예제 #1
def fork():
    Fork a current app.
    utils.explain("Fork an existing Heroku app")

    source_app = console.prompt("Source app:").strip().lower()
    target_app = console.prompt("Target app:").strip().lower()
    target_remote = console.prompt("Target remote:").strip().lower()
    in_eu = console.confirm("EU region?")
    region = "--region eu" if in_eu else ""

    utils.explain("Fork %s" % source_app)
    local("heroku fork -a %s %s %s" % (source_app, target_app, region))

    utils.explain("Add remote %s" % target_remote)
    # find target repo
    output_lines = local("heroku info -a %s" % target_app, capture=True).split("\n")
    target_repo = None
    for line in output_lines:
        if line.startswith("Git URL"):
            target_repo = line.split(":", 1)[1].strip()
        utils.error("Could not determine target app repo")
    local("git remote add %s %s" % (target_remote, target_repo))
예제 #2
def stopSite():
    sudo('service mysqld stop')
    sudo('service rabbitmq-server stop')
    sudo('service celeryd stop')
    sudo('service celerybeat stop')
    sudo('service celeryevcam stop')
    print("!-" * 50)
    prompt("And you're good to go! Hit enter to continue.")
예제 #3
def stopSite():
    sudo('service mysqld stop')
    sudo('service rabbitmq-server stop')
    sudo('service celeryd stop')
    sudo('service celerybeat stop')
    sudo('service celeryevcam stop')
    prompt("And you're good to go! Hit enter to continue.")
예제 #4
파일: fabfile.py 프로젝트: steinwurf/bongo
def setup_apache():
    # Enable wsgi mod
    sudo('a2enmod wsgi')

    apache_file = '/etc/apache2/sites-available/bongo.conf'
    if exists(apache_file):
        sudo('rm {}'.format(apache_file))

    secret_key = prompt(
        'Please provide a secret key for django', default='testing')
    with cd(os.path.join(GIT_TOP_LEVEL, 'bongo')):
        sudo('rm -f SECRET', 'bongo')
        sudo('echo {} >> SECRET'.format(secret_key), 'bongo')

    # Depending on the version, you need different authorization
    authorization = {'2.2': ('        Order deny,allow\n'
                             '        Allow from all\n'),
                     '2.4': ('        Require all granted\n')}

    sudo("apache2 -v | grep 'Server version'")
    version = prompt('which version of apache are you using {}?'.format(
        str(authorization.keys()).replace("'", "")))
    if version not in authorization.keys():
            'This script does not support apache version {}.'.format(version))

    if version in ['2.2']:
        # Disable the default page
        sudo('a2dissite default')

    apache_configuration = (
        '<VirtualHost *:80>\n'
        '    ServerName\n'
        '    WSGIDaemonProcess bongo-production user=bongo group=bongo '
        'threads=10 python-path=/home/bongo/.virtualenvs/bongo'
        '    WSGIProcessGroup bongo-production\n'
        '    WSGIScriptAlias / {0}/bongo/wsgi.py\n'
        '    Alias /static/ /var/www/bongo/static/\n'
        '    <Directory {0}/bongo>\n'
        '    </Directory>\n'
        '    ErrorLog /var/log/apache2/error.log\n'
        '    LogLevel warn\n'
        '    CustomLog /var/log/apache2/access.log combined\n'
        '</VirtualHost>\n').format(GIT_TOP_LEVEL, authorization[version])

    sudo('printf "{0}" >> {1}'.format(apache_configuration, apache_file))
    with cd('/etc/apache2/sites-enabled'):
        sudo('rm -f bongo.conf')
        sudo('ln -s ../sites-available/bongo.conf')

예제 #5
def restartsite():
    # starts everything that needs to run for the production environment
    sudo('service mysqld restart')
    sudo('service rabbitmq-server restart')
    sudo('service celeryd restart')
    sudo('service celerybeat restart')
    sudo('service celeryevcam restart')
    sudo('service httpd restart')
    print("!-" * 50)
    prompt("And you're good to go! Hit enter to continue.")
예제 #6
def startdev():
    # starts everything that needs to run for the dev environment
    sudo('service mysqld start')
    sudo('service rabbitmq-server start')
    sudo('service celeryd start')
    sudo('service celeryevcam start')
    sudo('service celerybeat stop') # stop celerybeat so it doesn't run the main task
    sudo('service httpd stop')  # stop apache so it's not in the way
    prompt("And you're good to go! Hit enter to continue.")
예제 #7
def restartsite():
    # starts everything that needs to run for the production environment
    sudo('service mysqld restart')
    sudo('service rabbitmq-server restart')
    sudo('service celeryd restart')
    sudo('service celerybeat restart')
    sudo('service celeryevcam restart')
    sudo('service httpd restart')
    prompt("And you're good to go! Hit enter to continue.")
예제 #8
def startdev():
    # starts everything that needs to run for the dev environment
    sudo('service mysqld start')
    sudo('service rabbitmq-server start')
    sudo('service celeryd start')
    sudo('service celeryevcam start')
    sudo('service celerybeat stop'
         )  # stop celerybeat so it doesn't run the main task
    sudo('service httpd stop')  # stop apache so it's not in the way
    print("!-" * 50)
    prompt("And you're good to go! Hit enter to continue.")
예제 #9
def _choose_rollback_dir():
        with hide('running', 'stdout', 'stderr'):
            rollback_menu = run('ls -t /opt/backup/{} | tac'.format(
        for r in rollback_menu.split():
        prompt(yellow('请输入要回滚的备份:'), key='backupname')
    except Exception as e:
        print(red('备份目录不存在或有异常,请检查!'), e)
예제 #10
def _select():
    VIP_host = []
    for i in aconf.keys():
        if i.isupper():

    for v in VIP_host:
        print(cyan(v) + '   --->   ' + cyan(aconf[v]['info']))
    prompt(green('选择要同步的Nginx服务器:'), key='nginx_vip')
    env.nginx_vip = env.nginx_vip.strip()
예제 #11
def _create_postgre_database():
    puts_blue(u"== Criar um database no postgreSQL ==")
    db_user = console.prompt(u'Owner:', default=env.django_user)
    db_name = console.prompt(u'Database Name:', default=env.project)
    db_template = console.confirm(u'use "template_postgis"?')

