def main(): logs.error = log_alert logs.warning = log_alert logs.notice = log_notice = log_verbose logs.debug = log_silent if len(sys.argv) not in (2, 3): logs.notice("Usage: %s input_file [output_file]" % sys.argv[0]) return 1 inv = fdsnxml.Inventory() try: inv.load_fdsnxml(sys.argv[1]) except fdsnxml.Error as e: logs.error(str(e)) return 1 inv.save_xml(sys.argv[2] if len(sys.argv) == 3 else sys.stdout, instr=1) return 0
def get_citation(nets, param, verbose): postdata = "" for (net, year) in nets: postdata += "%s * * * %d-01-01T00:00:00Z %d-12-31T23:59:59Z\n" \ % (net, year, year) if not isinstance(postdata, bytes): postdata = postdata.encode('utf-8') try: proc = exec_fetch(param, postdata, verbose, True) except OSError as e: logs.error(str(e)) logs.error("error running fdsnws_fetch") return 1 net_desc = {} for line in proc.stdout: try: if isinstance(line, bytes): line = line.decode('utf-8') if not line or line.startswith('#'): continue (code, desc, start) = line.split('|')[:3] year = dateutil.parser.parse(start).year except (ValueError, UnicodeDecodeError) as e: logs.error("error parsing text format: %s" % str(e)) continue if code[0] in "0123456789XYZ": net_desc["%s_%d" % (code, year)] = desc else: net_desc[code] = desc logs.notice("You received seismic waveform data from the following " "network(s):") for code in sorted(net_desc): logs.notice("%s %s" % (code, net_desc[code])) logs.notice("\nAcknowledgment is extremely important for network operators\n" "providing open data. When preparing publications, please\n" "cite the data appropriately. The FDSN service at\n\n" "\n\n" "provides a helpful guide based on available network\n" "Digital Object Identifiers.\n" % "+".join(sorted(net_desc)))
def __process_response(self, tree, cha, sensor, logger): stages = {} fallback = None for e in tree: if e.tag == ns + "InstrumentSensitivity": for e1 in e: if e1.tag == ns + "Value": cha.gain = float(e1.text) elif e1.tag == ns + "Frequency": cha.gainFrequency = float(e1.text) elif e1.tag == ns + "InputUnits": for e2 in e1: if e2.tag == ns + "Name": cha.gainUnit = e2.text elif e.tag == ns + "InstrumentPolynomial": resp, inUnit, outUnit, remark, lowFreq, highFreq = self.__polynomial( e) resp.gain = 1.0 resp.gainFrequency = 0.0 fallback = (resp, inUnit, outUnit, remark, lowFreq, highFreq, 1.0, False, None) cha.gainUnit = inUnit elif e.tag == ns + "Stage": i = int(e.attrib['number']) try: stages[i] = self.__stage(e) except Error as ex: raise Error("%s stage %d: %s" % (_cha_id(cha), i, ex)) if not stages and fallback: stages[1] = fallback logger.gain = 1.0 unit = None afc = [] dfc = [] for i in range(1, len(stages) + 1): try: resp, inUnit, outUnit, remark, lowFreq, highFreq, gain, converted, extraDecimation = stages[ i] except KeyError: raise Error("%s: error: missing stage %d" % (_cha_id(cha), i)) if converted: logs.notice( "%s stage %d: notice: coefficients converted to PAZ" % (_cha_id(cha), i)) if i == 1: sensor.unit = inUnit sensor.remark = remark if resp is None: raise Error("%s: error: missing stage 1 response" % _cha_id(cha)) elif _is_fir_response(resp) or (_is_paz_response(resp) and resp.type == 'D'): # add dummy sensor to digital input uu = _uuid() paz = self.insert_responsePAZ(name=uu, publicID=uu) paz.type = 'A' paz.gain = 1.0 paz.gainFrequency = 0.0 paz.normalizationFactor = 1.0 paz.normalizationFrequency = 0.0 paz.numberOfPoles = 0 paz.numberOfZeros = 0 sensor.response = paz.publicID sensor.lowFrequency = None sensor.highFrequency = None inUnit = "COUNTS" else: sensor.response = resp.publicID sensor.lowFrequency = lowFreq sensor.highFrequency = highFreq unit = outUnit continue elif resp is None: if gain is not None: logger.gain *= gain continue elif inUnit != unit: raise Error( "%s stage %d: error: unexpected input unit: %s, expected: %s" % (_cha_id(cha), i, inUnit, unit)) if _is_fir_response(resp) and (resp.numberOfCoefficients == 0 or (resp.numberOfCoefficients == 1 and float(resp.coefficients) == 1.0 and resp.decimationFactor == 1)): logger.gain *= resp.gain self.remove_responseFIR( elif _is_paz_response( resp ) and resp.numberOfPoles == 0 and resp.numberOfZeros == 0: logger.gain *= resp.gain self.remove_responsePAZ( elif _is_fir_response(resp) or (_is_paz_response(resp) and resp.type == 'D'): dfc.append(resp.publicID) elif not dfc: afc.append(resp.publicID) else: raise Error( "%s stage %d: error: analogue stage after digital" % (_cha_id(cha), i)) if extraDecimation: logs.notice( "%s stage %d: notice: adding extra decimation stage" % (_cha_id(cha), i)) dfc.append(extraDecimation) unit = outUnit deci = logger.insert_decimation(cha.sampleRateNumerator, cha.sampleRateDenominator) deci.analogueFilterChain = " ".join(afc) deci.digitalFilterChain = " ".join(dfc)