예제 #1
    def expired(self, *, date: datetime) -> bool:
        Checks if the term's expiration date is before the specified time.
        @params time : the time to check against
        @returns true if the term expires before the specified time
        if date is None:
            raise TimeException(Constants.INVALID_ARGUMENT)

        if self.end_time is None:
            raise TimeException(Constants.INVALID_STATE)

        return date > self.end_time
예제 #2
    def enforce_extends_term(self, *, old_term):
        Checks if this term extends the old one. In case this term does not
        extend old term, logs the error and throws an exception.
        @params old_term : old term
        @raises Exception if this term does not extend the old term
        if not isinstance(old_term, Term):
            raise TimeException("Invalid type: {}".format(type(old_term)))

        flag = self.extends_term(old_term=old_term)
        if flag is False:
            raise TimeException("New term does not extend previous term")
예제 #3
    def ends_before(self, *, date: datetime) -> bool:
        Checks if the term ends after the given date.
        @params date : date to check against
        @returns true if the term ends before the given date
        if date is None:
            raise TimeException(Constants.INVALID_ARGUMENT)

        if self.end_time is None:
            raise TimeException(Constants.INVALID_STATE)

        return date > self.end_time
예제 #4
    def extends_term(self, *, old_term) -> bool:
        Checks if this term extends the old term.
        @params old_term: old term to check against
        @returns true if this term extends the old one, false if not
        if old_term is None or old_term.start_time is None or old_term.end_time is None:
            raise TimeException(Constants.INVALID_STATE)

        if self.start_time is None or self.end_time is None or self.new_start_time is None:
            raise TimeException(Constants.INVALID_STATE)

        start_time_hh_mm = self.start_time.strftime(self.HH_MM_TIME_FORMAT)
        old_start_time_hh_mm = old_term.start_time.strftime(self.HH_MM_TIME_FORMAT)
        return start_time_hh_mm == old_start_time_hh_mm and self.end_time > self.new_start_time
예제 #5
    def cycle_start_date(self, *, cycle: int) -> datetime:
        Calculates the first millisecond of the given cycle.
        @params cycle : cycle
        @returns first millisecond of the cycle
        if cycle < 0:
            raise TimeException(Constants.INVALID_ARGUMENT)

        return self.date(cycle=cycle)
예제 #6
    def convert_millis(self, *, millis: int) -> int:
        Returns the number of cycles those milliseconds represent.
        @params millis : milliseconds
        @return cycles
        @raise TimeException for invalid arguments
        if millis < 0:
            raise TimeException(Constants.INVALID_ARGUMENT)

        return int(millis / self.cycle_millis)
예제 #7
    def shift(self, *, date: datetime):
        Creates a new term from the term. The new term is shifted in time to
        start at the specified start time.
        @params date : start time
        @returns term starting at the specified time, with the length of the current term
        if date is None:
            raise TimeException("Invalid argument")

        return Term(start=date, length=self.get_length())
예제 #8
 def get_millis(self, *, cycle: int) -> int:
     Returns the number of milliseconds for a specified number of
     cycles. Does not look at beginning of time. This is useful for knowing
     the length of a cycle span in milliseconds.
     @params cycle : cycle
     @returns millis for cycle cycles
     @raises Exception in case of invalid arguments
     if cycle < 0:
         raise TimeException(Constants.INVALID_ARGUMENT)
     return cycle * self.cycle_millis
예제 #9
    def date(self, *, cycle) -> datetime:
        Converts a cycle to a date.
        @params cycle: cycle
        @returns date
        @raises Exception in case of invalid arguments
        if cycle < 0:
            raise TimeException(Constants.INVALID_ARGUMENT)

        millis = self.beginning_of_time + (cycle * self.cycle_millis)
        return self.from_milliseconds(milli_seconds=millis)
예제 #10
    def contains(self, *, date: datetime = None, term=None) -> bool:
        Checks if the term contains the given date or term.
        @params date: the date to check
        @params term: Term to check
        @returns true if the term contains the given date or term; false otherwise
        if date is None and term is None:
            raise TimeException(Constants.INVALID_ARGUMENT)

        if self.start_time is None or self.end_time is None:
            raise TimeException(Constants.INVALID_STATE)

        if date is not None:
            return (not self.start_time > date) and (not self.end_time < date)

        if term is not None:
            if not isinstance(term, Term):
                raise TimeException(Constants.INVALID_ARGUMENT)
            return (not self.start_time > term.start_time) and (not self.end_time < term.end_time)

