예제 #1
def test_missing(vol, capsys):
    a = Path('a', vol)
    b = Path('b', vol)
    b2 = Path('b2', vol)
    c = Path('c.txt', vol)
    d = Path('d', vol)
    ignore = Path('.farmignore', vol)
    # Make a,b,b2; freeze, snap, delete
    with a.open('w') as fd:
        )  # Checksum for a_mask should not appear missing, as a exists.
    with b.open('w') as fd:
    b_csum = str(b.checksum())
    with b2.open('w') as fd:
    with c.open('w') as fd:
    r = farmfs_ui(['freeze'], vol)
    captured = capsys.readouterr()
    assert r == 0
    r = farmfs_ui(['snap', 'make', 'snk1'], vol)
    captured = capsys.readouterr()
    # Remove b's
    with a.open('w') as fd:
    #Setup ignore
    with ignore.open('w') as fd:
    # Look for missing checksum:
    r = dbg_ui(['missing', 'snk1'], vol)
    captured = capsys.readouterr()
    assert r == 0
    assert captured.err == ""
    assert captured.out == b_csum + "\tb\n" + b_csum + "\tb2\n"
    # Make d; freeze snap, delete
    with d.open('w') as fd:
    d_csum = str(d.checksum())
    r = farmfs_ui(['freeze'], vol)
    captured = capsys.readouterr()
    assert r == 0
    r = farmfs_ui(['snap', 'make', 'snk2'], vol)
    captured = capsys.readouterr()
    # Look for missing checksum:
    r = dbg_ui(['missing', 'snk1', 'snk2'], vol)
    captured = capsys.readouterr()
    assert r == 0
    assert captured.err == ""
    removed_lines = set(['', b_csum + "\tb", b_csum + "\tb2", d_csum + "\td"])
    assert set(captured.out.split("\n")) == removed_lines
예제 #2
def test_rewrite_links(tmp_path, capsys):
    tmp = Path(str(tmp_path))
    vol1 = tmp.join("vol1")
    vol2 = tmp.join("vol2")
    a = Path('a', vol1)
    # Make the Farm
    r = farmfs_ui(['mkfs'], vol1)
    captured = capsys.readouterr()
    assert r == 0
    # Make a
    with a.open('w') as fd:
    a_csum = str(a.checksum())
    r = farmfs_ui(['freeze'], vol1)
    captured = capsys.readouterr()
    assert r == 0
    # Move from vol1 to vol2
    # Reinit the fs. This will fix the udd directory pointer.
    r = farmfs_ui(['mkfs'], vol2)
    captured = capsys.readouterr()
    assert r == 0
    # Rewrite the links
    r = dbg_ui(['rewrite-links', '.'], vol2)
    captured = capsys.readouterr()
    vol2a = vol2.join('a')
    vol2a_blob = str(vol2a.readlink())
    assert r == 0
    assert captured.out == "Relinked a to " + vol2a_blob + "\n"
    assert captured.err == ""
예제 #3
def test_blob(tmp_path, capsys):
    root = Path(str(tmp_path))
    a = Path('a', root)
    b = Path('b', root)
    # Make the Farm
    r = farmfs_ui(['mkfs'], root)
    captured = capsys.readouterr()
    assert r == 0
    # Make a,b,b2; freeze, snap, delete
    with a.open('w') as fd:
    a_csum = str(a.checksum())
    with b.open('w') as fd:
    b_csum = str(b.checksum())
    r = farmfs_ui(['freeze'], root)
    captured = capsys.readouterr()
    assert r == 0
    # get blob paths
    r = dbg_ui(['blob', a_csum, b_csum], root)
    captured = capsys.readouterr()
    assert r == 0
    a_rel = a.readlink().relative_to(root)
    b_rel = b.readlink().relative_to(root)
    assert captured.out == a_csum + " " + a_rel + "\n" + b_csum + " " + b_rel + "\n"
    assert captured.err == ""
예제 #4
def test_farmdbg_reverse(tmp_path, capsys, a, b, c):
    root = Path(str(tmp_path))
    r1 = farmfs_ui(['mkfs'], root)
    captured = capsys.readouterr()
    assert r1 == 0
    a_path = Path(a, root)
    with a_path.open('w') as a_fd:
    a_csum = str(a_path.checksum())
    bc_path = Path(b, root).join(c)
    ensure_copy(bc_path, a_path)
    r2 = farmfs_ui(['freeze'], root)
    captured = capsys.readouterr()
    r3 = farmfs_ui(['snap', 'make', 'mysnap'], root)
    assert r3 == 0
    r4 = dbg_ui(['walk', 'root'], root)
