async def post_state( request: Request, x_lightning_type: Optional[str] = Header(None), x_lightning_session_uuid: Optional[str] = Header(None), x_lightning_session_id: Optional[str] = Header(None), ) -> Mapping: if x_lightning_session_uuid is None: raise Exception("Missing X-Lightning-Session-UUID header") if x_lightning_session_id is None: raise Exception("Missing X-Lightning-Session-ID header") # This needs to be sent so that it can be set as last state # in app (see sequencing above) # Actually: we need to make sure last_state is actually # the latest state seen by the UI, that is, the last state # ui to the UI from the API, not the last state # obtained by the app. body: Dict = await request.json() x_lightning_session_uuid = TEST_SESSION_UUID if "stage" in body: last_state = global_app_state_store.get_served_state( x_lightning_session_uuid) state = deepcopy(last_state) state["app_state"]["stage"] = body["stage"] deep_diff = DeepDiff(last_state, state) else: state = body["state"] last_state = global_app_state_store.get_served_state( x_lightning_session_uuid) deep_diff = DeepDiff(last_state, state) update_delta = Delta(deep_diff) api_app_delta_queue.put(update_delta)
async def get_spec( x_lightning_session_uuid: Optional[str] = Header(None), x_lightning_session_id: Optional[str] = Header(None), ) -> List: if x_lightning_session_uuid is None: raise Exception("Missing X-Lightning-Session-UUID header") if x_lightning_session_id is None: raise Exception("Missing X-Lightning-Session-ID header") global app_spec return app_spec or []
async def get_picture_meta( picture_id: str, if_none_match: str = Header(None), if_match: str = Header(None), ): """Get picture metadata.""" try: stream, headers = await _async_get_picture(picture_id, if_none_match, if_match) stream.close() except HTTPException as e: return Response(status_code=e.status_code) return Response(status_code=200, headers=headers)
async def get_state( x_lightning_type: Optional[str] = Header(None), x_lightning_session_uuid: Optional[str] = Header(None), x_lightning_session_id: Optional[str] = Header(None), ) -> Mapping: if x_lightning_session_uuid is None: raise Exception("Missing X-Lightning-Session-UUID header") if x_lightning_session_id is None: raise Exception("Missing X-Lightning-Session-ID header") with lock: x_lightning_session_uuid = TEST_SESSION_UUID state = global_app_state_store.get_app_state(x_lightning_session_uuid) global_app_state_store.set_served_state(x_lightning_session_uuid, state) return state
def get_device_data(tablename: TableName, connection_string: str = Header(...)): with zk_device(connection_string) as zk: data = zk.get_data(tablename) return data
async def get_register_user( token: str = Header(..., alias="x-token"), ) -> UserViewData: """Gets user data for registration.""" check_token(token) user_data = DotDict.from_obj(await async_user_collection.find_one({ 'registration_token': token, })) if user_data is None: raise HTTPException(401, "Invalid token") user_data['sub'] = user_data['_id'] if user_data.get('picture') is not None: user_data[ 'picture'] = f"{config.oauth2.base_url}/picture/{user_data['picture']}" if 'password' in user_data: del user_data['password'] # User will be active afterwards, send active user_data['active'] = True return UserViewData( user_id=user_data['_id'], properties=[ UserPropertyWithValue(key=prop, value=_get_user_property_value( prop, user_data, is_self=True, is_registering=True), **[prop].dict()) for prop in config.manager.registration if[prop].can_read.has_access( is_self=True) or[prop].can_edit. has_access(is_self=True) ])
def set_device_data(data: List[Mapping[str, Any]], tablename: TableName, connection_string: str = Header(...)): with zk_device(connection_string) as zk: zk.set_data(tablename, data) return {"status": "success", "message": "data updated successfully"}
def set_device_param(updated_params: Mapping[DeviceParametersEnum, Any], connection_string: str = Header(...)): with zk_device(connection_string) as zk: for k, v in updated_params.items(): zk.parameters.__setattr__(k, v) return {"status": "success", "message": "parameter updated successfully"}