    if db_template:
        template = u" TEMPLATE template_postgis"
        template = u''

    ddl = "CREATE DATABASE %s WITH OWNER %s%s" % (db_name, db_user, template)
    sudo(u'psql -c "%s;"' % ddl, user='******')
예제 #12
def create_cache_table():
    with cd(remote_virtual_env_folder):
        if confirm('Do you want to create a cache table for the project'):
            if confirm('Do you want to use the default cache table name: django-cache'):
                run('bin/python3 %s/manage.py createcachetable django-cache ' % (remote_source_code_folder,)) 
                table_name = prompt('Please enter the cache table name')
                if len(table_name.strip()) == 0:
                    print 'cache table name cannot be empty'
                    table_name = prompt('Proceed by entering a non-empty name or empty to abort')
                    if len(table_name.strip()) == 0:
                        abort('Dude, program aborted')
                run('bin/python3 %s/manage.py createcachetable %s ' % (remote_source_code_folder, table_name))                        
예제 #13
def _create_postgre_user():
    puts_blue(u"== Criar um usario no postgreSQL ==")
    db_user = console.prompt(u'Username:'******'Password: '******'cofirmacao: ')
        confirm_pass = db_pass == db_passc
        if not confirm_pass:
            puts_red(u"== Passwords Diferentes ==")

    options = [
        ('INHERIT', 'NOINHERIT'),
        ('LOGIN', 'NOLOGIN'),
    confirm_options = []
    for option in options:
        ok = console.confirm(u'%s?' % option[0])
        confirm_options.append(option[int(not ok)])

    confirm_options = ' '.join(confirm_options)

    ddl = "CREATE USER %s WITH %s ENCRYPTED PASSWORD E'%s'" % (db_user, confirm_options, db_pass)
    puts_green('== DDL Gerada ==')
    puts_green(ddl.replace("E'%s'" % db_pass, "E'%s'" % ('*' * len(db_pass))))
    sudo(u'psql -c "%s;"' % ddl, user='******', quiet=True)
예제 #14
파일: utility.py 프로젝트: zhongyn/newtest
def prompt_user_for_inputs():
    if (env.repo_type == "svn"):
      env.repo = prompt("Svn: Branch, tag, trunk?")

    if (env.repo_type == "git"):
      env.checkout = prompt(red("Git: What tag/branch would you like to checkout?"))

    prompt_user_for_input("backup_database", "Backup database?")

    if is_rails_project():
        prompt_user_for_input('use_rvm', "Use rvm?")
        prompt_user_for_input('bundle_gems', "Bundle gems?")
        prompt_user_for_input('run_migrations', "Run migrations?")
        prompt_user_for_input('run_seed_task', "Run seed task?")
        prompt_user_for_input('run_seed_fu_task', "Run seed_fu task?")
        prompt_user_for_input('precompile_assets', "Precompile assets?")
예제 #15
파일: fabfile.py 프로젝트: steinwurf/bongo
def create_user():
    # Hacky way of seeing whether the bongo user exists
    if 'bongo' in run('ls /home'):
        print("bongo user already seem to exist, not creating one.")
        password = prompt('Write the desired password for the bongo user:'******'useradd -m -U bongo')
        sudo("echo -e '{0}\n{0}\n' | sudo passwd bongo".format(password))
예제 #16
def get_cwd():
    with lcd(root_path):
        with settings(warn_only=True):
            res = local("ls -lta",capture=True)
            dir_name = prompt("Insert dir name")
            if dir_name and confirm("Create?"):
                local("mkdir %s" % dir_name)
            print res
예제 #17
def commit(message=None):
    """commit all local changes"""
    if not message:
        message = console.prompt('commit message?')
    print 'committing local copy'
    local('svn ci . -m "%(message)s"' % locals())
    local('svn ci src/bioport -m "%(message)s"' % locals())
    local('svn ci src/bioport_repository -m "%(message)s"' % locals())
    local('svn ci src/biodes -m "%(message)s"' % locals())
    local('svn ci src/names -m "%(message)s"' % locals())
예제 #18
def purgetasks(): # Purge the celery tasks
    answr = prompt("Are you sure you want to purge the tasks currently in celery? (Yes/No)")
    if answr == 'Yes':
        with cd('/opt/sharkeyes/src'):
            with prefix('source /opt/sharkeyes/env_sharkeyes/bin/activate'):
                print "Purging celery tasks..."
                run('python manage.py celery purge')
        print "Answer was 'No' exiting"
예제 #19
def create():
    Create a Heroku app.
    utils.explain("Create a new Heroku app")

    branch = utils.git_branch()
    if not console.confirm("Use current %s branch?" % branch):
        utils.error("Change to correct branch and retry")

    app_name = console.prompt("Heroku app name:").strip().lower()
    remote = console.prompt("Remote name:").strip().lower()
    in_eu = console.confirm("EU region?")
    region = "--region eu" if in_eu else ""
    local("heroku apps:create %s %s --remote %s" % (app_name, region, remote))

    with open("app.json", "rb") as json_file:
        heroku_app_manifest = json.load(json_file)

    utils.explain("Add add-ons")
    for addon in heroku_app_manifest["addons"]:
        local("heroku addons:add %s --remote %s" % (addon, remote))

    utils.explain("Set environment variables")
    for env_var, details in heroku_app_manifest["env"].iteritems():
        value = details.get("value")
        if value is None and "generator" in details:
            value = utils.random_generator(50)
            utils.error("Env var %s does not have a value set" % env_var, stop=False)
            continue  # skip

