def get_doc_url_for_template_api(doc, url_prefix, url_root=None, hit_url_path=False): # hit_url_path=True 的时候,post 上有 url_path, 但跟 post.url 直接调用的逻辑不亦一样 # post.url 相当于有一个动态的 url_prefix if not doc or not isinstance(doc, dict): return "" if not isinstance(url_prefix, string_types): return "" if url_root and not isinstance(url_root, string_types): return "" url_prefix = url_prefix.strip("/") doc_path = get_path_from_record(doc) if not doc_path: return "" url_path = "" if hit_url_path: url_path = smart_unicode(doc.get("url_path") or "").strip("/") if url_path: return "/%s/%s" % (url_prefix, url_path) if not url_root or not isinstance(url_root, string_types): return "/%s/%s" % (url_prefix, doc_path) else: relative_path = get_relative_path(doc_path.lower(), url_root.lower(), return_name_if_fail=False) if not relative_path: return "/%s/%s" % (url_prefix, doc_path) else: return "/%s/%s" % (url_prefix, relative_path)
def sync_for_deleted_files(self): # 处理删除了的文件 synced = False filepaths_to_delete_data = sync_find_files_to_delete( self.root, app_name=self.app_name_for_sync, as_dict=True) for filepath_to_delete_data in filepaths_to_delete_data: filepath_to_delete = filepath_to_delete_data['filepath'] is_dir = filepath_to_delete_data.get('is_dir', False) relative_path = get_relative_path(filepath_to_delete, root=self.root) ipfs_to_delete = self.ipfs_files.pop(relative_path, None) if isinstance(ipfs_to_delete, dict): ipfs_hash_to_delete = ipfs_to_delete.get('hash') else: ipfs_hash_to_delete = ipfs_to_delete self.remove_file_from_ipfs(ipfs_hash_to_delete) # is_deleted=True, send md5 value as version md5_value = filepath_to_delete_data.get('md5') compiler_sync_worker = FarBoxSyncCompilerWorker( server_node=self.server_node, root=self.root, filepath=filepath_to_delete, is_deleted=True, is_dir=is_dir, private_key=self.private_key, should_encrypt_file=self.should_encrypt_file, ipfs_key=ipfs_hash_to_delete, version=md5_value, auto_clean_bucket=self.auto_clean_bucket, files_info=self.files_info) sync_status = compiler_sync_worker.sync() self.record_sync_log(filepath=filepath_to_delete, sync_status=sync_status, is_deleted=True) if sync_status and sync_status.get('code') == 200: synced = True # at last, mark status as synced after_sync_deleted(filepath_to_delete, root=self.root, app_name=self.app_name_for_sync) # files on server, but no in local side, clean the configs_for_files # should run after self.sync_for_updated_files, to get self.files_info_on_server files_info_on_server = get_value_from_data(self.files_info_on_server, 'message.files') or {} for relative_path in files_info_on_server.keys(): abs_filepath = join(self.root, relative_path) if not os.path.isfile(abs_filepath): self.ipfs_files.pop(relative_path, None) synced = True return synced
def get_url(self, prefix, root=None): prefix = prefix.strip("/") if not root or not isinstance(root, string_types): return "/%s/%s" % (prefix, self.path) else: relative_path = get_relative_path(self.path.lower(), root.lower(), return_name_if_fail=False) if not relative_path: return "/%s/%s" % (prefix, self.path) else: return "/%s/%s" % (prefix, relative_path)
def get_wiki_url_for_doc(wiki_root, doc): if not isinstance(wiki_root, string_types) or not isinstance(doc, dict): return "" wiki_root = wiki_root.strip("/") doc_type = get_type_from_record(doc) doc_path = get_path_from_record(doc) relative_path = get_relative_path(doc_path.lower().strip("/"), wiki_root, return_name_if_fail=False) if not relative_path: return "" if doc_type == "post": return "/wiki/post/%s" % relative_path else: return "/wiki/category/%s" % relative_path