    captured = capsys.readouterr()
    assert r4 == 0
    assert captured.out == ".\tdir\t\n%s\tlink\t%s\n%s\tdir\t\n%s/%s\tlink\t%s\n" % (
        a, a_csum, b, b, c, a_csum)
    assert captured.err == ''
    r5 = dbg_ui(['walk', 'userdata'], root)
    captured = capsys.readouterr()
    assert r5 == 0
    assert captured.out == a_csum + '\n'
    assert captured.err == ''
    r6 = dbg_ui(['reverse', a_csum], root)
    captured = capsys.readouterr()
    assert r6 == 0
    assert captured.out == "<tree> " + a + "\n<tree> " + b + "/" + c + "\n"
    assert captured.err == ''
    r7 = dbg_ui(['reverse', '--all', a_csum], root)
    captured = capsys.readouterr()
    assert r7 == 0
    assert captured.out == "<tree> " + a + "\n<tree> " + b + "/" + c + "\nmysnap " + a + "\nmysnap " + b + "/" + c + "\n"
    assert captured.err == ''
    r8 = dbg_ui(['reverse', '--snap', 'mysnap', a_csum], root)
    captured = capsys.readouterr()
    assert r8 == 0
    assert captured.out == "mysnap " + a + "\nmysnap " + b + "/" + c + "\n"
    assert captured.err == ''
예제 #5
def test_farmdbg_reverse(vol, capsys, a, b, c):
    a_path = Path(a, vol)
    with a_path.open('w') as a_fd:
    a_csum = str(a_path.checksum())
    bc_path = Path(b, vol).join(c)
    ensure_copy(bc_path, a_path)
    r = farmfs_ui(['freeze'], vol)
    captured = capsys.readouterr()
    r = farmfs_ui(['snap', 'make', 'mysnap'], vol)
    assert r == 0
    r = dbg_ui(['walk', 'root'], vol)
    captured = capsys.readouterr()
    assert r == 0
    assert captured.out == ".\tdir\t\n%s\tlink\t%s\n%s\tdir\t\n%s/%s\tlink\t%s\n" % (
        a, a_csum, b, b, c, a_csum)
    assert captured.err == ''
    r = dbg_ui(['walk', 'userdata'], vol)
    captured = capsys.readouterr()
    assert r == 0
    assert captured.out == a_csum + '\n'
    assert captured.err == ''
    r = dbg_ui(['reverse', a_csum], vol)
    captured = capsys.readouterr()
    assert r == 0
    assert captured.out == "<tree> " + a + "\n<tree> " + b + "/" + c + "\n"
    assert captured.err == ''
    r = dbg_ui(['reverse', '--all', a_csum], vol)
    captured = capsys.readouterr()
    assert r == 0
    assert captured.out == "<tree> " + a + "\n<tree> " + b + "/" + c + "\nmysnap " + a + "\nmysnap " + b + "/" + c + "\n"
    assert captured.err == ''
    r = dbg_ui(['reverse', '--snap', 'mysnap', a_csum], vol)
    captured = capsys.readouterr()
    assert r == 0
    assert captured.out == "mysnap " + a + "\nmysnap " + b + "/" + c + "\n"
    assert captured.err == ''
예제 #6
def test_blobtype(vol, capsys):
    a = Path('a', vol)
    b = Path('b', vol)
    # Make a,b; freeze, snap, delete
    with a.open('w') as fd:
    with b.open('w') as fd:
    r = farmfs_ui(['freeze'], vol)
    captured = capsys.readouterr()
    assert r == 0
    # Check file type for a
    a_csum = str(a.checksum())
    b_csum = str(b.checksum())
    r = dbg_ui(['blobtype', a_csum, b_csum], vol)
    captured = capsys.readouterr()
    assert r == 0
    assert captured.err == ""
    assert captured.out == a_csum + " unknown\n" + b_csum + " inode/symlink\n"
예제 #7
def test_s3_upload(tmp_path, capsys):
    tmp = Path(str(tmp_path))
    vol = tmp.join("vol")
    a = Path('a', vol)
    # Make the Farm
    r = farmfs_ui(['mkfs'], vol)
    captured = capsys.readouterr()
    assert r == 0
    # Make a
    with a.open('w') as fd:
    a_csum = str(a.checksum())
    r = farmfs_ui(['freeze'], vol)
    captured = capsys.readouterr()
    assert r == 0
    # upload to s3
    bucket = 's3libtestbucket'
    prefix = str(uuid.uuid1())
    # Assert s3 bucket/prefix is empty
    r = dbg_ui(['s3', 'list', bucket, prefix], vol)
    captured = capsys.readouterr()
    assert r == 0
    assert captured.out == ""
    assert captured.err == ""
