예제 #1
def push_message(account_id, content, header=None):
    Send message to user. the package is the following JSON structure.

        - `Common Message Property <https://developers.worksmobile.com/jp/document/1005008?lang=en>`_

    :param account_id: user account id
    :param content: message content
    :param header: http header

    if content is None:
        logging.info("content is None.")
        raise HTTPError(500, "internal error. content is None.")

    request = {"accountId": account_id, "content": content}

    headers = API_BO["headers"]
    if header is not None:
        headers = Merge(header, headers)

    headers["consumerKey"] = OPEN_API["consumerKey"]

    url = API_BO["push_url"]
    url = replace_url_bot_no(url)
    response = auth_post(url, data=json.dumps(request), headers=headers)
    if response.status_code != 200:
        logging.error("push message failed. url:%s text:%s body:%s", url,
                      response.text, response.content)
        raise HTTPError(500, "internal error. Internal interface call error.")
예제 #2
def create_articles(title, type, content, account_id=None,
    Create articles.

        - `Common Message Property <https://developers.worksmobile.com/jp/document/100180301?lang=en>`_

    headers = {
        "charset": "UTF-8",
        "consumerKey": OPEN_API["consumerKey"]

    board_no = get_value("{type}board".format(type=type), None)
    if board_no is None:
        logging.error("create articles. board no is None.")
        raise HTTPError(500, "create articles. board no is None.")

    body = {
        "title": title,
        "body": content,
        "boardNo": board_no,
        "domainId": DOMAIN_ID,
        "sendCreatedNotify": True,
        "useComment": True

    if account_id is not None:
        body["accountId"] = account_id

    if attention_period_in_days is not None:
        body["attentionPeriodInDays"] = attention_period_in_days

    multi1 = MultipartEncoder(
        fields={"article":(None, json.dumps(body))}

    headers['content-type'] = multi1.content_type
    boards_url = API_BO["home"]["create_articles_url"]

    response = auth_post(boards_url, data=multi1, headers=headers)

    if response.status_code != 200 or response.content is None:
            "create articles failed. url:%s text:%s headers:%s body:%s",
            boards_url, response.text, json.dumps(headers), multi1.to_string())

        if response.status_code == 507:
            return storage_lack()
            return create_articles_failed()

    tmp_req = json.loads(response.content)
    article_no = tmp_req.get("articleNo", None)
    if article_no is None:
        logging.error("create articles failed. url:%s text:%s",
                     boards_url, response.text)
        raise HTTPError(500, "create articles. article no is None.")
    return None
예제 #3
def create_boards(board):
    Create boards.

        - `Common Message Property <https://developers.worksmobile.com/jp/document/100180201?lang=en>`_
    :return: board no
    body = {
        "domainId": DOMAIN_ID,
        "title": board["title"],
        "description": board["description"],
        "boardType": "BOARD"

    headers = API_BO["headers"]
    headers["consumerKey"] = OPEN_API["consumerKey"]

    boards_url = API_BO["home"]["boards_url"]
    response = auth_post(boards_url, data=json.dumps(body), headers=headers)

    if response.status_code != 200 or response.content is None:
        logging.error("create boards failed. url:%s text:%s headers:%s body:%s",
                    boards_url, response.text, json.dumps(headers), json.dumps(body))
        raise Exception("create boards. http return code error.")
    tmp_req = json.loads(response.content)
    board_no = tmp_req.get("boardNo", None)
    if board_no is None:
        raise Exception("create boards. board no filed is None.")
    return board_no
예제 #4
def get_account_info(account_id):
    Get account information.

