예제 #1
 def export_unusual_file_modes(self, rev):
         file_modes = rev.properties[u'file-modes']
     except KeyError:
         return {}
         return dict(bencode.bdecode(file_modes.encode("utf-8")))
예제 #2
 def read_revision_from_string(self, text):
     # TODO: consider writing a Revision decoder, rather than using the
     #       generic bencode decoder
     #       However, to decode all 25k revisions of bzr takes approx 1.3s
     #       If we remove all extra validation that goes down to about 1.2s.
     #       Of that time, probably 0.6s is spend in bencode.bdecode().
     #       Regardless 'time brz log' of everything is 7+s, so 1.3s to
     #       extract revision texts isn't a majority of time.
     ret = bencode.bdecode(text)
     if not isinstance(ret, list):
         raise ValueError("invalid revision text")
     schema = self._schema
     # timezone is allowed to be missing, but should be set
     bits = {'timezone': None}
     for key, value in ret:
         # Will raise KeyError if not a valid part of the schema, or an
         # entry is given 2 times.
         var_name, expected_type, validator = schema[key]
         if value.__class__ is not expected_type:
             raise ValueError('key %s did not conform to the expected type'
                              ' %s, but was %s'
                              % (key, expected_type, type(value)))
         if validator is not None:
             value = validator(value)
         bits[var_name] = value
     if len(bits) != len(schema):
         missing = [key for key, (var_name, _, _) in schema.items()
                    if var_name not in bits]
         raise ValueError('Revision text was missing expected keys %s.'
                          ' text %r' % (missing, text))
     del bits[None]  # Get rid of 'format' since it doesn't get mapped
     rev = _mod_revision.Revision(**bits)
     return rev
예제 #3
파일: shelf.py 프로젝트: breezy-team/breezy
 def parse_metadata(records):
     names, metadata_bytes = next(records)
     if names[0] != (b'metadata', ):
         raise ShelfCorrupt
     metadata = bencode.bdecode(metadata_bytes)
     message = metadata.get(b'message')
     if message is not None:
         metadata[b'message'] = message.decode('utf-8')
     return metadata
예제 #4
 def do_with_locked_branch(self, branch, value_dict, name, section):
     utf8_dict = bencode.bdecode(value_dict)
     value_dict = {}
     for key, value in utf8_dict.items():
         value_dict[key.decode('utf8')] = value.decode('utf8')
     if not section:
         section = None
         section = section.decode('utf-8')
     branch._get_config().set_option(value_dict, name.decode('utf-8'),
     return SuccessfulSmartServerResponse(())
예제 #5
 def _deserialize_tag_dict(self, tag_content):
     """Convert the tag file into a dictionary of tags"""
     # was a special case to make initialization easy, an empty definition
     # is an empty dictionary
     if tag_content == b'':
         return {}
         r = {}
         for k, v in bencode.bdecode(tag_content).items():
             r[k.decode('utf-8')] = v
         return r
     except ValueError as e:
         raise ValueError("failed to deserialize tag dictionary %r: %s" %
                          (tag_content, e))
예제 #6
파일: v4.py 프로젝트: breezy-team/breezy
    def iter_records(self):
        """Iterate through bundle records

        :return: a generator of (bytes, metadata, content_kind, revision_id,
        iterator = pack.iter_records_from_file(self._container_file)
        for names, bytes in iterator:
            if len(names) != 1:
                raise errors.BadBundle('Record has %d names instead of 1' %
            metadata = bencode.bdecode(bytes)
            if metadata[b'storage_kind'] == b'header':
                bytes = None
                _unused, bytes = next(iterator)
            yield (bytes, metadata) + self.decode_name(names[0][0])
예제 #7
 def _generate_hg_message_tail(self, rev):
     extra = {}
     renames = []
     branch = 'default'
     for name in rev.properties:
         if name == u'hg:extra:branch':
             branch = rev.properties[u'hg:extra:branch']
         elif name.startswith(u'hg:extra'):
             extra[name[len(u'hg:extra:'):]] = base64.b64decode(
         elif name == u'hg:renames':
             renames = bencode.bdecode(
         # TODO: Export other properties as 'bzr:' extras?
     ret = format_hg_metadata(renames, branch, extra)
     if not isinstance(ret, bytes):
         raise TypeError(ret)
     return ret
예제 #8
 def load(self):
     import fastbencode as bencode
     with open(self._filename + '.mpidx', 'rb') as f:
         self._parents, snapshots, self._diff_offset = bencode.bdecode(
     self._snapshots = set(snapshots)