    # Upload the contents.
    r = dbg_ui(['s3', 'upload', '--quiet', bucket, prefix], vol)
    captured = capsys.readouterr()
    assert r == 0
    assert captured.out == \
            'Fetching remote blobs\n' + \
            'Remote Blobs: 0\n' + \
            'Fetching local blobs\n' + \
            'Local Blobs: 1\n' + \
            'Uploading 1 blobs to s3\n' + \
            'Successfully uploaded\n'
    assert captured.err == ""
    # Upload again
    r = dbg_ui(['s3', 'upload', '--quiet', bucket, prefix], vol)
    captured = capsys.readouterr()
    assert r == 0
    assert captured.out == \
            'Fetching remote blobs\n' + \
            'Remote Blobs: 1\n' + \
            'Fetching local blobs\n' + \
            'Local Blobs: 1\n' + \
            'Uploading 0 blobs to s3\n' + \
            'Successfully uploaded\n'
    assert captured.err == ""
    # verify checksums
    r = dbg_ui(['s3', 'check', bucket, prefix], vol)
    captured = capsys.readouterr()
    assert r == 0
    assert captured.out == "All S3 blobs etags match\n"
    assert captured.err == ""
    # verify corrupt checksum
    a_blob = a.readlink()
    with a_blob.open('w') as fd:
    b_csum = str(a.checksum())
    prefix2 = str(uuid.uuid1())
    r = dbg_ui(['s3', 'upload', '--quiet', bucket, prefix2], vol)
    captured = capsys.readouterr()
    assert r == 0
    r = dbg_ui(['s3', 'check', bucket, prefix2], vol)
    captured = capsys.readouterr()
    assert r == 2
    assert captured.out == a_csum + " " + b_csum + "\n"
    assert captured.err == ""
예제 #8
def test_fix_link(tmp_path, capsys):
    test_dir = Path(str(tmp_path))
    # Make roots
    vol1 = Path("vol1", test_dir)
    vol2 = Path("vol2", test_dir)
    # Setup vol1
    r = farmfs_ui(['mkfs'], vol1)
    captured = capsys.readouterr()
    assert r == 0
    a = Path('a', vol1)
    b = Path('b', vol1)
    c = Path('c', vol1)
    cd = Path('c/d', vol1)
    # Make a,b; freeze, snap, delete
    with a.open('w') as fd:
    a_csum = str(a.checksum())
    with b.open('w') as fd:
    r = farmfs_ui(['freeze'], vol1)
    captured = capsys.readouterr()
    assert r == 0
    # Setup vol2
    r = farmfs_ui(['mkfs'], vol2)
    captured = capsys.readouterr()
    assert r == 0
    e = Path('e', vol2)
    with e.open('w') as fd:
    e_csum = str(e.checksum())
    r = farmfs_ui(['freeze'], vol2)
    captured = capsys.readouterr()
    assert r == 0
    # Setup remote
    r = farmfs_ui(['remote', 'add', 'vol2', '../vol2'], vol1)
    captured = capsys.readouterr()
    assert r == 0
    # Check file type for a
    r = dbg_ui(['fix', 'link', a_csum, 'b'], vol1)
    captured = capsys.readouterr()
    assert r == 0
    assert captured.err == ""
    assert captured.out == ""
    assert a.readlink() == b.readlink()
    # Try to fix link to a missing blob, e
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        r = dbg_ui(['fix', 'link', e_csum, 'e'], vol1)
    captured = capsys.readouterr()
    assert r == 0
    assert captured.err == ""
    assert captured.out == "blob " + e_csum + " doesn't exist\n"
    # Pull e from remote.
    r = dbg_ui(['fix', 'link', '--remote', 'vol2', e_csum, 'e'], vol1)
    captured = capsys.readouterr()
    assert r == 0
    assert captured.out == "blob " + e_csum + " doesn't exist\n"
    assert captured.err == ""
    # Try to fix a link to a missing target.
    r = dbg_ui(['fix', 'link', a_csum, 'c'], vol1)
    captured = capsys.readouterr()
    assert r == 0
    assert captured.err == ""
    assert captured.out == ""
    assert a.readlink() == c.readlink()
    # Try to fix a link to a missing target, in a dir which is blobked by a link
    r = dbg_ui(['fix', 'link', a_csum, 'c/d'], vol1)
    captured = capsys.readouterr()
    assert r == 0
    assert captured.err == ""
    assert captured.out == ""
    assert a.readlink() == cd.readlink()