예제 #1
def writeTexture(fp, filepath, channel, config):
    if not filepath:
    filepath = config.copyTextureToNewLocation(filepath)
    texname = getTextureName(filepath)
    relpath = getRelativePath(filepath)

    vid,vkey = getId("Video::%s" % texname)
    tid,tkey = getId("Texture::%s" % texname)

    properties_vid = [
        ("Path", "p_string_url", filepath)

    properties_tex = [
        ("MHName", "p_string", tkey, False, True)

    if config.binary:
        from . import fbx_binary
        elem = fbx_binary.get_child_element(fp, 'Objects')
        fbx_binary.fbx_data_texture_file_element(elem, tkey, tid, vkey, vid, filepath, relpath, properties_tex, properties_vid)

    import fbx_utils

'    Video: %d, "%s", "Clip" {' % (vid, vkey) + """
        Type: "Clip"
        Properties70:  {
""" + fbx_utils.get_ascii_properties(properties_vid, indent=3) + """
        UseMipMap: 0
        Filename: "%s\"""" % filepath + """
        RelativeFilename: "%s\"""" % relpath + """

'    Texture: %d, "%s", "" {' % (tid, tkey) + """
        Type: "TextureVideoClip"
        Version: 202
        TextureName: "%s\"""" % tkey + """
        Properties70:  {
""" + fbx_utils.get_ascii_properties(properties_tex, indent=3) + """
        Media: "%s\"""" % vkey + """
        Filename: "%s\"""" % filepath + """
        RelativeFilename: "%s\"""" % relpath + """
        ModelUVTranslation: 0,0
        ModelUVScaling: 1,1
        Texture_Alpha_Source: "None"
        Cropping: 0,0,0,0
예제 #2
def writeTexture(fp, filepath, channel, config):
    if not filepath:
    filepath = config.copyTextureToNewLocation(filepath)
    texname = getTextureName(filepath)
    relpath = getRelativePath(filepath)

    vid, vkey = getId("Video::%s" % texname)
    tid, tkey = getId("Texture::%s" % texname)

    properties_vid = [("Path", "p_string_url", filepath)]

    properties_tex = [("MHName", "p_string", tkey, False, True)]

    if config.binary:
        from . import fbx_binary
        elem = fbx_binary.get_child_element(fp, 'Objects')
        fbx_binary.fbx_data_texture_file_element(elem, tkey, tid, vkey, vid,
                                                 filepath, relpath,

    import fbx_utils

    fp.write('    Video: %d, "%s", "Clip" {' % (vid, vkey) + """
        Type: "Clip"
        Properties70:  {
""" + fbx_utils.get_ascii_properties(properties_vid, indent=3) + """
        UseMipMap: 0
        Filename: "%s\"""" % filepath + """
        RelativeFilename: "%s\"""" % relpath + """

    fp.write('    Texture: %d, "%s", "" {' % (tid, tkey) + """
        Type: "TextureVideoClip"
        Version: 202
        TextureName: "%s\"""" % tkey + """
        Properties70:  {
""" + fbx_utils.get_ascii_properties(properties_tex, indent=3) + """
        Media: "%s\"""" % vkey + """
        Filename: "%s\"""" % filepath + """
        RelativeFilename: "%s\"""" % relpath + """
        ModelUVTranslation: 0,0
        ModelUVScaling: 1,1
        Texture_Alpha_Source: "None"
        Cropping: 0,0,0,0
def writeMaterial(fp, mesh, config):
    id,key = getId("Material::"+mesh.name)

    mat = mesh.material
    properties = [
        ("DiffuseColor", "p_color", mat.diffuseColor.asTuple(), b"A"),
        ("Diffuse", "p_vector_3d", mat.diffuseColor.asTuple(), b"A"),
        ("SpecularColor", "p_color", mat.specularColor.asTuple(), b"A"),
        ("Specular", "p_vector_3d", mat.specularColor.asTuple(), b"A"),
        ("Shininess", "p_double", mat.shininess, b"A"),
        ("Reflectivity", "p_double", 0, b"A"),
        ("Emissive", "p_vector_3d", mat.emissiveColor.asTuple(), b"A"),
        ("Ambient", "p_vector_3d", mat.ambientColor.asTuple(), b"A"),
        ("TransparencyFactor", "p_number", mat.transparencyMapIntensity, True, b"A"),
        ("Opacity", "p_double", mat.opacity, b"A")

    if config.binary:
        from . import fbx_binary
        elem = fbx_binary.get_child_element(fp, 'Objects')
        fbx_binary.fbx_data_material(elem, key, id, properties)

    import fbx_utils

'    Material: %d, "%s", "" {' % (id, key) + """
        Version: 102
        ShadingModel: "phong"
        MultiLayer: 0
        Properties70:  {
""" + fbx_utils.get_ascii_properties(properties, indent=3) + """
def writeObjectDefs(fp, meshes, nShapes, config):
    nMeshes = len(meshes)

    properties = [
        ("Color",   "p_color_rgb",      [0.8,0.8,0.8]),
        ("BBoxMin", "p_vector_3d",      [0,0,0]),
        ("BBoxMax", "p_vector_3d",      [0,0,0]),
        ("Primary Visibility", "p_bool", True),
        ("Casts Shadows", "p_bool",     True),
        ("Receive Shadows", "p_bool",   True)

    if config.binary:
        from . import fbx_binary
        elem = fbx_binary.get_child_element(fp, 'Definitions')
        fbx_binary.fbx_template_generate(elem, "Geometry", (nMeshes + nShapes), "FbxMesh", properties)

    import fbx_utils
'    ObjectType: "Geometry" {\n' +
'       Count: %d' % (nMeshes + nShapes) +
        PropertyTemplate: "FbxMesh" {
            Properties70:  {
""" + fbx_utils.get_ascii_properties(properties, indent=4) + """
def writeMeshProp(fp, mesh, config):
    id,key = getId("Model::%sMesh" % mesh.name)

    properties = [
        ("RotationActive", "p_bool", 1),
        ("InheritType", "p_enum", 1),
        ("ScalingMax", "p_vector_3d", [0,0,0]),
        ("DefaultAttributeIndex", "p_integer", 0),
        ("MHName", "p_string", mesh.name, False, True)