        return False
예제 #11
    def get_length(self) -> int:
        Returns the length of a term in milliseconds. The length of a term is the
        number of milliseconds in the closed interval [new_start, end]
        @returns term length
        if self.new_start_time is None or self.end_time is None:
            raise TimeException(Constants.INVALID_STATE)

        new_start_ms = ActorClock.to_milliseconds(when=self.new_start_time)
        end_ms = ActorClock.to_milliseconds(when=self.end_time)

        return end_ms - new_start_ms + 1
예제 #12
    def cycle_end_date(self, *, cycle: int) -> datetime:
        Calculates the last millisecond of the given cycle.
        @params cycle: cycle
        @return last millisecond of the cycle
        if cycle < 0:
            raise TimeException(Constants.INVALID_ARGUMENT)

        millis = (self.beginning_of_time +
                  ((cycle + 1) * self.cycle_millis)) - 1

        return self.from_milliseconds(milli_seconds=millis)
예제 #13
    def __init__(self, *, beginning_of_time: int, cycle_millis: int):
        @params beginning_of_time : time offset (milliseconds)
        @params cycle_millis : cycle length (milliseconds)
        @raise TimeException for invalid arguments
        if beginning_of_time < 0 or cycle_millis < 1:
            raise TimeException("Invalid arguments {} {}".format(
                beginning_of_time, cycle_millis))

        self.beginning_of_time = beginning_of_time
        self.cycle_millis = cycle_millis
예제 #14
    def cycle(self, *, when: datetime) -> int:
        Converts date/milliseconds to cycles.
        @params date : date
        @return cycles
        if when is None:
            raise TimeException(Constants.INVALID_ARGUMENT)

        millis = self.to_milliseconds(when=when)

        if millis < self.beginning_of_time:
            return 0

        difference = millis - self.beginning_of_time
        return int(difference / self.cycle_millis)
예제 #15
    def extend(self, *, length: int = 0):
        Creates a new term as an extension of the specified term. The term is
        extended with the current term length.
        @params length new term length in milliseconds
        @returns term extended with the current term length
        if self.start_time is None or self.end_time is None:
            raise TimeException(Constants.INVALID_STATE)
        length_to_use = self.get_length()
        if length != 0:
            length_to_use = length

        new_start_ms = ActorClock.to_milliseconds(when=self.end_time) + 1
        new_start = ActorClock.from_milliseconds(milli_seconds=new_start_ms)
        end = ActorClock.from_milliseconds(milli_seconds=new_start_ms + length_to_use - 1)

        return Term(start=self.start_time, end=end, new_start=new_start)
예제 #16
    def __init__(self, *, start: datetime = None, end: datetime = None, new_start: datetime = None, length: int = None):
        Creates a new term.
        @params start: start time
        @params end: end time
        @params new_start: new start time
        @params length: length in ms
        # Start time: first valid millisecond.
        if start is not None:
            self.start_time = start
            self.start_time = datetime.utcnow()
        # End time: last valid millisecond.
        if end is not None:
            self.end_time = end
            if start is not None and length is not None and length > 1:
                start_ms = ActorClock.to_milliseconds(when=start) + length - 1
                self.end_time = ActorClock.from_milliseconds(milli_seconds=start_ms)
                raise TimeException("Invalid arguments, length and end both not specified")

        # Start time for this section of the lease
        if new_start is not None:
            self.new_start_time = new_start
            if start is not None:
                self.new_start_time = start
                self.new_start_time = datetime.utcnow()
        # Start cycle. Used only for debugging.
        self.cycle_start = 0
        # End cycle. Used only for debugging.
        self.cycle_end = 0
        # New start cycle. Used only for debugging.
        self.cycle_new_start = 0
예제 #17
    def validate(self):
        Validates the term
        @raises Exception thrown if invalid start time for term thrown if invalid
                end time for term thrown if negative duration for term
        if self.start_time is None:
            raise TimeException("Invalid start time")

        if self.end_time is None:
            raise TimeException("Invalid end time")

        if self.end_time < self.start_time:
            raise TimeException("negative duration for term")

        if self.start_time == self.end_time:
            raise TimeException("zero duration for term")

        if self.new_start_time < self.start_time:
            raise TimeException("new start before start")

        if self.new_start_time > self.end_time:
            raise TimeException("new start after end")