def get_template_info(template_dir): info = {} template_dir = template_dir.strip().rstrip('/') if not os.path.isdir(template_dir): return info # ignore filepaths = get_all_sub_files(template_dir, accept_func=os.path.isfile, max_tried_times=1000) for filepath in filepaths: relative_path = get_relative_path( filepath, root=template_dir).lower() # lower case if not os.path.isfile(filepath): continue if not is_real(filepath) or is_a_hidden_path(relative_path): continue if relative_path.startswith('readme.') and is_a_markdown_file( relative_path): # 模板 readme 上的信息 with open(filepath, 'rb') as f: raw_markdown_content = smart_unicode( compiled_markdown_content = compile_markdown(raw_markdown_content) compiled_markdown_content_meta = compiled_markdown_content.metadata readme_info = dict(content=compiled_markdown_content, metadata=compiled_markdown_content_meta ) # raw_content=raw_markdown_content, info['_readme'] = readme_info else: path_without_ext, ext = os.path.splitext(relative_path) ext = ext.strip('.').lower() if ext not in allowed_exts: continue with open(filepath, 'rb') as f: raw_content = raw_content = smart_unicode(raw_content) # to unicode info[relative_path] = raw_content matched_compiler = template_resource_compilers.get(ext) if matched_compiler: new_ext, compile_func = matched_compiler try: compiled_content = compile_func(raw_content) new_key = path_without_ext + '.' + new_ext.strip('.') info[new_key] = compiled_content except Exception as e: error_message = getattr(e, 'message', None) if error_message: try: print('%s error: %s' % (relative_path, error_message)) except: pass info['_route'] = get_templates_route_info(info) return info
def __init__(self, server_node, root, filepath, private_key=None, should_encrypt_file=False, is_dir=False, is_deleted=False, ipfs_key=None, version=None, auto_clean_bucket=True, relative_path=None, real_relative_path=None, raw_content=None, files_info=None): self.files_info = files_info self.server_node = server_node self.root = root self.filepath = filepath self.private_key = private_key self.should_encrypt_file = should_encrypt_file self.is_dir = is_dir self.is_deleted = is_deleted self.ipfs_key = ipfs_key self.version = version self.auto_clean_bucket = auto_clean_bucket # 主要是 Markdown 文档编译,针对 FarBox Page 时候用的 self.real_relative_path = real_relative_path # 如果没有指定 relative_path, 是需要从 root & filepath 中获得的 # filepath 是用于获得文件内容的,如果有指定了 raw_content,那就是 raw_content 优先 self._raw_content = raw_content if relative_path: self.relative_path = relative_path else: if not is_sub_path(self.filepath, parent_path=self.root): self.relative_path = '' else: self.relative_path = get_relative_path(self.filepath, root=self.root) self.lower_relative_path = self.relative_path.lower()
def upload_static_files_to_cdn(static_files_root, cdn_static_prefix, secret_id, secret_key, bucket, region, force_update=False): sub_filepaths = get_all_sub_files(static_files_root) for filepath in sub_filepaths: if is_a_hidden_path(filepath): continue ext = os.path.splitext(filepath)[-1] if ext in [".py", ".pyc", ".pyd"]: continue #print(filepath) relative_path = get_relative_path(filepath, static_files_root) cnd_path = "/%s/%s" % (cdn_static_prefix.strip("/"), relative_path.strip("/")) if not force_update: if has_file_on_qcloud(cnd_path, secret_id=secret_id, secret_key=secret_key, bucket=bucket, region=region): qcloud_file_meta = get_file_meta_on_qcloud( cnd_path, secret_id=secret_id, secret_key=secret_key, bucket=bucket, region=region) if qcloud_file_meta and isinstance(qcloud_file_meta, dict): q_version = qcloud_file_meta.get("ETag", "").strip("'").strip('"') if q_version and get_md5_for_file(filepath) == q_version: continue with open(filepath, "rb") as f: upload_file_obj_to_qcloud(file_obj=f, url_path=cnd_path, secret_id=secret_id, secret_key=secret_key, bucket=bucket, region=region, content_type=guess_type(filepath)) print(filepath)