    if config.binary:
        from . import fbx_binary
        elem = fbx_binary.get_child_element(fp, 'Objects')
        fbx_binary.fbx_data_model_element(elem, key, id, properties)

    import fbx_utils
'    Model: %d, "%s", "Mesh" {' % (id, key) +
        Version: 232
        Properties70:  {
""" + fbx_utils.get_ascii_properties(properties, indent=4) + """
        Shading: Y
        Culling: "CullingOff"
예제 #6
def writeDeformer(fp, name, config):
    id,key = getId("Deformer::%s" % name)

    properties = [
        ("MHName", "p_string", "%sSkin" % name, False, True)

    if config.binary:
        from . import fbx_binary
        elem = fbx_binary.get_child_element(fp, 'Objects')
        fbx_binary.fbx_data_deformer(elem, key, id, properties)

    import fbx_utils

'    Deformer: %d, "%s", "Skin" {' % (id, key) +
        Version: 101
        Properties70:  {
""" + fbx_utils.get_ascii_properties(properties, indent=3) + """
        Link_DeformAcuracy: 50
예제 #7
def writeMeshProp(fp, mesh, config):
    id, key = getId("Model::%sMesh" % mesh.name)

    properties = [("RotationActive", "p_bool", 1),
                  ("InheritType", "p_enum", 1),
                  ("ScalingMax", "p_vector_3d", [0, 0, 0]),
                  ("DefaultAttributeIndex", "p_integer", 0),
                  ("MHName", "p_string", mesh.name, False, True)]

    if config.binary:
        from . import fbx_binary
        elem = fbx_binary.get_child_element(fp, 'Objects')
        fbx_binary.fbx_data_model_element(elem, key, id, properties)

    import fbx_utils
    fp.write('    Model: %d, "%s", "Mesh" {' % (id, key) + """
        Version: 232
        Properties70:  {
""" + fbx_utils.get_ascii_properties(properties, indent=4) + """
        Shading: Y
        Culling: "CullingOff"
예제 #8
def writeMaterial(fp, mesh, config):
    id, key = getId("Material::" + mesh.name)

    mat = mesh.material
    properties = [
        ("TransparentColor", "p_color", tuple(3 * [1.0 - mat.opacity]), True),
        ("TransparencyFactor", "p_number", mat.transparencyMapIntensity, True),
        #("ShininessExponent", "p_number", mat.shininess, True),
        #("EmissiveColor", "p_vector_3d", mat.emissiveColor.asTuple()),
        #("AmbientColor", "p_vector_3d", mat.ambientColor.asTuple()),
        ("DiffuseColor", "p_vector_3d", mat.diffuseColor.asTuple()),
        ("DiffuseFactor", "p_number", 1.0, True),
        ("SpecularColor", "p_vector_3d", mat.specularColor.asTuple()),
        ("SpecularFactor", "p_number", mat.specularMapIntensity, True),
        ("Shininess", "p_double", mat.shininess),
        ("Reflectivity", "p_double", 0)

    if config.binary:
        from . import fbx_binary
        elem = fbx_binary.get_child_element(fp, 'Objects')
        fbx_binary.fbx_data_deformer(elem, key, id, properties)

    import fbx_utils

    fp.write('    Material: %d, "%s", "" {' % (id, key) + """
        Version: 102
        ShadingModel: "phong"
        MultiLayer: 0
        Properties70:  {
""" + fbx_utils.get_ascii_properties(properties, indent=3) + """
def writeNodeAttributeProp(fp, bone, config):
    id, key = getId("NodeAttribute::%s" % bone.name)

    properties = [("Size", "p_double", 1), ("LimbLength", "p_double", bone.length)]  # TODO what to do with "H" flag?

    if config.binary:
        from . import fbx_binary

        elem = fbx_binary.get_child_element(fp, "Objects")
        fbx_binary.fbx_data_skeleton_bone_node(elem, key, id, properties)

    import fbx_utils

        '    NodeAttribute: %d, "%s", "LimbNode" {' % (id, key)
        + """
        Properties70:  {
        + fbx_utils.get_ascii_properties(properties, indent=3)
        + """
        TypeFlags: "Skeleton"
예제 #10
def writeNodeProp(fp, skel, config):
    id,key = getId("Model::%s" % skel.name)

    properties = [
        ("RotationActive",  "p_bool",       1),
        ("InheritType",     "p_enum",       1),
        ("ScalingMax",      "p_vector_3d",  [0,0,0]),
        ("MHName",          "p_string",     skel.name, False, True)

    if config.binary:
        from . import fbx_binary
        elem = fbx_binary.get_child_element(fp, 'Objects')
        fbx_binary.fbx_data_skeleton_model(elem, key, id, properties)

    import fbx_utils
'    Model: %d, "%s", "Null" {' % (id, key) +
        Version: 232
        Properties70:  {
""" + fbx_utils.get_ascii_properties(properties, indent=3) + """
        Shading: Y
        Culling: "CullingOff"
def writeDeformer(fp, name, config):
    id,key = getId("Deformer::%s" % name)

    properties = [
        ("MHName", "p_string", "%sSkin" % name, False, True)

    if config.binary:
        from . import fbx_binary
        elem = fbx_binary.get_child_element(fp, 'Objects')
        fbx_binary.fbx_data_deformer(elem, key, id, properties)

    import fbx_utils

'    Deformer: %d, "%s", "Skin" {' % (id, key) +
        Version: 101
        Properties70:  {
""" + fbx_utils.get_ascii_properties(properties, indent=3) + """
        Link_DeformAcuracy: 50
예제 #12
def writeObjectDefs(fp, meshes, nShapes, config):
    nMeshes = len(meshes)

    properties = [("Color", "p_color_rgb", [0.8, 0.8, 0.8]),
                  ("BBoxMin", "p_vector_3d", [0, 0, 0]),
                  ("BBoxMax", "p_vector_3d", [0, 0, 0]),
                  ("Primary Visibility", "p_bool", True),
                  ("Casts Shadows", "p_bool", True),
                  ("Receive Shadows", "p_bool", True)]

    if config.binary:
        from . import fbx_binary
        elem = fbx_binary.get_child_element(fp, 'Definitions')
        fbx_binary.fbx_template_generate(elem, "Geometry", (nMeshes + nShapes),
                                         "FbxMesh", properties)

