예제 #1
def make_used_fuel_tables(hdf5_file, rx_list=None):
    # Open the HDF5 file
    opened_here = False
    if isinstance(hdf5_file, basestring):
        opened_here = True
        hdf5_file = tb.openFile(hdf5_file, 'a')

    h5r = hdf5_file.root

    # Grab reactor list if not specified
    if rx_list == None:
        rx_id_map = get_reactor_id_map(hdf5_file)
        rx_list = sorted(rx_id_map.values())

    # Make new used fuel tables
    for rx in rx_list:
        rx_group = getattr(h5r, rx)
        # Remove pre-existing table
        if hasattr(rx_group, 'used_fuel'):
            hdf5_file.removeNode(rx_group, 'used_fuel')

        hdf5_file.createTable(rx_group, 'used_fuel', UsedFuel,
            title="Used Fuel for {0}".format(rx), 

    # Close the HDF5 file
    if opened_here:
예제 #2
def calc_used_fuel_rows(hdf5_file, rx_list=None, slice=(0,-1, 1), fc_flag=0):
    # Open the HDF5 file
    opened_here = False
    if isinstance(hdf5_file, basestring):
        opened_here = True
        hdf5_file = tb.openFile(hdf5_file, 'a')

    h5r = hdf5_file.root

    # Grab reactor list if not specified
    if rx_list == None:
        rx_id_map = get_reactor_id_map(hdf5_file)
        rx_list = sorted(rx_id_map.values())

    # Make new used fuel tables
    for rx in rx_list:
        rx_group = getattr(h5r, rx)
        rx_num = len(rx_group.fresh_fuel_info)


        # Determine slice for this reactor
        if len(slice) == 1:
            rx_slice = [slice[0], -1, 1]
        elif len(slice) == 2:
            rx_slice = [slice[0], slice[1], 1]
        elif len(slice) == 3:
            rx_slice = [slice[0], slice[1], slice[2]]

        if rx_slice[0] < 0:
            rx_slice[0] = len(rx_group.fresh_fuel_info) + rx_slice[0]

        if rx_slice[1] < 0:
            rx_slice[1] = len(rx_group.fresh_fuel_info) + rx_slice[1] + 1

        # Run the calculations for the specified rows!
        t1 = time.time()
        for n in xrange(*rx_slice):
            calc_used_fuel_row(rx_group, n, fuel_cycles[fc_flag])

            if n%100 == 0:
                t2 = time.time()
                sys.stdout.write( '\r{0}... n = {1}/{2}; rate = {3:.3f} n/s'.format(rx, n, rx_num, 100.0/(t2 - t1)) )
                t1 = t2

        t2 = time.time()
        sys.stdout.write( '\r{0}... n = {1}/{2}; rate = {3:.3f} n/s\n'.format(rx, n+1, rx_num, 100.0/(t2 - t1)) )

    # Close the HDF5 file
    if opened_here:
예제 #3
def make_fresh_fuel_info(hdf5_file, csv_file='raw/tblFuelFresh.csv'):
    # Open the HDF5 file
    opened_here = False
    if isinstance(hdf5_file, basestring):
        opened_here = True
        hdf5_file = tb.openFile(hdf5_file, 'a')

    h5r = hdf5_file.root
    rx_id_map = get_reactor_id_map(hdf5_file)

    # Make new fresh fuel tables
    for rx_id in rx_id_map.keys():
        rx_group = getattr(h5r, rx_id_map[rx_id])
        # Remove pre-existing table
        if hasattr(rx_group, 'fresh_fuel_info'):
            hdf5_file.removeNode(rx_group, 'fresh_fuel_info')

        hdf5_file.createTable(rx_group, 'fresh_fuel_info', FreshFuelInfo)

    # Read in the assembly data and write it to the HDF5 file
    fresh_fuel_file = csv.reader(open(csv_file, 'rb'))

    for ffrow in fresh_fuel_file:
        # Find the right group, table, and row
        rx_group = getattr(h5r, rx_id_map[int(ffrow[0])])
        rx_table = rx_group.fresh_fuel_info
        rx_row = rx_table.row

        # Prepare the data
        rx_row['assembly_id'] = ffrow[2]
        rx_row['mass']        = float(ffrow[3])
        rx_row['enrichment']  = float(ffrow[4]) / 100.0 
        rx_row['burnup']      = float(ffrow[5]) / 1000.0 

        rx_row['assembly_type']   = ffrow[6]
        rx_row['assembly_status'] = ffrow[7]
        rx_row['storage_id']      = ffrow[9]

        rx_row['discharge_cycle'] = ffrow[10]
            dd = time.mktime( time.strptime(ffrow[11], time_format) )
        except ValueError:
            dd = 0.0
        rx_row['discharge_date'] = dd

        # Append this row

    # Close the HDF5 file
    if opened_here:
예제 #4
def make_reactor_groups(hdf5_file):
    # Open the HDF5 file
    opened_here = False
    if isinstance(hdf5_file, basestring):
        opened_here = True
        hdf5_file = tb.openFile(hdf5_file, 'a')

    h5r = hdf5_file.root
    rx_id_map = get_reactor_id_map(hdf5_file)

    # Make the reactor groups
    for rx_id in rx_id_map.keys():
        # Remove pre-existing group
        if hasattr(h5r, rx_id_map[rx_id]):
            hdf5_file.removeNode(h5r, rx_id_map[rx_id], recursive=True)

        hdf5_file.createGroup(h5r, rx_id_map[rx_id])

    # Close the HDF5 file
    if opened_here: