예제 #1
    def load_file(self) -> None:
        """Load the main file and all included files and set attributes."""
        # use the internal function to disable cache
        if not self._is_encrypted:
            # pylint: disable=protected-access
            self.all_entries, self.errors, self.options = _load(
                [(self.beancount_file_path, True)], None, None, None)
            self.all_entries, self.errors, self.options = load_file(


        self.account_types = get_account_types(self.options)
        self.price_map = build_price_map(self.all_entries)
        self.all_root_account = realization.realize(self.all_entries,

        self.all_entries_by_type = group_entries_by_type(self.all_entries)

        self.accounts = AccountDict()
        for open_entry in self.all_entries_by_type.Open:
            self.accounts.setdefault(open_entry.account).meta = open_entry.meta
        for close in self.all_entries_by_type.Close:
            self.accounts.setdefault(close.account).close_date = close.date

        self.fava_options, errors = parse_options(

        if not self._is_encrypted:

        for mod in MODULES:
            getattr(self, mod).load_file()
예제 #2
파일: __init__.py 프로젝트: yegle/fava
    def __init__(self, path: str) -> None:
        #: The path to the main Beancount file.
        self.beancount_file_path = path
        self._is_encrypted = is_encrypted_file(path)

        #: An :class:`AttributesModule` instance.
        self.attributes = AttributesModule(self)

        #: A :class:`.BudgetModule` instance.
        self.budgets = BudgetModule(self)

        #: A :class:`.ChartModule` instance.
        self.charts = ChartModule(self)

        #: A :class:`.ExtensionModule` instance.
        self.extensions = ExtensionModule(self)

        #: A :class:`.FileModule` instance.
        self.file = FileModule(self)

        #: A :class:`.IngestModule` instance.
        self.ingest = IngestModule(self)

        #: A :class:`.FavaMisc` instance.
        self.misc = FavaMisc(self)

        #: A :class:`.DecimalFormatModule` instance.
        self.format_decimal = DecimalFormatModule(self)

        #: A :class:`.QueryShell` instance.
        self.query_shell = QueryShell(self)

        self._watcher = Watcher()

        #: List of all (unfiltered) entries.
        self.all_entries = []

        #: Dict of list of all (unfiltered) entries by type.
        self.all_entries_by_type = group_entries_by_type([])

        #: A list of all errors reported by Beancount.
        self.errors: list[BeancountError] = []

        #: A Beancount options map.
        self.options: BeancountOptions = OPTIONS_DEFAULTS

        #: A dict containing information about the accounts.
        self.accounts = AccountDict()

        #: A dict with commodity names (from the 'name' metadata)
        self.commodity_names: dict[str, str] = {}

        #: A dict with all of Fava's option values.
        self.fava_options: FavaOptions = FavaOptions()

        self._date_first: datetime.date | None = None
        self._date_last: datetime.date | None = None
