def _write_flows(self, pw: pack.Writer): altflowlist = fedelemflowlist.get_alt_conversion() for _, row in self.flow_list.iterrows(): description = "From FedElemFlowList_" + flow_list_specs[ 'list_version'] + '.' flow_class = row.get("Class") if flow_class is not None: description += " Flow Class: %s." % flow_class preferred = row.get("Preferred", 0) if preferred == 1 or preferred == "1": description += " Preferred flow." else: description += " Not a preferred flow." flow = olca.Flow() flow.description = description = row["Flow UUID"] = row["Flowable"] flow.cas = row.get("CAS No", None) flow.formula = row.get("Formula", None) flow.version = flow_list_specs['list_version'] flow.last_change = flow.flow_type = olca.FlowType.ELEMENTARY_FLOW context_uid = self._context_uids.get(row['Context'].lower()) if context_uid is not None: flow.category = olca.ref(olca.Category, context_uid) fp = olca.FlowPropertyFactor() fp.reference_flow_property = True fp.conversion_factor = 1.0 fp.flow_property = units.property_ref(row["Unit"]) if fp.flow_property is None: log.warning("unknown unit %s in flow %s", row["Unit"], row["Flow UUID"]) flow.flow_properties = [fp] #Add in alternate unit flow propert(ies), if an alternate unit exists #in the flows list, uses short list of altflowlist to assign one or more #alternate units if row["AltUnit"] is not None: #create dataframe of all alternate units for this flowable altunits = altflowlist[altflowlist['Flowable'] == row["Flowable"]] for i, alternate in altunits.iterrows(): altfp = olca.FlowPropertyFactor() altfp.reference_flow_property = False altfp.conversion_factor = alternate[ 'AltUnitConversionFactor'] altfp.flow_property = units.property_ref( alternate["AltUnit"]) if altfp.flow_property is None: log.warning("unknown altunit %s in flow %s", alternate["AltUnit"], row["Flow UUID"]) else: flow.flow_properties.append(altfp) pw.write(flow)
def get(subset=None) -> pd.DataFrame: """ Returns a dataframe of inventory based methods. :param subset: a list of dictionary keys from available inventories, if none selected all availabile inventories will be generated :return: df in standard LCIAmethod format """ method = df.data_frame(list()) method['Characterization Factor'] = pd.to_numeric( method['Characterization Factor']) if subset == None: list_of_inventories = subsets.get_subsets() else: list_of_inventories = subset alt_units = flowlist.get_alt_conversion() for inventory in list_of_inventories: flows = flowlist.get_flows(subset=inventory) flows.drop([ 'Formula', 'Synonyms', 'Class', 'External Reference', 'Preferred', 'AltUnit', 'AltUnitConversionFactor' ], axis=1, inplace=True) flows['Indicator'] = inventory flows['Indicator unit'] = subsets.get_inventory_unit(inventory) flows['Characterization Factor'] = 1 # Apply unit conversions where flow unit differs from indicator unit flows_w_conversion = pd.merge( flows, alt_units, how='left', left_on=['Flowable', 'Indicator unit', 'Unit'], right_on=['Flowable', 'AltUnit', 'Unit']) flows_w_conversion.loc[(flows_w_conversion['AltUnit'] == flows_w_conversion['Indicator unit']), 'Characterization Factor'] = flows_w_conversion[ 'AltUnitConversionFactor'] flows_w_conversion.drop( ['AltUnit', 'AltUnitConversionFactor', 'InverseConversionFactor'], axis=1, inplace=True) method = pd.concat([method, flows_w_conversion], ignore_index=True) method['Method'] = 'Inventory' return method
Requires target unit to be the primary unit. Existing conversion factor must be set to 1 to avoid replacing manual conversion factors. Mapping file must already conform to mapping format. """ import pandas as pd import fedelemflowlist from fedelemflowlist.globals import flowmappingpath, flowmapping_fields, log #Add source name here. The .csv mapping file with this name must be in the flowmapping directory #None can be used to add conversions in all mapping files source = 'ReCiPe2016' if __name__ == '__main__': # Pull in mapping file mapping = fedelemflowlist.get_flowmapping(source) conversions = fedelemflowlist.get_alt_conversion() # merge in conversion factors where source unit = alternate unit mapping_w_conversion = pd.merge( mapping, conversions, how='left', left_on=['TargetFlowName', 'SourceUnit', 'TargetUnit'], right_on=['Flowable', 'AltUnit', 'Unit']) # update conversion factor where current conversion is 1 and the updated conversion exists converted1 = mapping_w_conversion['InverseConversionFactor'].notnull() converted2 = mapping_w_conversion['ConversionFactor'] == 1 mapping_w_conversion['Convert'] = converted1 & converted2 mapping_w_conversion.loc[ (mapping_w_conversion['Convert'] == True), 'ConversionFactor'] = mapping_w_conversion['InverseConversionFactor'] converted = mapping_w_conversion['Convert'].sum()