        local('heroku config:set %s="%s" --remote %s' % (env_var, value, remote))

    utils.explain("Push to %s" % app_name)
    deploy_to_heroku(branch=branch, remote=remote)
예제 #20
def purgetasks():  # Purge the celery tasks
    answr = prompt(
        "Are you sure you want to purge the tasks currently in celery? (Yes/No)"
    if answr == 'Yes' or answr == 'yes':
        with cd('/opt/sharkeyes/src'):
            with prefix('source /opt/sharkeyes/env_sharkeyes/bin/activate'):
                print "Purging celery tasks..."
                run('python manage.py celery purge')
        print "Purging celery workers"
        sudo('pkill -f celery')
        print "Answer was 'No' exiting"
예제 #21
def init_app( server_name, cluster_name, app_name ):
    init_app( server_name, cluster_name, app_name )
    curr_app = _get_current_app( server_name, cluster_name, app_name )
    msg = curr_app.init_remote_repo()
    if msg:
        print( magenta( msg ) )
        ret = console.prompt( 'Delete Skip Abort', default='d' )
        if ret == 'a':
        curr_app.init_remote_repo( force=True )
    srv_ctx = _get_server( server_name )
    cluster = srv_ctx.get_cluster( cluster_name )
    if console.confirm( 'Drop DB and upload?', default=True ):
        cluster.drop_remote_app_db( app_name )
        cluster.upload_app_db( app_name )
예제 #22
def env():
    Create .env file used for local development.
    # check if file already exists
    if os.path.exists('./.env'):
        replace = console.confirm('.env file already exists. Do you want to replace it?',
        if not replace:
            return  # stop

    utils.explain('Creating ".env" in the project root')

    db_name = console.prompt('Database name:').strip()
    with open('.env', 'wb') as env_file:
            'DATABASE_URL=postgres://:@localhost/%s\n' % db_name,
            'DJANGO_SECRET_KEY=%s\n' % utils.random_generator(20),
예제 #23
def deploy():
    with cd('/opt/sharkeyes/src/'):
        if not exists('/vagrant/'): # then this is not a local vm
            run('git status')
            branch = prompt("Branch to run? (Enter to leave unchanged): ")
            if branch:
                run('git checkout {0}'.format(branch))
            run('git pull')
        with prefix('source /opt/sharkeyes/env_sharkeyes/bin/activate'):
            print("If this is your first run, Django will ask you to create a super user. "
                    "Store the password in your password manager.")
            run('./manage.py syncdb')
            # run('./manage.py migrate djcelery 0004') if the djcelery migration dies, use this line instead
            run('./manage.py migrate djcelery')
            run('./manage.py migrate pl_download')
            run('./manage.py migrate pl_plot')
            run('./manage.py loaddata initial_data.json')
            run('./manage.py migrate pl_chop')
            run('./manage.py collectstatic')
    sudo('service httpd restart') #replace this with touching wsgi after we deamonize that
예제 #24
def deploy():
    with cd('/opt/sharkeyes/src/'):
        if not exists('/vagrant/'):  # then this is not a local vm
            run('git status')
            branch = prompt("Branch to run? (Enter to leave unchanged): ")
            if branch:
                run('git checkout {0}'.format(branch))
            run('git pull')
        with prefix('source /opt/sharkeyes/env_sharkeyes/bin/activate'):
            print("!-" * 50)
                "If this is your first run, Django will ask you to create a super user. "
                "Store the password in your password manager.")
            run('./manage.py syncdb')
            # run('./manage.py migrate djcelery 0004') if the djcelery migration dies, use this line instead
            run('./manage.py migrate djcelery')
            run('./manage.py migrate pl_download')
            run('./manage.py migrate pl_plot')
            run('./manage.py loaddata initial_data.json')
            run('./manage.py migrate pl_chop')
            run('./manage.py collectstatic')
    sudo('service httpd restart'
         )  #replace this with touching wsgi after we deamonize that
예제 #25
def pull():
    with cd('/opt/sharkeyes/src'):
        run('git status')
        branch = prompt("Branch to run? (Enter to leave default): ")
        run('git checkout {0}'.format(branch if branch else env.branch))
        run('git pull')
예제 #26
def new(projectname):
        [STEP 1] Start new ionic project - 'fab new:ProjectName'
    local("ionic start %(projectname)s blank" % {'projectname': projectname})
    prompt(yellow("Now modify config.xml and then do 'fab add_platform'."))
예제 #27
def fixlinks():
    """Try to fix links"""
    fp = open("linkchecker-out.csv")
    reader = csv.DictReader(filter(lambda row: row[0]!='#', fp), delimiter=';')
    seen = {}
    for row in reader:
        if row['valid'] == 'True' and 'Redirected' not in row['infostring']:
        year = datetime.datetime.now().year
        archive = {}
        mo = re.search(r"/blog/(\d+)-", row['parentname'])
        if seen.get(row['urlname']):
        if mo:
            year = int(mo.group(1))
        archive = {'a': "https://archive.today/{}/{}".format(year, row['urlname']),
                   'w': "http{}://web.archive.org/web/{}/{}".format(
                       not row['urlname'].startswith('http:') and "s" or "",
                       year, row['urlname'])}
        while True:
            print """
URL:     {urlname}
Source:  {parentname}
Result:  {result}
Warning: {warningstring}
Info:    {infostring}""".format(**row)
            print """
(c) Continue
(b) Browse {urlname}
(p) Browse {parentname}
(r) Replace by your own URL
(q) Quit""".format(**row)
            valid = "cbprq"
            for a in archive:
                print "({}) Browse {}".format(a, archive[a])
                print "({}) Replace by {}".format(a.upper(), archive[a])
                valid += a
                valid += a.upper()
            if 'Redirected' in row['infostring']:
                mo = re.search(r'.*Redirected to `(.*?)\'\.', row['infostring'],
                if mo:
                    redirected = mo.group(1)
                    print "(R) Replace by {}".format(redirected)
                    valid += 'R'
            ans = prompt("Command?", validate=r"[{}]".format(valid))
            if ans == "c":
            elif ans == "q":
            elif ans == "r":
                url = prompt("URL?")
                local("git grep -Fl '{}' | xargs -r sed -i 's+ {}+ {}+g'".format(
                    row['urlname'], row['urlname'], url))
            elif ans == "b":
                local("x-www-browser {}".format(row['urlname']))
            elif ans == "p":
                local("x-www-browser {}".format(row['parentname']))
            elif ans == "R":
                local("git grep -Fl '{}' | xargs -r sed -i 's+ {}+ {}+g'".format(
                    row['urlname'], row['urlname'], redirected))
                found = False
                for a in archive:
                    if ans == a:
                        local("x-www-browser {}".format(archive[a]))
                    elif ans == a.upper():
                        local("git grep -Fl '{}' | xargs -r sed -i 's+ {}+ {}+g'".format(
                            row['urlname'], row['urlname'], archive[a]))
                        found = True
                if found:
        seen[row['urlname']] = True
예제 #28
def deploy():
    question = '你确实要这么做?'
    prompt(question, default=True)
예제 #29
파일: svn.py 프로젝트: zhongyn/newtest
def prompt_user_for_svn_path():
  svn_sublocation = prompt(yellow(('Please specify a location under %s to check out from ' + \
                                  '(Such as "trunk", "tags/1.0.0", etc.)') % env.svn_path))
  env.svn_sublocation = svn_sublocation
  env.svn_full_path = "%s/%s" % (env.svn_path, env.svn_sublocation)
예제 #30
def heroku_setup():
    """Set up everything you need on heroku. Creates a production app
    (remote: production) and an identical staging app (remote: staging) and
    does the following:

        - Create new Heroku applications.
        - Install all ``HEROKU_ADDONS``.
        - Set all ``HEROKU_CONFIGS``.
        - Initialize New Relic's monitoring add-on.


    NOTE: the production app will have ENVIRONMENT_TYPE=production while staging
    will have ENVIRONMENT_TYPE=staging if the code needs to know which environment
    it is running in (for example, so staging can use a non-production db follower)
    app_name = prompt('What name should this heroku app use?', default='techpong')
    staging_name = '%s-staging' % app_name

    staging_remote = 'staging'
    production_remote = 'production'

    # create the apps on heroku
    cont('heroku apps:create %s --remote %s --addons %s' %
            (staging_name, staging_remote, ','.join(HEROKU_ADDONS)),
            "Failed to create the staging app on heroku. Continue anyway?")
    cont('heroku apps:create %s --remote %s --addons %s' %
            (app_name, production_remote, ','.join(HEROKU_ADDONS)),
            "Failed to create the production app on heroku. Continue anyway?")

    # set configs
    for config in HEROKU_CONFIGS:
        cont('heroku config:set %s --app=%s' % (config, staging_name),
            "Failed to set %s on Staging. Continue anyway?" % config)
        cont('heroku config:set %s --app=%s' % (config, app_name),
            "Failed to set %s on Production. Continue anyway?" % config)

    # set debug
    cont('heroku config:set DEBUG=True --app=%s' % staging_name,
        "Failed to set DEBUG on Staging. Continue anyway?")
    cont('heroku config:set DEBUG=False --app=%s' % app_name,
        "Failed to set DEBUG on Production. Continue anyway?")

    # set environment type
    cont('heroku config:set ENVIRONMENT_TYPE=staging --app=%s' % staging_name,
        "Failed to set ENVIRONMENT_TYPE on Staging. Continue anyway?")
    cont('heroku config:set ENVIRONMENT_TYPE=production --app=%s' % app_name,
        "Failed to set ENVIRONMENT_TYPE on Production. Continue anyway?")

##    # this is a buildpack that includes npm (the node package manager) which
##    # makes it easy to include things like coffeescript or less compilers
##    # set buildpack
##    cont('heroku config:set BUILDPACK_URL=git://github.com/galuszkak/heroku-buildpack-django.git --app %s' % staging_name,
##         "Failed to set BUILDPACK_URL. Continue anyway without npm_requirements?")
##    cont('heroku config:set BUILDPACK_URL=git://github.com/galuszkak/heroku-buildpack-django.git --app %s' % app_name,
##         "Failed to set BUILDPACK_URL. Continue anyway without npm_requirements?")

    # set user-env-compile or versioned static assets won't work!
    cont( 'heroku labs:enable user-env-compile --app=%s' % staging_name,
            "Failed to set user-env-compile on Staging. This will block versioned static assets. Continue anyway?")
    cont( 'heroku labs:enable user-env-compile --app=%s' % app_name,
            "Failed to set user-env-compile on Production. This will block versioned static assets. Continue anyway?")

    # create a pipeline from staging to production
    cont( 'heroku labs:enable pipelines',
            "Failed to enable Pipelines. Continue anyway?")
    cont( 'heroku plugins:install git://github.com/heroku/heroku-pipeline.git',
            "Failed to install pipelines plugin. Continue anyway?")
    cont( 'heroku pipeline:add -a %s %s' % (staging_name, app_name),
            "Failed to create pipeline from Staging to Production. Continue anyway?")

    # start newrelic
    cont( ('%(run)s newrelic-admin validate-config - stdout --app=' % env) + staging_name,
            "Failed to initialize New Relic on Staging. Continue anyway?")
    cont( ('%(run)s newrelic-admin validate-config - stdout --app=' % env) + app_name,
            "Failed to initialize New Relic on Production. Continue anyway?")