def show_wiki_nodes_as_sub_site(): bucket = get_bucket_in_request_context() if not bucket: return request_path = get_request_path().strip("/") if not re.match("wiki_nodes(/|$)", request_path): return wiki_configs = get_json_content_by_path(bucket, "__wiki.json", force_dict=True) enable_wiki_nodes = auto_type(wiki_configs.get("enable_wiki_nodes", True)) if not enable_wiki_nodes: return wiki_root = smart_unicode(wiki_configs.get("wiki_root", "")) if not wiki_root: return wiki_root = wiki_root.strip("/") wiki_title = wiki_configs.get("wiki_title") or get_just_name(wiki_root, for_folder=True) path = request.values.get("path", "").strip("/") if request.values.get("type") == "data": # return json data wiki_root = wiki_root.lower() under = "%s/%s" % (wiki_root, path) posts_info = get_bucket_posts_info(bucket) data = filter_and_get_posts_link_points_info(posts_info, under=under) nodes = data.get("nodes") if nodes: for node in nodes: node_id = node.get("id") if node_id and isinstance(node_id, string_types): if node_id.startswith("#"): tag = node_id.lstrip("#") url = "/wiki/tag/%s" % tag node["url"] = url else: relative_path = get_relative_path(node_id.strip("/"), wiki_root, return_name_if_fail=False) if relative_path: url = "/wiki/post/%s" % relative_path node["url"] = url return force_response(data) else: return render_api_template("builtin_theme_wiki_nodes.jade", wiki_title=wiki_title)
def get_static_resources_map(): static_resources_map = {} raw_filepaths = glob.glob('%s/*'%static_folder_path) + glob.glob('%s/*/*'%static_folder_path) + \ glob.glob('%s/*/*/*'%static_folder_path) + glob.glob('%s/*/*/*/*'%static_folder_path) for filepath in raw_filepaths: if os.path.isdir(filepath): continue ext = os.path.splitext(filepath)[-1].lower() if ext in [ '.py', '.jade', '.coffee', '.scss', '.less', 'jpg', 'gif', 'png' ]: continue filename = os.path.split(filepath)[-1].lower() just_name = os.path.splitext(filename)[0] relative_path = get_relative_path(filepath, static_folder_path) names = [filename, just_name, relative_path] if just_name.startswith('jquery.'): names.append(just_name.replace('jquery.', '', 1)) for name in names: static_resources_map[name] = filepath return static_resources_map
def should_sync(filepath, root, app_name, check_md5=True, extra_should_sync_func=None): if not os.path.exists(filepath): return False elif is_a_hidden_path(filepath): return False elif not is_real(filepath): return False if check_md5: sync_data = get_sync_data(filepath, root, app_name) if sync_data: if sync_data.get('md5') == md5_for_file( filepath): # has been synced return False # 比如 Bitcron, 不允许超过 100 mb 的文件上传 # elif os.path.getsize(filepath) > 100*1024*1024: # 100Mb+ is not supported #return False if extra_should_sync_func: try: result = extra_should_sync_func(filepath, root) if isinstance(result, bool): return result except: try: relative_path = get_relative_path(filepath, root=root) result = extra_should_sync_func(relative_path) if isinstance(result, bool): return result except: pass return True
def sync_one_file(self, filepath, lower_files_info_on_server=None, lower_folders_info_on_server=None, re_check=False, should_store_files_info=False): if re_check: should_sync = detect_should_sync(filepath=filepath, root=self.root, app_name=self.app_name_for_sync, check_md5=True, extra_should_sync_func=self.should_sync_file_func) if not should_sync: return False synced = False lower_files_info_on_server = lower_files_info_on_server or {} lower_folders_info_on_server = lower_folders_info_on_server or [] is_file = os.path.isfile(filepath) relative_path = get_relative_path(filepath, root=self.root) file_size = os.path.getsize(filepath) file_real_size = file_size if self.should_encrypt_file and self.private_key and is_file: # encrypted_filepath 