예제 #1
def process(options, trainCollection, modelAnnotationName, trainAnnotationName, feature):
    rootpath = options.rootpath
    modelName = options.model

    if 'fastlinear' == modelName:
        from fastlinear.fastlinear import fastlinear_load_model as load_model
        from fastlinear.fastlinear import fastlinear_save_model as save_model
        from fiksvm.fiksvm import fiksvm_load_model as load_model
        from fiksvm.fiksvm import fiksvm_save_model as save_model

    concepts = readConcepts(trainCollection, trainAnnotationName, rootpath)
    concepts = [concepts[i] for i in range(len(concepts)) if (i%options.numjobs + 1) == options.job]

    feat_file = BigFile(os.path.join(rootpath, trainCollection, "FeatureData", feature))

    for concept in concepts:
        modelfile = os.path.join(rootpath, trainCollection, 'Models', modelAnnotationName, feature, modelName, '%s.model' % concept)
        model = load_model(modelfile)
        (A0, B0) = model.get_probAB()
        if abs(A0) > 1e-8 and not options.overwrite:
            printStatus(INFO, "old parameters exist as A=%g, B=%g, skip" % (A0, B0))
        names,labels = readAnnotationsFrom(trainCollection, trainAnnotationName, concept, skip_0=True, rootpath=rootpath)
        name2label = dict(zip(names, labels))
        results = classify_large_data(model, names, feat_file, prob_output=False)
        labels = [name2label[x[0]] for x in results]
        dec_values = [x[1] for x in results]
        printStatus(INFO, "%s +%d -%d" % (concept, len([x for x in labels if x==1]), len([x for x in labels if x==-1])))
        [A,B] = sigmoid_train(dec_values, labels)
        model.set_probAB(A, B)
        save_model(modelfile, model)
        (A1, B1) = model.get_probAB()
        printStatus(INFO, "A: %g -> %g, B: %g -> %g" % (A0, A1, B0, B1))
예제 #2
def process(options, model_name, concept_file, weight_dir, result_dir):
    rootpath = options.rootpath
    overwrite = options.overwrite

    if 'fastlinear' == model_name:
        from fastlinear.fastlinear import fastlinear_load_model as load_model
        from fastlinear.fastlinear import fastlinear_save_model as save_model
        from fiksvm.fiksvm import fiksvm_load_model as load_model
        from fiksvm.fiksvm import fiksvm_save_model as save_model

    concepts = [
        x.strip() for x in open(concept_file).readlines()
        if x.strip() and not x.strip().startswith('#')
    todo = [
        x for x in concepts if overwrite
        or not os.path.exists(os.path.join(result_dir, '%s.model' % x))
    printStatus(INFO, '%d concepts to do' % len(todo))

    for concept in todo:
        weight_file = os.path.join(weight_dir, '%s.txt' % concept)
        weight_data = map(str.strip, open(weight_file).readlines())
        nr_of_models = len(weight_data)
        assert (nr_of_models >= 2)
        weights = [0] * nr_of_models
        models = [None] * nr_of_models

        for i, line in enumerate(weight_data):
            w, model_dir = line.split()
            weights[i] = float(w)
            model_dir = model_dir if model_dir.startswith(
                rootpath) else os.path.join(rootpath, model_dir)
            assert (model_dir.find(model_name) > 0)
            model_file_name = os.path.join(model_dir, '%s.model' % concept)
            models[i] = load_model(model_file_name)

        new_model = models[0]
        new_model.add_fastsvm(models[1], weights[0], weights[1])
        for i in range(2, len(models)):
            new_model.add_fastsvm(models[i], 1, weights[i])

        new_model_file = os.path.join(result_dir, '%s.model' % concept)
        save_model(new_model_file, new_model)
예제 #3
def process(options, model_name, concept_file, weight_dir, result_dir):
    rootpath = options.rootpath
    overwrite = options.overwrite

    if 'fastlinear' == model_name:
        from fastlinear.fastlinear import fastlinear_load_model as load_model
        from fastlinear.fastlinear import fastlinear_save_model as save_model
        from fiksvm.fiksvm import fiksvm_load_model as load_model
        from fiksvm.fiksvm import fiksvm_save_model as save_model

    concepts = [x.strip() for x in open(concept_file).readlines() if x.strip() and not x.strip().startswith('#')]
    todo = [x for x in concepts if overwrite or not os.path.exists(os.path.join(result_dir, '%s.model'%x))]
    printStatus(INFO, '%d concepts to do' % len(todo))

    for concept in todo:
        weight_file = os.path.join(weight_dir, '%s.txt' % concept)
        weight_data = map(str.strip, open(weight_file).readlines())
        nr_of_models = len(weight_data)
        assert(nr_of_models >= 2)
        weights = [0] * nr_of_models
        models = [None] * nr_of_models

        for i,line in enumerate(weight_data):
            w, model_dir = line.split()
            weights[i] = float(w)
            model_dir =  model_dir if model_dir.startswith(rootpath) else os.path.join(rootpath, model_dir)
            assert (model_dir.find(model_name)>0)
            model_file_name = os.path.join(model_dir, '%s.model' % concept)
            models[i] = load_model(model_file_name)

        new_model = models[0]
        new_model.add_fastsvm(models[1], weights[0], weights[1])
        for i in range(2, len(models)):
            new_model.add_fastsvm(models[i], 1, weights[i])    

        new_model_file = os.path.join(result_dir, '%s.model'%concept)
        save_model(new_model_file, new_model)
예제 #4
    feat_dir = os.path.join(rootpath, testCollection, "FeatureData", feature)
    feat_file = BigFile(feat_dir)