async def reset_password( token: str = Header(..., alias="x-token"), password_data: PasswordInWrite = Body(...), ): check_token(token) user_data = await async_user_collection.find_one( {'password_reset_token': token}) if user_data is None: raise HTTPException(401, "Invalid token") new_hash = create_password(password_data.password) updated_at = int(time.time()) await async_user_collection.update_one({'_id': user_data['_id']}, { '$set': { 'password': new_hash, 'updated_at': updated_at, }, '$unset': { 'password_reset_token': '' }, }) await async_client_user_cache_collection.update_many( {'user_id': user_data['_id']}, {'$set': { 'last_modified': updated_at }}, )
async def upload_picture( user_id: str, file: UploadFile = File(..., media_type='application/octet-stream'), user: UserInfo = Depends(Authentication(auto_error=False)), registration_token: Optional[str] = Header(None, alias="x-token"), ): """Uploads a new picture for the passed user.""" if user is not None: is_admin = 'admin' in user['roles'] is_self = user.sub == user_id if not is_self or not is_admin: raise HTTPException(401) user_data = await async_user_collection.find_one({'_id': user_id}) elif registration_token is not None: check_token(registration_token) user_data = await async_user_collection.find_one( {'registration_token': registration_token}) else: raise HTTPException(401) if user_data is None: raise HTTPException(404) user = User.validate(user_data) if user.picture is None: user.picture = generate_token(48) updated_at = int(time.time()) await async_user_collection.update_one( {'_id': user_id}, {'$set': { 'picture': user.picture, 'updated_at': updated_at }}) await async_client_user_cache_collection.update_many( {'user_id': user_data['_id']}, {'$set': { 'last_modified': updated_at }}, ) else: try: await async_user_picture_bucket.delete(user.picture) except gridfs.errors.NoFile: pass hash_ = hashlib.sha512() while True: chunk = await * 1024) if not chunk: break hash_.update(chunk) await await async_user_picture_bucket.upload_from_stream_with_id( user.picture,, file.file, metadata={ 'content_type': file.content_type, 'hash': hash_.digest() })
async def post_delta( request: Request, x_lightning_type: Optional[str] = Header(None), x_lightning_session_uuid: Optional[str] = Header(None), x_lightning_session_id: Optional[str] = Header(None), ) -> Mapping: """This endpoint is used to make an update to the app state using delta diff, mainly used by streamlit to update the state.""" if x_lightning_session_uuid is None: raise Exception("Missing X-Lightning-Session-UUID header") if x_lightning_session_id is None: raise Exception("Missing X-Lightning-Session-ID header") body: Dict = await request.json() delta = body["delta"] update_delta = Delta(delta) api_app_delta_queue.put(update_delta)
def post_items_all_params( item_id: str = Path(...), body: Item = Body(...), query_a: int = Query(None), query_b=Query(None), coo: str = Cookie(None), x_head: int = Header(None), x_under: str = Header(None, convert_underscores=False), ): return { "item_id": item_id, "body": body, "query_a": query_a, "query_b": query_b, "coo": coo, "x_head": x_head, "x_under": x_under, }
def delete_device_data(data_filter: Mapping[str, Any], tablename: TableName, connection_string: str = Header(...)): with zk_device(connection_string) as zk: device_data_filter = DeviceDataFilter() for k, v in data_filter.items(): device_data_filter.add_condition(k, v) zk.sdk.delete_device_data(tablename, [device_data_filter]) return {"status": "success", "message": "data deleted successfully"}
def login_required(authorization: str = Header(None)): if not authorization: raise HTTPException(401, detail="로그인을 해주세요") user = auth_user(authorization) if user is None: raise HTTPException(401, detail="로그인을 해주세요") return user
