for a in data[1:-1]: if a == 0x7E: print "To many 0x7E in the message" ## Validating CRC print crc_test(data) # Removing Start and Stop Bit data = data[1:-1] ## Destuffing data = destuffed(data) length = data[5] print 'Length is', length ## Filtering content by removing the tinyOS Header xmesh_msg = data[6:-2] ## Printing out the payload -> Convert to dictionary print 'Multihop Header' print 'sourceAddr', hex(xmesh_msg[0]), hex(xmesh_msg[1]) print 'originAddr', hex(xmesh_msg[2]), hex(xmesh_msg[3]) print 'seqno', hex(xmesh_msg[4]), hex(xmesh_msg[5])
def __init__(self,msg): f = open("msg_log",'w') f.writelines(map(str,msg)) f.close # Removing 7E: Start and Stop bit msg = msg[1:-1] # Destuffing message -> Replacing encrypted 7E msg = destuffed(msg) if msg[3] == 0xb: self.tipe = "normal" # Removing xmesh Header msg = msg[6:-2] # Converting data self.node = conector(msg[2:4]) # print "Confirm node mapping", self.node # Humity humid_medida = conector(msg[13:15]) humtemp_medida = conector(msg[15:17]) humtemp_calc = -38.4 + (0.0098*humtemp_medida) self.humidade =(0.0098 * humtemp_medida - 63.4)*(0.01+0.00008*humid_medida)-4 + \ (0.0405*humid_medida) - (0.0000028*humid_medida*humid_medida) # Temperature self.temperatura = -38.4 + (0.0098*humtemp_medida) # Luminosity taosch0_bin = conector(msg[29:31]) taosch1_bin = conector(msg[31:33]) taosch0_bin_0=taosch0_bin & 0xFF taosch1_bin_1=taosch1_bin & 0xFF v0 = (taosch0_bin_0 & 0b10000000) >>7 c0 = (taosch0_bin_0 & 0b01110000) >>4 s0 = (taosch0_bin_0 & 0b00001111) v1 = (taosch1_bin_1 & 0b10000000) >>7 c1 = (taosch1_bin_1 & 0b01110000) >>4 s1 = (taosch1_bin_1 & 0b00001111) adccount0 = 16.5*((pow(2,c0)-1))+(s0*(pow(2,c0))) adccount1 = 16.5*((pow(2,c1)-1))+(s1*(pow(2,c1))) exponencial=exp(-3.13*(adccount1/adccount0)) self.light = (adccount0*0.46*exponencial) # Pressure C1= (conector(msg[17:19]) >> 1) C2= (((conector(msg[21:23]) & 0x3F )<< 6)) + (conector(msg[23:25]) & 0x3F) C3= (conector(msg[23:25]) >> 6) C4= (conector(msg[21:23]) >> 6) C5= ((conector(msg[17:19]) & 1) << 10) + (conector(msg[19:21]) >> 6) C6= (conector(msg[19:21]) & 0x3F) prtemp_medido=conector(msg[25:27]) pressao_medido=conector(msg[27:29]) UTI= (8 * C5) + 20224 dT= prtemp_medido - UTI prtemp_calc= (200 + (dT * (C6+50)/float(1024)))/float(10) OFF= ((C2*4) +(((C4-512)*dT))/float(4096)) SENS= (C1 + (C3*dT)/float(1024))+ 24576 X=SENS*((pressao_medido-7168)/float(16384)) - OFF pressao_calc= (X*(100/float(32))+ (250*100))/100 self.pressure = pressao_calc try: nodeNumber = nodeList.index(self.node) except ValueError: nodeList.append(self.node) nodeNumber = nodeList.index(self.node) node = "Node" + str(nodeNumber) humidade = "Humidade" + str(nodeNumber) temperatura = "Temperatura" + str(nodeNumber) luminosidade = "Luminosidade" + str(nodeNumber) pressao = "Pressao" + str(nodeNumber) = {node: self.node, humidade: self.humidade, temperatura: self.temperatura, \ luminosidade: self.light, pressao: self.pressure} else: self.tipe = "abnormal" return return