예제 #1
    def add_file(self, file_name):
        """Insert or update the file information. Returns True if the content
        of the file is different from what was in the table."""

        # Make sure we got the right types.
        assert isinstance(file_name, str), file_name

        # Look up the old data.
        file_id, old_mtime, old_digest = self.find_file(file_name)

        # Now, create a path object and find it's mtime.
        file_path = Path(file_name)
        file_mtime = file_path.getmtime()

        if old_mtime is not None:
            # If the file was modified less than 1.0 seconds ago, recompute the
            # hash since it still could have changed even with the same mtime.
            # If True, then assume the file has not been modified.
            if file_mtime == old_mtime and time.time() - file_mtime > 1.0:
                return False, file_id, file_mtime, old_digest

        # The mtime changed, so let's see if the content's changed.
        digest = file_path.digest()

        if digest == old_digest:
            # Save the new mtime.
            self.save_file(file_id, file_name, file_mtime, digest)
            return False, file_id, file_mtime, digest

        if file_id is not None:
            # Since the function changed, all of the calls that used this
            # function are dirty.

            # The file_id is now invalid.
            file_id = None

        # Now, add the file back to the database.
        file_id = self.save_file(file_id, file_name, file_mtime, digest)

        # Returns True since the file changed.
        return True, file_id, file_mtime, digest
예제 #2
    def add_file(self, file_name):
        """Insert or update the file information. Returns True if the content
        of the file is different from what was in the table."""

        # Make sure we got the right types.
        assert isinstance(file_name, str), file_name

        # Look up the old data.
        file_id, old_mtime, old_digest = self.find_file(file_name)

        # Now, create a path object and find it's mtime.
        file_path = Path(file_name)
        file_mtime = file_path.getmtime()

        if old_mtime is not None:
            # If the file was modified less than 1.0 seconds ago, recompute the
            # hash since it still could have changed even with the same mtime.
            # If True, then assume the file has not been modified.
            if file_mtime == old_mtime and time.time() - file_mtime > 1.0:
                return False, file_id, file_mtime, old_digest

        # The mtime changed, so let's see if the content's changed.
        digest = file_path.digest()

        if digest == old_digest:
            # Save the new mtime.
            self.save_file(file_id, file_name, file_mtime, digest)
            return False, file_id, file_mtime, digest

        if file_id is not None:
            # Since the function changed, all of the calls that used this
            # function are dirty.

            # The file_id is now invalid.
            file_id = None

        # Now, add the file back to the database.
        file_id = self.save_file(file_id, file_name, file_mtime, digest)

        # Returns True since the file changed.
        return True, file_id, file_mtime, digest