    import fbx_utils
    fp.write('    ObjectType: "Geometry" {\n' + '       Count: %d' %
             (nMeshes + nShapes) + """
        PropertyTemplate: "FbxMesh" {
            Properties70:  {
""" + fbx_utils.get_ascii_properties(properties, indent=4) + """
def writeBoneProp(fp, bone, config):
    import fbx_utils

    id, key = getId("Model::%s" % bone.name)

    mat = bone.getRelativeMatrix(config.meshOrientation, config.localBoneAxis, config.offset)
    trans = mat[:3, 3]
    e = tm.euler_from_matrix(mat, axes="sxyz")

    properties = [
        ("RotationActive", "p_bool", 1),
        ("InheritType", "p_enum", 1),
        ("ScalingMax", "p_vector_3d", [0, 0, 0]),
        ("DefaultAttributeIndex", "p_integer", 0),
        ("Lcl Translation", "p_lcl_translation", list(trans), True),
        ("Lcl Rotation", "p_lcl_rotation", [e[0] * R, e[1] * R, e[2] * R], True),
        ("Lcl Scaling", "p_lcl_scaling", [1, 1, 1], True),
        ("MHName", "p_string", bone.name, False, True),

    if config.binary:
        from . import fbx_binary

        elem = fbx_binary.get_child_element(fp, "Objects")
        fbx_binary.fbx_data_skeleton_bone_model(elem, key, id, properties)

        '    Model: %d, "%s", "LimbNode" {' % (id, key)
        + """
        Version: 232
        Properties70:  {
        + fbx_utils.get_ascii_properties(properties, indent=3)
        + """
        Shading: Y
        Culling: "CullingOff"
예제 #14
def writeNodeAttributeProp(fp, bone, config):
    id, key = getId("NodeAttribute::%s" % bone.name)

    properties = [
        ("Size", "p_double", 1),
        ("LimbLength", "p_double", 1)  # TODO what to do with "H" flag?

    if config.binary:
        from . import fbx_binary
        elem = fbx_binary.get_child_element(fp, 'Objects')
        fbx_binary.fbx_data_skeleton_bone_node(elem, key, id, properties)

    import fbx_utils
    fp.write('    NodeAttribute: %d, "%s", "LimbNode" {' % (id, key) + """
        Properties70:  {
""" + fbx_utils.get_ascii_properties(properties, indent=3) + """
        TypeFlags: "Skeleton"
예제 #15
def writeBoneProp(fp, bone, config):
    import fbx_utils
    id, key = getId("Model::%s" % bone.name)

    mat = bone.getRelativeMatrix(config.meshOrientation, config.localBoneAxis,
    trans = mat[:3, 3]
    e = tm.euler_from_matrix(mat, axes='sxyz')

    properties = [
        ("RotationActive", "p_bool", 1),
        ("InheritType", "p_enum", 1),
        ("ScalingMax", "p_vector_3d", [0, 0, 0]),
        ("DefaultAttributeIndex", "p_integer", 0),
        ("Lcl Translation", "p_lcl_translation", list(trans), True),
        ("Lcl Rotation", "p_lcl_rotation", [e[0] * R, e[1] * R,
                                            e[2] * R], True),
        ("Lcl Scaling", "p_lcl_scaling", [1, 1, 1], True),
        ("MHName", "p_string", bone.name, False, True),

    if config.binary:
        from . import fbx_binary
        elem = fbx_binary.get_child_element(fp, 'Objects')
        fbx_binary.fbx_data_skeleton_bone_model(elem, key, id, properties)

    fp.write('    Model: %d, "%s", "LimbNode" {' % (id, key) + """
        Version: 232
        Properties70:  {
""" + fbx_utils.get_ascii_properties(properties, indent=3) + """
        Shading: Y
        Culling: "CullingOff"
예제 #16
def writeNodeProp(fp, skel, config):
    id, key = getId("Model::%s" % skel.name)

    properties = [("RotationActive", "p_bool", 1),
                  ("InheritType", "p_enum", 1),
                  ("ScalingMax", "p_vector_3d", [0, 0, 0]),
                  ("MHName", "p_string", skel.name, False, True)]

    if config.binary:
        from . import fbx_binary
        elem = fbx_binary.get_child_element(fp, 'Objects')
        fbx_binary.fbx_data_skeleton_model(elem, key, id, properties)

    import fbx_utils
    fp.write('    Model: %d, "%s", "Null" {' % (id, key) + """
        Version: 232
        Properties70:  {
""" + fbx_utils.get_ascii_properties(properties, indent=3) + """
        Shading: Y
        Culling: "CullingOff"
예제 #17
def writeObjectDefs(fp, meshes, config):
    nMaterials, nTextures, nImages = getObjectNumbers(meshes)

    properties_mat = [("ShadingModel", "p_string", "Phong"),
                      ("MultiLayer", "p_bool", 0),
                      ("EmissiveColor", "p_color", [0, 0, 0], True),
                      ("EmissiveFactor", "p_number", 1, True),
                      ("AmbientColor", "p_color", [0.2, 0.2, 0.2], True),
                      ("AmbientFactor", "p_number", 1, True),
                      ("DiffuseColor", "p_color", [0.8, 0.8, 0.8], True),
                      ("DiffuseFactor", "p_number", 1, True),
                      ("Bump", "p_vector_3d", [0, 0, 0]),
                      ("NormalMap", "p_vector_3d", [0, 0, 0]),
                      ("BumpFactor", "p_double", 1),
                      ("TransparentColor", "p_color", [0, 0, 0], True),
                      ("TransparencyFactor", "p_number", 0, True),
                      ("DisplacementColor", "p_color_rgb", [0, 0, 0]),
                      ("DisplacementFactor", "p_double", 1),
                      ("VectorDisplacementColor", "p_color_rgb", [0, 0, 0]),
                      ("VectorDisplacementFactor", "p_double", 1),
                      ("SpecularColor", "p_color", [0.2, 0.2, 0.2], True),
                      ("SpecularFactor", "p_number", 1, True),
                      ("ShininessExponent", "p_number", 20, True),
                      ("ReflectionColor", "p_color", [0, 0, 0], True),
                      ("ReflectionFactor", "p_number", 1, True)]

