예제 #1
def best_objective(solution):
    routes = list(itertools.permutations(solution))
    best_solution = solution
    for route in routes:
        if f(route) < f(best_solution) and check_solution(route):
            best_solution = route
    return best_solution
예제 #2
def fill_vehicles(solution):
    a = take_from_dummy_place_first_suitable(solution)
    b = fill_vehicle(solution)
    if f(a) < f(b):
        return a
        return b
예제 #3
def swap(solution):
    calls = get_calls_including_zeroes(solution)
    vehicle = random.randrange(1, x.vehicles)
    route = calls[vehicle]
    it = 0
    while not route or len(route) <= 3:
        vehicle = random.randrange(1, x.vehicles)
        route = calls[vehicle]
        if it == 25:
            return solution
            it += 1
    new_route = route
    new_calls = calls
    new_calls[vehicle] = new_route
    it = 0
    while f(calls_to_solution(new_calls)) > f(solution) and not check_solution(
        rand1 = random.randrange(0, len(new_route))
        rand2 = random.randrange(0, len(new_route))
        if rand1 == 0 or rand2 == 0 or (rand1 == rand2):
        new_route[rand1], new_route[rand2] = new_route[rand2], new_route[rand1]
        new_calls[vehicle] = new_route
        if it == 100:
            return solution
            it += 1
    c = calls_to_solution(new_calls)
    return c
예제 #4
def simulated_annealing_new(init_solution):
    best_solution = init_solution
    incumbent = init_solution
    t0 = 38
    t = t0
    a = 0.998
    p1 = 0.25
    p2 = 0.5
    for i in range(1, 10000):
        rand = random.uniform(0, 1)
        if rand < p1:
            new_solution = one_reinsert_most_expensive_from_dummy(incumbent)
        elif rand < p1 + p2:
            new_solution = obo.fill_vehicles(incumbent)
            new_solution = best_route(incumbent)
        delta_e = f(new_solution) - f(incumbent)
        rand_ii = random.uniform(0, 1)
        p = math.e * (-delta_e / t)
        if check_solution(new_solution) and delta_e < 0:
            incumbent = new_solution
            if f(incumbent) < f(best_solution):
                best_solution = incumbent
        elif check_solution(new_solution) and rand_ii < p:
            incumbent = new_solution
        t = a * t
    return best_solution
예제 #5
def new_simulated_annealing_initializer(init_solution, times, runtime):
    print("--- Running New Simulated Annealing Algorithm ---")

    cost_init = f(init_solution)

    print("\nInitial solution:", init_solution)
    print("\nCost of initial solution:", cost_init, "\n")
    total_cost = 0
    best_solution = init_solution
    best_objective = cost_init
    best_runtime = sys.maxsize
    start = dt.datetime.now()
    for i in range(times):
        print("Run %d of %d. \n" % (i + 1, times))
        iter_start_time = dt.datetime.now()
        new_solution = simulated_annealing_new(init_solution, runtime)
        cost = f(new_solution)
        if cost < best_objective:
            best_objective = cost
            best_solution = new_solution
        total_cost += cost
        iter_end_time = dt.datetime.now()
        iter_total_runtime = (iter_end_time - iter_start_time).total_seconds()
        if iter_total_runtime < best_runtime:
            best_runtime = iter_total_runtime

    p(start, total_cost, times, cost_init, best_objective, best_runtime,
    print("--- End of New Simulated Annealing Algorithm ---")
예제 #6
def simulated_annealing(init_solution):
    best_solution = init_solution
    incumbent = init_solution
    t0 = 100
    t = t0
    a = 0.998
    p1, p2 = 0.33, 0.33
    for i in range(1, 10000):
        rand = random.uniform(0, 1)
        if rand < p1:
            new_solution = two_exchange(incumbent)
        elif rand < p1 + p2:
            new_solution = three_exchange(incumbent)
            new_solution = one_reinsert(incumbent)
        delta_e = f(new_solution)-f(incumbent)
        rand_ii = random.uniform(0, 1)
        p = math.e * (-delta_e/t)
        if check_solution(new_solution) and delta_e < 0:
            incumbent = new_solution
            if f(incumbent) < f(best_solution):
                best_solution = incumbent
        elif check_solution(new_solution) and rand_ii < p:
            incumbent = new_solution
        t = a * t
    return best_solution
예제 #7
def random_solution_initializer(init_solution, times):
    print("--- Running Random Search Algorithm ---")

