예제 #1
def factor_sum(A, B):
    """Same as factor_product, but sums instead of multiplies
    if A.is_empty():
        return B
    if B.is_empty():
        return A

    # Create output factor. Variables should be the union between of the
    # variables contained in the two input factors
    out = Factor()
    out.var = np.union1d(A.var, B.var)

    # Compute mapping between the variable ordering between the two factors
    # and the output to set the cardinality
    out.card = np.zeros(len(out.var), np.int64)
    mapA = np.argmax(out.var[None, :] == A.var[:, None], axis=-1)
    mapB = np.argmax(out.var[None, :] == B.var[:, None], axis=-1)
    out.card[mapA] = A.card
    out.card[mapB] = B.card

    # For each assignment in the output, compute which row of the input factors
    # it comes from
    out.val = np.zeros(np.prod(out.card))
    assignments = out.get_all_assignments()
    idxA = assignment_to_index(assignments[:, mapA], A.card)
    idxB = assignment_to_index(assignments[:, mapB], B.card)
    You should populate the .val field with the factor sum. The code for this
    should be very similar to the factor_product().
    out.val = A.val[idxA] + B.val[idxB]

    return out
예제 #2
def factor_product(A, B):
    """Compute product of two factors.

    Suppose A = phi(X_1, X_2), B = phi(X_2, X_3), the function should return
    phi(X_1, X_2, X_3)
    if A.is_empty():
        return B
    if B.is_empty():
        return A

    # Create output factor. Variables should be the union between of the
    # variables contained in the two input factors
    out = Factor()
    out.var = np.union1d(A.var, B.var)

    # Compute mapping between the variable ordering between the two factors
    # and the output to set the cardinality
    out.card = np.zeros(len(out.var), np.int64)
    mapA = np.argmax(out.var[None, :] == A.var[:, None], axis=-1)
    mapB = np.argmax(out.var[None, :] == B.var[:, None], axis=-1)
    out.card[mapA] = A.card
    out.card[mapB] = B.card

    # For each assignment in the output, compute which row of the input factors
    # it comes from
    out.val = np.zeros(np.prod(out.card))
    assignments = out.get_all_assignments()
    idxA = assignment_to_index(assignments[:, mapA], A.card)
    idxB = assignment_to_index(assignments[:, mapB], B.card)

    out.val = A.val[idxA] * B.val[idxB]
    You should populate the .val field with the factor product
    Hint: The code for this function should be very short (~1 line). Try to
      understand what the above lines are doing, in order to implement
      subsequent parts.
    return out
예제 #3
def factor_product(A, B):
    Computes the factor product of A and B e.g. A = f(x1, x2); B = f(x1, x3); out=f(x1, x2, x3) = f(x1, x2)f(x1, x3)
        A: first Factor
        B: second Factor
        Returns the factor product of A and B
    out = Factor()
    """ YOUR CODE HERE,     HINT: copy from lab2 part 1! """
    if A.is_empty():
        return B
    if B.is_empty():
        return A

    out = Factor()

    # Set the variables of the output
    out.var = np.union1d(A.var, B.var)

    # Set the cardinality of the output
    out.card = np.zeros(len(out.var), np.int64)
    mapA = np.argmax(out.var[None, :] == A.var[:, None], axis=-1)
    mapB = np.argmax(out.var[None, :] == B.var[:, None], axis=-1)
    out.card[mapA] = A.card
    out.card[mapB] = B.card

    # Initialize the factor values to zero
    out.val = np.zeros(np.prod(out.card))
    assignments = out.get_all_assignments()
    idxA = assignment_to_index(assignments[:, mapA], A.card)
    idxB = assignment_to_index(assignments[:, mapB], B.card)

    # Populate the factor values
    out.val = A.val[idxA] * B.val[idxB]
    """ END YOUR CODE HERE """
    return out