    properties_tex = [("TextureTypeUse", "p_enum", 0),
                      ("Texture alpha", "p_number", 1, True),
                      ("CurrentMappingType", "p_enum", 0),
                      ("WrapModeU", "p_enum", 0), ("WrapModeV", "p_enum", 0),
                      ("UVSwap", "p_bool", 0),
                      ("PremultiplyAlpha", "p_bool", 1),
                      ("Translation", "p_vector", [0, 0, 0], True),
                      ("Rotation", "p_vector", [0, 0, 0], True),
                      ("Scaling", "p_vector", [1, 1, 1], True),
                      ("TextureRotationPivot", "p_vector_3d", [0, 0, 0]),
                      ("TextureScalingPivot", "p_vector_3d", [0, 0, 0]),
                      ("CurrentTextureBlendMode", "p_enum", 1),
                      ("UVSet", "p_string", "default"),
                      ("UseMaterial", "p_bool", 0), ("UseMipMap", "p_bool", 0)]

    properties_vid = [("ImageSequence", "p_bool", 0),
                      ("ImageSequenceOffset", "p_integer", 0),
                      ("FrameRate", "p_double", 0),
                      ("LastFrame", "p_integer", 0), ("Width", "p_integer", 0),
                      ("Height", "p_integer", 0), ("Path", "p_string_url", ""),
                      ("StartFrame", "p_integer", 0),
                      ("StopFrame", "p_integer", 0),
                      ("PlaySpeed", "p_double", 0),
                      ("Offset", "p_timestamp", 0),
                      ("InterlaceMode", "p_enum", 0),
                      ("FreeRunning", "p_bool", 0), ("Loop", "p_bool", 0),
                      ("AccessMode", "p_enum", 0)]

    if config.binary:
        from . import fbx_binary
        elem = fbx_binary.get_child_element(fp, 'Definitions')
        fbx_binary.fbx_template_generate(elem, "Material", nMaterials, None,
        fbx_binary.fbx_template_generate(elem, "Texture", nTextures,
                                         "FbxFileTexture", properties_tex)
        fbx_binary.fbx_template_generate(elem, "Video", nImages, "FbxVideo",

    import fbx_utils
    ObjectType: "Material" {
""" + '    Count: %d' % (nMaterials) + """
        PropertyTemplate: "FbxSurfacePhong" {
            Properties70:  {
""" + fbx_utils.get_ascii_properties(properties_mat, indent=4) + """

    ObjectType: "Texture" {
""" + '    Count: %d' % (nTextures) + """
        PropertyTemplate: "FbxFileTexture" {
            Properties70:  {
""" + fbx_utils.get_ascii_properties(properties_tex, indent=4) + """

    ObjectType: "Video" {
""" + '    Count: %d' % (nImages) + """
        PropertyTemplate: "FbxVideo" {
            Properties70:  {
""" + fbx_utils.get_ascii_properties(properties_vid, indent=4) + """
def writeGeometryProp(fp, mesh, config):
    id,key = getId("Geometry::%s" % mesh.name)
    nVerts = len(mesh.coord)
    nFaces = len(mesh.fvert)

    coord = mesh.coord + config.offset

    properties = [
        ("MHName", "p_string", "%sMesh" % mesh.name, False, True)

    if config.binary:
        from . import fbx_binary
        elem = fbx_binary.get_child_element(fp, 'Objects')
        fbx_binary.fbx_data_mesh_element(elem, key, id, properties, coord, mesh.fvert, mesh.vnorm, mesh.texco, mesh.fuvs)

    vertString = ",".join( ["%.4f,%.4f,%.4f" % tuple(co) for co in coord] )
    if mesh.vertsPerPrimitive == 4:
        indexString = ",".join( ['%d,%d,%d,%d' % (fv[0],fv[1],fv[2],-1-fv[3]) for fv in mesh.fvert] )
        indexString = ",".join( ['%d,%d,%d' % (fv[0],fv[1],-1-fv[2]) for fv in mesh.fvert] )

    import fbx_utils
        '    Geometry: %d, "%s", "Mesh" {\n' % (id, key) +
        '        Properties70:  {\n' +
        fbx_utils.get_ascii_properties(properties, indent=4) + '\n' +
        '        }\n' +
        '        Vertices: *%d {\n' % (3*nVerts) +
        '            a: %s\n' % vertString +
        '        } \n' +
        '        PolygonVertexIndex: *%d {\n' % (mesh.vertsPerPrimitive*nFaces) +
        '            a: %s\n' % indexString +
        '        } \n')

    # Must use normals for shapekeys
    nNormals = len(mesh.vnorm)
    normalString = ",".join( ["%.4f,%.4f,%.4f" % tuple(no) for no in mesh.vnorm] )
    if mesh.vertsPerPrimitive == 4:
        normalIndexString = ",".join( ['%d,%d,%d,%d' % (fv[0],fv[1],fv[2],fv[3]) for fv in mesh.fvert] )
        normalIndexString = ",".join( ['%d,%d,%d' % (fv[0],fv[1],fv[2]) for fv in mesh.fvert] )

        '        GeometryVersion: 124\n' +
        '        LayerElementNormal: 0 {\n' +
        '            Version: 101\n' +
        '            Name: "%s_Normal"\n' % mesh.name +
        '            MappingInformationType: "ByPolygonVertex"\n' +
        '            ReferenceInformationType: "IndexToDirect"\n' +
        '            Normals: *%d {\n' % (3*nNormals) +
        '                a: %s\n' % normalString +
        '            }\n' +
        '            NormalsIndex: *%d {\n' % (mesh.vertsPerPrimitive*len(mesh.fvert)) +
        '                a: %s\n' % normalIndexString +
        '            } \n')

    fp.write('        } \n')

    writeUvs2(fp, mesh)

