guarantee that it will be the correct shape." )
			print( 'Once the gcode is saved, you should check over the layer with a z of:' )
			print( z )
			return []
	loops = []
	while isPathAdded( edges, faces, loops, remainingEdgeTable, vertices, z ):
	if euclidean.isLoopListIntersecting( loops, z ):
		print( 'Warning, the triangle mesh slice intersects itself.' )
		print( "Something will still be printed, but there is no guarantee that it will be the correct shape." )
		print( 'Once the gcode is saved, you should check over the layer with a z of:' )
		print( z )
		return []
	return loops