async def list_github_repository_info(repository=Header('repository')): git = Github(login_or_token=PERSONAL_TOKEN) response = git.get_repo(repository) return GithubRepositoryInfo( repository=response.full_name, owner=response.owner.login, owner_login=response.owner.login, owner_picture=response.owner.avatar_url, description=response.description, )
def post_items_all_params_default( item_id: str, body_item_a: Item, body_item_b: Item, query_a: int, query_b: int, coo: str = Cookie(None), x_head: int = Header(None), x_under: str = Header(None, convert_underscores=False), ): return { "item_id": item_id, "body_item_a": body_item_a, "body_item_b": body_item_b, "query_a": query_a, "query_b": query_b, "coo": coo, "x_head": x_head, "x_under": x_under, }
async def add_process_time_header(request: Request, call_next, Authorization: str = Header(None)): start_time = time.time() print('请求前') print(request.headers.get('authorization')) # 解析用户 request.scope['user'] = '******' response = await call_next(request) print('请求后') process_time = time.time() - start_time response.headers["X-Process-Time"] = str(process_time) return response
def auth_user(authorization: str = Header(None)): if not authorization: return None try: payload = AuthController.decode_token(authorization) user_email = payload.get("sub", None) except JWTError: return None user = UserController().get_user(email=user_email) return user
async def _async_get_picture( picture_id: str, if_none_match: str = Header(None), if_match: str = Header(None), ) -> Tuple[gridfs.GridOut, dict]: try: stream = await async_user_picture_bucket.open_download_stream( picture_id) except gridfs.errors.NoFile: raise HTTPException(404) file_hash = stream.metadata['hash'].hex() if if_none_match is not None and file_hash in [ m.strip() for m in if_none_match.split(',') ]: stream.close() raise HTTPException(304) if if_match is not None and file_hash not in [ m.strip() for m in if_match.split(',') ]: stream.close() raise HTTPException(304) return stream, {'ETag': file_hash}
async def add_process_time_header( request: Request, call_next, authorization: str = Header('authorization')): start_time = time.time() if request.url.path not in ('/test', '/', '/docs', '/favicon.ico', '/openapi.json', '/authorizations/'): user = await get_user(request) if isinstance(user, JSONResponse): return user request.scope['user'] = user response = await call_next(request) process_time = time.time() - start_time response.headers["X-Process-Time"] = str(process_time) return response
async def get_picture( picture_id: str, if_none_match: str = Header(None), if_match: str = Header(None), ): """Get picture data.""" try: stream, headers = await _async_get_picture(picture_id, if_none_match, if_match) except HTTPException as e: return Response(status_code=e.status_code) async def stream_iterator(): while True: chunk = await stream.readchunk() if not chunk: break yield chunk stream.close() return StreamingResponse(stream_iterator(), media_type=stream.metadata['content_type'], headers=headers)
def delete_all_data(connection_string: str = Header(...)): with zk_device(connection_string) as zk: for tablename in TableName: device_data = zk.sdk.get_device_data(tablename, 1024 * 1024 * 4) i: Any for i in device_data: zk.sdk.delete_device_data(tablename, [i]) return { "status": "success", "message": "all device data deleted successfully" }
def auth(body: UserAuthLogin, db: Session = Depends(get_db), user_agent: Optional[str] = Header(None)): """ User auth method. Creates the token \f :param body: :param db: :param user_agent: :return: """ return UserAuthActions.login(db, body.login, body.password, meta=user_agent)
async def webhook_handler(request: Request, sign: str = Header("", alias="x-line-signature")): """ Handle all webhook requests from LINE """ try: handler.handle((await request.body()).decode(), sign) except InvalidSignatureError: err = (f"Invalid Signature, check token and secret\n" f"request body:\n" f"{(await request.body()).decode()}") print(err) raise HTTPException(HTTP_200_OK, detail=err) else: return "OK"