        LayerElementMaterial: 0 {
            Version: 101
""" +
'            Name: "%s_Material"' % mesh.name +
            MappingInformationType: "AllSame"
            ReferenceInformationType: "IndexToDirect"
            Materials: *1 {
                a: 0
        LayerElementTexture: 0 {
            MappingInformationType: "ByPolygonVertex"
            ReferenceInformationType: "IndexToDirect"
            BlendMode: "Translucent"
""" +
'            Name: "%s_Texture"' % mesh.name +
            Version: 101
            TextureAlpha: 1.0
        Layer: 0 {
            Version: 100
            LayerElement:  {
                Type: "LayerElementUV"
                TypedIndex: 0
            LayerElement:  {
                Type: "LayerElementNormal"
                TypedIndex: 0
            LayerElement:  {
                Type: "LayerElementMaterial"
                TypedIndex: 0
            LayerElement:  {
                Type: "LayerElementTexture"
                TypedIndex: 0
예제 #19
def writeObjectDefs(fp, action, config):
    ncurves = len(action.keys())

    properties_stack = [
        ("Description", "p_string", ""),
        ("LocalStart", "p_timestamp", 0),
        ("LocalStop", "p_timestamp", 0),
        ("ReferenceStart", "p_timestamp", 0),
        ("ReferenceStop", "p_timestamp", 0)

    properties_layer = [
        ("Weight", "p_number", 100, True),
        ("Mute", "p_bool", 0),
        ("Solo", "p_bool", 0),
        ("Lock", "p_bool", 0),
        ("Color", "p_color_rgb", [0.8,0.8,0.8]),
        ("BlendMode", "p_enum", 0),
        ("RotationAccumulationMode", "p_enum", 0),
        ("ScaleAccumulationMode", "p_enum", 0),
        ("BlendModeBypass", "p_ulonglong", 0)

    properties_curvenode = [
        ("d", "p_compound", "")

    if config.binary:
        from . import fbx_binary
        elem = fbx_binary.get_child_element(fp, 'Definitions')
        fbx_binary.fbx_template_generate(elem, "AnimationStack", 1, "FbxAnimStack", properties_stack)
        fbx_binary.fbx_template_generate(elem, "AnimationLayer", 1, "FbxAnimLayer", properties_layer)
        fbx_binary.fbx_template_generate(elem, "AnimationCurveNode", ncurves, "FbxAnimCurveNode", properties_curvenode)
        fbx_binary.fbx_template_generate(elem, "AnimationCurve", 3*ncurves)

    import fbx_utils

    ObjectType: "AnimationStack" {
        Count: 1
        PropertyTemplate: "FbxAnimStack" {
            Properties70:  {
""" + fbx_utils.get_ascii_properties(properties_stack, indent=4) + """
    ObjectType: "AnimationLayer" {
        Count: 1
        PropertyTemplate: "FbxAnimLayer" {
            Properties70:  {
""" + fbx_utils.get_ascii_properties(properties_layer, indent=4) + """
    ObjectType: "AnimationCurveNode" {
""" +
'        Count: %d' % ncurves +
        PropertyTemplate: "FbxAnimCurveNode" {
            Properties70:  {
""" + fbx_utils.get_ascii_properties(properties_curvenode, indent=4) + """
    ObjectType: "AnimationCurve" {
""" +
'        Count: %d' % (3*ncurves) +
예제 #20
def writeObjectDefs(fp, meshes, skel, config):
    nModels = len(meshes)
    if skel:
        nBones = skel.getBoneCount()
        nModels += nBones + 1

    # (name, ptype, value, animatable, custom)
    properties = [
        ("QuaternionInterpolate", "p_enum", 0),
        ("RotationOffset",  "p_vector_3d",  [0,0,0]),
        ("RotationPivot",   "p_vector_3d",  [0,0,0]),
        ("ScalingOffset",   "p_vector_3d",  [0,0,0]),
        ("ScalingPivot",    "p_vector_3d",  [0,0,0]),
        ("TranslationActive", "p_bool",     0),
        ("TranslationMin",  "p_vector_3d",  [0,0,0]),
        ("TranslationMax",  "p_vector_3d",  [0,0,0]),
        ("TranslationMinX", "p_bool",       0),
        ("TranslationMinY", "p_bool",       0),
        ("TranslationMinZ", "p_bool",       0),
        ("TranslationMaxX", "p_bool",       0),
        ("TranslationMaxY", "p_bool",       0),
        ("TranslationMaxZ", "p_bool",       0),
        ("RotationOrder",   "p_enum",       0),
        ("RotationSpaceForLimitOnly", "p_bool", 0),
        ("RotationStiffnessX", "p_double",  0),
        ("RotationStiffnessY", "p_double",  0),
        ("RotationStiffnessZ", "p_double",  0),
        ("AxisLen",         "p_double",     10),
        ("PreRotation",     "p_vector_3d",  [0,0,0]),
        ("PostRotation",    "p_vector_3d",  [0,0,0]),
        ("RotationActive",  "p_bool",       0),
        ("RotationMin",     "p_vector_3d",  [0,0,0]),
        ("RotationMax",     "p_vector_3d",  [0,0,0]),
        ("RotationMinX",    "p_bool",       0),
        ("RotationMinY",    "p_bool",       0),
        ("RotationMinZ",    "p_bool",       0),
        ("RotationMaxX",    "p_bool",       0),
        ("RotationMaxY",    "p_bool",       0),
        ("RotationMaxZ",    "p_bool",       0),
        ("InheritType",     "p_enum",       0),
        ("ScalingActive",   "p_bool",       0),
        ("ScalingMin",      "p_vector_3d",  [0,0,0]),
        ("ScalingMax",      "p_vector_3d",  [1,1,1]),
        ("ScalingMinX",     "p_bool",       [0]),
        ("ScalingMinY",     "p_bool",       [0]),
        ("ScalingMinZ",     "p_bool",       [0]),
        ("ScalingMaxX",     "p_bool",       [0]),
        ("ScalingMaxY",     "p_bool",       0),
        ("ScalingMaxZ",     "p_bool",       0),
        ("GeometricTranslation", "p_vector_3d", [0,0,0]),
        ("GeometricRotation", "p_vector_3d", [0,0,0]),
        ("GeometricScaling", "p_vector_3d", [1,1,1]),
        ("MinDampRangeX",   "p_double",     0),
        ("MinDampRangeZ",   "p_double",     0),
        ("MinDampRangeY",   "p_double",     0),
        ("MaxDampRangeX",   "p_double",     0),
        ("MaxDampRangeY",   "p_double",     0),
        ("MaxDampRangeZ",   "p_double",     0),
        ("MinDampStrengthX", "p_double",    0),
        ("MinDampStrengthY", "p_double",    0),
        ("MinDampStrengthZ", "p_double",    0),
        ("MaxDampStrengthX", "p_double",    0),
        ("MaxDampStrengthY", "p_double",    0),
        ("MaxDampStrengthZ", "p_double",    0),
        ("PreferedAngleX",  "p_double",     0),
        ("PreferedAngleY",  "p_double",     0),
        ("PreferedAngleZ",  "p_double",     0),
        ("LookAtProperty",  "p_object",     None),
        ("UpVectorProperty", "p_object",    None),
        ("Show",            "p_bool",       1),
        ("NegativePercentShapeSupport", "p_bool", 1),
        ("DefaultAttributeIndex", "p_integer", -1),
        ("Freeze",          "p_bool",       0),
        ("LODBox",          "p_bool",       0),
        ("Lcl Translation", "p_lcl_translation", [0,0,0], True),
        ("Lcl Rotation",    "p_lcl_rotation", [0,0,0],  True),
        ("Lcl Scaling",     "p_lcl_scaling", [1,1,1],   True),
        ("Visibility",      "p_visibility", 1,          True),
        ("Visibility Inheritance", "p_visibility_inheritance", 1)

    skel_properties = [
        ("Color",           "p_color_rgb",  [0.8,0.8,0.8]),
        ("Size",            "p_double",     100),
        ("LimbLength",      "p_double",     1)  # TODO this property had special "H" flag, is this required?

    if config.binary:
        from . import fbx_binary
        elem = fbx_binary.get_child_element(fp, 'Definitions')
        fbx_binary.fbx_template_generate(elem, "Model", nModels, "FbxNode", properties)

        if skel:
            fbx_binary.fbx_template_generate(elem, "NodeAttribute", nBones, "FbxSkeleton", skel_properties)

    import fbx_utils
    ObjectType: "Model" {
""" +
'    Count: %d' % nModels +
        PropertyTemplate: "FbxNode" {
            Properties70:  {
"""+ fbx_utils.get_ascii_properties(properties, indent=3) + """

    if skel:
"""    ObjectType: "NodeAttribute" {
        Count: %d""" % (nBones) +
        PropertyTemplate: "FbxSkeleton" {
            Properties70:  {
""" + fbx_utils.get_ascii_properties(skel_properties, indent=3) + """
예제 #21
def writeObjectDefs(fp, action, config):
    ncurves = len(action.keys())

    properties_stack = [
        ("Description", "p_string", ""),
        ("LocalStart", "p_timestamp", 0),
        ("LocalStop", "p_timestamp", 0),
        ("ReferenceStart", "p_timestamp", 0),
        ("ReferenceStop", "p_timestamp", 0)

    properties_layer = [
        ("Weight", "p_number", 100, True),
        ("Mute", "p_bool", 0),
        ("Solo", "p_bool", 0),
        ("Lock", "p_bool", 0),
        ("Color", "p_color_rgb", [0.8,0.8,0.8]),
        ("BlendMode", "p_enum", 0),
        ("RotationAccumulationMode", "p_enum", 0),
        ("ScaleAccumulationMode", "p_enum", 0),
        ("BlendModeBypass", "p_ulonglong", 0)

    properties_curvenode = [
        ("d", "p_compound", "")

    if config.binary:
        from . import fbx_binary
        elem = fbx_binary.get_child_element(fp, 'Definitions')
        fbx_binary.fbx_template_generate(elem, "AnimationStack", 1, "FbxAnimStack", properties_stack)
        fbx_binary.fbx_template_generate(elem, "AnimationLayer", 1, "FbxAnimLayer", properties_layer)
        fbx_binary.fbx_template_generate(elem, "AnimationCurveNode", ncurves, "FbxAnimCurveNode", properties_curvenode)
        fbx_binary.fbx_template_generate(elem, "AnimationCurve", 3*ncurves)

    import fbx_utils

    ObjectType: "AnimationStack" {
        Count: 1
        PropertyTemplate: "FbxAnimStack" {
            Properties70:  {
""" + fbx_utils.get_ascii_properties(properties_stack, indent=4) + """
    ObjectType: "AnimationLayer" {
        Count: 1
        PropertyTemplate: "FbxAnimLayer" {
            Properties70:  {
""" + fbx_utils.get_ascii_properties(properties_layer, indent=4) + """
    ObjectType: "AnimationCurveNode" {
""" +
'        Count: %d' % ncurves +
        PropertyTemplate: "FbxAnimCurveNode" {
            Properties70:  {
""" + fbx_utils.get_ascii_properties(properties_curvenode, indent=4) + """
    ObjectType: "AnimationCurve" {
""" +
'        Count: %d' % (3*ncurves) +
예제 #22
def writeObjectDefs(fp, meshes, skel, config):
    nModels = len(meshes)
    if skel:
        nBones = skel.getBoneCount()
        nModels += nBones + 1