是一个临时文件 encrypted_filepath = encrypt_file(filepath, encrypt_key=self.private_key) if not encrypted_filepath: return file_real_size = os.path.getsize(encrypted_filepath) ipfs_key = self.add_file_to_ipfs(encrypted_filepath) try: os.remove(encrypted_filepath) except: pass elif is_file: ipfs_key = self.add_file_to_ipfs(filepath) else: ipfs_key = None file_version = ipfs_key if not ipfs_key and os.path.isfile(filepath): # 兼容没有 ipfs 的时候,用文件的 md5 值来代替 file_version = get_md5_for_file(filepath) # 跟服务端上的 files 的 lower_files 上的信息进行比对,如果文件相同,则 ignore 掉 lower_relative_path = to_unicode(relative_path.lower()) should_ignore = False if file_version: remote_file_version = get_value_from_data(lower_files_info_on_server.get(lower_relative_path), 'version') if not remote_file_version: remote_file_version = get_value_from_data(lower_files_info_on_server.get(lower_relative_path), 'hash') if remote_file_version == file_version: #if settings.DEBUG: # print('has same file on server already for %s' % relative_path) should_ignore = True self.ipfs_files[relative_path] = dict(hash=file_version, size=file_size, real_size=file_real_size) is_dir = os.path.isdir(filepath) if is_dir: if lower_relative_path in lower_folders_info_on_server: #if settings.DEBUG: # print('has same folder on server already for %s' % relative_path) should_ignore = True if should_ignore: # ignore 的进行保存,避免下次 loop 继续被找到 after_synced(filepath, root=self.root, app_name=self.app_name_for_sync) else: sync_compiler_worker = FarBoxSyncCompilerWorker( server_node=self.server_node, root=self.root, filepath=filepath, is_deleted=False, is_dir=is_dir, private_key=self.private_key, should_encrypt_file=self.should_encrypt_file, ipfs_key = ipfs_key, auto_clean_bucket=self.auto_clean_bucket, files_info=self.files_info, ) sync_status = sync_compiler_worker.sync() self.record_sync_log(filepath=filepath, sync_status=sync_status, is_deleted=False) if sync_status and sync_status.get('code') == 200: synced = True after_synced(filepath, root=self.root, app_name=self.app_name_for_sync) if settings.DEBUG: print("synced (to) %s" % filepath) if should_store_files_info: self.store_files_info() elif not sync_status: # 没有 status 返回, 认为属于 ignore 的一种 after_synced(filepath, root=self.root, app_name=self.app_name_for_sync) return synced
def load(cls, *resource, **kwargs): if getattr(request, 'disable_load_func', False): # load函数被禁用了 return '' force_load = kwargs.pop('force', False) if not resource: return '' if len(resource) == 1: resource = resource[0] if resource in lazy_load_map: # 快捷方式 resource = lazy_load_map[resource] if ' ' in resource: # load('a b c')的处理 resource = resource.split(' ') # resource 可以是一个 list,也可以是字符串 # 预先进行类型判断 if isinstance(resource, (list, tuple)): result = '' for child_resource in resource: if isinstance(child_resource, string_types): result += cls.load(child_resource) return result elif not isinstance(resource, string_types): return '' # 确保进入以下流程的都是单个 resource,这样才能达到去重的效果 # 处理 smart scss 的问题 if kwargs.pop("scss", False): scss_compiled_url = get_smart_scss_url(resource, **kwargs) resource = scss_compiled_url #相同的 resource,一个页面内,仅允许载入一次 if is_resource_in_loads_in_page_already(resource) and not force_load: # ignore, 页面内已经载入过一次了 return "" if not isinstance(resource, string_types): return resource # like h.load('jquery') if '.' not in resource and resource in web_static_resources_map: match_local_filepath = web_static_resources_map[resource] #match_filename = os.path.split(match_local_filepath)[-1].lower() relative_path = get_relative_path(match_local_filepath, root=static_folder_path) resource = '/__%s' % relative_path # url 的相对位置关系的调整~ raw_resource = resource resource = auto_bucket_url_path(resource) # 增加 ?version 的逻辑 if '?' not in resource: if resource.startswith('/__'): resource = '%s?version=%s' % (resource, STATIC_FILE_VERSION) elif '/fb_static/' in resource: resource = '%s?version=%s' % (resource, STATIC_FILE_VERSION) elif raw_resource.startswith('/template/'): template_pages_configs = get_pages_configs() template_version = template_pages_configs.get('mtime') if template_version: resource = '%s?version=%s' % (resource, template_version) resource_path = resource if '?' in resource: resource_path = resource.split('?')