            - `Common Message Property <https://developers.worksmobile.com/kr/document/1006004/v1?lang=en>`_

    :param account_id: user account id.
    :return: name(user name), department(user department).

    contacts_url = "%s?account=%s" % \
                   (API_BO["contacts_url"], account_id)
    headers = {
        "content-type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded",
        "charset": "UTF-8",
        "consumerKey": OPEN_API["consumerKey"]

    response = auth_post(contacts_url, headers=headers)
    if response.status_code != 200 or response.content is None:
        logging.error("get account info failed. url:%s text:%s body:%s",
                      contacts_url, response.text, response.content)
        raise Exception("get account info. http return code error.")
    tmp_req = json.loads(response.content)
    info = tmp_req.get("data", None)
    if info is None:
        raise Exception("get account info. info filed is None.")
    name = info.get("name", None)
    department = info.get("groupName", None)
    return name, department
예제 #5
def upload_content(file_path):
    Upload rich menu background picture.

        - `Common Message Property <https://developers.worksmobile.com/jp/document/1005025?lang=en>`_

    :param file_path: resource local path
    :return: resource id
    headers = {
        "consumerKey": OPEN_API["consumerKey"],
        "x-works-apiid": OPEN_API["apiId"]

    files = {'resourceName': open(file_path, 'rb')}

    url = API_BO["upload_url"]
    url = utils.replace_url_bot_no(url)

    logging.info("upload content. url:%s", url)

    response = auth_post(url, files=files, headers=headers)
    if response.status_code != 200:
        logging.info("push message failed. url:%s text:%s body:%s", url,
                     response.text, response.content)
        raise Exception("upload content. http return error.")

    resource_id = response.headers.get("x-works-resource-id", None)
    if resource_id is None:
        logging.error("invalid content. url:%s txt:%s headers:%s", url,
                      response.text, response.headers)
        raise Exception("upload content. not fond 'x-works-resource-id'.")
    return resource_id
예제 #6
def set_rich_menu_image(resource_id, rich_menu_id):
    Set a rich menu image.

        - `Common Message Property <https://developers.worksmobile.com/jp/document/100504002?lang=en>`_

    :param resource_id: resource id
    :param rich_menu_id: rich menu id
    body = {"resourceId": resource_id}

    headers = API_BO["headers"]
    headers["consumerKey"] = OPEN_API["consumerKey"]

    url = API_BO["rich_menu_url"] + "/" + rich_menu_id + "/content"
    url = utils.replace_url_bot_no(url)

    response = auth_post(url, data=json.dumps(body), headers=headers)
    if response.status_code != 200:
        logging.info("set rich menu image failed. url:%s text:%s body:%s", url,
                     response.text, response.content)
        raise Exception("set richmenu image. http return error.")

    logging.info("set rich menu image success. url:%s txt:%s body:%s", url,
                 response.text, response.content)
예제 #7
def register_bot_domain(bot_no):
    Register a message bot domain.

        - `Common Message Property <https://developers.worksmobile.com/jp/document/1005004?lang=en>`_

    :param bot_no: bot no
    url = API_BO["bot"] +"/"+ str(bot_no) + "/domain/" + str(DOMAIN_ID)
    data = {"usePublic": True, "usePermission": False}
    response = auth_post(url, data=json.dumps(data), headers=headers())
    if response.status_code != 200:
        raise Exception("register bot domain field: code:%d content:%s" % (
        response.status_code, response.text))
예제 #8
def register_bot():
    Register a message bot.

        - `Common Message Property <https://developers.worksmobile.com/jp/document/1005002?lang=en>`_

    :param photo_address: Access address of user's Avatar,
        If you need to change the user image,
        please replace the corresponding file in the image/, Only PNG file.
    :return: bot no
    url = API_BO["bot"]
    fmt = _("FAQ Ask Bot")
    a = lambda x, y: {"language": x, "name": y}
    b = lambda x, y: {"language": x, "description": y}
    data = {
        "name": BOT_NAME,
        "i18nNames": get_i18n_content(fmt, "register_bot", function=a),
        "photoUrl": PHOTO_URL,
        "description": BOT_NAME,
        "i18nDescriptions": get_i18n_content(fmt, "register_bot", function=b),
        "managers": [ADMIN_ACCOUNT],
        "submanagers": [],
        "useGroupJoin": False,
        "useDomainScope": False,
        "useCallback": True,
        "callbackUrl": CALLBACK_ADDRESS,
        "callbackEvents": ["text", "location", "sticker", "image"]