    # (name, ptype, value, animatable, custom)
    properties = [("QuaternionInterpolate", "p_enum", 0),
                  ("RotationOffset", "p_vector_3d", [0, 0, 0]),
                  ("RotationPivot", "p_vector_3d", [0, 0, 0]),
                  ("ScalingOffset", "p_vector_3d", [0, 0, 0]),
                  ("ScalingPivot", "p_vector_3d", [0, 0, 0]),
                  ("TranslationActive", "p_bool", 0),
                  ("TranslationMin", "p_vector_3d", [0, 0, 0]),
                  ("TranslationMax", "p_vector_3d", [0, 0, 0]),
                  ("TranslationMinX", "p_bool", 0),
                  ("TranslationMinY", "p_bool", 0),
                  ("TranslationMinZ", "p_bool", 0),
                  ("TranslationMaxX", "p_bool", 0),
                  ("TranslationMaxY", "p_bool", 0),
                  ("TranslationMaxZ", "p_bool", 0),
                  ("RotationOrder", "p_enum", 0),
                  ("RotationSpaceForLimitOnly", "p_bool", 0),
                  ("RotationStiffnessX", "p_double", 0),
                  ("RotationStiffnessY", "p_double", 0),
                  ("RotationStiffnessZ", "p_double", 0),
                  ("AxisLen", "p_double", 10),
                  ("PreRotation", "p_vector_3d", [0, 0, 0]),
                  ("PostRotation", "p_vector_3d", [0, 0, 0]),
                  ("RotationActive", "p_bool", 0),
                  ("RotationMin", "p_vector_3d", [0, 0, 0]),
                  ("RotationMax", "p_vector_3d", [0, 0, 0]),
                  ("RotationMinX", "p_bool", 0), ("RotationMinY", "p_bool", 0),
                  ("RotationMinZ", "p_bool", 0), ("RotationMaxX", "p_bool", 0),
                  ("RotationMaxY", "p_bool", 0), ("RotationMaxZ", "p_bool", 0),
                  ("InheritType", "p_enum", 0), ("ScalingActive", "p_bool", 0),
                  ("ScalingMin", "p_vector_3d", [0, 0, 0]),
                  ("ScalingMax", "p_vector_3d", [1, 1, 1]),
                  ("ScalingMinX", "p_bool", [0]), ("ScalingMinY", "p_bool",
                  ("ScalingMinZ", "p_bool", [0]),
                  ("ScalingMaxX", "p_bool", [0]), ("ScalingMaxY", "p_bool", 0),
                  ("ScalingMaxZ", "p_bool", 0),
                  ("GeometricTranslation", "p_vector_3d", [0, 0, 0]),
                  ("GeometricRotation", "p_vector_3d", [0, 0, 0]),
                  ("GeometricScaling", "p_vector_3d", [1, 1, 1]),
                  ("MinDampRangeX", "p_double", 0),
                  ("MinDampRangeZ", "p_double", 0),
                  ("MinDampRangeY", "p_double", 0),
                  ("MaxDampRangeX", "p_double", 0),
                  ("MaxDampRangeY", "p_double", 0),
                  ("MaxDampRangeZ", "p_double", 0),
                  ("MinDampStrengthX", "p_double", 0),
                  ("MinDampStrengthY", "p_double", 0),
                  ("MinDampStrengthZ", "p_double", 0),
                  ("MaxDampStrengthX", "p_double", 0),
                  ("MaxDampStrengthY", "p_double", 0),
                  ("MaxDampStrengthZ", "p_double", 0),
                  ("PreferedAngleX", "p_double", 0),
                  ("PreferedAngleY", "p_double", 0),
                  ("PreferedAngleZ", "p_double", 0),
                  ("LookAtProperty", "p_object", None),
                  ("UpVectorProperty", "p_object", None),
                  ("Show", "p_bool", 1),
                  ("NegativePercentShapeSupport", "p_bool", 1),
                  ("DefaultAttributeIndex", "p_integer", -1),
                  ("Freeze", "p_bool", 0), ("LODBox", "p_bool", 0),
                  ("Lcl Translation", "p_lcl_translation", [0, 0, 0], True),
                  ("Lcl Rotation", "p_lcl_rotation", [0, 0, 0], True),
                  ("Lcl Scaling", "p_lcl_scaling", [1, 1, 1], True),
                  ("Visibility", "p_visibility", 1, True),
                  ("Visibility Inheritance", "p_visibility_inheritance", 1)]

    skel_properties = [
        ("Color", "p_color_rgb", [0.8, 0.8, 0.8]),
        ("Size", "p_double", 100),
        ("LimbLength", "p_double", 1
         )  # TODO this property had special "H" flag, is this required?

    if config.binary:
        from . import fbx_binary
        elem = fbx_binary.get_child_element(fp, 'Definitions')
        fbx_binary.fbx_template_generate(elem, "Model", nModels, "FbxNode",

        if skel:
            fbx_binary.fbx_template_generate(elem, "NodeAttribute", nBones,
                                             "FbxSkeleton", skel_properties)

    import fbx_utils
    ObjectType: "Model" {
""" + '    Count: %d' % nModels + """
        PropertyTemplate: "FbxNode" {
            Properties70:  {
""" + fbx_utils.get_ascii_properties(properties, indent=3) + """

    if skel:
        fp.write("""    ObjectType: "NodeAttribute" {
        Count: %d""" % (nBones) + """
        PropertyTemplate: "FbxSkeleton" {
            Properties70:  {
""" + fbx_utils.get_ascii_properties(skel_properties, indent=3) + """
예제 #23
def writeGeometryProp(fp, mesh, config):
    id, key = getId("Geometry::%s" % mesh.name)
    nVerts = len(mesh.coord)
    nFaces = len(mesh.fvert)

    coord = mesh.coord + config.offset

    properties = [("MHName", "p_string", "%sMesh" % mesh.name, False, True)]

    if config.binary:
        from . import fbx_binary
        elem = fbx_binary.get_child_element(fp, 'Objects')
        fbx_binary.fbx_data_mesh_element(elem, key, id, properties, coord,
                                         mesh.fvert, mesh.vnorm, mesh.texco,

    vertString = ",".join(["%.4f,%.4f,%.4f" % tuple(co) for co in coord])
    if mesh.vertsPerPrimitive == 4:
        indexString = ",".join([
            '%d,%d,%d,%d' % (fv[0], fv[1], fv[2], -1 - fv[3])
            for fv in mesh.fvert
        indexString = ",".join(
            ['%d,%d,%d' % (fv[0], fv[1], -1 - fv[2]) for fv in mesh.fvert])

    import fbx_utils
    fp.write('    Geometry: %d, "%s", "Mesh" {\n' % (id, key) +
             '        Properties70:  {\n' +
             fbx_utils.get_ascii_properties(properties, indent=4) + '\n' +
             '        }\n' + '        Vertices: *%d {\n' % (3 * nVerts) +
             '            a: %s\n' % vertString + '        } \n' +
             '        PolygonVertexIndex: *%d {\n' %
             (mesh.vertsPerPrimitive * nFaces) +
             '            a: %s\n' % indexString + '        } \n')

