def _set_listener ( self, database = None, remove = False ): """ Adds/Removes a file watch for the database specified by *database*. """ self.update_all_items, facet_db.db( database or self.database ), remove = remove )
def facets_init ( self ): """ Initializes the object. """ if self.file_name == '': self.file_name = abspath( facets_env.bp or facet_db.db( 'fbi.bp' ) )
from facets.ui.pyface.api import ImageResource from facets.ui.pyface.resource_manager import resource_manager from facets.lib.resource.resource_reference import ImageReference, ResourceReference # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Constants: # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Standard image file extensions: ImageFileExts = (".png", ".gif", ".jpg", "jpeg") # The image_cache root directory: image_cache_path = facet_db.db("image_cache") # Names of files that should not be copied when ceating a new library copy: dont_copy_list = ("", "", "license.txt") # -- Code Generation Templates -------------------------------------------------- # Template for creating an ImageVolumeInfo object: ImageVolumeInfoCodeTemplate = """ ImageVolumeInfo( description = %(description)s, copyright = %(copyright)s, license = %(license)s, image_names = %(image_names)s ) """[