def audiofeat(): ''' Audio feature route: This route brings user to Audio feature template ''' if 'username' not in flask.session or not consistant_session( flask.session['username']): return flask.redirect(flask.url_for('logout')) if request.method == 'GET': # Check access tokens check_valid_access_tokens(flask.session['username']) return flask.render_template('audiofeat.html') else: flask.abort(404)
def search_artist(search): ''' Search artist route: POST: Performs a search for artists with a provided string ''' if 'username' not in flask.session: #session expired redirect to index page return flask.make_response(flask.jsonify({}), 401) # POST: Performs a search for artists with a string sent in request if flask.request.method == 'GET': search_artist_endpoint = SPOTIFY_API_URL + '/search' search_artist_params = {'q': search, 'limit': 50, 'type': 'artist'} # Implement function to check if the access token is expired. If the access token is expired here we need to update it and use the new one check_valid_access_tokens(flask.session['username']) query = get_db().cursor().execute( 'SELECT access_token FROM users WHERE username=?', [flask.session['username']]).fetchall() headers = makeRequestEndpointHeaders(query[0]['access_token']) search_artist_response = requests.get(search_artist_endpoint, headers=headers, params=search_artist_params) search_artist_data = search_artist_response.json() if 'error' in search_artist_data: return flask.make_response(flask.jsonify({}), 500) artist_matches = [] for artist in search_artist_data['artists']['items']: # print(artist['name'] +': ' + artist['id']) artist_matches.append({ 'name': artist['name'], 'id': artist['id'], 'images': artist['images'] }) return flask.make_response(flask.jsonify({'artists': artist_matches}), 200) return flask.make_response(flask.jsonify({}), 405)
def related_artist(artist_id): ''' Search artist route: GET: Performs a search for unpopular artists related to single artist ''' if 'username' not in flask.session: #session expired redirect to index page return flask.make_response(flask.jsonify({}), 401) # GET: Performs a search for unpopular artists related to single artist if flask.request.method == 'GET': related_artist_endpoint = SPOTIFY_API_URL + '/artists/{}/related-artists' follow_artist_endpoint = SPOTIFY_API_URL + '/me/following/contains' # Implement function to check if the access token is expired. If the access token is expired here we need to update it and use the new one check_valid_access_tokens(flask.session['username']) query = get_db().cursor().execute( 'SELECT access_token FROM users WHERE username=?', [flask.session['username']]).fetchall() headers = makeRequestEndpointHeaders(query[0]['access_token']) related_artist_response = requests.get( related_artist_endpoint.format(artist_id), headers=headers) related_artist_data = related_artist_response.json() related_artist_dic = {} related_artist_list = [] for artist in related_artist_data['artists']: related_artist_list.append(artist['id']) related_artist_dic[artist['id']] = { 'name': artist['name'], 'images': artist['images'], 'popularity': artist['popularity'], 'uri': artist['uri'] } related_artist_list_copy = related_artist_list.copy() for artist in related_artist_list_copy: more_related_artist_response = requests.get( related_artist_endpoint.format(artist), headers=headers) more_related_artist_data = more_related_artist_response.json() for more_related_artist in more_related_artist_data['artists']: if related_artist_dic.get(more_related_artist['id']) == None: related_artist_dic[more_related_artist['id']] = { 'name': more_related_artist['name'], 'images': more_related_artist['images'], 'popularity': more_related_artist['popularity'], 'uri': more_related_artist['uri'] } related_artist_list.append(more_related_artist['id']) list_min = 0 follow_artist_ids = related_artist_list[list_min:list_min + 50] while follow_artist_ids: comma_seperate_ids = ','.join(follow_artist_ids) follow_artist_response = requests.get(follow_artist_endpoint, headers=headers, params={ 'ids': comma_seperate_ids, 'type': 'artist' }) follow_artist_data = follow_artist_response.json() for idx, val in enumerate(follow_artist_data): related_artist_dic[follow_artist_ids[idx]]['follow'] = val list_min += 50 follow_artist_ids = related_artist_list[list_min:list_min + 50] return flask.make_response( flask.jsonify({ 'related_artist_dic': related_artist_dic, 'related_artist_list': related_artist_list }), 200) return flask.make_response(flask.jsonify({}), 405)
def audio_feat_playlist(): ''' Audio Feat playlist route: GET: Retrives all users saved songs and audio features of each track POST: Create playlist of given tracks ''' if 'username' not in flask.session: # Session expired redirect to index page return flask.make_response(flask.jsonify({}), 401) # GET: Retrives all users saved songs and audio features of each track if flask.request.method == 'GET': genre_dic = {} genre_list = [] saved_tracks_dic = {} saved_tracks_list = [] saved_artist_dic = {} saved_artist_no_duplicates = [] audio_features_endpoint = SPOTIFY_API_URL + '/audio-features' saved_tracks_endpoint = SPOTIFY_API_URL + '/me/tracks?limit=50' artists_endpoint = SPOTIFY_API_URL + '/artists' # Implement function to check if the access token is expired. If the access token is expired here we need to update it and use the new one check_valid_access_tokens(flask.session['username']) query = get_db().cursor().execute( 'SELECT access_token FROM users WHERE username=?', [flask.session['username']]).fetchall() headers = makeRequestEndpointHeaders(query[0]['access_token']) artist_ids_dic = {'ids': ''} artist_ids_count = 0 saved_tracks_ids = {'ids': ''} saved_tracks_ids_count = 0 while (True): saved_tracks_response = requests.get(saved_tracks_endpoint, headers=headers) saved_tracks_data = saved_tracks_response.json() if 'error' in saved_tracks_data: print(saved_tracks_data) return flask.make_response(flask.jsonify({}), 500) for track_obj in saved_tracks_data['items']: saved_tracks_list.append(track_obj['track']['id']) saved_tracks_ids['ids'] = saved_tracks_ids['ids'] + track_obj[ 'track']['id'] + ',' artist_id = track_obj['track']['artists'][0]['id'] # Get all artist's names for a single track track_artists = [] for artist_obj in track_obj['track']['artists']: track_artists.append(artist_obj['name']) # Create map of track ids to genre/bpm/valence/danceability/energy/track name/track artists saved_tracks_dic[track_obj['track']['id']] = { 'name': track_obj['track']['name'], 'artists': track_artists, 'genres': [], 'bpm': 0, 'valence': 0, 'danceability': 0, 'energy': 0 } # Create map of artists to list of tracks and list of unique artist id strings with 50 ids that are used in a query string later if saved_artist_dic.get(artist_id) == None: saved_artist_dic[artist_id] = [] # Add artist id strings once we have a string of 50 unique ids if artist_ids_count == 50: saved_artist_no_duplicates.append(artist_ids_dic) artist_ids_dic = {'ids': ''} artist_ids_count = 0 artist_ids_count += 1 artist_ids_dic[ 'ids'] = artist_ids_dic['ids'] + artist_id + ',' saved_artist_dic[artist_id].append(track_obj['track']['id']) saved_tracks_ids_count += 1 # Add remaing unique artist id strings if artist_ids_count > 0: saved_artist_no_duplicates.append(artist_ids_dic) artist_ids_dic = {'ids': ''} artist_ids_count = 0 if saved_tracks_ids_count == 100: # Trim ending comma saved_tracks_ids['ids'] = saved_tracks_ids['ids'][:-1] audio_response = requests.get(audio_features_endpoint, headers=headers, params=saved_tracks_ids) audio_response_data = audio_response.json() if 'error' in audio_response_data: print(audio_response_data) return flask.make_response(flask.jsonify({}), 500) # Add BPM to tracks for track in audio_response_data['audio_features']: # Handle if no audio features for a track. This usually occues if the song was recently released and Spotify hasn't gathered audio data yet # Fixes TypeError: 'NoneType' object is not subscriptable: Was getting this because Drakes new album I saved didn't have audio data yet if track == None: continue saved_tracks_dic[track['id']]['bpm'] = track['tempo'] saved_tracks_dic[track['id']]['valence'] = track['valence'] saved_tracks_dic[ track['id']]['danceability'] = track['danceability'] saved_tracks_dic[track['id']]['energy'] = track['energy'] saved_tracks_ids = {'ids': ''} saved_tracks_ids_count = 0 if saved_tracks_data['next'] == None: break saved_tracks_endpoint = saved_tracks_data['next'] if saved_tracks_ids_count > 0: # Trim ending comma saved_tracks_ids['ids'] = saved_tracks_ids['ids'][:-1] audio_response = requests.get(audio_features_endpoint, headers=headers, params=saved_tracks_ids) audio_response_data = audio_response.json() if 'error' in audio_response_data: print(audio_response_data) return flask.make_response(flask.jsonify({}), 500) # Add BPM to reamaining tracks for track in audio_response_data['audio_features']: # Handle if no audio features for a track. This usually occues if the song was recently released and Spotify hasn't gathered audio data yet if track == None: continue saved_tracks_dic[track['id']]['bpm'] = track['tempo'] saved_tracks_dic[track['id']]['valence'] = track['valence'] saved_tracks_dic[ track['id']]['danceability'] = track['danceability'] saved_tracks_dic[track['id']]['energy'] = track['energy'] saved_tracks_ids = {'ids': ''} saved_tracks_ids_count = 0 # Get list of genres of users saved songs for obj in saved_artist_no_duplicates: # Trim ending comma obj['ids'] = obj['ids'][:-1] artists_response = requests.get(artists_endpoint, headers=headers, params=obj) artists_response_data = artists_response.json() if 'error' in artists_response_data: print(artists_response_data) return flask.make_response(flask.jsonify({}), 500) for artist in artists_response_data['artists']: for track in saved_artist_dic[artist['id']]: saved_tracks_dic[track]['genres'] = artist['genres'] for genre in artist['genres']: if genre_dic.get(genre) == None: genre_dic[genre] = True genre_list.append(genre) genre_list.sort() return flask.make_response( flask.jsonify({ 'saved_tracks_dic': saved_tracks_dic, 'saved_tracks_list': saved_tracks_list, 'genre_list': genre_list, 'genre_dic': genre_dic }), 200) # POST: Create playlist of given tracks elif flask.request.method == 'POST': content = flask.request.json # Implement function to check if the access token is expired. If the access token is expired here we need to update it and use the new one check_valid_access_tokens(flask.session['username']) query = get_db().cursor().execute( 'SELECT access_token FROM users WHERE username=?', [flask.session['username']]).fetchall() headers = makeRequestEndpointHeaders(query[0]['access_token']) response = requests.get(SPOTIFY_API_URL + '/me', headers=headers) data = response.json() body = {'name': content['name']} headers['Content-type'] = 'application/json' response = + '/users/{}/playlists'.format(data['id']), headers=headers, data=json.dumps(body)) data = response.json() if 'error' in data: print(data) return flask.make_response(flask.jsonify({}), 500) created_playlist_id = data['id'] body = [] for track_id in content['tracks']: if len(body) == 100: response = SPOTIFY_API_URL + '/playlists/{}/tracks'.format(created_playlist_id), headers=headers, data=json.dumps(body)) body = [] body.append('spotify:track:' + track_id) if len(body) > 0: response = SPOTIFY_API_URL + '/playlists/{}/tracks'.format(created_playlist_id), headers=headers, data=json.dumps(body)) body = [] return flask.make_response(flask.jsonify({}), 201) return flask.make_response(flask.jsonify({}), 405)