    # set git to default to staging
    local('git init')
    local('git config heroku.remote staging')
예제 #31
 def get_path_remote():
     return console.prompt(u'Entre com o path remoto: ')
예제 #32
 def get_mode():
     puts_blue(u'Entre com um inteiro para o modo ex.:0755')
     return console.prompt(u'>> ', default='')
예제 #33
 def get_path_local():
     return console.prompt(u'Entre com o path local: ')
예제 #34
def fixlinks():
    """Try to fix links"""
    fp = open("linkchecker-out.csv")
    reader = csv.DictReader(filter(lambda row: row[0] != '#', fp),
    seen = {}
    for row in reader:
        if row['valid'] == 'True' and 'Redirected' not in row['infostring']:
        year = datetime.datetime.now().year
        archive = {}
        mo = re.search(r"/blog/(\d+)-", row['parentname'])
        if seen.get(row['urlname']):
        if mo:
            year = int(mo.group(1))
        archive = {
            "https://archive.today/{}/{}".format(year, row['urlname']),
                not row['urlname'].startswith('http:') and "s" or "", year,
        while True:
            print """
URL:     {urlname}
Source:  {parentname}
Result:  {result}
Warning: {warningstring}
Info:    {infostring}""".format(**row)
            print """
(c) Continue
(b) Browse {urlname}
(p) Browse {parentname}
(r) Replace by your own URL
(q) Quit""".format(**row)
            valid = "cbprq"
            for a in archive:
                print "({}) Browse {}".format(a, archive[a])
                print "({}) Replace by {}".format(a.upper(), archive[a])
                valid += a
                valid += a.upper()
            if 'Redirected' in row['infostring']:
                mo = re.search(r'.*Redirected to `(.*?)\'\.',
                if mo:
                    redirected = mo.group(1)
                    print "(R) Replace by {}".format(redirected)
                    valid += 'R'
            ans = prompt("Command?", validate=r"[{}]".format(valid))
            if ans == "c":
            elif ans == "q":
            elif ans == "r":
                url = prompt("URL?")
                    "git grep -Fl '{}' | xargs -r sed -i 's+ {}+ {}+g'".format(
                        row['urlname'], row['urlname'], url))
            elif ans == "b":
                local("x-www-browser {}".format(row['urlname']))
            elif ans == "p":
                local("x-www-browser {}".format(row['parentname']))
            elif ans == "R":
                    "git grep -Fl '{}' | xargs -r sed -i 's+ {}+ {}+g'".format(
                        row['urlname'], row['urlname'], redirected))
                found = False
                for a in archive:
                    if ans == a:
                        local("x-www-browser {}".format(archive[a]))
                    elif ans == a.upper():
                            "git grep -Fl '{}' | xargs -r sed -i 's+ {}+ {}+g'"
                            .format(row['urlname'], row['urlname'],
                        found = True
                if found:
        seen[row['urlname']] = True
예제 #35
from __future__ import with_statement
from fabric.api import run, cd, env
from fabric.contrib.console import prompt, confirm
from fabric.utils import puts
import time
import getpass

env.hosts = ['']
env.user = prompt('Server Username? (leave blank for current user)')
if len(env.user) is 0:
    env.user = getpass.getuser()

env.environment = prompt('Enviroment? (leave blank for staging)')
if len(env.environment) is 0 or env.environment not in [
        'staging', 'production'
    env.environment = 'staging'

# Branch to deploy -> this can be use only in staging.
# We always keep the master branch in production
env.branch = 'master'
if env.environment == 'staging':
    env.branch = prompt('Branch? (leave blank for master)')
    if len(env.environment) is 0:
        env.branch = 'master'

env.home_dir = "/home/%(environment)s" % env
env.dir = "%(home_dir)s/welocum" % env

env.repo_url = "[email protected]:daniel-stanciulescu/welocum.git"
env.release = time.strftime('%Y%m%d%H%M%S')
예제 #36
    def handle(self, *args, **options):

        import os, random, string
        deploy_hash = ''.join(
            random.choice(string.lowercase) for x in range(32))
        host = None
        hostname = 'unknown'
        hosts = []
        if len(args):
            hostname = args[0]

        for HostSettingsClass in HostSettings.__subclasses__():
            name = HostSettingsClass.__name__.replace('HostSettings',
            if hostname == name:
                host = HostSettingsClass

        if host is None:
            print 'host should be one of:', hosts
            raise Exception("Unknown host %s" % (hostname, ))

        print colors.red("DEPLOYING TO: %s" % hostname, bold=True)
        print colors.red("DEPLOY HASH = %s" % deploy_hash, bold=True)

        env.host_string = host.HOST_STRING
        print colors.red("TEST COMMAND:", bold=True)
        #run("source virtualenv/bin/activate");
        virtpath = host.PYTHON_PREFIX

        if options['initial'] and not files.exists(
                host.SRCROOT) and not files.exists(host.APPROOT):
            print colors.red(
                "initial=true and SRCROOT/APPROOT does not exist. will install now"
            run('mkdir %s' % host.SRCROOT)
            run('mkdir %s' % host.APPROOT)
            run('mkdir %s/logs' % host.APPROOT)
            with cd(host.SRCROOT):
                run("git init")
                run("git remote add origin %s" % host.GIT_REMOTE)
                run("git pull origin master")
                run("%spip install -r requirements.txt" % virtpath)
                sql = "CREATE DATABASE %s; GRANT ALL ON %s.* TO %s@localhost IDENTIFIED BY '%s';" % (
                    host.DATABASE['NAME'], host.DATABASE['NAME'],
                    host.DATABASE['USER'], host.DATABASE['PASSWORD'])
                print colors.red(sql)
                #print sql
                run('echo "%s" | mysql --batch -u %s -p' % (sql, 'root'))
                run("%spython manage.py install" % virtpath)