[0] ext = os.path.splitext(resource_path)[1].lower() if not ext: ext = '.%s' % (resource.split('?')[0].split('/')[-1] ) # 比如 if static_files_url and resource.startswith("/fb_static/"): static_relative_path = resource.replace("/fb_static/", "", 1) static_url = "%s/%s" % (static_files_url, static_relative_path) resource = static_url if ext in [ '.js', '.coffee' ] or ext.startswith('.js?') or resource.split('?')[0].endswith('js'): content = '<script type="text/javascript" src="%s"></script>' % resource elif ext in [ '.css', '.less', '.scss', '.sass' ] or ext.startswith('.css?') or ext.endswith('?format=css'): content = '<link href="%s" type="text/css" rel="stylesheet"/>' % resource else: content = '' return content
def filter_and_get_posts_link_points_info(posts_info, under=""): under = under.strip("/").strip().lower() links_info = get_value_from_data(posts_info, "links.links") if not isinstance(links_info, dict): links_info = {} tags_info = get_value_from_data(posts_info, "tags.tags") if not isinstance(tags_info, dict): tags_info = {} output_nodes = [] output_nodes_map = {} output_links = [] filepath_counter = {} filepath_group_info = {} # hit parent, +5 for tag, tagged_paths in tags_info.items(): valid_count = 0 tag_node_id = "#%s" % tag for path in tagged_paths: if under and not is_sub_path(path, under): continue else: filepath_counter[path] = filepath_counter.get(path, 0) + 1 valid_count += 1 if path not in output_nodes_map: path_node = dict(id=path, name=get_just_name(path), group=2) output_nodes.append(path_node) output_nodes_map[path] = path_node # create node-link if tag_node_id != path: output_links.append(dict(source=tag_node_id, target=path)) if not valid_count: continue tag_node = dict( id=tag_node_id, name=tag, val=valid_count, group=1, ) output_nodes.append(tag_node) output_nodes_map[tag_node_id] = tag_node for source_path, linked_paths in links_info.items(): if under and not is_sub_path(source_path, under): continue valid_count = 0 for path in linked_paths: if under and not is_sub_path(path, under): continue else: filepath_counter[path] = filepath_counter.get(path, 0) + 1 valid_count += 1 if path not in output_nodes_map: path_node = dict(id=path, name=get_just_name(path), group=2) output_nodes.append(path_node) output_nodes_map[path] = path_node # create node-link if source_path != path: output_links.append(dict(source=source_path, target=path)) if not valid_count: continue if source_path not in output_nodes_map: path_node = dict(id=source_path, name=get_just_name(source_path), group=2) output_nodes.append(path_node) output_nodes_map[source_path] = path_node # update path nodes count for path, count in filepath_counter.items(): path_node = output_nodes_map.get(path) if path_node: path_node["val"] = count for node in output_nodes: node_id = node.get("id") if node_id.startswith("#"): continue relative_path = get_relative_path(node_id.lower(), under.lower(), return_name_if_fail=False) if relative_path: level1_parent = relative_path.split("/")[0] if level1_parent not in filepath_group_info: group_id = len(filepath_group_info) + 5 filepath_group_info[level1_parent] = group_id else: group_id = filepath_group_info[level1_parent] node["group"] = group_id output = { "nodes": output_nodes, "links": output_links, } return output