async def save_register_user( token: str = Header(..., alias="x-token"), update_data: Dict[str, Any] = Body(...), ): """Gets user data for registration.""" check_token(token) user_data = DotDict.from_obj(await async_user_collection.find_one({ 'registration_token': token, })) if user_data is None: raise HTTPException(401, "Invalid token") del user_data['registration_token'] await _update_user(user_data, update_data, is_registering=True, is_self=True)
async def list_github_commit_info(repository=Header('repository')): now_date = prev_month = now_date - datetime.timedelta(days=4 * 30) # 4 months git = Github(login_or_token=PERSONAL_TOKEN) repository: Repository = git.get_repo(repository) commits = repository.get_commits(since=prev_month, until=now_date) list_commits = [] for commit in commits: list_commits.append( GithubRepositoryCommitInfo(,, date_commit=commit.commit.last_modified, hash_commit=commit.commit.sha, description=commit.commit.message,, )) return list_commits
async def verify_email(token: str = Header(..., alias="x-token"), ): new_email = check_token(token) user_data = await async_user_collection.find_one( {'email_verification_token': token}) if user_data is None: raise HTTPException(401, "Invalid token") updated_at = int(time.time()) await async_user_collection.update_one({'_id': user_data['_id']}, { '$set': { 'email': new_email, 'email_verified': True, 'updated_at': updated_at, }, '$unset': { 'email_verification_token': "" }, }) await async_client_user_cache_collection.update_many( {'user_id': user_data['_id']}, {'$set': { 'last_modified': updated_at }}, )
async def end_session( id_token_hint: Optional[str] = Query(None), post_logout_redirect_uri: Optional[str] = Query(None), state: Optional[str] = Query(None), sid: Optional[str] = Cookie(None, alias=COOKIE_KEY_SID), referer: Optional[str] = Header(None), ): """Ends the session.""" if sid is not None: await async_session_collection.delete_one({'_id': sid}) if id_token_hint is not None: await async_token_collection.delete_one( {'access_token': id_token_hint}) if post_logout_redirect_uri is not None: if state is not None: if '#' in post_logout_redirect_uri: post_logout_redirect_uri, post_logout_redirect_hash = post_logout_redirect_uri.split( '#', 1) post_logout_redirect_hash = '#' + post_logout_redirect_hash else: post_logout_redirect_hash = '' if '?' in post_logout_redirect_uri[:-1]: post_logout_redirect_uri += '&state=' + state else: post_logout_redirect_uri += '?state=' + state post_logout_redirect_uri += post_logout_redirect_hash elif referer is not None: post_logout_redirect_uri = referer else: post_logout_redirect_uri = '' response = RedirectResponse( status_code=302, headers={'Location': post_logout_redirect_uri}, ) response.delete_cookie(COOKIE_KEY_SID) response.delete_cookie(COOKIE_KEY_STATE) return response
async def get_center_menu(request: Request, authorization: str = Header(None)): # 获取当前的用户 user = request.scope.get('user') level = user.level if level == 0: sql = '''select pid,dm1.sort_id p_sort_id,dm1.menu_name p_name, id,dm2.href,dm2.sort_id sort_id,dm2.menu_name from data2_menu dm1 LEFT JOIN data2_menu dm2 on where = 0 '''.format( else: sql = ''' select pid,dm1.sort_id p_sort_id, dm1.menu_name p_name, id,dm2.href,dm2.sort_id sort_id,dm2.menu_name from data2_menu dm1 LEFT JOIN data2_menu dm2 on RIGHT join data2_operator_auth da on where = 0 and group_id={}'''.format(user.group_id) data = await jade_db.fetch_all(sql) df = pd.DataFrame(data) data = [] for p_menu in df.itertuples(): tmp = {} data.append(tmp) tmp['yiji_menu'] = { 'id':, 'name': p_menu.p_name, 'href': '', 'pid': 0, 'osrt_id': p_menu.p_sort_id, } tmp['erji_menu'] = [] for x, menu in df[ ==].sort_values('sort').iterrows(): dict_tmp = { 'id':, 'name': menu['name'], 'href': menu.href, 'pid':, 'sort_id': menu.sort } tmp['erji_menu'].append(dict_tmp) return {'code': "0", 'message': data}
async def post_webhook(request_body: Request, X_Line_Signature: str = Header(None)): body = await request_body.body() handler.handle(body.decode(), X_Line_Signature) return {"detail": "OK"}