예제 #1
def test_bogus_urls():
    """Test with URLs that might fail."""
    bogus_urls = [
        # URLs with #fragment

        # URLs with ~tilde

        # URLs with #fragment that's about to be removed

        # Gawker's feed URLs

        # URL that don't return "share" or "og_object" keys

        # Bogus URL with "http:/www" (fixable by fix_common_url_mistakes())


    for bogus_url in bogus_urls:
        except Exception as ex:
            assert False, f"Bogus URL '{bogus_url}' should have worked but didn't: {ex}"
예제 #2
def test_get_url_stats_normal_url():
    url = (
    stats = _get_url_stats(url=url)
    assert stats is not None, f"Stats should be set for URL '{url}'"
    assert stats.share_count > 0, f"Share could should be positive for URL '{url}'"
예제 #3
def test_fb_story():
    with pytest.raises(McFacebookInvalidURLException):
        url = 'https://m.facebook.com/story.php?id=100007927834607&story_fbid=2746273218980246'
        stats = _get_url_stats(url=url)
예제 #4
def test_fb_post():
    with pytest.raises(McFacebookInvalidURLException):
        url = 'https://www.facebook.com/tiffany.hathaway.79/posts/10219140619682568?_fb_noscript=1'
        stats = _get_url_stats(url=url)
예제 #5
def test_get_url_stats_bogus_url():
    url = 'http://totally.bogus.url.123456'
    stats = _get_url_stats(url=url)
    assert stats is not None, f"Stats should be set for URL '{url}'"
    assert stats.share_count == 0, f"Share should be 0 for URL '{url}'"
    assert stats.comment_count == 0, f"Comment should be 0 for URL '{url}'"