def __init__ ( self, parent, tool_bar, image_cache, item, controller, show_labels ): """ Creates a new tool bar tool for an action item. """ self.item = item self.tool_bar = tool_bar # Create an appropriate tool depending on the style of the action: action = self.item.action # If the action has an image then convert it to a bitmap (as required # by the toolbar): if action.image is not None: image = action.image.create_image() path = action.image.absolute_path bmp = image_cache.get_bitmap( path ) else: from facets.ui.pyface.api import ImageResource image = ImageResource( 'foo' ) bmp = image.create_bitmap() self.control_id = 1 self.control = None if controller is not None: self.controller = controller controller.add_to_toolbar( self )
def _get_image ( self ): path, name = split( self.file_name ) if splitext( name )[ 1 ] in ( '.png', '.gif', '.jpg', '.jpeg' ): image = ImageResource( name, search_path = [ path ] ) else: image = ImageResource( 'unknown' ) self._cur_image = image.create_image() return image
def __init__(self, parent, tool_bar, image_cache, item, controller, show_labels): """ Creates a new tool bar tool for an action item. """ self.item = item self.tool_bar = tool_bar # Create an appropriate tool depending on the style of the action: action = self.item.action label = # Tool bar tools never have '...' at the end!: if label.endswith("..."): label = label[:-3] # And they never contain shortcuts: label = label.replace("&", "") # If the action has an image then convert it to a bitmap (as required # by the toolbar): if action.image is not None: image = action.image.create_image(self.tool_bar.GetToolBitmapSize()) path = action.image.absolute_path bmp = image_cache.get_bitmap(path) else: from facets.ui.pyface.api import ImageResource image = ImageResource("foo") bmp = image.create_bitmap() kind = _STYLE_TO_KIND_MAP[] tooltip = action.tooltip longtip = action.description if not show_labels: label = "" else: self.tool_bar.SetSize((-1, 50)) self.control_id = wx.NewId() self.control = tool_bar.AddLabelTool(self.control_id, label, bmp, wx.NullBitmap, kind, tooltip, longtip) # Set the initial checked state: tool_bar.ToggleTool(self.control_id, action.checked) # Set the initial enabled/disabled state of the action: tool_bar.EnableTool(self.control_id, action.enabled and action.visible) # Wire it up: wx.EVT_TOOL(parent, self.control_id, self._on_tool) # Listen for facet changes on the action (so that we can update its # enabled/disabled/checked state etc): action.on_facet_set(self._on_action_enabled_modified, "enabled") action.on_facet_set(self._on_action_visible_modified, "visible") action.on_facet_set(self._on_action_checked_modified, "checked") if controller is not None: self.controller = controller controller.add_to_toolbar(self)