예제 #1
    def __init__(self):

        logger.info("Starting OpenCog Face Tracker ROS Node")

        # The OpenCog API. This is used to send face data to OpenCog.
        self.atomo = FaceAtomic()

        # List of currently visible faces
        self.visible_faces = []
        # List of locations of currently visible faces
        self.face_locations = {}

        # List of no longer visible faces, but seen recently.
        self.recent_locations = {}
        # How long (in seconds) to keep around a recently seen, but now
        # lost face. tf does the tracking for us.
        self.RECENT_INTERVAL = 20

        # Current look-at-target
        self.look_at = 0
        self.gaze_at = 0
        self.glance_at = 0
        self.first_glance = -1
        self.glance_howlong = -1

        # How often we update the look-at target.
        self.LOOKAT_INTERVAL = 0.1
        self.last_lookat = 0

        # Last time that the list of active faces was vacuumed out.
        self.last_vacuum = 0
        self.VACUUM_INTERVAL = 1

        # Subscribed pi_vision topics and events
        self.TOPIC_FACE_EVENT = "/camera/face_event"
        self.EVENT_NEW_FACE = "new_face"
        self.EVENT_LOST_FACE = "lost_face"
        # Overrides current face being tracked by WebUI
        self.EVENT_TRACK_FACE = "track_face"

        self.TOPIC_FACE_LOCATIONS = "/camera/face_locations"

        # Subscribed OpenCog commands
        self.TOPIC_GLANCE_FACE = "/opencog/glance_at"
        self.TOPIC_LOOKAT_FACE = "/opencog/look_at"
        self.TOPIC_GAZEAT_FACE = "/opencog/gaze_at"
        rospy.Subscriber(self.TOPIC_GLANCE_FACE, Int32, self.glance_at_cb)
        rospy.Subscriber(self.TOPIC_LOOKAT_FACE, Int32, self.look_at_cb)
        rospy.Subscriber(self.TOPIC_GAZEAT_FACE, Int32, self.gaze_at_cb)

        # Published blender_api topics
        self.TOPIC_FACE_TARGET = "/blender_api/set_face_target"
        self.TOPIC_GAZE_TARGET = "/blender_api/set_gaze_target"

        # Face appearance/disappearance from pi_vision
        rospy.Subscriber(self.TOPIC_FACE_EVENT, FaceEvent, self.face_event_cb)

        # Face location information from pi_vision
        rospy.Subscriber(self.TOPIC_FACE_LOCATIONS, Faces, self.face_loc_cb)

        # Which face to look at
        # rospy.Subscriber(self.TOPIC_FACE_TARGET, xxxFaceEvent, xxxself.face_event_cb)

        # Where to look
        self.look_pub = rospy.Publisher(self.TOPIC_FACE_TARGET,

        self.gaze_pub = rospy.Publisher(self.TOPIC_GAZE_TARGET,

        # Frame in which coordinates will be returned from transformation
        self.LOCATION_FRAME = "blender"
        # Transform Listener. Tracks history for RECENT_INTERVAL.
        self.tf_listener = tf.TransformListener(False, \

        rospy.Subscriber("/behavior_control", Int32, \
        # Control Eeys and face by default
        self.control_mode = 255