def tearDown(self): tee = log.get_default() tee.remove_keeper("test-buffer") self.keeper.clean() try: os.remove(run.get_pidpath(os.path.curdir, "dummy_process")) except OSError: pass yield common.TestCase.tearDown(self)
def acquire_pidfile(rundir, process_type=PROCESS_TYPE, name=None): """ Open a PID file for writing, using the given process type and process name for the filename. The returned file can be then passed to writePidFile after forking. @rtype: str @returns: file object, open for writing """ from import get_pidpath _ensure_dir(rundir, "rundir") path = get_pidpath(rundir, process_type, name) return open(path, 'w')
def delete_pidfile(rundir, process_type=PROCESS_TYPE, name=None, force=False): """ Delete the pid file in the run directory, using the given process type and process name for the filename. @param force: if errors due to the file not existing should be ignored @type force: bool @rtype: str @returns: full path to the pid file that was written """ from import get_pidpath log.debug(process_type, 'deleting pid file') path = get_pidpath(rundir, process_type, name) try: os.unlink(path) except OSError, e: if e.errno == errno.ENOENT and force: pass else: raise
def write_pidfile(rundir, process_type=PROCESS_TYPE, name=None, file=None): #@ReservedAssignment """ Write a pid file in the run directory, using the given process type and process name for the filename. @rtype: str @returns: full path to the pid file that was written """ from import get_pidpath # don't shadow builtin file pid_file = file if pid_file is None: _ensure_dir(rundir, "rundir") filename = get_pidpath(rundir, process_type, name) pid_file = open(filename, 'w') else: filename = pid_file.write("%d\n" % (os.getpid(), )) pid_file.close() os.chmod(filename, 0644) return filename