    _renamed, _vectors = feat_file.read(imset)

    nr_of_images = len(_renamed)
    nr_of_concepts = len(concepts)
    mAP = 0.0
    models = [None] * len(concepts)

    stream = StreamFile(feat_dir)

    for i,concept in enumerate(concepts):
        model_file_name = os.path.join(rootpath,trainCollection,'Models',trainAnnotationName,feature, modelName, '%s.model'%concept)
        model = load_model(model_file_name)
        #print model.get_probAB()
        models[i] = model

        names,labels = readAnnotationsFrom(testCollection, testAnnotationName, concept, rootpath=rootpath)
        name2label = dict(zip(names,labels))

        ranklist1 = [(_id, model.predict(_vec)) for _id,_vec in zip(_renamed, _vectors)]

        ranklist2 = [(_id, model.predict(_vec)) for _id,_vec in stream]

        ranklist3 = [(_id, model.predict_probability(_vec)) for _id,_vec in zip(_renamed, _vectors)]

        print concept,
예제 #5
    concepts = readConcepts(testCollection,testAnnotationName,rootpath=rootpath)
    feat_dir = os.path.join(rootpath, testCollection, "FeatureData", feature)
    feat_file = BigFile(feat_dir)

    _renamed, _vectors = feat_file.read(imset)

    nr_of_images = len(_renamed)
    nr_of_concepts = len(concepts)
    mAP = 0.0
    models = [None] * len(concepts)

    for i,concept in enumerate(concepts):
        model_file_name = os.path.join(rootpath,trainCollection,'Models',trainAnnotationName,feature, modelName, '%s.model'%concept)
        model1 = load_model(model_file_name)
        (pA,pB) = model1.get_probAB()

        model2 = load_model(model_file_name)
        model2.add_fastsvm(model1, 0.8, 1)

        names,labels = readAnnotationsFrom(testCollection, testAnnotationName, concept, rootpath=rootpath)
        name2label = dict(zip(names,labels))

        ranklist1 = [(_id, model1.predict(_vec)) for _id,_vec in zip(_renamed, _vectors)]
        ranklist2 = [(_id, model2.predict(_vec)) for _id,_vec in zip(_renamed, _vectors)]

        model_file_name = os.path.join(rootpath,trainCollection,'Models', 'bag' + trainAnnotationName,feature, modelName, '%s.model'%concept)
        model3 = load_model(model_file_name)
예제 #6
    _renamed, _vectors = feat_file.read(imset)

    nr_of_images = len(_renamed)
    nr_of_concepts = len(concepts)

    mAP = 0.0
    models = [None] * len(concepts)

    stream = StreamFile(feat_dir)

    for i, concept in enumerate(concepts):
        model_file_name = os.path.join(rootpath, trainCollection, 'Models',
                                       trainAnnotationName, feature, modelName,
                                       '%s.model' % concept)
        model = load_model(model_file_name)
        #print model.get_probAB()
        models[i] = model

        names, labels = readAnnotationsFrom(testCollection,
        name2label = dict(zip(names, labels))

        ranklist1 = [(_id, model.predict(_vec))
                     for _id, _vec in zip(_renamed, _vectors)]

        ranklist2 = [(_id, model.predict(_vec)) for _id, _vec in stream]
    feat_dir = os.path.join(rootpath, testCollection, "FeatureData", feature)
    feat_file = BigFile(feat_dir)

    _renamed, _vectors = feat_file.read(imset)

    nr_of_images = len(_renamed)
    nr_of_concepts = len(concepts)

    mAP = 0.0
    models = [None] * len(concepts)

    for i, concept in enumerate(concepts):
        model_file_name = os.path.join(
            rootpath, trainCollection, "Models", trainAnnotationName, feature, modelName, "%s.model" % concept
        model1 = load_model(model_file_name)
        (pA, pB) = model1.get_probAB()

        model2 = load_model(model_file_name)
        model2.add_fastsvm(model1, 0.8, 1)

        names, labels = readAnnotationsFrom(testCollection, testAnnotationName, concept, rootpath=rootpath)
        name2label = dict(zip(names, labels))

        ranklist1 = [(_id, model1.predict(_vec)) for _id, _vec in zip(_renamed, _vectors)]
        ranklist2 = [(_id, model2.predict(_vec)) for _id, _vec in zip(_renamed, _vectors)]

        model_file_name = os.path.join(
            rootpath, trainCollection, "Models", "bag" + trainAnnotationName, feature, modelName, "%s.model" % concept
        model3 = load_model(model_file_name)