    cost_init = f(init_solution)

    print("\nInitial solution:", init_solution)
    print("\nCost of initial solution:", cost_init)
    start = dt.datetime.now()
    total_cost = 0
    best_solution = init_solution
    best_objective = cost_init
    best_runtime = sys.maxsize
    for _ in range(times):
        iter_start_time = dt.datetime.now()
        new_solution = random_search(init_solution)
        cost = f(new_solution)
        if cost < best_objective:
            best_objective = cost
            best_solution = new_solution
        total_cost += cost
        iter_end_time = dt.datetime.now()
        iter_total_runtime = (iter_end_time - iter_start_time).total_seconds()
        if iter_total_runtime < best_runtime:
            best_runtime = iter_total_runtime

    p(start, total_cost, times, cost_init,
      best_objective, best_runtime, best_solution)
    print("--- End of Random Search Algorithm ---")
예제 #8
def random_search(init_solution):
    best_solution = init_solution
    for _ in range(1, 10000):
        current = random_solution()
        if check_solution(current) and f(current) < f(best_solution):
            best_solution = current

    return best_solution
예제 #9
def pseudo_random_one_reinsert(solution):
    best_solution = solution
    best = f(solution)
    for _ in range(15):
        new_sol = fast_reinsert(solution)
        f_new = f(new_sol)
        score = f_new
        if f_new < best:
            best_solution = new_sol
            best = score
    return best_solution
예제 #10
def pseudo_random_three_exchange(solution):
    best_solution = solution
    best = f(solution)
    for _ in range(15):
        new_sol = three_exchange(solution)
        f_new = f(new_sol)
        score = f_new
        if f_new < best:
            best_solution = new_sol
            best = score
    return best_solution
예제 #11
def alns_init(init_solution, times, runtime):
    print("--- Running Adaptive Large Neighborhood Search ---")

    cost_init = f(init_solution)

    print("\nInitial solution:", init_solution)
    print("\nCost of initial solution:", cost_init, "\n")


    total_cost = 0
    best_solution = init_solution
    best_objective = cost_init
    worst_objective = 0
    best_runtime = 100000
    worst_runtime = 0
    start = dt.datetime.now()
    for i in range(times):
        print("Run %d of %d. \n" % (i + 1, times))
        iter_start_time = dt.datetime.now()
        new_solution = adaptive_large_neighborhood_search(
            init_solution, runtime)
        cost = f(new_solution)
        if cost < best_objective:
            best_objective = cost
            best_solution = new_solution
        if cost > worst_objective:
            worst_objective = cost
        total_cost += cost
        iter_end_time = dt.datetime.now()
        iter_total_runtime = (iter_end_time - iter_start_time).total_seconds()
        if times > 1:
            print("Stats for run %d:\n" % (i + 1))
            print("Objective:       %.2d" % round(cost, 0))
            improvement = 100 * (cost_init - cost) / cost_init
            print("Improvement:     %.2f" % round(improvement, 2))
            print("Runtime:         " + "%.6f" % iter_total_runtime +
                  " seconds\n")
        if iter_total_runtime < best_runtime:
            best_runtime = iter_total_runtime
        if iter_total_runtime > worst_runtime:
            worst_runtime = iter_total_runtime

    print("Stats for Call %d:\n" % x.calls)
    p(start, total_cost, times, cost_init, best_objective, worst_objective,
      best_runtime, worst_runtime, best_solution)
    print("--- End of Adaptive Large Neighborhood Search ---")
예제 #12
def local_search(init_solution):
    best_solution = init_solution
    p1, p2 = 0.33, 0.33
    for i in range(1, 10000):
        rand = random.uniform(0, 1)
        if rand < p1:
            current = two_exchange(best_solution)
        elif rand < p1 + p2:
            current = three_exchange(best_solution)
            current = one_reinsert(best_solution)
        if check_solution(current) and f(current) < f(best_solution):
            best_solution = current
    return best_solution
예제 #13
def try_for_best(solution):
    # print("Starting solution:", solution)
    new_solutions = []
    calls = get_calls_including_zeroes(solution)
    dummy_calls = calls[x.vehicles + 1]
    # print("Dummy calls:", dummy_calls)
    most_expensive_calls = get_most_expensive_calls(solution)
    most_expensive_call = 0
    for key in most_expensive_calls.keys():
        # print("Key:", key)
        if key in dummy_calls:
            most_expensive_call = key