        with cd(host.SRCROOT):
            if host.CLASS == 'PROD' and not options['nobackup']:
                print colors.red("PROD BACKUP:", bold=True)
                run("%spython manage.py backup" % (virtpath, ))

            print colors.red("REVERTING SETTINGS:", bold=True)
            run("git checkout -- %s/settings.py" %

            print colors.red("UPDATING CODEBASE:", bold=True)
            run("git pull origin %s" % options['branch'])
            run("git checkout %s" % options['branch'])

            print colors.red("INSTALLING REQUIREMENTS:", bold=True)
            run("%spip install -q -r requirements.txt" % virtpath)

            print colors.red("INSERTING HASH:", bold=True)
            run("sed 's/XXAUTODEPLOYHASHXX/%s/' %s/settings.py > %s/settings.tmp.py"
                % (deploy_hash, django_settings.CADO_PROJECT,
            run("mv %s/settings.tmp.py %s/settings.py" %
                (django_settings.CADO_PROJECT, django_settings.CADO_PROJECT))

            #sed 's/foo/bar/' mydump.sql > fixeddump.sql

            print colors.red("REGENERATIN CONFIG FILES:", bold=True)
            run("%spython manage.py regenerate_config" % virtpath)

            if django_settings.MULTISITE:
                for site in django_settings.SITES:
                    #run("mkdir config/solr/%s" % site.SOLR_CORE_NAME)
                    run("%spython manage.py build_solr_schema %s > config/solr/%s_schema.xml"
                        % (virtpath, site.CADO_PROJECT, site.SOLR_CORE_NAME))
                run("%spython manage.py build_solr_schema > config/solr/schema.xml"
                    % virtpath)

            for name, getter, setter, combined in host.CONFIGS:
                diff = False
                current = run(getter, quiet=True, warn_only=True).splitlines()
                current = [line + "\n" for line in current]
                new = run("cat config/" + name, quiet=True).splitlines()
                new = [line + "\n" for line in new]

                if combined:
                    combined = []
                    hash = hashlib.md5(host.APPROOT).hexdigest()
                    start_line = "##### CHUNK GENERATED BY CADOCMS %s PLEASE DON'T MODIFY #####\n" % hash
                    end_line = "##### END OF CHUNK GENERATED BY CADOCMS %s #####\n" % hash
                    if start_line not in current:
                    if end_line not in current:
                    in_chunk = False
                    for line in current:
                        if line == start_line:
                            in_chunk = True
                            combined = combined + new
                        if not in_chunk:
                        if line == end_line:
                            in_chunk = False
                    tf = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile()
                    tfName = tf.name
                    #print current, new, combined
                    for line in combined:
                    put(tfName, 'config/%s.combined' % name)
                    new = combined
                    name = name + '.combined'

                for line in context_diff(current,
                    diff = True
                choice = 'd'
                if diff:
                    while choice == 'd':
                        choice = console.prompt(
                            '%s config file differs. [d]=show diff, [r]=replace, [i]=ignore'
                            % (name, ),
                        if (choice == 'd'):
                            for line in context_diff(current,
                        if (choice == 'r'):
                            run("cat config/" + name + " " + setter)

            for site in django_settings.SITES:
                print colors.red("INSTALLING SITE %s:" % site.CADO_PROJECT,
                arguments = ''
                if django_settings.MULTISITE:
                    arguments = site.CADO_PROJECT
                #run("git submodule init")
                #run("git submodule update")
                run("%spython manage.py syncdb %s" % (virtpath, arguments))
                run("%spython manage.py migrate %s" %
                    (virtpath, arguments))  #--traceback
                run("%spython manage.py collectstatic %s --noinput" %
                    (virtpath, arguments))
                run("%spython manage.py restyle_tinymce %s" %
                    (virtpath, arguments))

                print colors.yellow("RESTARTING FASTCGI:", bold=True)

                with settings(warn_only=True):
                    run("kill -9 `cat %s/%s.pid`" %
                        (host.APPROOT, site.CADO_PROJECT))

                run("find . -name '*.pyc' -delete")

                maxchildren = 3
                if host.CLASS == 'TEST':
                    maxchildren = 1

                run("%spython manage.py runfcgi %s method=threaded maxchildren=%d socket=%s/%s.sock pidfile=%s/%s.pid"
                    % (virtpath, site.CADO_PROJECT, maxchildren, host.APPROOT,
                       site.CADO_PROJECT, host.APPROOT, site.CADO_PROJECT))
                #run("sleep 3")
                print colors.yellow("NOT CLEARING CACHE:)", bold=True)
                #run("%spython manage.py clear_cache" % (virtpath,))
                #run("chmod 766 %s/%s.sock" % (host.APPROOT, site.CADO_PROJECT))
                run("chmod 777 %s/%s.sock" % (host.APPROOT, site.CADO_PROJECT))
                run("%spython manage.py warmup %s" % (virtpath, arguments))
                print colors.green("DONE!", bold=True)
예제 #37
def check_unit(unit):
  if unit == '':
    return prompt(yellow('Specify which unit (by abbreviation) you would like to split.'))
  return unit
예제 #38
def fixlinks():
    """Try to fix links"""
    fp = open("linkchecker-out.csv")
    reader = csv.DictReader(filter(lambda row: row[0] != '#', fp),
    seen = {}
    for row in reader:
        year = None
        archive = {}
        mo = re.search(r"/blog/(\d+)-", row['parentname'])
        if seen.get(row['urlname']):
        if mo:
            year = int(mo.group(1))
            archive = {
                "https://archive.is/{}/{}".format(year, row['urlname']),
                    not row['urlname'].startswith('http:') and "s" or "", year,
        while True:
            print """
URL:    {urlname}
Source: {parentname}
Result: {result}""".format(**row)
            print """
(c) Continue
(b) Browse {urlname}
(p) Browse {parentname}
(r) Replace by your own URL
(q) Quit""".format(**row)
            valid = "cbqr"
            for a in archive:
                print "({}) Browse {}".format(a, archive[a])
                print "({}) Replace {} by {}".format(a.upper(), row['urlname'],
                valid += a
                valid += a.upper()
            ans = prompt("Command?", validate=r"[{}]".format(valid))
            if ans == "c":
            elif ans == "q":
            elif ans == "r":
                url = prompt("URL?")
                local("git grep -Fl '{}' | xargs sed -i 's+ {}+ {}+g'".format(
                    row['urlname'], row['urlname'], url))
            elif ans == "b":
                local("x-www-browser {}".format(row['urlname']))
                found = False
                for a in archive:
                    if ans == a:
                        local("x-www-browser {}".format(archive[a]))
                    elif ans == a.upper():
                        local("git grep -Fl '{}' | xargs sed -i 's+ {}+ {}+g'".
                              format(row['urlname'], row['urlname'],
                        found = True
                if found:
        seen[row['urlname']] = True
예제 #39
    def handle(self, *args, **options):

