예제 #1
    def compute_next_flight_point(self, flight_points: List[FlightPoint],
                                  time_step: float) -> FlightPoint:
        Computes time, altitude, speed, mass and ground distance of next flight point.

        :param flight_points: previous flight points
        :param time_step: time step for computing next point
        :return: the computed next flight point
        start = flight_points[0]
        previous = flight_points[-1]
        next_point = FlightPoint()

        next_point.mass = previous.mass - self.propulsion.get_consumed_mass(
            previous, time_step)
        next_point.time = previous.time + time_step
        next_point.ground_distance = (
            previous.ground_distance +
            previous.true_airspeed * time_step * np.cos(previous.slope_angle))
        self._compute_next_altitude(next_point, previous)

        if self.target.true_airspeed == self.CONSTANT_VALUE:
            next_point.true_airspeed = previous.true_airspeed
        elif self.target.equivalent_airspeed == self.CONSTANT_VALUE:
            next_point.equivalent_airspeed = start.equivalent_airspeed
        elif self.target.mach == self.CONSTANT_VALUE:
            next_point.mach = start.mach
            next_point.true_airspeed = previous.true_airspeed + time_step * previous.acceleration

        # The naming is not done in complete_flight_point for not naming the start point
        next_point.name = self.name
        return next_point
예제 #2
    def compute(self, inputs: Vector, outputs: Vector,
                start_flight_point: FlightPoint) -> pd.DataFrame:
        To be used during compute() of an OpenMDAO component.

        Builds the mission from input file, and computes it. `outputs` vector is
        filled with duration, burned fuel and covered ground distance for each
        part of the flight.

        :param inputs: the input vector of the OpenMDAO component
        :param outputs: the output vector of the OpenMDAO component
        :param start_flight_point: the starting flight point just after takeoff
        :return: a pandas DataFrame where columns names match fields of
        mission = self.build(inputs, self.mission_name)

        def _compute_vars(name_root, start: FlightPoint, end: FlightPoint):
            """Computes duration, burned fuel and covered distance."""
            if name_root + ":duration" in outputs:
                outputs[name_root + ":duration"] = end.time - start.time
            if name_root + ":fuel" in outputs:
                outputs[name_root + ":fuel"] = start.mass - end.mass
            if name_root + ":distance" in outputs:
                    name_root +
                    ":distance"] = end.ground_distance - start.ground_distance

        if not start_flight_point.name:
            start_flight_point.name = mission.flight_sequence[0].name

        current_flight_point = start_flight_point
        flight_points = mission.compute_from(start_flight_point)
        for part in mission.flight_sequence:
            var_name_root = "data:mission:%s" % part.name
            part_end = FlightPoint.create(
            _compute_vars(var_name_root, current_flight_point, part_end)

            if isinstance(part, FlightSequence):
                # In case of a route, outputs are computed for each phase in the route
                phase_start = current_flight_point
                for phase in part.flight_sequence:
                    phase_points = flight_points.loc[flight_points.name ==
                    if len(phase_points) > 0:
                        phase_end = FlightPoint.create(phase_points.iloc[-1])
                        var_name_root = "data:mission:%s" % phase.name
                        _compute_vars(var_name_root, phase_start, phase_end)
                        phase_start = phase_end

            current_flight_point = part_end

        # Outputs for the whole mission
        var_name_root = "data:mission:%s" % mission.name
        _compute_vars(var_name_root, start_flight_point, current_flight_point)

        return flight_points