    if most_expensive_call == 0:
        return solution

    # print(most_expensive_call)

    dummy_most_expensive_removed = [i for i in dummy_calls if i != most_expensive_call]
    calls[x.vehicles + 1] = dummy_most_expensive_removed
    # print(dummy_most_expensive_removed)

    vehicle = random.randrange(1, len(x.vehicles_dict))
    # print("Vehicle", vehicle)
    new_calls = copy.deepcopy(calls)
    new_calls[vehicle].insert(0, most_expensive_call)
    if len(calls[vehicle]) > 1:
        for index in range(len(calls[vehicle])):
            # print("Calls in loop:", calls)
            newnew_calls = copy.deepcopy(new_calls)
            newnew_calls[vehicle].insert(index + 1, most_expensive_call)
            # print("New calls in loop:", newnew_calls)

        # print("Calls:", calls)
        new_calls[vehicle].insert(0, most_expensive_call)
        # print("New calls:", new_calls)

    best_solution = solution
    # print("New solutions:", new_solutions)
    for sol in new_solutions:
        if f(sol) < f(best_solution) or random.uniform(0, 1) < 0.25:
            # print("Chosen solution:", sol)
            return sol

    return solution
예제 #14
def tabu_shuffle(solution):
    calls = get_calls_including_zeroes(solution)
    rand_vehicle = random.randrange(1, x.vehicles)

    if len(calls[rand_vehicle]) < 2:
        return solution

    current = solution
    new_sol = swingers(solution)
    # print("New sol:", new_sol)
    if f(new_sol) < f(current):
        current = new_sol
    elif check_solution(new_sol) and random.uniform(0, 1) < 0.33:
        current = new_sol
    return current
예제 #15
def operator(op, curr_sol, curr_weights, index, usage, variable, f_s, f_best):
    current = op(curr_sol)
    f_curr = f(current)
    curr_weights = update_weights(current, curr_weights, index, f_curr, f_s,
    usage[index] += 1
    variable += 1
    return [current, curr_weights, usage, variable, f_curr]
예제 #16
def try_for_best(solution):
    if solution in tested_solutions:
        return solution
    new_solutions = []
    calls = get_calls_including_zeroes(solution)
    dummy_calls = calls[x.vehicles + 1]
    most_expensive_calls = most_expensive_dummy(solution)
    mec = list(most_expensive_calls.keys())

    most_expensive_call = mec.pop(0)
    calls_wo_dummy = copy.deepcopy(calls)
    calls_wo_dummy.pop(x.vehicles + 1)
    sample = random.sample(calls_wo_dummy.keys(), 2)
    dummy_most_expensive_removed = [i for i in dummy_calls if i != most_expensive_call]
    calls[x.vehicles + 1] = dummy_most_expensive_removed
    for vehicle in sample:
        new_calls = copy.deepcopy(calls)
        new_calls[vehicle].insert(0, most_expensive_call)
        if len(calls[vehicle]) > 1:
            for index in range(len(calls[vehicle])):
                # print("Calls in loop:", calls)
                newnew_calls = copy.deepcopy(new_calls)
                newnew_calls[vehicle].insert(index + 1, most_expensive_call)
                if calls_to_solution(newnew_calls) in tested_solutions:
                # print("New calls in loop:", newnew_calls)

            # print("Calls:", calls)
            new_calls[vehicle].insert(0, most_expensive_call)
            # print("New calls:", new_calls)

    best_solution = solution
    for sol in new_solutions:
        if f(sol) < f(best_solution) and check_solution(sol):
            return sol
    return solution
예제 #17
def best_route(solution):
    calls = route_planner(solution)
    vehicle = random.randrange(1, x.vehicles + 1)
    if not calls[vehicle]:
        return solution
    route = calls[vehicle]
    global tested_solutions
    if route in tested_solutions:
        return solution
    # if len(route) > 7:
    #     return solution
    all_combs = list(set(itertools.permutations(route)))