        import os, random, string
        deploy_hash = ''.join(random.choice(string.lowercase) for x in range(32))
        host = None
        hostname = 'unknown'
        hosts = []
        if len(args):
            hostname = args[0]
        for HostSettingsClass in HostSettings.__subclasses__():
            name = HostSettingsClass.__name__.replace('HostSettings', '').lower()
            if hostname == name:
                host = HostSettingsClass
        if host is None:
            print 'host should be one of:', hosts
            raise Exception("Unknown host %s" % (hostname,))
        print colors.red("DEPLOYING TO: %s" % hostname, bold=True)
        print colors.red("DEPLOY HASH = %s" % deploy_hash, bold=True)
        env.host_string = host.HOST_STRING
        print colors.red("TEST COMMAND:", bold=True)
        #run("source virtualenv/bin/activate");
        virtpath = host.PYTHON_PREFIX

        if options['initial'] and not files.exists(host.SRCROOT) and not files.exists(host.APPROOT):
            print colors.red("initial=true and SRCROOT/APPROOT does not exist. will install now");
            run('mkdir %s' % host.SRCROOT)
            run('mkdir %s' % host.APPROOT)
            run('mkdir %s/logs' % host.APPROOT)
            with cd(host.SRCROOT):
                run("git init")
                run("git remote add origin %s" % host.GIT_REMOTE)
                run("git pull origin master")
                run("%spip install -r requirements.txt" % virtpath)
                sql = "CREATE DATABASE %s; GRANT ALL ON %s.* TO %s@localhost IDENTIFIED BY '%s';" % (host.DATABASE['NAME'], host.DATABASE['NAME'], host.DATABASE['USER'], host.DATABASE['PASSWORD'])
                print colors.red(sql)
                #print sql
                run('echo "%s" | mysql --batch -u %s -p' % (sql, 'root'))
                run("%spython manage.py install" % virtpath)
        with cd(host.SRCROOT):
            if host.CLASS == 'PROD' and not options['nobackup']:
                print colors.red("PROD BACKUP:", bold=True)
                run("%spython manage.py backup" % (virtpath,))
            print colors.red("REVERTING SETTINGS:", bold=True)
            run("git checkout -- %s/settings.py" % (django_settings.CADO_PROJECT))

            print colors.red("UPDATING CODEBASE:", bold=True)
            run("git pull origin %s" % options['branch'])
            run("git checkout %s" % options['branch'])

            print colors.red("INSTALLING REQUIREMENTS:", bold=True)
            run("%spip install -q -r requirements.txt" % virtpath)
            print colors.red("INSERTING HASH:", bold=True)
            run("sed 's/XXAUTODEPLOYHASHXX/%s/' %s/settings.py > %s/settings.tmp.py" % (deploy_hash, django_settings.CADO_PROJECT, django_settings.CADO_PROJECT))
            run("mv %s/settings.tmp.py %s/settings.py" % (django_settings.CADO_PROJECT, django_settings.CADO_PROJECT))
            #sed 's/foo/bar/' mydump.sql > fixeddump.sql
            print colors.red("REGENERATIN CONFIG FILES:", bold=True)
            run("%spython manage.py regenerate_config" % virtpath)
            if django_settings.MULTISITE:
                for site in django_settings.SITES:
                    #run("mkdir config/solr/%s" % site.SOLR_CORE_NAME)
                    run("%spython manage.py build_solr_schema %s > config/solr/%s_schema.xml" % (virtpath, site.CADO_PROJECT , site.SOLR_CORE_NAME))
                run("%spython manage.py build_solr_schema > config/solr/schema.xml" % virtpath)
            for name, getter, setter, combined in host.CONFIGS:
                diff = False
                current = run(getter, quiet = True, warn_only = True).splitlines()
                current =[line+"\n" for line in current]
                new = run("cat config/" + name, quiet = True).splitlines()
                new =[line+"\n" for line in new]
                if combined:
                    combined = []
                    hash = hashlib.md5(host.APPROOT).hexdigest()
                    start_line = "##### CHUNK GENERATED BY CADOCMS %s PLEASE DON'T MODIFY #####\n" % hash 
                    end_line = "##### END OF CHUNK GENERATED BY CADOCMS %s #####\n" % hash
                    if start_line not in current:
                    if end_line not in current:
                    in_chunk = False    
                    for line in current:
                        if line == start_line:
                            in_chunk = True
                            combined = combined + new
                        if not in_chunk:
                        if line == end_line:
                            in_chunk = False
                    tf = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile()
                    tfName = tf.name
                    #print current, new, combined
                    for line in combined:
                    put(tfName, 'config/%s.combined' % name)
                    new = combined
                    name = name + '.combined'
                for line in context_diff(current, new, fromfile='CURRENT', tofile='NEW'):
                    diff = True
                choice = 'd'
                if diff:
                    while choice == 'd':    
                        choice = console.prompt('%s config file differs. [d]=show diff, [r]=replace, [i]=ignore' % (name,), default='i', validate='d|r|i')
                        if (choice == 'd'):
                            for line in context_diff(current, new, fromfile='CURRENT', tofile='NEW'):
                        if (choice == 'r'):
                            run("cat config/" + name + " " + setter)
            for site in django_settings.SITES:
                print colors.red("INSTALLING SITE %s:" % site.CADO_PROJECT, bold=True)
                arguments = ''
                if django_settings.MULTISITE:
                    arguments = site.CADO_PROJECT
                #run("git submodule init")
                #run("git submodule update")
                run("%spython manage.py syncdb %s" % (virtpath, arguments))
                run("%spython manage.py migrate %s" % (virtpath, arguments)) #--traceback
                run("%spython manage.py collectstatic %s --noinput" % (virtpath, arguments))
                run("%spython manage.py restyle_tinymce %s" % (virtpath, arguments))
                print colors.yellow("RESTARTING FASTCGI:", bold=True)
                with settings(warn_only=True): 
                    run("kill -9 `cat %s/%s.pid`" % (host.APPROOT, site.CADO_PROJECT))
                run("find . -name '*.pyc' -delete")
                maxchildren = 3
                if host.CLASS == 'TEST':
                    maxchildren = 1
                run("%spython manage.py runfcgi %s method=threaded maxchildren=%d socket=%s/%s.sock pidfile=%s/%s.pid" % (virtpath, site.CADO_PROJECT, maxchildren, host.APPROOT, site.CADO_PROJECT, host.APPROOT, site.CADO_PROJECT) )
                #run("sleep 3")
                print colors.yellow("NOT CLEARING CACHE:)", bold=True)
                #run("%spython manage.py clear_cache" % (virtpath,))
                #run("chmod 766 %s/%s.sock" % (host.APPROOT, site.CADO_PROJECT))
                run("chmod 777 %s/%s.sock" % (host.APPROOT, site.CADO_PROJECT))
                run("%spython manage.py warmup %s" % (virtpath, arguments))
                print colors.green("DONE!", bold=True)
예제 #40
def heroku_setup():
    Set up everything you need on heroku. Creates a production app
    (remote: production) and a matching staging app (remote: staging) and
    does the following:

        - Create new Heroku applications.
        - Install all `HEROKU_ADDONS`.
        - Set all `HEROKU_CONFIGS`.
        - Initialize New Relic's monitoring add-on.


    NOTE: the production app will have ENVIRONMENT_TYPE=production while
    staging will have ENVIRONMENT_TYPE=staging if the code needs to know which
    environment it is running in (for example, so staging can use a
    non-production db follower)
    app_name = prompt(
        'What name should this heroku app use?',
    staging_name = '%s-staging' % app_name

    # create the apps on heroku
        'heroku apps:create %s --remote %s --addons %s' %
        (staging_name, STAGING_REMOTE, ','.join(HEROKU_ADDONS)),
        'Failed to create the staging app on heroku. Continue anyway?'
        'heroku apps:create %s --remote %s --addons %s' %
        (app_name, PRODUCTION_REMOTE, ','.join(HEROKU_ADDONS)),
        'Failed to create the production app on heroku. Continue anyway?'

    # set configs
    for config in HEROKU_CONFIGS:
            'heroku config:set %s --app=%s' % (config, staging_name),
            'Failed to set %s on Staging. Continue anyway?' % config
            'heroku config:set %s --app=%s' % (config, app_name),
            'Failed to set %s on Production. Continue anyway?' % config

    # set debug
        'heroku config:set DEBUG=True --app=%s' % staging_name,
        'Failed to set DEBUG on Staging. Continue anyway?'
        'heroku config:set DEBUG=False --app=%s' % app_name,
        'Failed to set DEBUG on Production. Continue anyway?'

    # set environment type
        'heroku config:set ENVIRONMENT_TYPE=staging --app=%s' % staging_name,
        'Failed to set ENVIRONMENT_TYPE on Staging. Continue anyway?'
        'heroku config:set ENVIRONMENT_TYPE=production --app=%s' % app_name,
        'Failed to set ENVIRONMENT_TYPE on Production. Continue anyway?'

    # set secret key on production
        'heroku config:set SECRET_KEY="%s" --app=%s' % (
        'Failed to set SECRET_KEY on Production. Continue anyway?'

    # create a pipeline from staging to production
    pipelines_enabled = cont(
        'heroku labs:enable pipelines',
        'Failed to enable Pipelines. Continue anyway?'
    if pipelines_enabled:
        pipeline_plugin = cont(
            'heroku plugins:install ' +
            'Failed to install pipelines plugin. Continue anyway?'
        if pipeline_plugin:
                'heroku pipeline:add -a %s %s' % (staging_name, app_name),
                'Failed to create pipeline from Staging to Production. ' +
                'Continue anyway?'

    # set git to default to staging
    local('git init')
    local('git config heroku.remote staging')

    # create git remotes
    local('heroku git:remote -r staging --app=%s' % staging_name)
    local('heroku git:remote -r production --app=%s' % app_name)
예제 #41
def pull():
    with cd('/opt/sharkeyes/src'):
        run('git status')
        branch = prompt("Branch to run? (Enter to leave default): ")
        run('git checkout {0}'.format(branch if branch else env.branch))
        run('git pull')
예제 #42
def get_file_path():
  return prompt(yellow('Specify the path to the CSV files you would like to use.'))
예제 #43
파일: git.py 프로젝트: zhongyn/newtest
def prompt_user_for_git_path():
  git_branch = prompt(yellow("What tag/branch would you like to checkout?"))
  if git_branch == '':
    env.git_branch = 'master'
    env.git_branch = git_branch