    response = auth_post(url, data=json.dumps(data), headers=headers())
    if response.status_code != 200:
        raise Exception("register bot field: code:%d text:%s" %
                        (response.status_code, response.text))

    tmp = json.loads(response.content)
    bot_no = tmp.get('botNo', None)
    if bot_no is None:
        raise Exception("register bot field: bot no is None")
    return bot_no
예제 #9
def set_user_specific_rich_menu(rich_menu_id, account_id):
    Set a user-specific rich menu.

        - `Common Message Property <https://developers.worksmobile.com/jp/document/100504010?lang=en>`_

    :param rich_menu_id: rich menu id
    :param account_id: user account id
    headers = API_BO["headers"]
    headers["consumerKey"] = OPEN_API["consumerKey"]
    url = API_BO["rich_menu_url"] + "/" \
          + rich_menu_id + "/account/" + account_id

    url = utils.replace_url_bot_no(url)

    response = auth_post(url, headers=headers)
    if response.status_code != 200:
        logging.info("push message failed. url:%s text:%s body:%s", url,
                     response.text, response.content)
        raise Exception("set user specific richmenu. http return error.")
    logging.info("set user specific richmenu success. url:%s txt:%s body:%s",
                 url, response.text, response.content)
예제 #10
def make_add_rich_menu_body(rich_menu_name):
    add rich menu body

        - `Common Message Property <https://developers.worksmobile.com/jp/document/100504001?lang=en>`_

    :param rich_menu_name: rich menu name
    :return: rich menu id
    size = make_size(2500, 1686)

    fmt_label1 = _("\"Find FAQ\" by task")
    fmt_text1 = _("Do you have any work-related questions? "
                  "\n\"Find FAQ\" by task")

    bound1 = make_bound(0, 0, 2500, 1160)
    action1 = make_i18n_postback_action(
        "query", "richmenu", "\"Find FAQ\" by task", fmt_label1,
        "Do you have any work-related "
        "questions? \n\"Find FAQ\" by task", fmt_text1)

    fmt2 = _("Send a question")
    bound2 = make_bound(0, 1160, 1250, 526)
    action2 = make_i18n_postback_action("enquire", "richmenu",
                                        "Send a question", fmt2,
                                        "Send a question", fmt2)

    fmt3 = _("Go to Initial Menu")
    bound3 = make_bound(1250, 1160, 1250, 526)
    action3 = make_i18n_postback_action("to_first", "richmenu",
                                        "Go to Initial Menu", fmt3,
                                        "Go to Initial Menu", fmt3)

    rich_menu = make_add_rich_menu(rich_menu_name, size, [
        make_area(bound1, action1),
        make_area(bound2, action2),
        make_area(bound3, action3)

    headers = API_BO["headers"]
    headers["consumerKey"] = OPEN_API["consumerKey"]

    url = API_BO["rich_menu_url"]
    url = utils.replace_url_bot_no(url)

    logging.info("register richmenu. url:%s", url)

    response = auth_post(url, data=json.dumps(rich_menu), headers=headers)
    if response.status_code != 200:
        logging.info("register richmenu failed. url:%s text:%s body:%s", url,
                     response.text, response.content)
        raise Exception("register richmenu. http return error.")

    tmp = json.loads(response.content)
    rich_menu_id = tmp.get("richMenuId", None)
    if rich_menu_id is None:
        logging.error("register richmenu failed. url:%s txt:%s body:%s", url,
                      response.text, response.content)
        raise Exception("register richmenu failed. rich menu id is None.")

    logging.info("register richmenu success. url:%s txt:%s body:%s", url,
                 response.text, response.content)

    return rich_menu_id