    nl = [list(row) for row in all_combs]
    best_solution = solution
    for c in nl:
        rt = copy.deepcopy(get_calls_including_zeroes(solution))
        rt[vehicle] = c
        # print(calls_to_solution(rt))
        if f(calls_to_solution(rt)) < f(best_solution):
            best_solution = calls_to_solution(rt)
    return best_solution
예제 #18
def adaptive_large_neighborhood_search(init_solution, runtime):
    s = init_solution
    s_cost = f(s)
    best = init_solution
    best_cost = f(best)
    global found_solutions

    operators = ops()
    break_its = its_without_updates_break()
    curr_weights = []
    usage = []
    total_usage = []

    for i in range(len(operators)):

    prev_weights = curr_weights.copy()
    end = time.time() + runtime
    its_since_upd, iteration, diversification_its = 0, 0, 0
    par = parameters()

    t0 = par[0]
    t = t0
    a = par[1]
    weights_refresh_rate = par[2]
    diversification_rate = par[3]
    tot_its = 0

    while time.time() < end:

        if its_since_upd == break_its:
            s = init_solution
            s_cost = f(s)
            tot_its += 1
            t0 = par[0]
            t = t0
            its_since_upd = 0
            for i in range(len(operators)):
            prev_weights = curr_weights.copy()

        if its_since_upd > diversification_rate:
            current = obo.move_to_dummy(s)
            diversification_its += 1
            current = s

        if iteration % weights_refresh_rate == 0 and iteration > 0:
            prev_weights = curr_weights
            curr_weights = regulate_weights(prev_weights, curr_weights, usage)
            for i in range(len(operators)):
                usage[i] = 0

        chosen_op = random.choices(operators, prev_weights, k=1).pop(0)
        if chosen_op == "take_from_dummy_place_first_suitable":
            oc = obo.take_from_dummy_place_first_suitable
        elif chosen_op == "swap":
            oc = swap
        elif chosen_op == "triple_swap":
            oc = triple_swap
        elif chosen_op == "one_reinsert_from_dummy":
            oc = one_reinsert_from_dummy
        elif chosen_op == "one_reinsert_most_expensive_call":
            oc = one_reinsert_most_expensive_call
        elif chosen_op == "most_expensive_one_reinsert_from_dummy":
            oc = most_expensive_one_reinsert_from_dummy
        elif chosen_op == "move_vehicle_to_dummy":
            oc = obo.move_vehicle_to_dummy
        elif chosen_op == "move_to_next_valid_vehicle":
            oc = obo.move_to_next_valid_vehicle
        elif chosen_op == "change_route":
            oc = obo.change_route
        elif chosen_op == "shuffle":
            oc = shuffle
        elif chosen_op == "x_one_reinserts_inside_vehicle":
            oc = x_one_reinserts_inside_vehicle
        elif chosen_op == "x_one_reinserts_inside_vehicle_dsc":
            oc = x_one_reinserts_inside_vehicle_dsc

        op_index = operators.index(chosen_op)
        op = operator(oc, current, curr_weights, op_index, usage,
                      total_usage[op_index], s_cost, best_cost)
        current, curr_weights, usage, total_usage[op_index], f_curr = op[
            0], op[1], op[2], op[3], op[4]

        delta_e = f_curr - s_cost
        rand_ii = random.uniform(0, 1)
        p = math.e * (-delta_e / t)

        if check_solution(current) and delta_e < 0:
            s = current
            s_cost = f(s)
            its_since_upd = 0
            if s_cost < best_cost:
                best = s.copy()
                best_cost = f(best)
        elif check_solution(current) and rand_ii < p:
            s = current
            its_since_upd = 0
            its_since_upd += 1

        t = a * t
        iteration += 1

    usage_dict = {}

    for i in range(len(operators)):
        usage_dict[operators[i]] = total_usage[i]

    u_d = {
        k: v
        for k, v in sorted(
            usage_dict.items(), key=lambda item: item[1], reverse=True)

    for key, value in u_d.items():
        print("%d: %s" % (value, key))
    print("\n%d: diversification" % diversification_its)
    print("\nTotal iterations:", (iteration + diversification_its), "\n")

    return best
예제 #19
def weighted_one_insert(solution):
    new_sol = one_reinsert(solution)
    if check_solution(new_sol) and f(new_sol) < f(solution):
        return new_sol
    return solution