    # Must use normals for shapekeys
    nNormals = len(mesh.vnorm)
    normalString = ",".join(
        ["%.4f,%.4f,%.4f" % tuple(no) for no in mesh.vnorm])
    if mesh.vertsPerPrimitive == 4:
        normalIndexString = ",".join([
            '%d,%d,%d,%d' % (fv[0], fv[1], fv[2], fv[3]) for fv in mesh.fvert
        normalIndexString = ",".join(
            ['%d,%d,%d' % (fv[0], fv[1], fv[2]) for fv in mesh.fvert])

    fp.write('        GeometryVersion: 124\n' +
             '        LayerElementNormal: 0 {\n' +
             '            Version: 101\n' +
             '            Name: "%s_Normal"\n' % mesh.name +
             '            MappingInformationType: "ByPolygonVertex"\n' +
             '            ReferenceInformationType: "IndexToDirect"\n' +
             '            Normals: *%d {\n' % (3 * nNormals) +
             '                a: %s\n' % normalString + '            }\n' +
             '            NormalsIndex: *%d {\n' %
             (mesh.vertsPerPrimitive * len(mesh.fvert)) +
             '                a: %s\n' % normalIndexString +
             '            } \n')

    fp.write('        } \n')

    writeUvs2(fp, mesh)

        LayerElementMaterial: 0 {
            Version: 101
""" + '            Name: "%s_Material"' % mesh.name + """
            MappingInformationType: "AllSame"
            ReferenceInformationType: "IndexToDirect"
            Materials: *1 {
                a: 0
        LayerElementTexture: 0 {
            MappingInformationType: "ByPolygonVertex"
            ReferenceInformationType: "IndexToDirect"
            BlendMode: "Translucent"
""" + '            Name: "%s_Texture"' % mesh.name + """
            Version: 101
            TextureAlpha: 1.0
        Layer: 0 {
            Version: 100
            LayerElement:  {
                Type: "LayerElementUV"
                TypedIndex: 0
            LayerElement:  {
                Type: "LayerElementNormal"
                TypedIndex: 0
            LayerElement:  {
                Type: "LayerElementMaterial"
                TypedIndex: 0
            LayerElement:  {
                Type: "LayerElementTexture"
                TypedIndex: 0
예제 #24
def writeObjectDefs(fp, meshes, config):
    nMaterials,nTextures,nImages = getObjectNumbers(meshes)

    properties_mat = [
        ("ShadingModel", "p_string", "Phong"),
        ("MultiLayer", "p_bool", 0),
        ("EmissiveColor", "p_color", [0,0,0], True),
        ("EmissiveFactor", "p_number", 1, True),
        ("AmbientColor", "p_color", [0.2,0.2,0.2], True),
        ("AmbientFactor", "p_number", 1, True),
        ("DiffuseColor", "p_color", [0.8,0.8,0.8], True),
        ("DiffuseFactor", "p_number", 1, True),
        ("Bump", "p_vector_3d", [0,0,0]),
        ("NormalMap", "p_vector_3d", [0,0,0]),
        ("BumpFactor", "p_double", 1),
        ("TransparentColor", "p_color", [0,0,0], True),
        ("TransparencyFactor", "p_number", 0, True),
        ("DisplacementColor", "p_color_rgb", [0,0,0]),
        ("DisplacementFactor", "p_double", 1),
        ("VectorDisplacementColor", "p_color_rgb", [0,0,0]),
        ("VectorDisplacementFactor", "p_double", 1),
        ("SpecularColor", "p_color", [0.2,0.2,0.2], True),
        ("SpecularFactor", "p_number", 1, True),
        ("ShininessExponent", "p_number", 20, True),
        ("ReflectionColor", "p_color", [0,0,0], True),
        ("ReflectionFactor", "p_number", 1, True)

    properties_tex = [
        ("TextureTypeUse", "p_enum", 0),
        ("Texture alpha", "p_number", 1, True),
        ("CurrentMappingType", "p_enum", 0),
        ("WrapModeU", "p_enum", 0),
        ("WrapModeV", "p_enum", 0),
        ("UVSwap", "p_bool", 0),
        ("PremultiplyAlpha", "p_bool", 1),
        ("Translation", "p_vector", [0,0,0], True),
        ("Rotation", "p_vector", [0,0,0], True),
        ("Scaling", "p_vector", [1,1,1], True),
        ("TextureRotationPivot", "p_vector_3d", [0,0,0]),
        ("TextureScalingPivot", "p_vector_3d", [0,0,0]),
        ("CurrentTextureBlendMode", "p_enum", 1),
        ("UVSet", "p_string", "default"),
        ("UseMaterial", "p_bool", 0),
        ("UseMipMap", "p_bool", 0)

    properties_vid = [
        ("ImageSequence", "p_bool", 0),
        ("ImageSequenceOffset", "p_integer", 0),
        ("FrameRate", "p_double", 0),
        ("LastFrame", "p_integer", 0),
        ("Width", "p_integer", 0),
        ("Height", "p_integer", 0),
        ("Path", "p_string_url", ""),
        ("StartFrame", "p_integer", 0),
        ("StopFrame", "p_integer", 0),
        ("PlaySpeed", "p_double", 0),
        ("Offset", "p_timestamp", 0),
        ("InterlaceMode", "p_enum", 0),
        ("FreeRunning", "p_bool", 0),
        ("Loop", "p_bool", 0),
        ("AccessMode", "p_enum", 0)

    if config.binary:
        from . import fbx_binary
        elem = fbx_binary.get_child_element(fp, 'Definitions')
        fbx_binary.fbx_template_generate(elem, "Material", nMaterials, None, properties_mat)
        fbx_binary.fbx_template_generate(elem, "Texture", nTextures, "FbxFileTexture", properties_tex)
        fbx_binary.fbx_template_generate(elem, "Video", nImages, "FbxVideo", properties_vid)

    import fbx_utils
    ObjectType: "Material" {
""" +
'    Count: %d' % (nMaterials) +
        PropertyTemplate: "FbxSurfacePhong" {
            Properties70:  {
""" + fbx_utils.get_ascii_properties(properties_mat, indent=4) + """

    ObjectType: "Texture" {
""" +
'    Count: %d' % (nTextures) +
        PropertyTemplate: "FbxFileTexture" {
            Properties70:  {
""" + fbx_utils.get_ascii_properties(properties_tex, indent=4) + """

    ObjectType: "Video" {
""" +
'    Count: %d' % (nImages) +
        PropertyTemplate: "FbxVideo" {
            Properties70:  {
""" + fbx_utils.get_ascii_properties(properties_vid, indent=4) + """